STS first time!

Good Morning everyone. Today is in the 20's and full sun , no wind.
Last night only 3 of us showed up for Canasta so we sat and talked for an hour and then went home. I can't believe it was too cold for people to go less than a mile.
Today I did Supercuts in place of Flex Train. This rotation is really taking me out of my comfort zone which is what I need. I find this to be mostly leg based.
You all of making me dread GS legs. :( I think that might be tomorrow for me. It appears again in week 4.
I think we should try to do more of the monthly rotations. This is fun when we all do the same thing. :p

Betty We were talking last night about taxes on your house in different states and they were saying that the taxes are extremely high in Mass. Are you taxes real high on your house? One lady used to live in N.J. and said her taxes were $20,000 a year and said that Mass. is even higher. I couldn't afford a house if I had to pay $2000 a month just for the taxes.

Missy We miss you. What w/o's are you doing?
Jean- I don't want to scare you anymore than you already are but GS Legs was rough today. 67 minutes eek! I kept waiting for the stretch. I do love the floor work though, nothing like working out and laying down LOL. Although the burn was crazy especially with the one legged roll-ins and one leg squats on the ball. I'll definitely be feeling it tomorrow- scared for FT with the leg conditioning drills.

I ended up working out during his nap today. He woke up at 5:50 this morning so I gave him a bottle and laid in his crib with him and then we both fell asleep until nine. Felt nice to snuggle although it was pretty cramped in there.

Not too much else going on other than that. We didn't leave the house again today since it's so cold. Tomorrow we have his ECFE class. I'm excited to get back into that routine. We missed our storytimes this week but next week we will be going.

I think it would be awesome if we did more rotations together too. I've always wanted to do them but never have. I am thinking I will continue into the February rotation as well. I usually work out about 40 to 50 minutes so this rotation stuff is taking up it up a couple notches.

Carolyn- I've done CCC three times. Once pregnant, so I modified. It is high impact though. That one has a major dread factor for me.
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Hi friends, the temp wouldn't budge past 23. So dang cold. Sorry, Marie, I shouldn't complain.

ITA that it's fun when we do a rotation together! That's what brought us together, the STS one.

I don't remember CCC that much. I thought it was cardio and core. It's high impact??:confused:

Carolyn, sorry about your foot! You have to baby it for a while.
I saw that Scrabble game at TJM today! Was it a grayish box? I didn't look inside. No bands though. I never see bands but I do see tubing, which I have. Where's your niece attending?
Anything in a crockpot will come out good.

Jean, have you heard of Taxachusetts?? NH is the tax-friendly state that disgruntled MA residents either move to or go to shop.
My town's tax rate is actually low by comparison, but our assessed home values are high. 20k a year of taxes might be a $1M home but don't quote me on that.
Another aspect of taxachusetts is tax on all non-clothing goods, but not food. So, handbags, paper, pillows, etc.
I'm glad Legs isn't appearing until week 4 then, else it would be waaay too fresh in my mind.
Lol Carolyn- Teeny not so much ;) I was all curled up in there at 5'4." Good thing B is little, I'm sure he had hardly any room. Good thing he likes to snuggle. Sorry about your dinner. I'm sure I would have liked it. I hate cooking too. Mostly DH says he likes it but then why is he running over to the spice cupboard adding this and that to the meal.

Betty- Oh I wish we were in the 20's. It was a heat wave in MN at 1 degree today ;) CCC is core and cardio circuits. The cardio has lots of jumping though. Gross!
Rest that foot Carolyn!!!! You don't want to make it worse. Yay for UB tomorrow. Wish I could say that. My legs hurt already.

B is napping. DH is doing homework. I'm hungry!!! Thinking veggie patties with potstickers :) or chocolate ;) or both!
Carolyn you never did say what the meal was that you put over couscous.

Marie I can't imagine laying in a crib. I guess the rail was down so you could get in. I would also love to see a picture of that. Thanks for the warning about GS legs. I hate doing legs but I will get thru it.

Betty did you watch Downton yet?
I meant to comment on the crib too! I would worry it can't hold my weight!

I like couscous, and farro and quinoa and barley.....

Jean, I watched about 30 mins of Downton today. Sorry, I haven't had a chance to get to it (nor the mountains of laundry)!
Pace yourself with Legs.
Marie I can't imagine laying in a crib. I guess the rail was down so you could get in. I would also love to see a picture of that. Thanks for the warning about GS legs. I hate doing legs but I will get thru it.

You'll rock legs tomorrow :)

I'll make sure to get a pic :) Oh no I just hopped right over the rail. I was afraid I would give B the wrong idea, afraid he will be escaping soon. Crazy how things constantly change but they don't sell the cribs with the rails that go down anymore. Apparently they aren't safe or something. Who knows!
I meant to comment on the crib too! I would worry it can't hold my weight!

I like couscous, and farro and quinoa and barley.....

Actually when DH came in the room he mentioned that the bottom of the crib was sinking down. Eek haha! Didn't stop me though :)

Mmm I like all those too. Carolyn- I'm interested too to know what you made for dinner.
Just curious- how long are the Ab Circuits?

Alright off to bed. The plan to to get up and do FT and Legs Drills before ECFE class at 8:30. Wish me luck lol! Alarm is set for 5:30.
Marie, good luck! You're an amazing fit woman and mama.
Ab Circuits contains 5 or 6 10-20 min ab workouts. Quite unique, like many of Cathe's routines.
Must go to bed earlier myself.
Morning girls!

I am so tired of winter. Yuck! I don't like being cold.

So I've been keeping up with Leah BBPS1. Tuesday and today. I Walked On Mon And Yesterday Was A Rest Day.
I like couscous too. Just can't eat it anymore (it's weat based). Dh and kids like it as well. I like quinoa Dh does kids do not.
Good Morning. I survived GS legs. I was really dreading it but I didn't think it was any worse than her other leg dvd's. I was wearing my 10 lb vest and then I started getting a horrible pain in the back of my left thigh (hamstring?)
so I took off the vest and didn't use any weights. I was not able to do single leg ball roll ins so I did doubles. I hated the band work. OMG. I got my w/o done 1st thing because I am going to BJ's and I knew I wouldn't do it if I waited until I got home.

Hey Marie . Get a picture also of you climbing in the crib. You're a mess. :D

Hi girls, I had my lesson early this morning, then it was one food store after another. At one point I came home to pick ds1 up so we could go out to have bkfast for lunch. Turns out the place stops serving bkfast by the time we got there at nearly 2. I'm so craving eggs & bacon and all the trimmings.

Carolyn, Brandeis is close to me. (Dh used to work in Waltham.) That was so thoughtful of you.
I only did the pushups beginning with 10 reps:eek:.
Cuda seems like a hyper dog. They say dogs match their owners in temperament.:D
Can you try a tennis ball on your neuroma?

I need to digest and get started on FT. Maybe I'll do the KM section tomorrow. I don't feel any pain from GS Legs but I'm short on time. Ds2 has been going back to school for 6 so he eats dinner part 1 at 5:30. I better get moving!
Good job on getting your workouts done so early!

Jean, I walked through BJ's briefly today, after Costco. Haven't been there in ages.
Oh the DOMS! Eek! I love it though :)

FT and Leg Drills this morning. Thank goodness tomorrow is UB. What does everyone think of the XTrain bis and tris and chest, back and shoulders? They are a bit longer than the burn sets so I think I'll sub those?

Carolyn- Are you doing CCC tomorrow?
Freak! I typed a whole post, pressed Submit, then the whole app crashed!:mad:

Carolyn, we almost posted at the exact minute!
My forearm is almost 100%, my left shoulder not. For example, I cannot simply reach back and grab my left seatbelt. I have to lean to the right and turn first. Every so often I extend out my arm fast and it throbs. I stretch everything nightly and that helps.

I cranked out CCC. But modified and half-a$$ed. Too many things vying for my time and I don't feel like exercising nor want to sweat profusely. I feel the calf raises today. My knees are still feeling shredded from AB and GSL. Next time these 3 come up, I'm subbing!

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