STS first time!

Betty I have never had a cold sore. Then 2 weeks ago I was going someplace that involved a lot of people and low and behold , a cold sore was starting to appear when I woke up. I have a steroid cream called Fiuocinonide and I applied it all day and it went away. I hope yours goes away soon.
Missy that is very strange! And it sounds like you went to work today. I hope you are feeling better.

I put off working out so I could organize my gifts and start wrapping. I have to wrap the gifts that my Mom gives my girls too, and I got that part done. And I realized 2 gifts have not even arrived yet, but are on their way. It is easy to lose track when ordering online. Then I had a PT appt at noon (I can't tell if I am getting better or not), and now I am having a cup of tea. Girls should be home any minute and it could get chaotic.

I decided to sign Santa tags one more year. I sign Santa with my opposite writing hand - it worked when they were little.

Carolyn, good luck with DS's party.

Jean, good idea to freeze those cookies, they would not last around my house!
Hi Girls. We are having spring weather and the Robins are out like it is summer. Next week will be cold again. Today I did disc 33. I love those 6 reps.
Bookclub was fun on Wednesday night. We read aloud "A Christmas Carol". We didn't have parts we just read the next line . There were 8 of us and there were a lot of laughs.
The cookie exchange last night was a lot of fun. We had 14 people who made cookies. So I brought home 7 dozen cookies. I am going to divide them up into bags and put them in the freezer. The hostess lives in a house like mine and her place looks so much prettier inside than mine. I am very minimal because I don't want to spend my life cleaning. I guess I need to get more stuff. I am starting to get to know these ladies better so I feel more comfortable.

Missy could you have had an episode of Vertigo? I had that once and it sounded just like what you experienced. I hope you feel better. We don't want you to be under the weather when Santa arrives.

Marie have a great Christmas with your family.

What a cool idea with the cookie exchange! Yummy haha!

Missy- I was thinking the same thing Jean is. Vertigo sounds exactly right. How scary that must have been.
Oh you guys thank you so much! I am SO beyond excited that my sister is here. I hate that she lives in CO. I just miss her so much and get so sad when I think of all the fun times we are missing out on with the kids. My niece is 20 months. It was so fun to see her and B interact this evening. We went to my dad's and stepmom's for dinner. Tomorrow we will head to Duluth for a full five days :) Love my family time. Nothing better :)

Workout this morning was AOLIH again. B was up at 4:30 for some reason this morning, very odd for him. I took him downstairs with me and he watched me workout. He loves dancing to Cathe. It's the cutest thing ever. Must get it on video one of these days. Then he had some cheese in his highchair while I showered. I pull it right up to the bathroom door. Then he went back to bed right before I left for work. It was fun to get in some mama/son time even though it was super early ;)
Well we didn't get the good ol "crying kid on Santa's lap" picture. He was a little nervous at first and then was all smiles :)

Marie, he's so beautiful!
I totally understand your sadness about your sis living in CO. I could say volumes about it but you understand and feel the same way.

Carolyn, I'm sure you pulled it all off. What crazy stress though. Here's a high five for all your hard work!

Mary, I'm so excited you got all that done today! It feels so good! And thanks for the compliment!

Jean, I've heard cold sore germs are contagious. Lucky me to have caught it, for a person who doesn't get many colds. The only person I know who has them is my s-i-l. I've never applied anything before. Next time I should get some stuff like Abreva. How did you get yours? OTC in pharmacy?

Ds1 came home!
I typed a post, then my tablet crashed. It's now over an hour later!:mad:

Marie, I'm going to have to agree with Carolyn! That's a gorgeous pro shot! Did you take it with your iPhone?

I haven't seen ds for 3 wks. It's great to have him home but tomorrow reality will set in--nag, nag, nag. In honor of his homecoming, this morning I made Belgian waffles with apples. I'm proud of myself for coming up with that one.;) Dh made hash. It came out of a can and was tasty. What wouldn't with all that sodium, right? I wonder if WF sells one without nitrates, etc. I forgot to check earlier. Darn it.

Carolyn, I'm excited for dd! I'm sure you outdid yourself making it magical for your kids!
Where did you end up getting your cake? How was his party?

Incidentally, having one more female in the house in a daughter makes a huge difference. I've seen the coldest fish turn sweet and touching. I'm so sorry for me that it's not the case here.

Enjoy these calm days before Christmas.

Today was mild, low 50s, for the winter solstice. I'll take it!!!
Hi Ladies. We went to my friends house for dinner tonight. Her son , daughter in law and grand baby are here from Calif and I wanted to see the baby. The baby is 3 mos old and weighs 21 lbs. I held him and was surprised at how heavy he was. He has got to be the cutest baby I have ever seen. My friends husband made me a shelf like a bookcase to put my cremains on. I told them exactly what I wanted and the color and it came out exactly perfect. I have it in my breakfast nook.

Marie I really enjoyed your pictures. B is so cute and getting bigger everyday.

Carolyn I am glad your party is over and was a success. I know every year you go to a lot of work to make sure your children have nice parties. That is too bad you had to buy another cake but I am sure the one you made was nice looking. You do really nice cakes.

Betty The medicine I have was a prescription from the Dr. when I was getting really bad chapped lips. Enjoy having your son home. Our weather was 70 today and warmer tomorrow.
Oh, THOSE cremains! I didn't even know what the word meant! I didn't even think of the animals:eek:.

Jean, it used to be that Blistex for chapped lips can also be used for cold sores?? Not sure any more.

Missy, I hope you're all right as well.

Good night. Thinking of popovers for breakfast. Or, as they call them in England, Yorkshire pudding?? Makes no sense to me.
Betty I watched some YouTube videos on cold sores and here are some items that help prevent them:

After you get rid of your cold sore , change your toothbrush
High SPF lip balm
Super Lysine coldstick
Neem Stick Lip Therapy
Neem oil
L-Lysine supplements
Neem Leaf
Compeed Total Care

Some of these are preventative measures. But none of this is harmful. When I was fostering kittens/cats with upper respitory (sp) , the vets always recommended L-Lysine.

Look up these items and see if they are anything you want to try. Hope this was helpful. :D
Hi friends, cloudy and cooler today. Now it has started sprinkling which has the seeming effect of making it look foggy. I feel cold, even though I have my customary robe and booty slippers on, with fleece pjs underneath.

Jean, you are so sweet to do all that research for me! Thank you! Oddly enough the cold sore always comes up on the same spot, below my bottom lip on my right side. Now I wonder why high spf lip balm would prevent them? This Neem brand seems to have a few options.

Carolyn, popovers look like this: Perfect Popovers, Recipe from ,
Puffy, airy cones of bread. Mine were denser and didn't rise that much because I always use white whole wheat flour. I subbed with 1/3 AP flour. This is the very recipe I used.
I've been eating a lot. And a lot of meat. Forget about counting calories, etc. It's the holiday season. There's always January, which starts the get fit/lose weight campaign the country goes on. Nothing else to do in January anyway.;)
I'm sitting here working on a photo book of ds1's time in Germany. It is so fun 'reminiscing'. The three guys went out for KFC:confused: (which, incidentally tastes MUCH better in Europe, per ds1). I only allow it a couple of times a year, and yes, I indulge too--talk about oinker. Not only that, they're getting a Dunkin' Donuts boston cream donut for me.:eek: Talk about pigging out.

Carolyn, that cake sounds delish. Costco has a tuxedo mousse cake that tastes decadent too.
No guilt, right? We work out all year long, ever so faithfully!
I am so excited for your mom getting that bike!
Today's movie was "All you need is Love". I would give it 3 stars. Part of it was in French ? with subtitles and part in English. It was kind of about a wedding in Italy. It was alright.

Betty I am surprised to hear you are eating KFC. And a donut. I know you will enjoy it though.
A lot of sun can cause cold sores to come on. Plus stress.
Do you feel that eating meat is more calories?

Carolyn Will your Mother's bike fit in the car/truck now that it is put together? I hope she will use it.
I can feel my girth expanding too! I am having little bits of chicken (the sides they ordered) with German beer! Yes, you heard me correctly. Ds1 brought a few bottles home and we're just getting to another. How apropos for my working on his photobook.;)

Jean, I thought that movie was lame, by American standards. I used to have the hugest crush on Pierce Brosnan when he was Remington Steele. Now he is old. The Danish actress is good. (The beginning was set in Denmark.) The Sorrento/Naples scenery in Italy is gorgeous. I didn't make it there this time around.
I don't think meat is necessarily more calories. I only want to eat less of it.

Carolyn, you tantalized us with the promise of a bike pic!
Your mom will have to hang her tv up high!
Hello....sorry to worry you....I'm okay! Vertigo per my doc! I felt awful all day I came home from work...Tim made a homemade pizza and I just rested in the recliner!!! Saturday I went to town and got groceries then came home and rested as I felt not 100%, just felt off..... today I feel like myself again....woke up and did my cardio and then did some yard work....I just sat down after cooking dinner.....Now its time to watch a Christmas movie and rest.-..- gotta rest up for one more work day till my Christmas vacation!!!! Yeah!!!! Its much needed for sure.

Marie the pics are too cute!!!! Enjoy christmas with you sister!!!!

I am always like a kid at Christmas....excited to open my presents!!!! He he he

Thanks for being concerned and asking bout me! Truly means a lot!

Hello Collen, Mary, Betty and Carolyn and jean!!!! I'll catch up 2morrow-......

Tim is ready for a movie.....this is rare....gotta run! Goodnight! Chat in the am!
Good morning!!! Its Christmas eve eve!!!! Yipeee!!!! Up and on the treadmill!!! Lets hope this last day of work goes perfectly!!!!

Check in later....have a wonderful day!!!!

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