Taking it to the Max-- June 2013 thru...

Hi you all sorry been absent but I have been in my closets for two days!! I didn't workout on Monday or Tuesday! I was to tired on Monday and tues I was all day in closet and my back was killing me and I knew it was because no exercise. So today I did pyramid upper body and waited 15 minutes and did pyramid lower body but used dumb bells. It was nice to I really was sweating and I used my 20 pounders and I got a straight forward no non sense low rep workout on my lower body and my legs were shaking! I liked that I used the dumb bells because the barbells would have hurt my lower back for some reason I can not go to heavy with a bar bell. Balance I guess. But I did feel it and loved it I will pull it out more often.! But I did both to make up for not doing a work out on Monday or Tuesday. And I wanted to do a cardio as well but I was still packing up my summer clothes and organizing closets! Gosh. It was horrible cause the last time I did it was before my mother past away! I did not have time before when she was sick and then I was so down I didn't have the will to and then when I had the gumption to do it I lost son so I had my moms stuff and my stuff in there to deal with so it was a mess. Next is my husbands then I need to go around finding glitter that is just that and get rid of it. I just need to.
Anyway I am tired

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hi girls! short on time today as the boys were here at 9am, so did low impact hiit 2 plus abs 1. will probably do a toning video tomorrow. I was so sore yesterday, though, and last night! I almost felt like I was coming down with the flu I was so achey everywhere! anyway, it has all subsided today, but my upper body was really bad as were my hamstrings. that pyramid got me!

renee, I cannot imagine doing both pyramids in one day! way to go! how are you feeling today? I always use the barbell and I will say that my back gets sore-- especially in the dead lifts. great job! cleaning closets is one of my least favorite things, and with all you have gone through, I see why you have put it off and it must have been so overwhelming. I hope you got some good rest last night!

hello ladylep and Caitlin!

better go! little liam will not leave me alone-- he wants something!

hi girls! hope you are having a good weekend! I have had some busy days along with a family party for imala's birthday, so haven't been able to get on here. Friday I did supersets, yesterday was a rest day, and today I did the gauntlet! that was a toughie, but I made it through! can't decide which one of those terminators is the most difficult, but it was nice challenging myself to get through each of them. that was three sundays in a row.

what are you girls up to? hoping all is well!

Hi Katie and Renee!

Rest day today. Yesterday I did wo B plus 6 min HiiT and I tacked on bicep curl 100 rep challenge with a 25# barbell and today my biceps are SCREAMING! I can't even extend my left arm all the way w/o help of a wall or my other arm! My right is sore too but not as bad. I'm really starting to feel like this wasn't the best purchase. My heart rate only got up a little the last 2 days.

Friday I did MIC mod intensity cardio and it was lame. My heart rate barley got above 100.

I think the 1877 is also too many calories for me. I'm sitting at 176#. Depressing. Can't fit into clothes that I want to...

I am looking forward to ICE!

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ladylep-- I am sorry that the workouts aren't what you were hoping for :-(. how frustrating! I hope it wasn't too much of an investment! I am so excited for ICE, too! have you been watching the updates? sorry about the clothes thing, too. ugh. fall and winter are the toughest for me as I always lose in the summer and then feel like I gain it back during the colder months. hope your biceps are feeling better today!

today for me was gym style legs. my legs were completely fried after that! my left knee has been bugging me a bit lately and am wondering if it's from all the step I've been doing lately. decided to take a break from cardio and will also try to get in the rest of the GS series this week. I was wanting to try imax 3 this week (still haven't yet!), but not sure if I should with this stupid knee...?

renee-- I sure hope you are staying as dry as you can and are safe and sound! it looks like things are very scary in south Carolina!

have a good night all--

Okay yesterday I did low max and Sat was rest day Friday was greatest hits premix that was 55 minutes. And today I decided to revisit PUB only UB today I was so sore last Thursday lol I loved it however! But not wanting to do that two workouts again !
Yes it is flooded all around us and what grocery store hubby can get to? Well nothing is there !! It's all gone. I mean the store is there but everyone bought it all and the problem is roads are out so not sure how there will be food brought in and never been in a disaster situation like this so I do not know how they do stuff like that. I am not worried however we have what we need for a while. Our yard isn't flooded and I think I am grateful. So many more have lost so much. I do not however know what the house is like that we are in process of buying. That I am worried about. Well to an extent because I keep telling myself I have to trust God would not let me find it just to take it that fast. Would he? And if so I guess it wasn't meant to be. I have to remember it's only material things.

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hi girls!

renee-- oh my goodness, I hope the weather clears there! and no food in the store? I guess I wouldn't know what to do, either! they did declare a state of emergency, though, right? hoping you all experience some relief soon and that your new home has weathered the storms! keep us posted on how you are doing! wish there was some way I could help from here!

so, today was imax 3. what a tough workout! though, I think I like imax 2 better as it is easier for me to follow. this one went by quicker-- the intervals seemed shorter and with less space between them-- but some were more complicated then I could figure out! I just kept moving, though! those blasts were super intense! hoping my knee takes this one okay. it felt better this morning so I decided to give it a go. tomorrow I will do UB toning and then a cardio or hiit Thursday (my short workout day, as the boys always arrive by 9am) and then the other UB work on Friday. that will get in all the GS weights this week.

ladylep, I hope the workouts have improved for you! hope all is going well with the family!

me again! today was GS back, shoulders and bis plus stability ball abs from B&G. that is a nice add on and I hadn't worked my core in a few days, so figured it was time! used the same weights as cathe but heavier on some of the bis. will be feeling it tomorrow, I am sure! will do a shorter cardio/hiit tomorrow, I think.

hope you girls are doing well! renee, I hope things are better for you and your neighbors!

me yet again! where are you girls, I wonder? busy as ever I imagine! renee, I hope things have dried out there! today for me was 30/30 HiiT, xtrain core #1 and yoga. so far, so good with my knee. I have been putting arnica on it a few times a day. sleep has been way off and crummy as ever this week :-(. someday all of this insomnia will hopefully be a thing of the past! hope you girls are all well!

I Katie and Renee, I'm here and peeking in. Just busy. Frustrating homeschooling day. Did GGS wo A but I switched to lvl B this week. Not much different. Tuesday and Wednesday were rest days. Today I did GGS wo B with a HiiT. Not fun but it did get my HR up more than Monday. I miss my Cathe Workouts! I will probably end up asking for my money back. And I'm so fed up with my weight I'm gong to try 21 day fix food again. 3.5 weeks until Disney which means bathing suits!

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hi girls! sorry I have missed a few days! still got my workouts in. Friday I did GS chest and tris plus medicine ball abs. I am still so sore from this! I matched cathe on all the weights except went even heavier on some of the tris, and I am completely fried! still feeling sore today, so I opted for straight cardio. did imax 2 plus yoga inspired abs and then even more yoga to try to loosen things up. hoping the soreness is gone tomorrow and I will get more weights in. this week is a crazy one, though, with watching the boys in the early mornings again and then extra rehearsals for the kids and a recital on Friday. will have to take it one day at a time!

ladylep-- I am so sorry about the workouts! if you can get your money back, at least that is something! happy you get to go away for a family vacation! that sounds like fun! you will get where you want to be before then, I have no doubt! you are always so good about planning meals, etc. where I totally lack discipline!

renee-- how are things there? thinking of you!

happy sunday,

Hi ladies I did RWH back shoulders and bis last night and not sure what to do tonight maybe a cardio because on Friday I think it was a lower body workout. Anyway my head hurts and I am at work!!! Ugh

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Katie, I will email GGS because I'm just about finished with them. A friend of mine had the 21day fix and lent me the DVDs! So I started them today. I have 3 weeks until Disney, so that's my motivation. I'm going to stick with the food, but not going to commit to doing the workouts. I'm going to try some maybe all of them. Today was Total Body Cardio Fix and it was though! I'm not sure wife it's because I took 3 weeks off from Cathe and GGS wasn't very tough or if it really was a tough one. I think tomorrow is upper body fix then Wednesday is lower body. I am missing Cathe!

Renee, you make me want to do RWH! I saw that you commented on a thread about a do-able xtrain rotation. I printed it out. But I'm starting to feel like I don't have the attention span for a long rotation of one series! I feel like I want to put together a 40 min or less rotation, except 1 day a week can be longer, that focuses on full body weights 2-3x per week and throw in some hiits or a metabolic...

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hi girls! well, did a short workout this morning thinking that the boys were coming at 9am, but they have colds, so there wasn't a need :-(. oh well. I didn't sleep at all last night-- couldn't even fall asleep initially which is normally not a problem for me-- so maybe it's good to have a quiet day. I did pyramid hiit plus some yoga this morning. guess at least I got a good (short) sweat in.

ladylep-- that is so great that your friend lent you the workouts! sounds like these are more promising then the others you purchased. hope they will refund your money. hope school is going well for you guys!

renee-- sorry you had another headache! boo! I have had them lately, too. it seems like if I ever take something for them (aspirin, ibuprofen) on one day, then I will keep getting them everyday afterward. doesn't even make sense, I suppose, but if I suffer through one and don't take anything, then I don't end up with a whole string of them. I know you have migraines, though, which is different. anyway, good job getting the work in anyway! have things dried up over there?

better get some work done,

Did Upper Body Fix this morning. High reps. Basically 2 rounds each has 5 exercises and you repeat them twice for each round. In round 2, 2 of the exercises were ab related. I built up a little sweat, not as much as yesterday. And she covered herself better this time. I'm feeling a bit sore in my sides and a little in my thighs. Nothing crazy but enough to show me it's doing something. I'm not sure I'll hold out 3 weeks but the good news is: there are 7 workouts, so I only ever do he workouts 3 times unless I do doubles. Which I may for Pilates on Thursday or Friday. I can't remember which day Pilates is. I'm looking forward to try dirty 30 though!

Katie- hope you got your HiiT and yoga in!

Renee- I hope your feeling better!

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Hi ladies!! So sorry I have been touch and go here but really Ben busy. Trying to find a second part time job that I can actually do that I can kind of set up my own hours.
Katie I sure hope u are not going to catch those colds.

Lady Lep it indeed was nice of that friend of yes to loan u the workouts. You know I don't have a problem loaning mine out usually or used to but people think I gave them to them lol. So I NEVER LOAN my Cathe DVDs lol.

Well close on the house is Nov 3 and I tell u what I am more and more excited to get out of this place! I am just going through and trying to put things together that goes together like one box I have labeled office supplies, that will go by the desk and computer wherever we put it over there. And then I I even packed away DVDs that I am not using and labeled those and labeled cloths for attack. So I am slowly doing that but getting quality boxes is hard to do. And getting my hubby to jump on bored is hard to. He thinks I am doing it to soon. No I think not I want it mostly packed so all we have to do is move it and unpack it.
Okay today I did greatest hits and it was the circuit one. Had intervals from IMAX 2 and then cardio and weights it was kind of hard had to pause a couple times! I was surprised!
Do you all have any ideas how to organize storage for coats and ballets and sheets? That is my problem I see there isn't any storage for all of that. And there is t here either which is what takes up our cloths closet room and my bathroom linen closet, instead of towels all in that it is blankets stuffed in it and blankets stuffed in my cloths closet and no room for all my clothes. I have a chest at bottom of my bed for my sheets but not blankets.

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Quick update as I need to go bed. Did Lower Fix and firewalker tabatta from CF. I'm sure my legs will be tired tomorrow! Loved doing Cathe again! Not a fan of the same warm up that 21 DF has...

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Tonight was LIC premix cardio it was 48 minutes and I was singing all the songs! Ride like the wind ride like the wind, and girls just want to have fun and gosh what other song I was telling myself I will have to remember to remind u both what was on it shoot lol.
Well I had a ball on it and I remember that one used to be hard to do for me but it was not this time!
Lady Lep I think that is y I can not stay on the bb rotations! All the warm up and cool downs are the same so maybe that is why the workouts feel so alike? For me it makes me think all the workouts are all to similar to love them to keep doing them I get bored to fast!
I can't wait for ICE but I am very upset about the music part. I am thinking if the music is not up to par I won't preorder the next series. Really the reason I loved her DVDs was the music she used. My first DVD I had of Cathe was Low max so I couldn't wait to have more! I was disappointed in the Low impact series and hardly ever use them so I know if I don't like the music I won't use them. I hate that to! I hate having to go looking for another instructor that is just as good and have as good a music as BM2 or the body blast or even Xtrain I loved Xtrain even! I don't get it! I will shut up now I vented lol.

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Renee, yes all the warms are the same, except for today's, Pilates Fix had a seated on the mat warm up. My legs are a bit sore from yesterday and this wo wasn't a breeze but it wasn't tough, but some of exercises were ouchie!

Splitting headache ever sine the " hundreds". Gotta go to bed.

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hi girls! sorry I haven't been on here in a while! some crazy days! Friday I was barely even at home with all the running around. hoping this week is less hectic, but I do have the boys early again on Tuesday and Thursday, which means cramming in short workouts. last Friday I did push pull plus core max #2, Thursday was scrambled low impact hiit 1 plus abs 1. Wednesday I did circuit max. today I did step blast plus core max #1 and yoga. hoping to get out for a walk later as all the leaves are peaking here right now.

renee-- I do not envy you with all of the packing, but it is a great way to clear out all the junk we accumulate! so exciting for your new house! so, what is the word on the ICE workouts' music?? I did step blast today and loved the music in there! wonder why she can't do s0mething like that again?

ladylep-- glad you got some cathe in! :). sorry about the headache! I have been having them the past few days, not sure what that is about. hope you got some good sleep.

happy sunday,


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