Taking it to the Max-- June 2013 thru...

Hi fabulous fit friends!
Today for me was muscle max and yesterday was a rest day.
Katie I have down IMAX3 and the music is wonderful! I love that however i have only tried to do the workout two times because it is hard! The choreography probably isn't so hard if I wasn't so winded ! I think when you are already tired you really can't think much so the intervals needs to not be fancy at all! Maybe it isn't fancy or dance like but it feels like i may trip over my feet. I can not think of my steps but I am so tired to. Never tried terminator one.
I feel iMax 2 is easier then to the max or plyo Hiit! I don't know why. However IMax2 gets me breathless also. But I am starting to get better with that one. I hope you like IMAX 3 it is fun but I am not up to that level yet. I hope the intermediate workouts will keep me more consistent at least so on days I don't want to workout I will do the less intense ones and I will be able to get stronger that way and add in something like IMAX3 once a week. I would not mind that. Lol

Lady Lep it is hard to fit it all in when kids are in school and you are running around like a chicken with your head cut off. Main thing is you never give up! Plus if you are sore you need the rest. I would just pick back up with buts and guts if you like that.
Caitlin I don't know if you should post a link on here or not it may be dangerous. I can understand you being excited! I hope it all turns out well for you! I am excited to cause we are looking at a place now to buy and get rid of the one we are in now! We are in a place to many neighbors and to many memories. I feel closer phobic. We found a home perfect for us. We was looking for lots of land and a house on it that may need fixed cause didn't think we could afford anything else. We found one that was being for closed and made a bid and they turned down the first offer cause they went down already 50 grand.. But they went down 30 more only thing is when we add taxes and insurance the monthly payments gets up there. But if I get a full time job again we can do it. Even if I didn't we can do it. We just have to stop spending on crap. I have to stop picking up take out. Learn to cook at home more and more and they are going to have to learn to like it.[emoji39].
Anyway it has 7 acres!! And the house well we don't have to do anything at all to it!!

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Renee-- I love the music in Imax2, so guessing I will love it in Imax 3 as well. I think what makes it harder for me is knowing there are ten intervals-- I keep counting them down. And those genie jumps on one leg are what fry me in the beginning, and that ninth interval is a killer to me. Guess with plyo hiit it is short enough, and crossfire and ttm have so many different segments, it makes them go by faster for me. Will have to see if I can survive any of the terminators!

I sure hope you get that house! I will be praying for you! I hear you on the spending and take out! We do way too much of that!
I bought Girls Gone Strong!! No wo's this weekend, sports in the rain yesterday and sports in the cold drizzle today!

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Hi girls. Power hour for me today. That's a great workout! I really fried my chest using a 35 lb barbell. Cathe never said what she was using, but think I went too heavy and was using 20 lb dumbbell instead of 10s. Also used 40 for lunges and my legs were completely fried. Guessing I will be feeling this tomorrow! Really liked it, though, and the time flew by fast.

Sounds like you had some miserable weather for being outdoors, Ladylep. Hope it's nice there today!

Hello Renee and Caitlin!

hi girls! me again! two nights in a row of being up around 3:30, so I didn't want anything too intense today! I did crosstrain express kickboxing again-- I really like this one! renee, I think it would be good for you and your feet, as there is jumping, but not too much, and lots of upper body punching drills plus kicking drills-- plus some killer core work. anyway, I also did some yoga. tomorrow is going to be utter craziness, as I am starting to care for two little boys-- 19 months and 3 years-- PT just to supplement my bodywork income and so I can work at home while Nygel is doing online school. anyway, wish me luck! I am sure they will pull my house apart! it will be good to be around little ones again, though! hoping I sleep better tonight so I have the energy to keep up with them tomorrow!

have a good day everyone!

IMAX yesterday and today was cardio and weights! I really love cardio and weights ! I have low impact circuit later Friday and I love that one to! I like circuits like these! The music is great!

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Wow, Renee, great workouts! I am thinking about cardio and weights tomorrow, but haven't decided yet.

Today was legs and glutes. I used 20 lbs instead of 15 on the leg presses, and 20s instead of 12s for deadlifts. Felt super tough! I survived the first day with the little ones! Have them again tomorrow and then M-TH next week!

Happy Wednesday!

Today I did to the max, no core timesaver premix! It was really fun! Hard ! Wow I used to be able to do the first part fairly easy but it may be because the adrenaline was up because it was a new workout and the times I did it it was new. Now I have done it a few times the new wore off? And now I have not done it for a while. Lol or it may be I just want doing as good as I thought lol.

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hi girls! cardio and weights for me today. have still been having horrible insomnia-- averaging about 4-4 and a half hours of sleep each night. today it was horribly muggy and humid, so I sweat like crazy for that workout. I used 15 lb weights through the whole thing instead of 12s and that fried my UB. anyway, I am hoping and praying I sleep tonight. still haven't figured out what workout I will do in the morning. it has been hectic having two little ones over here! they are super cute, though! today was so muggy and raining all day so we were stuck inside and going a little stir crazy. hoping for nice weather next week.

renee-- way to go on your workouts! you have been pushing it hard all week! I am that way with workouts! sometimes when they are new, they don't feel as difficult as they do once I have done them a few times and know what is coming next. I am guessing that was it for you! though, I have always found to the max to be really tough-- especially with all those risers on the step. I have always thought crossfire was the easier of the two for me, and typically I do the to the max extreme premix with no solid step, because I like the low impact tabata and the fitness tabata better :).

hello ladylep and Caitlin!

it's almost Friday! yay!

Okay today I was not having enough time I knew I was working late. So I when I went home for lunch we usually have an hour . So when I get home I have 45 minutes cause it takes me 10 minutes to get home or 8 minutes so I did chapters of biceps shoulders, and triceps of kcm DVD and Cathe to mix it up and get something in for about 32 minute and I used 15 pounds for my bicep curls on some! And 15 on shoulder presses. I was happy! So tomorrow Ian planning on body max2 I will see.
Did you think cardio and weights was fun Katie?

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Hi all! Busy week! But I got my workouts in every day! Maybe not what I planned but close.

Monday: LIS TB Total body express 45 min plus TTM step Tabata 11 min
Tuesday: RWH low impact 2 bonus abs 2- 39 min
Wednesday: I'll Max Premix total body 52 min this was more moderate wts than I wanted, but it was fine
Thursday: I had LBB planned for Tuesday, then switched it to today because of timing, but I was so tired I slept in up then felt groggy all morning, it's almost as if working out is my morning coffee, I don't drink coffee. But Hubby was at State Colle for a work conference all day and WWIII broke out at 5:30 (B was angered at me for not letting him talk to his friend next door who had come and rang our doorbell to play. B had about 20 min to finish homework, change into his soccer uniform and eat dinner to make practice on time. So he got violent and took a screwdriver to the PC monitor while JTrain watched and then set up my iPhone to secretly video tape him. B had gone down to Hubby's tool box and got s hammer. Thankfully the only thing he had broken with it was a partially already broken plastic pencil box). So I called my father in law asking for advice and he suggested I separate them all and put them to bed early. I did, well tried. So that would have been 30 min earlier for each so it should have been 8, 8:30 and 9. They were all in bed by 9. So I needed to relieve some stress so I did PRS 2 premix mix 1&2 33 min. Just what I needed! And then made some chocolate chip cookie dough! I was morning interested in fun than a calorie burner.

Today I over slept and while I had planned MM express, I only had time for lower body 23 min
Tomorrow I have CF planned but I've only done abs once this week so I may add them or do something that has abs.

So I've been emailing with GGS and I think I have my plan for the next 4 weeks it's a 2 week plan and then repeats. That is block A and there are 3.

M- strength training workout A 30-40 min plus 6-10 min HiiT
T- moderate intensity cardio 30 (MIC)
W- workout B optional 6-10min HiiT
T- abs (but this can be added to any day)
F- workout A
S- off
S- off
Same but MWF would be workout B then A then B

Block B increasing some time on HiiT and frequency as does the MIC.

Each strength training workout involves 3 supersets so A1&2 sets then rest and repeat 2 more times. And in the manual there are alternatives if I don't have the equipment. The only one I have to buy something for, I think, is the chin up bar, which I've thought about getting. And I would like to get a foam roll for the warm ups. So combined maybe about $30. Now I just need to figure out what music to do with it! After block A, I will take a week off and do Cathe. If I can be without her for that long!

I'm not wild about the meal plans I spent an extra $20 on, but the jury is still out for the nutritional guide, it's just so long!!

Time for bed! Only 2 games tomorrow morning back to back!

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Hi girls! Sorry I didn't get on here yesterday. Got in a workout, though! Cardio kicks:). I really like that one. Great upper body and core work with a good sweat. Anyway, today is my rest day. Finally slept well last night! It was so hard to get up with the 7:00 alarm, though! I get so sleep deprived during the school week, that I can't catch up on the weekends. Anyway, hoping to try the Viper tomorrow if I have another good night!

Great job on the workouts, Ladylep! I will have to check out those new workouts. Have been enjoying all of the old/new to me cathe dvds. Sorry about your tough time with the boys! Hope today is going well!

Renee-- I love cardio and weights! It's not so intense as some, but still a great workout and the music is fun! Nice to see you on Facebook when I don't always get on here!

Hello Caitlin!

Lady Lep I am sorry about your day ! Sounds horrible! I wish I can say I have some advice for you on that but I don't think you would want to know what my advice would be with that kind of behavior. I am from the old school on some things. And some things I am not I guess I am in the middle but that is why I will keep my mouth shut on this one except to say, I am sure you did the correct thing. And I will be praying for you to get insight on this. And for him. It is hard figuring out the right things all the time I feel for you and all moms now days it is so hard.
Great job on your workouts. And I have never heard of that program you r talking about but I hope it works out. I like how it adds a little HIIT each time to build up to it! That is what I should have done instead of trying to do to much at once and get disappointed. In myself [emoji17]

Katie, I catch up on sleep on the weekend as well but I sleep so hard I think that is why I get my headaches lol.
And during my work week I am so afraid I won't make the alarm I am awake all night!

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Renee- thanks. NI'm also old school but my husband and I don't see eye to eye on what age that changes. B is 9 so I guess he's kind of on the edge but... I think it should be 2-4 weeks of no gaming. And JTrain should lose his iPod for 3-5 days. I haven't had a chance to ask Hubby alone what he thinks the discipline should be. He had conversations with both yesterday. But we haven't had a a chance to talk. Hopefully we will at B's game. And the Eagles play Dallas at 4:20 so when we get home, I need to make pizza dough and plan school so I can actually enjoy the game too! Oh and pick up, we invited another family.

Rest day today, sort of!

Hi Katie!

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Hi girls! Today was the Viper! What a workout! That was tough stuff and I was so happy when I made it to the end! Don't know if I would survive the other two on there, as they are even more cardio intense. I have the boys from 9-4 everyday except Friday this week, so will need to do short workouts the next four days. Glad I got a doozey in today!

Renee-- I feel the same way about sleep! Someday I will get over this insomnia, but in the meantime, I am just muddling through! What did you end up doing today?

Ladylep-- have fun at the game! I hope it all works out with your kiddos.

Hello Caitlin!

Wanted to add that I did intensity today! Loved that one but I had to take a few pauses I let the DVD keep going I paused lol!!

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great job, renee! that is a tough workout!

quick post from me as I have two little boys here that I can't turn my back on! ;) did timesaver kickbox and shoulders this morning. will have to be short workouts for me through Thursday, as the boys get here by 9:am. glad I got in a good workout yesterday!

hello ladylep and Caitlin!

hope everyone's day is off to a good start!

I started Girls Gone Strong today and I gotta tell you I'm not super impressed. The warm up took 16 min, although I did it with the video so maybe it won't always be that long. Then there are 6 exercises that I did 3x each in pairs. Squat and push ups, on leg dead lift and plank, one arm row and side plank. Then the cool down was just lying there breathing slowly. The food plan is thorough and interesting. I will probably did the Marcos plan. But he. I fit tired out my calories it says I shook be eating 1877 a day! That is moderately active and minus 500 for weight loss. The whole workout was 50-55 min. I'm not sure how long I will give it. I'm trying to do the least the first week and then maybe even 4 but it doesn't seem hard unless I increase the wts. And I will do HiiT tomorrow.

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Katie I bet it is hard getting used to taking care of young ones again! 19 months old and 3 yrs that is pretty close in age really! And to be that small in my house again I would be so nervous! Lol I am sure they are cute however. I miss having a little one around but can't for the life of me know what to do with them to keep them from boredom here!
I am trying to think of what side job I can do if we move to get more money and I just don't know I really only need to make about 400 more a month to help out. That is for groceries really so the other income would go on bills.
What is bodywork? And that isn't the massages is it?
I have thought if babysitting but I have a lab dog and a bit bull and a small dog and two cats. Cats are outside cats and the big dogs stay outside unless night time or rain, the little dog is in. However I figure other moms would Freak out if they saw them.
So I then thought of going to take a CNA class it is 8 weeks long I. The evening but it will have to wait till after first of the year and I never know what time I get out of work so I can't make it on time to class. I spoke to one of the teachers at one school and she said no late exudes at all. If she did it for one she had to do it for all. So I have to find later classes. And after we move. Anyway I thought I would take care of elderly part time to supplement income. But like I said that will have to wait a bit.
I honestly have no idea what I can do.
Do you all have any ideas?
Lady Lep where did you hear about girls gone strong? That made me laugh cause I can see you laying there thinking you are going to do some moving to cool down or stretch and you are breathing in and laying there, and then it's over ! I can see your face! Lol probably like eyes closed then open, really? Geez! Ha ha
Sorry I am strange that way I can imagine things and find it humorous. I am easily intertwined I guess.
Anyway it sounds like you are stronger then u thought huh?
That is good. Maybe at least you can use there food program since it seems good!
Today I did gym styles shoulders, bis, back! I really like that one! I did so much better on that one this go around then I did the first few time I did it !

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Going to sleep, but I had to laugh when I read your post, Renee! There is a little more to the cool down. But you lie there, eyes closed WITH YOUR FINGERS IN YOUR EARS, trying make your breathing silent. Yes, it's funny!

I've decided to take it easy this week with it only doing MWF strength and adding one short HiiT on Friday and then mod intensity 30 min in Saturday.

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