STS first time!

My calves are screaming. I can hardly walk. It took 24 hours for the doms to start from yesterday's GS legs. The calves are really the only problem. I have been doing so much leg stuff this last week , I guess I am getting used to it.

You must have great muscles in your legs cuz my are screaming everywhere, but especially the calves. Hurts so good;)
Ok totally dreading CCC tomorrow especially since I'll be doing it at 4:30am before work. Thinking I may substitute something or half-a$$ it ;)

This rotation is crazy! I love it though. Now if I could just get my eating on track so I'd see some results. Oh the days when I could eat whatever I wanted are gone that's for sure.
Marie, I was just going to say that--if only I keep my diet clean! Once ds1 goes back to school this weekend, I'll revert to less meat. He's the one who's gasping if I don't serve meat!:rolleyes: I've been trying to teach him the merits of going meatless but his brain and stomach are conditioned to want it. And he's a growing boy.

Jean, I watched too much tv today and didn't practice. I'm ashamed! I love my lessons because I've wanted to do it for so long but was embarrassed. I've found the perfect teacher for me.
Thanks for curing me of my crazy desire to live in Italy!

Carolyn, I hope your foot pain is abating.

Tomorrow mid-aft is my niece's party, then in evening is a figure skating event.
Good night!
Well I did do CCC but it was SO pathetic you guys! I totally half-a$$ed it, both cardio and core moves. I wanted to lie down and take a nap halfway through but I powered on. I am proud of myself for getting up though. When the alarm went off at 4am my first thought was hmm maybe I'll just do yoga, which was quickly followed by maybe I'll just sleep another hour. But I knew I would regret it so up I got.

My calves are soooo sore still! They must be so weak. They are naturally large but I never work them.

Carolyn- You should have DH give you a foot massage on his day off ;) Hope your foot feels better soon. Can you believe an ice cream serving is a half cup. Like really?!!!!!!!! Who only eats that much. Now that you mention it I haven't seen Missy posting on facebook. We miss you Missy. Come back ;)

Betty- I'm so with you on the meat thing. I swear I could be vegitarian but DH loves his meat. I remember I made an all veggie dinner once- salad, spaghetti squash with marinara and cauliflower breaded with gluten free bread crumbs and dipped in a mix of marinara and horseradish. YUM! I was so satisfied but DH asked where the meat and carb was. Have fun at your niece's party! Tell us more about the figure skaing event. Sounds like fun. DH took me to one once and it was amazing! He was so sweet to bring me although he was not amused haha. Poor guy ended up dozing off in his seat.

Work is sloooow which makes for a long day!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I only have three patients. 2 of which are discharging. Now if only the doctors would put in the orders for that so I could get them on their way.

Post away ladies ;)
Hey gals, had my bacon and eggs this morning:eek:.
A mild, wet day to thaw everything out, including our hearts hardened from this frigid winter.
I don't feel as sore in my calves, but those dang pushups are killing my upper arms again in the same spot where it's been hurting. I think this may have all started with UY's planks & chaturangas. (I even only did wall pushups on FT yesterday:eek:) I need to stretch more.

Carolyn, I think I know exactly which hideous Adidas slides you're talking about. I loathe the sight of them!:p

Marie, I would have loved that meal you prepared! It sounds so satisfying! Men!
I totally half-a$$ed CCC too. Too much impact.
I would never get up that early to exercise either!

Jean, what's that PBS program little boy murder mystery you and Mary watched? I don't think I ever requested it and can't for the life of me recall the name.

Have a nice day.
Betty The name of the show was "Broadchurch". Can't wait to see how you like it. You definitely need closed captioning with that one.

Today we went up to the community center and took down the Christmas decorations. Then I came home and laid on the couch and watched "The way we were" and "As good as it gets". The little dog is who made me get a Brussells Griffon years ago. That is the cutest dog. Mine wasn't that cute though but she was a love. So I am calling today a rest day. :p

My calves are still screaming. When I lay on the couch for an hour and then try to walk it is almost impossible. My calves haven't been this sore in many years. :rolleyes:

Marie Good for you for getting up early to exercise. I know you were happy you did when it was over. I make spaghetti squash with marinara a lot but I put hamburger in the sauce. My husband would enjoy ANYTHING. He is so not picky.
Betty The name of the show was "Broadchurch". Can't wait to see how you like it. You definitely need closed captioning with that one.

Today we went up to the community center and took down the Christmas decorations. Then I came home and laid on the couch and watched "The way we were" and "As good as it gets". The little dog is who made me get a Brussells Griffon years ago. That is the cutest dog. Mine wasn't that cute though but she was a love. So I am calling today a rest day. :p

My calves are still screaming. When I lay on the couch for an hour and then try to walk it is almost impossible. My calves haven't been this sore in many years. :rolleyes:

Marie Good for you for getting up early to exercise. I know you were happy you did when it was over. I make spaghetti squash with marinara a lot but I put hamburger in the sauce. My husband would enjoy ANYTHING. He is so not picky.

Sounds Like a great day Jean! Very relaxing :)

Isn't that the worst when you lay down for a while and then get up and try and walk?! I swear my legs about gave out the other day.

Good call on putting hamburger in the sauce. I'll have to try that. I mean that is meat so he would have to be satisfied with that right?! LOL
I never worked out. There is always tomorrow.

I just got back from running errands with dd. My IT band is killing me now. I must be walking strangely due to my foot. I am not happy. I am darn right cranky.
DH is having a get together for the dreaded football game. Thank goodness for the man cave above the garage. Dd and I got the makings for brownie sundaes! Yup! You read that right! I don't even care! You only live once!
I am wiped out! I feel like I need a nap.
I am on hockey duty tomorrow since dh will be up late. We have to get up at 7:30. Not too bad I guess.
It is soooooo foggy out!!! Terrible to drive in.


Good for you! Those brownie sundaes sounds amazing :) I just finished eating way too many dark chocolate chips. My day got insane after I talked about how slow it was. Go figure. Oh well at least time went by fast that way.
I just bought 12 pound dumbbells and heavy resistance band :) Happy dance! Can't remember if I mentioned that my heavy band snapped. Actually it's tubing that I'm talking about, not the flat band. Anyways, I'm super stoked and had to share because I know you girls can relate to a great feeling you get when you buy exercise stuff :)
Marie I get a lot of use out of my 12 pounders. I love getting new w/o stuff.

Carolyn did you buy/make snacks for the guys to eat during football?
Carolyn where was your son last night? Was he watching football with the guys? All that food you had sounded real good. When you watch a movie with your daughter are you snuggled under a blanket together? It sounds like you had a nice evening.
Morning ladies!

We are hanging in there. I can't describe how tired I am. DH is away, I get everyone to bed at 10, my alarm is set for midnight and 3am to check dd, and then we have to get up in the morning for school/work. Dh comes back tonight so I plan to go to bed very early. I don't feel like we have dd's insulin/blood sugar levels right yet, they seem to be different every day, but the dr. says everything is fine. DD is handling it very well for the most part.

If there is a plus side to any of this, I am finding healthier recipes for dinner! And there are no treats in the house right now, it is just too tempting for her and not fair to have her watch others eat the stuff she used to enjoy.

I did an sts disc from meso 3 yesterday, or most of it anyway. It did feel good to get a workout in. My hamstring issue still flares up, not sure what to make of that.

Betty and Jean, I did watch DA this week. Maybe because I watched it in pieces, but I didn't enjoy it as much as previously. I didn't understand the story with Carson's friend - why would Matthew's mother have him stay with her? And I hadn't remembered that new maid, but I think it was a different one that Lord Grantham was attracted to? I also think O'brien will return, there hasn't been much written about the actress leaving the show, unlike the 2 others. I stay away from spoilers but I did read that tonight is a tissue night.

Betty, I think I remember you saying you cook quinoa? Are there any recipes you can recommend?

Carolyn, I hope your foot is feeling better. When my girls were younger they all did figure skating and we put an ice rink in our yard. Every year we moved it around to find a more level spot, we finally redid the front lawn and got it leveled, then the rink went there. I always hated looking at it in the spring when the ice had melted.

Sounds like you all are sticking with the new rotation. I always dreaded CCC, it is so tough and it repeats.

Now that the patriots are advancing in the playoffs, I have no excuse for not watching. I really don't enjoy it though and I have no clue about the game!
Good Morning Girls. Today is sunny , breezy , and in the 50's. It's a beautiful day. :D Today I did GS bk, sh , bi. I liked that w/o because she did different stuff. When Cathe was doing sh , she looked fantastic. You could see so many small muscles everywhere. Such definition. :eek:

Mary That is good you are finding healthier recipes. I hope her sugars get leveled off soon. Does she inject herself in the stomach?
In my opinion , Carson's friend went to Matthews mothers house because he wasn't well and she is a nurse and had room for him so she could make him feel better.
I don't watch football and I know nothing about the game. I have no desire to watch it regardless of what team is winning. I want to see the super bowl half time show to see Bruno Mars. But other than that I have no interest.
Hi girls, I had such a blast at a premium box last night watching the ladies figure skating championships, where the winners will get selected to go to the Olympics. The food wasn't much to write about but I enjoyed a couple of cupcakes. I don't get out much and I saw and hung with old friends and stayed out late.:D
I resisted getting on my tablet thus far today because I have chores and practice, and once I sit down to surf, forget it! I hadn't practiced since my Thurs lesson!

Marie, the 12# are my go to heavys for now since my forearm and shoulder issue. I should use 15 and 20 but I'm cautious. I'm so excited that you got these new items! You read of my travails with my resistance band? I now have 4 useless pcs of band where it was previously one. I need to get a new one.
My bro has a foam roller that I tried yesterday, a short one with spikes. I'll have to look into that one. Sil says she bought it at City Sports.

Mary, it's so wonderful to hear your voice. We are anxious for you and hearing your report today eases us. You sound so level-headed and under control. I give you all the credit!
I use quinoa in place of some steel-cut oats in the morning since my household isn't thrilled about it. (No oatmeal for that crowd either.) You can eat it in place of grains. Cook it with some broth for added flavor. Toss in frozen veggies late in the cooking process. I'm thrilled you'll try it. It's so nutritious. And thanks for reminding me not to keep sweets in the house; sugar is poison! My belly hangage is expanding too.
I believe Mrs. Hughes found a way to help Carson's friend and draw in the seriously-grieving Mrs Crawley to get her mind distracted. It worked.
You're right about the flirting maid--my sis insists it's a different person too, so I'm all wet.
When I sit down to watch something, I pause it a dozen times to go do things, like check on laundry running, turn on a flame, so DA was no exception. My mind is scattered with to-do things so I never feel like I catch everything.
How great about your outdoor rink! It seems like so much work though!

Jean, thanks for Broadchurch. I'm not sure why I don't have it on request. Could be that it wasn't available at the time.
We are so fortunate the Patriots play so well, but I simply can't get myself to like football.:rolleyes: It is the most vile sound to emanate from the tv, the sound of a football game whether it's college or pro.:p

Missy, check in with us!
Carolyn you should review X10 on the Shop Cathe page. It looks very high intensity. :eek: I think Betty has done it. I am doing Cardio Leg blast in place of it. Congrats on your son making his 1st goal. I'm sure you were proud. :D

Betty It sounds like you had a great time last night. You always seem to enjoy whatever you do away from home.

Missy I hope you are alright.
Here's your handy dandy reference:
I'm not sure if I'm up to doing 77 mins of X10. I can give it a shot, I suppose. Two segments seem to me high-impact.
That was so thoughtful of you to donate to Joslin!!!

Jean, I finally got The Heat (I'm looking forward to it even though M McCarthy's characters are pretty annoying), and Red 2 (have you seen this one?).

Mary, do catch up on your sleep. That's high priority for your physical and mental health.
Do those foam rollers really work? My calves certainly could have used one.

Betty I don't have the variety of w/o's that the rest of you have so I have to make due with what I have. Do you have another suggestion? I am open. You did suggest Tabatacise. I will compare that to X10 and maybe do that.
I enjoyed The Heat. I love M McCarthy . I will check out Red2.
Carolyn, thanks! I'll look at TJM. I certainly like that price better.

Jean, I do believe Tabatacise comes closest. It is broken down in segments like X10. Similar to X10, if you do all the segments you are fried!
You should probably watch Red first. You'd like it.

Football screaming from the tv all day. I'm going insane! It's forcing me to finally fold all the laundry I washed the day my sis left. Which was the 3rd, incidentally!:confused:
I am doing Tabatacise tomorrow. Thanks Betty. I am really impressed at how you can remember what these dvd's are like.

Carolyn we are in this rotation for you . If I can do it , you can do it. ;) I can't wait to see what Feb. rotation looks like.

Betty you are so funny with the laundry. :p Nine days isn't that long to stay unfolded. :rolleyes: I would think you would have been on a new round of laundry by now.

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