STS first time!

Betty I normally watch it the night after it is on. I won't say anything until I know you have watched it. I need to verify that I am set to record also.

Yeah Carolyn. Get those puzzle pieces out of his excrement. :p
Seeing as so many of you live in heavy snow areas , do you have any suggestions for warm snow boots? I don't get a lot of snow but when I do I want a pair of boots that keep my feet warm and dry. I am not concerned with how "cute" they are.
Hi Girls. I just finished "Cardio Leg Blast". OMG. I hated it. I need to do that one more often because my cardio endurance is horrible.
Hi friends, I'm procrastinating. Should be making 3 bday cards for my bro's kids. The twins and youngest are all in January! Three days apart! Poor guy has two friend parties this past Sat, Sun (today), and next Sat (family for youngest).

Jean, if you find Salomon, Sorel, or Khombu, I believe they are great snow boot brands. We also have Columbia or The North Face, though with all of them, I'm not the prolonged outdoor type and couldn't tell you the cold duration of them; I might be outside shoveling an hour max. I also wear two pairs of socks underneath. Carolyn, can chime in here.
High five again on CLB.! That's a toughie. I don't like all the high-impact jumping stuff. Or is it squats and pulses and lunges? Or both?!

Carolyn, TJM has an online store??????????
Are you kidding?? I can't wait for the kids to go back to school! Ds1 is home for two more weeks but he'll be working part of those two wks.
I disabled the Groupon emails. It's paralyzing to me to get all those deals and then agonize over whether I need to buy. I don't.

Back to work....
Omg....carolyn....and I so freaking excited!!!!! I hope they continue with the kyodan....

Getting ready for the nasty cold here.....its going into teens and says it will feel like 5º.... and ontop of that....I have to start the early mornings for about 5 weeks to do the city psa fun!!! Not!!!!

Tim....just put a cat door on our shed for the outdoor kittiea....he also put a heat lamp with there bed under it.... its kinda toasty....they love it! Gonna turn the lamp on only on freezing nights!

I did my cardio this morning.....but I have caught the lazy bug....can I motivate myself to get up?????

Check back soon.....its snuggle time with Mr Boots!
Betty Thanks for the boot ideas. I will look at those. So far I found a pair of Wildcat that I like.
Clb has a lot of plyo jumping up and down and using the step. I didn't mind the squats and lunges. I guess she did them slow and not too many reps. I hate that jumping off of the step.
Today's movie was "Safe Haven". It was pretty good.

Missy Tim is such a handy man. Count your blessings.
Jean....I modify the jumping off bothers my back too bad.... as for my handy man...I am very thankful!!!

We have a bird feeder outside our front window....and the birds are crazy today....hehehe.... there are like 10-15 birds .... eating up for this cold weather!!!!

Making chili for dinner....yummy!


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Carolyn Those boots are too cute. Do you recommend getting your regular size? Those are on my list. All of the boots I like are Sorel. I also like the Tivoli and Joan of Arctic. They are pretty much sold out in my size but now that I have an idea of what I want , I can shop around. Thanks a lot for your help.

Missy You have such a nice yard. It looks so peaceful. I think it would be great to know there are 2 horses right out the door.
I have Joan of artic by sorel. I love Mine. Mine run big. I have small feet mine are a 6. I usually wear a 6.5. I'm short unlike Carolyn. :-(
Carolyn Sierra only has a size 5 and I need 6. Thanks anyway. If I see they come back in stock I will let you know. They are so cute. I love the stitch detail. Do you know what color you got? Curry/Biscotti or Pewter Kettle? I am eyeing the Pewter.

Colleen Thanks for your input. I was thinking hard about the Joan of Arctic until I saw Cate the Great. Check them out. They are too cute.
You girls crack me up.....I would die if I had to buy snow boots!

I was just complaining about this weeks temps.....there now predicting 16º.... what???? In south ga??

Jean....thanks....we work hard on our yard ...I always like it to look perfect!!!!

Chilling with my husband watching tv!!!!

Have a nice evening!!!!! :-D
Oh...btw....Carolyn...I'm tall too.... I wear a 9 1/2! I always wonder....does my feet look big in these shoes???? Hehehe.... so I understand!!!!!
Good morning!
Can it be any darker?? Rain and fog too. But 50s! Most of snow is gone. Insane! Will be in teens tomorrow!
Starting my rotation later. Is it AfterBurn? Can you say dread?:p. Haven't done that one in ages!

Missy, that's frigid for Southern Georgia!
Carolyn, I'm trying the January rotation! I never last long though. Just did AB (so much intense floor work!) and Wts & Plates. It's a killer! The floor disc stuff is repeated in the abs section. My knees are deep-fried!:confused: The good news is that I'm a lot stronger since the last time I did AB (which was in April)!;)
How was it for you?

Mary, I hope you're finding a routine and an oasis of calm daily.
Hi Girls. I was looking at your rotation and there are 6 dvd's I don't have and I was looking at replacements . Tell me what you think of this:

Instead of Flex train I could do Afterburn
Instead of cardio core circuits I could do Drill Max
Instead of X10 I could do Cardio Leg blast
Instead of Body Blast L & G I could do Butts and Gutts
Instead of 4DS I could do Hardstrikes
Instead of Crossfire I could do Tabata

Let me know if you think these might be comparable.
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Jean, we posted at the same time!
I would sub Supercuts for Flextrain
Yes on 4DS KB subbed with Hardstrikes, though the latter is much longer
Too bad you don't have LL&A yet, but how about XT Legs to sub for L&G?
Is Tabatacise closer to X10, everyone?
Is AT or CSS closer to CCC? (Don't know if you have these.)
How about AOLIH for CF?
Chime in for input, everyone. I'm not great at remembering the workout exactly.

Will someone please stop me from checking this forum ceaselessly??:p
Hello Everyone!
Figured I could post while I am eating lunch at my desk. I think it will be good to get back into a routine. I am glad we had an extra 2 days off last week for snow, it gave dd a little more time to adjust. Her blood sugar levels have been all over the map, and the dr. adjusts her insulin doses every few days and we have to be super diligent about checking and correcting. We have to keep checking her at midnight and 3 am, then again at 6, so she really hasn't been getting up until 10. It was tough this morning, so dark and foggy. She must be getting used to all the finger sticks because sometimes I can check in the night without waking her up.

That said, I was very nervous for her to go back to school today. I drove her in and met with the nurse first thing this morning. There are 10 diabetics in the school, so dd was glad to hear she is not the only one. The nurse was very nice and supportive and said the teachers would be too. It will just be time until this becomes our normal.

I have not been managing much in the way of workouts. I seem to have a short attention span. Like yesterday I did a warmup and my hamstring stretches in the morning, then in the afternoon I did about 30 minutes of an sts disc. That's the way it has to be for now.

DH is supposed to leave today for the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas, but jetblue has cancelled all flights out of Boston. He still has to figure out a way to get there but it would be nice if his trip was shortened.

Congrats to you all for doing the new rotation!
O.K. I did Afterburn and weights and plates. I am going to try to keep up with you guys. My legs were sore from yesterday's w/o so I really didn't enjoy this one much. On weights and plates , at one point I could feel my triceps working and then Cathe said "You might feel this in your triceps". She always knows how I feel. :p But I feel I do better with a rotation and w/o buddies who are doing the same thing.
Thanks for the substitution ideas . I will write them down and see what I have.

It is raining today with 64 degree temps. All the snow is gone. :D Tomorrow is going to be 14 degrees. :eek:
O.K. I have everything yal suggested. So I'm in. Is tomorrow our rest day? :eek:

Mary You and your daughter must both be tired getting up at 3 am. :( That is amazing that she can sleep thru a finger prick. I guess she is developing like a callus. Hopefully it won't be much longer until her insulin doses are figured out. What kind of symptoms was she having that made you take her to the Dr? My daughters friend had a pump placed in her thigh to automatically give her injections.

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