Taking it to the Max-- June 2013 thru...

me again! still feeling sore from this week's workouts, so did one I am used to today! low impact hiit #2 plus about 25 minutes of gentle yoga to get the soreness out! either tomorrow or the next day I want to do push/pull. not sure what the other day will be. could do an hour of yoga or ??

hope you girls are having a good day! it finally cooled off here (at least for a day or two!). the highs will be in the low 80s with low dewpoints in the 50s.

Hi Katie and Renee! I got in GS Legs yesterday and PRS1 premix with no finished product about 35 min. Fun, but tricky! Tomorrow I'm thinking about RWH LIHI chest, shoulders and triceps and abs.

Yesterday we went out to Chick Fil A for dinner on cow appreciation day and dressed up so we only had to pay 63 cents for dinner! I even found a salad that was just over 400 calories! Grilled chicken market salad, with half the apple cider dressing, nut mix and granola, and I took out as much of the blue cheese as I could, nasty stuff, but still a good salad!

Attached is a pic of us all but B, at Chick Fil A!

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hi girls! today for me was push pull, which I thought about skipping since I barely got any sleep last night-- decided to push through it anyway! thankful that it is on the shorter side.

ladylep-- cute picture and your arms look great!!

renee-- what are you up to? hope all is well!

dreary day here. counting down the days before imala leaves on Saturday and alec next Wednesday. so much to do before then!

take care all,

me again! did PRS2 in the awful heat and humidity plus some yoga-- that was a sweatfest!

imala leaves tomorrow :-(, so I am busy getting everything ready with her. she has to pack linens, towels and clothes for three weeks! plus dressy clothes for recitals.

hope you girls are having a good day!
Katie-thanks and enjoy you last hours with Imala!

No workout for me yesterday. I just couldn't get it in. This morning I did RWH CUB. I was going to do abs mixed in but I didn't have enough time and actually after the first set I changed the premix from entire with abs to no blasts. I just didn't have the energy!

Hi Renee!

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hi girls! well, imala is in philly after some awful flights getting over there. the flight out of Minneapolis was delayed because of the weather and so she was on the tarmac for about two hours. then, she got to Chicago and there were tornado watches/warnings, so her flight was delayed until 11:15. she got in to Philly sometime after 2:am when she was supposed to arrive at 10:00. Blech! anyway, glad she is there safe and sound and hoping she gets good sleep tonight in the dorms, as last night around 4:am I guess the fire alarm went off in her hotel! craziness! at least she sounded like she was in a good mood this morning and excited to get to Curtis and have the program start.

this morning for me was gym style legs. I like that one! was my first time doing it as I just purchased it a little while ago. I like that in the floorwork section the exercises are all pretty unique, and no work on the hands and knees, which I hate! anyway, I am thinking I will be sore tomorrow! going to try and do the whole GS series this week and add in HiiT for cardio. alec leaves early on Wednesday for Germany, so I may end up taking a rest day midweek, but will see.

ladylep-- at least you still got something done! I have those days, too! wish I had my kids' energy sometimes.

renee-- hope all is well! what workouts have you been up to?

happy sunday,

me again! hi girls! got in GS back, shoulders and bis plus bonus stability ball abs from B&G. have to run a bunch of errands today, getting ready for alec's trip to Germany on Wednesday. it's going to be so quiet here! I didn't hear from imala last night, but am hoping she calls today and that her first full day of the program there is going well.

hope you girls are having a good day!

Nice work in the GS back, shoulders and bus AND abs from another DVD. Sometimes it's hard for me to switch DVDs if I want something different. I guess I'm lazy that way. I prefer to stick with a premix.

I did RWH BBS but I did the premix with abs instead of finishers. 47 min. I was really not in the mood to wo today. 90s again here. I'm walking to the pool as I type, hoping to get my 10,000 steps in. I'm at about 8000. I'm not sure what I'll do tomorrow. Since the rotation says IMAX 3, which I don't have, I could do IMAX 2 since I didn't do it last week and it was on the rotation or I was thinking about making it a RWH week. I never know how to fit them all in because are always more workouts then days left in the week when I decide to do something like that. I'm still not up for anything super high impact like the plyo hiits. I want to try to hit my legs at least twice this week and get more cardio in. So that means I probably need to do legs tomorrow whether that's RWH legs or circuit upper body legs or something entirely different. I don't know I guess it all depends on how I'm feeling when I'm ready to put in the DVD!

Hi Renee!

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Hello you guys! I have not got to exercise for a whole week! Ugh I can't complain I had my step son here with his family and my husbands sister was here as well! I loved having my step grand kids here. They are so sweet and mannerly! We only get to see them once a year and we miss them when they are gone!
But I ordered 21 day extreme and it says a green container is the big one but the if one is light blue. And all the others look really small!
I am confused.
I will do I think on the calendar is ploy fix? I am going to try one tonight.

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Renee, I have done a ton or research on 21 day fix meal plan and will send some links on the containers.

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hi girls! today for me was low impact hiit scrambled mix #1 plus some yoga. alec leaves in the morning for Germany, so not sure what I will get in tomorrow. I am super sore from the GS series, though! my legs are still sore today from sunday, and now my bis and shoulders feel fried as well! will get the other GS in this week-- probably on Thursday, but maybe on Friday. I am anxious for alec's trip. flying so far away always makes me so nervous!! anyway, please send him good thoughts tomorrow if you can-- he goes from Minneapolis to Atlanta and from Atlanta to Stuttgart-- landing there around 12:30 am central time.

renee-- sorry you have missed the workouts but how nice that you have had some quality family time! that sounds like fun! I have no idea about the 21 day fix, so can be no help there. good luck with it, though!

hello ladylep!!

off to help alec pack...

I just got in AOLIH premix step and discs 25 min. I had a long day that was frustrating in the afternoon. Morning was out but we ate too much movie popcorn and B threw up at home about the same time the Little K pooped in his pants! And the talking to FiOs. Ugh!

Katie- that so exciting that he's going to Germany! I just had a friend who's done just got back from 3 weeks in Germany. I think it was something music/piano related. I'm sure he will have a great time! But I would be nervous too! Praying for you both!

Hi Renee! I haven't had a chance to check for 21 day fix. Are you on Pintrest? I have a 21DF board.

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RWH LIHI Chest tris shoulders premix 10 abs instead of finishers. My shoulders were on fiya!!

Hope you all are having a great day!

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hi girls! sent alec off this morning after a sleepless night. his plane from Atlanta is just now taking off for Germany. thanks for the prayers, ladylep! I am excited for him, but will be much happier once he gets to his destination! I was so tired after getting back from the airport that I tried to take a nap, but my phone kept ringing and getting messages. I got up and decided to do B&G premix of floorwork and abs, thinking it wouldn't be too much and I didn't want to jump around at all. well, my legs are completely fried now! hoping I can walk tomorrow! just when you get through one of the leg segments, she makes you redo it! yikes! glad that is over with!

great job on the workouts ladylep, and sorry for the sickness! I just heard that if you put cat litter on vomit it takes away the smell and is much easier to clean up. just fyi :). hoping you don't need that info anymore, though!

hello renee!!

off to eat something for dinner---

hi girls! alec is safe in Germany! I didn't get a wink of sleep since I brought my phone to bed with me, leaving the ringer on so I would hear him when he called. the thing kept beeping any time I would get an email or anything on facebook. he finally got in around 2:am our time. now I can rest easy for a while!

was looking for a shorter workout this morning after the rough night and popped in kickmax and the timesaver low impact premix. that was a mistake! after working my legs yesterday, the premix today had standing leg drills! I truly may not be walking tomorrow! thank goodness I have gym style back and tris on tap.

hello ladylep and renee! hope your day is off to a good start!
Katie- happy to hear Alec made it safely! Go take a nap!

I was extremely unmotivated to wo today but I did GG Extreme 63 min. Not as bad as it sounded, I won't even attempt any cardio extremes! The ball on the floor was the hardest. I couldn't do single leg at all and the floor work after that was tough too! But happy it's finished. I'm trying to take it easy today. I'm not leaving the house except to go to the pool after I make my protein shake, make lunch and prep dinner! The only thing we have this evening is getting B to baseball practice!

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And tomorrow is an easy day too: home all day unless we want to go to church to see Charlotte's Web outside. And JTrain comes home from Philly tomorrow for 2 night to rest before Adventure camp. I got an email from him youth leader and it sounds like he's having a great time. God is teach him a lot thru feeding the homeless, working at the church and giving him the courage to talk to people about the gospel and pray with them at the bus terminal where it is really a dangerous and drug filled area. I'm so proud of him and thrilled at what Jesus is doing thru him!

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Lady lep that is awesome that he is enjoying learning more about God and feeding the homeless! What a blessing! I feel so awful for the homeless because I truly know how they feel. One thing that a lot don't know about me and my two boys is we were Helens when one was only 2 months old and the other was about 18 months! For about three months we were homeless we snuck in the basement of someone's house at night ! And had to sneak out in the mornings before anyone got there or we were really quite till they went to work! And during the day we walked and walked till we can find a place. Thank God for a man who saw us, and offers a home for only 60 dollars a month! Of course that was over 21 years ago. So most rent was not to high but 60 was very generous but it was not really that nice a place. We had to fix up what was wrong with it. And i did once I got in it. There was so much me and my boys had to endure together. People don't realize how hard life can be for some people!! And even after that how u can lose everything in a blink of an eye. None of us are immune to losing it all.
Anyway I guess this is y me and my boys were so close and then when things got in the way it seemed even more hurtful and devastating.
I miss ryan so much just today like many days I drive home crying cause I miss him so much. But I know he loved God to. So it helps and you should've very proud of ur son! I am proud of him as well and he isn't my son but hearing you talk about him I feel apart of him to lol.
By the way what is GG extreme? Is that a Cathe workout?
I have done so far Monday was 21 day fix plyo then Tuesday And upper fix wed and I added palates and lower body on Wednesday because I didn't feel like I worked much with the palettes I guess cause it was hard to keep balance and maybe I wasn't holding the bands right, and today I think it will be cardio fix but I don't know for sure yet.
I like the workouts pretty good but not sure if she is as hard as Cathe or not I think it is different in a way, like I can't lift as heavy because they are compound moves and u need balance and I have a hard time with balance issues because of feet! But I was not as sweaty as I am with Cathe so I bet once I get used to the workouts then I will be sweaty more. But I guess I really do not want really hard ones all the time. I still enjoy Cathe better [emoji14]! Anyway about the containers, they are small!! I figured the system out but I have not figured out what to eat really. I know I see the menus but I don't fix that stuff and it will be hard to do that and my hubby and DS diner and it separate so I am trying to see if I can do these recipes as a family but not seeing anything they will eat except the steak one and the chili but then again it's to hot to eat that now. I am trying to go by the portions however.

Katie I happen to like the floor work ! I like using ankle weights though for a leg work out on the floor so I can do less reps if I am on all four because it hurts my back to be doing those pizza presses! Anyway I think her new DVDs will be like the floor work on B and Guts I hope however it isn't endless reps! I hope she does ankle weights and we can add two on one leg for more effect and less time on knees! I love to do leg lefts and bridges for the butt and inner thigh work on the ground! That is really targeting those areas when you are on the floor like that!
I know you will be worried about Alex I will send a prayer for him.

Have a great day you two!

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Wow, Renee, you sound like you have truly been thru a lot. I can't even imagine! GG is Great Glutes, the extreme is the 63 min premix with the bonus chair section. I don't have any non Cathe workouts except for Urban Rebounding and The Firm Sculpting System with the Firm Box, which is what I use as my step, from 2004 and I almost never use them anymore. Oh I do still have Shaun T's Sweat Fest live from the Max 30 series.

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hi girls! did GS chest and tris today, and all I can say is OW! was not expecting that! for me, that was the most intense of all the GS workouts I have done this week-- which may be because I dislike working my chest and tris the most, but that was intense! glad it is over with-- expecting major DOMS tomorrow, and thank goodness it is a rest day!

ladylep-- it sounds like your son is doing great! good for him and for you! I have done GG extreme, and that one is way more intense for me then the lean legs and abs extreme. good job!

renee-- so sorry for all you went through! you must be a very strong person to have pulled through the way you did! I don't have any of those workouts or meal plans, so can't offer any feedback, but it sounds like you are doing great!

imala played for ida kavafian in her masterclass on Wednesday and I guess it went really well! very happy for her! she is making lots of great connections and that is good, as I know she would love to attend Curtis when she graduates high school. it is so extremely competitive, that it is great that people there will already know her and her playing. meanwhile, alec sent me a text last night at 1:30 that he was on his way to rehearsal with the Stuttgart Chamber Orchestra. hope he was able to stay awake for it! waiting to hear how things went.

off to make an early lunch and then take Nygel to his cello lesson.

have a good day!


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