STS first time!

Omg, where is everyone?? You're all doing well? Have we ever not posted for a day??
Yesterday my sis & I met my bro & s-i-l at their town Y and did a TRX class, which uses ceiling-suspended straps and body weight for a workout. It was tough and we are very sore in the UB today. Tomorrow we are planning on a Pilates class.
Christmas dinner at my bro's was great yesterday. Filling, of course.
After being fine yesterday, today dh feels nausea and intense stomach pain. I wonder if he got a stomach bug or food poisoning, though we are all fine. Poor guy has been sick on his vacation days.
My muffin top is feeling a bit thicker today. Can you say uncomfortable??
Have a great Saturday!
Hello everyone. Thanks for your support. It gets slightly easier with each day. We still feel overloaded. We went back to Joslin yesterday, they are still adjusting her insulin levels but the staff is so good there. We have to check her blood glucose every 3 hours, even during the night. The poor thing is exhausted. And we have to find a way to measure every carb she is going to put in her mouth. It feels like our lives have been turned upside down. But they also want her to continue with her regular life, so she and her sister were invited to a friend's sleepover birthday party tonight and I brought it up to the nurse, and she said she should go. We have to keep checking in with each other and I have a call in to the mom to let her know what is going on. But I will be a wreck.
We had a nice Christmas in spite of this. We got a silly little card game called Anomia and we all played that and got very silly. It felt good to laugh.
Hi girls, feeling a bit glum today. Dh has been laid up in bed for 24 hrs with idk what. He could have the flu or some stomach bug. Intensely painful. Doesn't let up. I'm going nuts constantly washing my hands and wiping things down. In the meantime people are coming and going, food to prep, dishes to clean, endless. To top it all off, tomorrow is his family's Xmas and he won't be in any shape to go. Nor do I want to go. Ds1 said he would take ds2. I feel guilty if I don't go but I am not in the mood. It's a yearly feeling for me, I'm afraid. Regardless, I still have to get some gifts and stuff ready.

Mary, I'm so relieved for you that things are getting a bit familiar, if you can call it that. You hang in there. It will all become second nature, by necessity. How long have dd's symptoms been around?

Carolyn, you poor thing on your furniture. Give it some time and have everyone sit on it more and it'll soften. In the meantime, is there a money-back guarantee?

Sis and I did Pilates this morning. Loved the instructor that s-i-l recommended. He, yes, he, did all the moves in a very slow pace. Like slow & heavy, ya know? Loved the class. After, we all went out to breakfast, except dh of course. White flour stuff. Now we've been home. I feel bad that it feels like we're cooped up all the time.

Hello everyone...sorry not post since Christmas.....been crazy busy...... we did some yard work, then had groceries to buy, cook for family, spend lots of time with my wonderful hubby, and work....on my few days off, I just hung out with Tim....we never every turned the computers on.....he he he

Today....I took all the Christmas decor down.....we rearranged the living room, and then I was on a entire house is spotless.....I love it! Now, tomorrow I can rest!!!!

I will check in the the am.....its raining and the cold front is moving in....brrrrr!!!!

Hope everyone is okay! Good nite!
Forgot to mention.....I ordered a new cell phone.....yeah!!!!! So it should be here I think Tuesday.....then I can get back to checking in regularly!!!!! With my busy schedule, its hard to get to a computer a lot of the time!!!! He he he :)
My kids keep telling me to call the doc but dh refuses. By the morning if it doesn't improve I will. He doesn't have a fever. This afternoon he had THE most intense stomach pain when he took some Tylenol with water. He felt slightly better (a marked improvement) with the masked pain. I bet he felt like something was trying to claw its way out! Any ideas what to do for a stomach bug? He won't take anything.
Did you find any activewear, Carolyn? So far, sis and I have gone to two Banana Republics (buying so many inexpensive tops that I don't need!:rolleyes:) and one Lululemon. We'll hit the outlets next week now that our other sis is on vaca.
I don't think I would try the trx again--me no likey that much. I do love Pilates on the Megaformer though.
My mom came over and made an annual winter solstice soup which requires almost everyone's help. It is so delicious and it's a nice tradition. After, we played a card game called Five Crowns, like we've been playing for nearly 10 yrs.
I need to go to bed earlier!
Hi girls.

We had a good Christmas. My in laws, SIL, MIL and FIL came up on Christmas morning and then we (without inlaws) went to my parents on Christmas afternoon. We were supposed to spend the night at my parents but my dad ended up getting si k with a 103 fever so we drove home. He has a upper respiratory infection. It's a 2 hour drive each way so it was a long day. The kids were fantastic.

We took down all our Christmas stuff yesterday. Feel good to be back to normal. I've been working out. I just missed yesterday.

Betty. I hope Dh feels better soon.

Carolyn I'm sorry about the furniture. Do they have have a return policy?

Mary I'm glad things are starting to get to feel somewhat normal. How did dd do at the sleepover?

Time to make some breakfast.
Hi girls.

We had a good Christmas. My in laws, SIL, MIL and FIL came up on Christmas morning and then we (without inlaws) went to my parents on Christmas afternoon. We were supposed to spend the night at my parents but my dad ended up getting sick with a 103 fever so we drove home. He has a upper respiratory infection. It's a 2 hour drive each way so it was a long day. The kids were fantastic.

We took down all our Christmas stuff yesterday. Feel good to be back to normal. I've been working out. I just missed yesterday.

Betty. I hope Dh feels better soon.

Carolyn I'm sorry about the furniture. Do they have have a return policy?

Mary I'm glad things are starting to get to feel somewhat normal. How did dd do at the sleepover?

Time to make some breakfast.
Good morning"!! Just finished an hour on the treeadmill!!! for the stomach bug.....normally if its that bad....they run a fever...I would definately get him to a Dr..... normally for normal stomach just push fluids and with time they pass....but this doesn't sound like normal tummy bug...... I hope your patient is feeling much better today....fingers crossed!

Carolyn....I went to tjmaxx yesterday too and didn't get nothing! Nothing in my size!!! Errrr....

Colleen....I completely understand getting back to normal....I was so excited to have my living room back! Its the little things in life....hehehe

Gotta make breakfast.....have a lovely Sunday!!
Hi girls, dh got up and went to Frozen Fenway (ice skating at our baseball park) with ds1! For 9 am! After barely drinking and not eating for over 24 hrs! We ended up going to s-i-l's till 11 pm! His stomach hurt a little after getting food in. He's going to work tomorrow.

Colleen, how is your dad?
Carolyn, how is dh's granddad?

God, I hope the virus doesn't make the rounds but it's so hard with so many people around constantly!
Missy, thanks for the fluids tips. Makes a lot of sense to me but dh doesn't listen. His niece is training to be a PA and she said the same thing; maybe he'll listen to her.
On the way home tonight, ds1 said he had a stomachache. God help us!

Outlets tomorrow! Need to get some sleep. You see the times I've been posting at night??
Hi Everyone. Not much to report here. Yesterday's movie was "A home at the end of the World". I don't know if I liked it or not. I guess 3 stars.

Carolyn I love that foot rest that you got. I am looking for one for my bedroom .. We don't have a Sam's anywhere near. I will probably end up getting one online. But your couch is definitely grey. It all looks so nice.

Betty I hope your husband is feeling better. It sounds like he was not doing good.

Missy will you be doing a rotation?

I hope everyone is enjoying their families.
OMG, Happy Birthday, Jean!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!xoxo

Outlets were SO crowded that I couldn't shop! Waiting for my sis to return so we can do a quick trip to TJM. It's one hour till closing!:confused:

Carolyn, I've been averaging 1:00 am and after bedtimes.:confused:
I hope your sis made it on standby. Have a blast with her! Is she on her own?
Believe it or not, oil pulling diminishes the fluids in the bags under your eyes. Try it!
That hassock is cute! I can't believe you found a matching one!!! (How d'ya like that old-fashioned word??;))
For me, a great diet with exercise begin on Friday.

Dh didn't ease back into the food yesterday so his stomach was expelling with pain all that he ate.

Mary, I trust dd did just fine at the sleepover.
Morn girls!

Happy New Year eve!

Betty hope Dh is feeling better today.

Carolyn I am to hear about your Sil.

No work out for the last 3 day to me. We have been organizing and cleaning like mad. DH has painted a few rooms that desperately needed it! It felt good to get it done. Back to working out today.

I hope every enjoys NYE. Be safe.
Happy New Years Eve! I work blah! 3-11:30. Not that I'd do anything anyways but hanging with my boys is always better than working lol! I very much so dislike evening shift. I am not a night owl but it's my holiday to work.

No workout today or yesterday. I've been doing really well with workouts and portion control with all the food around but these last two days I just slipped off the wagon. Honestly it's kind of nice to not stress about every bite I put in my mouth but let me tell you I don't feel good physically or mentally when I overeat. Ok wow I'm being negative. New paragraph with positive thoughts please haha...

Christmas was amazing! My sis was in town and the kids were beyond cute together. We were up north at my mom and stepdad's place. My mom and I did Cathe :) and then a few of us went snowshoeing one day which was really fun. We made the rounds on our way home to DH's grandparents' and then his dad's place. The next day was my dad's and tomorrow is DH's mom's. Oh and we had DH's brothers and their wives over one evening too. It's been great but busy and quite honestly I'm looking forward to getting back to a routine of working weekends with storytimes, B's school and such during the week.

Well I better get ready for work. Fingers crossed it goes fast! Have a great night everyone :)

Happy New Year everyone! Here's to a healthy 2014. Best wishes to you all and thank every one of you for your support on this forum!
Hi everyone,
DH is slowly on the upswing. His face looks so gaunt.
We went out for ramen in Cambridge. That was yummy! About as good as the ones in CA. A tiny, tiny place which we waited in line for. Normally dh would never wait. Then we went to Flour Bakery in Boston for their delicious mocha and sticky buns. Soooo much city driving.:confused:

Ds1 was fine the other night. Nothing abnormal.

I didn't look at the calendar for Jean's bday. I simply made a mental note to remember the 30th when my sis is here. With all that's going on, I almost forgot.

Carolyn, I'm so sorry for your SIL. Is she your bro's wife or dh's sis? She'll need a lot of support on daily trivialities. I'm sure she has a wonderful support network of family and friends. A close friend of mine was diagnosed at stage 0 and did a year of treatment. What stage is SIL? I'll keep her in my thoughts.

Going to my bro's tonight. We're stuffed from lunch & dessert!
Have a wonderful NYE, my friends.
Happy New Year Everyone. May we all be Healthy and Happy in 2014.:D
Today is our Potluck at the community center at 1 PM. That should be fun because so many new people are moving in. I think they sold 30 lots last year. Anyway I am taking meatballs in sauce and will be running the 50/50 raffle.
I have been eating like a 14 year old girl with a fast metabolism so this has got to end after today. :eek:

Marie B is too cute. He is getting so big. It will soon be time to start thinking of another baby. We watched "Fargo" the other night. I hope where you live doesn't look as icy and depressing as that place.

I am glad everyone's family is recuperating from their illnesses.

Carolyn I am sorry to hear about your sister in law. I hope she has a full recovery. Let us know how she is doing.

Happy New year Everyone.
Happy new year!!!

Jean....happy birthday!!!

Its raining and raw out today!!!! Brrrrr....

Tim and I are driving to tally to go eat chilis for lunch and then to hobby lobby....yeah!!!

I've already ran on treadmill this morning....tonight will be a cathe dvd....which one???? Hmmmm.....

Hugs my fit friends!!!♥
Happy late Birthday Jean :) Oh yes Fargo lol definitely not like Minneapolis thank goodness. Although it is below zero here lately. I miss walking to the park to meet up for play dates. Seems most people stay in this time of year which I can't say I blame them.

Carolyn- My clean eating starts on Monday too! I figure I won't stress until then. Lets make a point to check in with each other so we hold each other accountable.

I didn't workout today shame shame. It does feel good to not stress about it through. Just trying to enjoy the time off. T, B and I are going to stay in a hotel tomorrow :) Love our family time. I'm better at slowing down when we have our hotel adventures. Yesterday B fell asleep in DH's arms and I was telling him that he never does that with me but DH had a good point when he said that I never sit down. I like everything neat and put away before I relax which seems to be the hour before bedtime. So this year I'm going to focus on slowing down. As we speak there are dishes in the sink and Christmas presents not put away (we just got back from DH's mom's house for our celebration with her). It's driving me nuts and quite honestly after I send this message I'm going to have to go clean everything up. Both the boys are napping but I decided to take a little chill time for myself. Anyways that's my resolution :)

Have a great day everyone!

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