STS first time!

Is everyone doing CCC tomorrow? I am either doing Low impact Hiit or Drill max. Everything is so hard so me so it really doesn't matter what I do.

Betty Why did you do CCC today? Does it have to do with taking the weekend off? What are you going to sub for AB, GSL , CCC?

Marie I can't remember what those w/o's were like. My legs are so tired from GSL today that I will probably be crying tomorrow. :(

Carolyn How is Cuda? Comet always has something in his mouth also. It is very frustrating.
Jean, I have already done 3 strength training workouts in the past two days so I didn't want to do FT today. I also needed cardio so I selected CCC.
Let's see, a sub for AB--would that be CF, TTM, or AOLIH?
For GSL, I could do LL&A/GG or XT Legs
For CCC, I might pull out X10?
Nice job with Legs! That is NOT easy! Kudos to you!

Marie, great job knocking those out. I'll do those tomorrow. XT UB is awesome.

This was such a my-sentiments-exactly howler about the frigid US weather:
Get this: the last time I did CCC was April, 2013! Historically I seem to do it very infrequently. Too much impact.:confused:
Good morning! The lightest, finest snow is coming down right now. So pretty. That's why it was so ridiculously dark getting up this morning.

I keep a journal of my daily comings & goings including my exercise. It's like an accountability of my workouts for myself.

I woke feeling I cannot sustain this rotation as it is! It is killer on the old body. And Jean, you're a decade older and are doing it. I am so impressed.

But I will do FT & KM today if it kills me.
Mmmmm, nothing like a fresh pot of Dunkin Donuts coffee! With half and half and maple syrup.:p
Ok, I did FT and the leg conditioning drills. My calves and hips were feeling it. Heck, everything was feeling it. What a killer week. Way too many pushups, and too ambitious a setup for me. Such toughies back to back to back....
This gives me an idea though. I could do formal one-week rotations. Like all step & UB, or all KB & UB, or all XT.

Colleen, I hear you about the winter and cold. I feel it too. Did anyone click on that weather map? Hilarious!

Hello! Where is everyone?? I need some check-ins from you. Maybe you're sprawled on the floor after such a grueling week. Or am I just a wuss?
Hi Girls. It is raining light on and off today but we will reach 50 degrees. Tomorrow the 60's.
Today I did AOLIH in place of CCC per Betty's suggestion. Thanks Betty. I looked at CCC, Drill max and AOLIH and drill max was not really comparable. I try to do the best I can but I certainly don't look like Cathe and crew. This is a tough rotation but I am getting fatter by the day :rolleyes: so something needs to change. :p

Betty That coffee sounds good. I always buy the Dunkin Donuts pumpkin flavor. They will probably stop selling it shortly.
You have such a way with words: " You're a decade older". You should have said I am a tenth of a century older. :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D I know it was a compliment. I'm just playing with you. :p:p:p:p:p:p But Thank You. I do try but I'm nowhere in the league of you other girls.
I tried to click on the weather map but it wanted me to sign up for twitter.

Jean, you crack me up!:D
I definitely don't have Twitter and I didn't have that issue. Hmmm. Let's just say on the map there are a few choice words describing the polar cold all over the country!
DM is def too high-impact. My knees always feel shredded after that one, so sadly, that one is avoided too. Great choice with AOLIH.
Yes, my front of stomach seems to be expanding daily too.:confused:
Speaking of shredded, I better go take some Hydraplenish.
See if you can make this out. Sorry if this offends anyone!


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Quick check in as I'm walking the skyways during my break.

I did XTrain Bi's and Tri's this morning.

Couple things..

I need 12's. Can't believe I still don't have them.

Also tell me I'm still burning calories. I have this thing about doing upper body and thinking it's a useless workout. Ugh!

Ok sorry so quick. Back to work. My surgical is coming back from getting her appendix out.

Have a great day everyone!
Marie, building muscle burns calories in your sleep! Isn't that awesome?

Missy, I hope you weathered that insane weather all right!

Mary, I hope you're finding a few moments to get a workout in as your schedule allows. We all know how that helps our sanity.

As for profanity, that F word is THE most cathartic thing for me to get out my aggravations!:p But I only say it aloud if no one's around!

Jean and Mary, I'm in the middle of Downton and have some comments. There shouldn't be any spoilers here, Mary.
-They changed the opening theme. It's not as grand as the old one, which gave me goosebumps!
-I totally am in heaven whenever I see the shot of the estate framed between the tree branches with the gorgeous lawn in front!
-We discussed this a few months ago about O'Brien leaving abruptly. I personally don't believe she is gone permanently. It was a sneaky departure and I would bet that the producers would milk her downfall. That's my hope anyway.
-I totally forgot about that sly housemaid from a couple of years ago making a pass at Branson last season; I happened to catch it on a rerun last week. I only remember her with that stupid little eye-contact fling with Lord Grantham. That was SO dumb and pointless.
Back to the show. One more hour.
Marie of course you are burning calories. Muscles burn calories all day and night. You'll be fine. You can always add in more cardio if you're concerned. :eek:

Betty I didn't delete last weeks show because I feel I didn't give it 100% and I kept falling asleep. It was 2 hours which I didn't realize. So is this new , sly housemaid the same girl who was trying to make it with Lord Grantham? If I remember correctly , weren't they kissing in another season?
Oh I keep forgetting. Is anyone still watching The Biggest Loser? I just fast forward over the talking and watch the exercise portion and the weigh ins. I actually heard Bob say that he is gay. I always suspected but could never find any conformation.
Jean, I just finished and deleted it.
The sly woman was giving The Lord some longing looks, which he sort of reciprocated. He was such a fool. Was that last season? Or the one before? She kissed Tom Branson last season but I don't remember her actually kissing Grantham, but I've a bad memory.:p
I still watch BigL and yes, Bob came out on air; Jillian is too, you know? I missed the second half of this week's episode since I didn't know it was 2 hrs.
I'll probably stop watching after this season. It's the same ole same ole.

We can all continue with our 'modified' rotations. I love that we are almost doing the same workouts! But next week I like!

I've done nothing today!
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My calves are screaming. I can hardly walk. It took 24 hours for the doms to start from yesterday's GS legs. The calves are really the only problem. I have been doing so much leg stuff this last week , I guess I am getting used to it.

I do know that Jillian is gay. She and her partner have 2 children.

I cleaned 2 bathrooms and did laundry today. It is supposed to rain all day tomorrow and be windy.

Carolyn I hope you have safe travels tonight with the children.
Jean, have you watched Girl Most Likely and Redemption?
I guessed about Jillian before it ever came out.
I also felt it most in my calves.
Betty Thanks for the movie suggestions. I looked at them both and I put Girl Most Likely on my Netflix list. I love Annette Bening. Redemption didn't interest me.
How are your piano lessons coming along? Are you practicing everyday?
I finally met the lady who lives in our community half year and half year in Italy. I didn't talk to her much but she isn't Italian. I don't think she likes the day to day life in Italy because they hold on to old customs so much. She says it is better to go there on vacation.

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