Taking it to the Max-- June 2013 thru...

Oh Gosh I wish I had been there! I probably would have been laughing so hard I'd been crying! Fingers in your ears? Oh how I wish you and Katie lived close by [emoji38]

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you girls are both cracking me up! that would have been fun to see, ladylep! I have been in a few yoga classes before where I had to keep myself from bursting out laughing as the instructors can be so loopy and strange. :p

so, the boys are here and I have to keep my eyes on them again, but I got in timesaver number 2-- the step, hi/lo one. feels like I am skimping on my workouts, as I don't even have time for yoga, but it is only for this week.

renee-- I think some people would be okay with the dogs, as I also have two dogs and the cat and when I did childcare a few years back, I had a big german shepherd. as long as the dogs are good with kids and the people like you (and why wouldn't they?!), I think you could do it. elderly care would be great, too. I have also looked into housecleaning as it allows me to set my schedule still. another idea is a dog walking service or caring for pets while they are away. oh, and bodywork is like massage, and thai is very similar to shiatsu, if you are familiar with that? thai is also called lazy man's yoga, as you put the client in various stretches that are very similar to yoga. you also work their energy lines. I love it, but my hands don't so much anymore :-(. I think I have arthritis in my fingers and thumbs and my hands start to ache if I give too many sessions in a week or day. that's why I need to find something else, too. I am not sure if this site would work for you, but I have found work on care.com. it is a national website, I think, but you just work with people looking for help in your area. you set up a profile and can scan through people looking for help. there are chidcare jobs, petcare, elderly and housekeeping jobs. also jobs where people just need help organizing (or even shopping!). I wish we all lived closer, too! that would be nice! maybe someday we can meet on a roadtrip!

ladylep-- at least the meal part sounds like it will work for you, but that is frustrating when you spend money on something like that and have it be a big disappointment. :-(. a lighter week sounds like a good plan-- it's what I am having to do this week, too! I just read an article by cathe how a week of light workouts (or maybe even longer?) is a good thing, as when you come back you will be rested and even stronger for letting your body rest some. so, probably a good idea to slow things down every once in a while!

hello Caitlin!

better get back to these little ones!

Last night I ended up doing gym styles back bis and shoulders! I really liked it. I am doing more weights but speaking of hands hurting Katie my hands hurt trying to do chest pull overs and biceps with barbell and dumb bell but I can go more with dumb bell before it hurts. Then I can a barbell. And chest presses I know I can press a lot more but my hands and wrist hurt and won't let me. Grr
I will look for some cleaning jobs. That was what I was looking for anyway to that way I can go do a job and that's it or something like that. Kind of make up my own schedule. I worry about getting sued or something. I never thought that before till my husband telling me to be careful trying to do stuff like cleaning they might accuse u of taking stuff or braking something or if u babysit if something happens to the kids at ur home can the parents sue you? He is worried cause now days people sue all the time and make it hard for anyone to get ahead! So I then get afraid myself. But I have to do something.
Oh by the way the loan went through girls!!! We got the house!! But that is why I need a job lol! We are now proud owners of 7 acres of property! A pond a pool it's a small pool but prefect size! Three bedrooms it has an exercise room! It has a big kitchen with enough cabinets! I love it! Our dream home! But hubby says he is scared for some reason. I guess that is normal. I told him it is more then what we pay now but we can do it.
Not sure what I am gonna do today but it will have legs involved I think.
Hi Lady Lep
Hi Caitlin!

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renee, that is fantastic news! congratulations!! woo hoo! how exciting for you! I hope you can find another side job to make it work. I never have thought about being sued by people, but I have always had good experiences and grown to be friends with anyone I have worked for. guess I tend to think the best of people, and that may lead me into trouble down the road, but so far, it has been okay! oh, and I like that GS workout, too! the one that kills me is the chest and tris!
Okay back to say I decided on lean legs and abs. It seems to be a metabolic workout as well. I had some sweat but not ally but I could feel it in my legs for sure. Not to many reps on any thing and not really heavy of weights! I am thinking of doing this and with great flutes DVD along with legs and butts of body blast along with x train two workouts into some kind of something. I tell ya when I think I know what I will do, I change it lol.
Any how I Katie I trust others and I am like you but it is my hubby who thinks this way and now has me paranoid in a small way. I think we'll now that he said it if I go and do it, something might happen.
I hope to watch the voice tonight

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Congrats on the house, Renee!!!! So excited for you! An exercise room???!! Cool!!

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hi girls! the boys are here again, but I got in plyo hiit 1 plus yoga this morning. that felt way easier! I wonder why? if it is because I haven't done it in a while, or if it is from doing all these other older cathe workouts? imax 2 and step blast, cardio kicks, step jump and pump etc. I had never done much of her step before as I thought it was too tricky for me, but have been doing lots of it lately and have gotten the hang of it, pretty much. just wondering what the increase in my endurance/aerobic capacity/strength is from. guessing it is the intensity, body blast and hardcore series. I will keep at them now, at least until the new dvds come out! that was a really nice surprise, though! and especially to have it feel easier when I haven't been sleeping well at all and have been up since 3:50 this morning.

renee-- I think that is a metabolic workout, too! imala loves that one, and I do, too-- it goes by quickly, doesn't it? I hope you find something good and that whoever you end up working for is a nice, honest person! so exciting about your house!

hello ladylep! how is the new program going?

hello Caitlin!

I tool off Tuesday and today, needed sleep. Tomorrow I'll be doing strength wo b. I'll let you know how it goes! Kinda nice to be "off"!

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hi girls! quick update. last day of the week that the boys are here, so tomorrow I can get a longer workout in (and maybe some more sleep!). anyway, did timesaver number 1 today, which is step and then chest and tris. I went too heavy on the chest and tri work so that by the time we went to the push up segment I felt completely fried. had to do two push ups on my knees. that is a great segment, though!

sleep sounds great, ladylep! glad you are enjoying your time off! :)

hello renee! hope all is well!

hello Caitlin!

happy Thursday!

Hi girls! Me again! Got in maximum intensity strengtht this morning. Those outfits and hairstyles were hilarious! The triceps dips with the barbell were tough, but otherwise the workout felt less intense than many of cathe 's workouts. Biceps were pretty tough, too. I went heavier on the legs (40 lbs) and back.

Hope you all have a wonderful weekend!
Sorry I was not on here yesterday! I had to take a day off I was so tired. I dont know why. Any way I ended up doing Step Works Dvd and Muscle Max's Upper Body premix today. I am tired now! I had to do the two because I missed yesterday. And Tomorrow is the planned rest day (Sabbath) so I will be off the internet. Hope to see you all on Sunday!
Anyway You are right Katie it is funny looking at the old ones and looking at the outfits lol. Man what was with the butt floss back then. I think it was not the case to much with Cathe but I remember Tammy Lee Webb ALWAYS Had butt floss in her butt lol I was like dang how do you wear leotards and a body suit that is a thong? That seems a lot of clothing to put on just to workout. And you have to wiggle into the body suite and the backside was gone ha ha. And I think they took the butt cheeks material and made the headbands with it. I dont know. But I think step Jam is one with Cathe in one outfit like that. It is really funny. I never had the body to dress like that anyway. Well I hope Ladylep and Caityn is doing well Have a happy Sabbath! Night
Did workout b yesterday, 6 weight/band exercises, paired, 3 sets, 6 or 10 reps. Today was 30 min mod. intensity cardio. Basically a circuit of 5 exercises with 60 second rests: body wt squats, bear crawl 15 yds (hard!), reverse lunges (hate lunges), black burn (on belly arms start on lower back and sweep low to the floor over my head and back, squeezing glutes at the same time, safe burpees (shuffle out jump back stand up hands on hips) these were tough I really feel like I got a workout today and my legs are sore! Tomorrow will be workout A again, but I'll add in HiiT for 6-10 min at the end. I will either do plate push and farmers carry with 30# in each hand 20-30 yds or bear crawl with safe burpees. I'm not sure which and I'm not sure how this will be more intense than what I did for today.

This has been an interesting break from Cathe. I was not thrilled after Monday but I'm liking it better now. I just home I see some results. I took pictures, measurement, weight and tried in the pair of size 8 jeans that I want to get into. But honestly, I need new jeans!

Sports tomorrow, but I think Hubby will be taking them! One first thing in the morning and the other at dinner time. I'm thankful we are far enough away from Philly that we haven't had to deal with Pope traffic! I hope to go thru the kids' clothes tomorrow for fall/winter, I really hate that job but it needs to be done. And maybe work on getting some of the marker and crayon off the walls!

Hi Renee and Katie!

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Ok so I just finished wo A and the HIiT was different. I truly didn't get as winded as I do with Cathe. I did 2 songs 3-4 mi each. I pushed 2 15# plates 10-15 yds and then farmers carry: 30#db in each hand down at my sides and walked 20yds then rest 30 sec. I think I did it 3x maybe 4. It was fast and to the point and u just wanted to get it done. Not super fun by any means. I'd like to see what the results will be.

I may want to try STS after this but I'm afraid that all the workouts are 60 min.

Tomorrow will be off. Then I will probably do a similar schedule for next week:
M- wo A
Th-wo B
F- MIC (mod intensity cardio)
Sa- wo A with 6-10 min HiiT. (Today was 45 min but I was interrupted a few times)

Then I'll add in another HiiT for weeks 3&4.

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Hi girls! Rest day here and I am spending it carting the kids around to their rehearsals. Thinking of trying another terminator tomorrow, but will wait and see how I sleep and how I feel in the morning.

Ladylep-- I am happy to hear that the workouts look more promising! They sound like they have some tough drills. What is the music like? I also need to go through clothes! Hate that job! It's hard to know when to do, though, as the weather flip flops so much-- this weekend it is sunny and warm, in the upper 70s- low 80s

Renee-- ha! Buttfloss! Had never thought of it before, but it totally is like that. Yes, tamilee was always dressed that way-- with her buns of steel! Too funny! Thank goodness we don't dress like that anymore! I do think the 80s and 90s were the worst, though! 70s clothes still look good to me, and the stuff before that was pretty cute, too, IMO. Hope you have a nice rest day!

Happy Saturday! Only two more days until imala turns 17!

me again! happy sunday! I did it! made it through imax extreme! that is a 750 calorie burn:):). now I just have to watch and not eat it all up in sweets! :oops: anyway, need to clean the house today and go pick up a cake for imala. we will celebrate tomorrow with just the 5 of us, and then have family over next Saturday. hoping the boys don't do too much damage to the house this week! they sure do love to throw toys on the floor!

hope you girls have a nice day!

I posted on my computer but it looks like it isn't here
Anyway I did crossfire! Gosh that one I forgot how hard it was. I did it as is I was going to try the extreme lol ! Glad I decided against! [emoji5]️. What was I thinking? Lol I think I forgot most the times I do crossfire I do low impact premix and this time I did the regular workout. I think I may want to stick with this before doing the extreme one lol.
Katie you kill me with you extreme self!! Ha you are awesome I love it how does the extreme not drain you the rest of the day?
Lady Lep I hope u have a wonderful rest day!
Well I am tired tired tired

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hi girls! today was upper body pyramid. those jack-knifes on the ball are so tough! I used all the same weights as cathe, except I actually went heavier on the back. anyway, good to give my feet a break!

renee-- ha, thank you! do you know, my feet were so sore after that, I was like a senior citizen yesterday! they are fine today, but my legs were also like heavy bricks last night when I went to walk bugsy. I don't do those extreme ones often, but sometimes it is fun to challenge myself (when I have the time). crossfire is intense! I have done the extreme version many times, but it always fries me! great job on pushing through that! how are your feet?

hello ladylep!

imala's birthday today! can't believe she is 17!

me again! yesterday was lower body pyramid. I have major DOMS *all over* from both those pyramid workouts. couldn't decide what to do today, but ended up doing step blast. I really like that one! all but the 3rd combo are completely doable for me, and even that one I almost have! love the blasts at the end and the music is perfect. anyway, got a great sweat in. tomorrow I get the boys here by 9am so will have to be a short workout. thinking maybe a HiiT.

how is everyone surviving their week? hope you girls are doing well!

Monday's wo b took me 45 min. I think I did more warm up than last Thursday because the same wo took me 26 min then. Yesterday and today are days off. Tomorrow will be wo a again.

Katie- I like those pub/plb workouts too! I've been having serious DOMs since last Thursday or so. Much more manageable today and yesterday.

Hi Renee! I love CF too and it is tough!!

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