STS first time!

Thanks for the well wishes for DD. She is over the moon! She is also relaxing a bit, which is fine, but I told her she has to find scholarships and apply. I myself can't believe it is all decided, but I am glad we don't have to look at any more schools. Carolyn, I was thinking of her this morning while I was driving and I got a little teary-eyed. I suppose that will happen more often now.

And younger DD made volleyball, so we had a good week.

I am looking forward to the snow, because I want an excuse to stay in! I love it when it snows and we don't go anywhere, we have a fire in the fireplace and the girls are home. But I realized today they have no boots, so I don't know what we'll do about that. I had been looking for snowpants in Marshalls but I think I waited to long, they are all gone.

Missy I forgot I had gotten a Kyodan top on your recommendation, very pretty dark gray with bright green collar. I know I wore it but now I can't find it anywhere. So strange.

Marie, you will have a wonderful Christmas with B. They are so cute at that age, and so easy to please with presents.

Betty, will you do a piano recital? There was an older retired woman who played in the recital that dd played in, it was very impressive. She learned piano after she retired.

Jean, I too love hearing about your retirement, it gives me something to look forward to.

I braved the mall this morning, the stores opened at 8, and there were still lines!
Hi girls,
Just watching the news now and the rain line will be moving up from the south by 6 am. Yay. It has been snowing for many hours. It was tough driving home. Plus there were so many cars on the road! We went to Tewksbury, Mary. Thought of you as we drove through Woburn, Billerica, Wilmington. Speaking of which, we hit the latter town's TJM. Not as much stuff as I was expecting there but bought a couple of things.
We got together with cousins and siblings, the former of which we haven't seen in over a year. It was great to see them. We really get each other, ya know? We all grew up together, in the same house.
Ate so many desserts too, which hosting cousin is really good at.:eek: And I brought a German Riesling too, so I indulged in that. It was tasty.:p

Marie, there are hands-free pumping bras??? Wow.
What an adorable image of B taking off his socks to point at his toes. OMG, priceless. I would snuffle his little feet too.

Mary, congrats to younger dd. Do your girls feel competitive against one another? My sisters and I were never that I know of.
I could never play at a recital. My nervousness would paralyze me. I would be soaked with sweat too. Pathetic.:eek:

Carolyn, my ds wears 14/16. Your ds is sprouting! There was a navy Columbia jacket at TJM just his size today for $30.
Omg, I'm the same way, being so indecisive, then having to go back!:confused:

Colleen, I will try to remember to look for orthotics to put in my workout sneakers to see if that helps my knees. How is your knee?

Jean, I did get back Before Sunrise. I can't believe how long ago I saw it. Don't remember a thing but how romantic and how much I loved Vienna. Or was it Paris?
Good snowy morning! It is so pretty outside. I haven't worked out yet, will do something later. We got our tree decorated last night, and a fire is going this morning, so I am enjoying my day so far.

Betty, you were in my neck of the woods yesterday. I am envious of you spending so much time with your relatives. My family is small and scattered, and we did not see our cousins so much growing up.

My twins do feel competitive with each other, I think that is why they have been fighting so much. But they are developing different interests and I am hoping it works itself out soon.

Carolyn, great job on getting the winter clothes, even tho you had to do the extra driving. Sounds like ds will be growing out of things quickly.

Have a great day!
Happy Sunday Girls. Yesterday my puppy woke up at 4:44 wanting to go out. So most of the day was spent in my pj's in bed sleeping and watching t.v.. I got dressed around 4pm. Last night we watched the first half of the new Bonnie and Clyde movie. It was no where near as good as the one with Warren Beatty. I think when he was younger , he was the best looking man I have ever seen.
Today I did 20 minutes on the elliptical followed by disc 31. Now I have to decide what to do when I am done with STS. I am thinking hard on doing the 90 day Xtrain rotation. I am afraid I will lose my strength gains from sts but I think my body needs something different.
I hope all of you ladies with snow enjoy it. It is a beautiful thing .

Betty Phragmites are a perennial grass found in wetlands that is very invasive and very highly flammable. I think they can spread around 25 feet a year so they closer they get to homes or bridges , they need to be cut down. The roots are hard to kill.
Druzy Quartz is a thin layer of quartz crystals covering the surface of a host stone.
Did you and your cousins grow up in the same house?

Marie That is so cute how B takes his socks off. :D Do you still take a picture every month of his B'day with a little sign?

Carolyn I put Glucosamine on my grocery list. Maybe it will help with all of my joint pains. Your son is growing like a weed. I am glad you found him some snow clothes. At the rate he is going you will need bigger ones next year. :eek:

O.K. I am freezing so it is time for a hot bath. I will be back later to report on today's movie.
Carolyn You sure stay busy. That loft bed sounds really nice. Your daughter is going to want one after she sees his. His bedroom sounds really small.

Todays movie was "We don't live here anymore". It was from 2004. It was a pretty good movie.
Hi girls
Dang cold day. Just did chores around the house. Then umpteen hours of tv. I feel like a cow, and ate like one too.:eek: No self-control.

Carolyn, I can't believe you weren't going to have kids. It's unlike you considering how much of a mom you are.
The room plans sound so fun and intriguing.

Ugh, yesterday I woke with a cold sore. What on earth??? Been applying coco oil on it.
Sweet dreams, all.
Hi girls! Loathe the cold. The snowy landscape depresses me.
Step, step, step is in order this week. And kickboxing. Need to get back to basics and lay off the UB weights. See how long I last.
Need to clean and do as much as possible this week before my sis comes next week.
Wassup, my friends?
Ok, just finished XT Legs (barre, ball, standing, floor) and waiting for my oatmeal to cook. Haven't done that one since LL&A came out so it was a nice change for my muscles. A killer long one, at 67 mins.
I haven't a lick of decorations out!:confused::eek: Must get on that too!
Hi girls

Happy Monday.

Yesterday I did UT cardio. My knee needed the yoga. It felt so good. My knee was hurting so bad that iced it on Saturday. It feels much better after yoga. I'm wondering if the spin aggravated. I did spin twice last week.

Today I did SBF instead of Leah. I'm liking variety right now. Oh my UB is sore from yoga yesterday.

We got snow on Saturday and and the kids needed to get out of the house yesterday. We all went roller skating. It was so much fun. Even DH enjoyed it!

One more week of work then I am off until the new year! I can't wait!!
Where is everyone?? What, you have a life or something?:p
I'm freezing!
Got some things accomplished. Yay!

Colleen, roller skating sounds like a ton of fun. Good for dh too! I used to do it as a teenager.
Awesome that you did UY! It's been a while, right? His more rigorous workouts are killer on the UB.
Carolyn, I seriously hear you about what moms do at Xmas! I did all the same things, down to the paper, labels, handwriting!:D On the cursive, I used to slant to the opposite side. Does anyone realize and appreciate??
Oh, to do all the Xmas stuff then still have to do bday stuff. Crazy stress!
Ds was looking over my shoulder last night too so I had to turn my screen away from him.
I need to lay off the veggie chips and Popcorners. Has anyone had the latter? I am addicted to them. Oink oink.
I am bummed at the moment because dh is coming down with something. He says he's chilly. He hasn't been sick in over 2 yrs!
Good Morning . Nothing new here. Yesterday I was coughing a lot and thought I was getting sick but all is fine now. We went to the Environmental club last night and had a speaker on the Inland Bays. This morning I am going with my friend to take 2 of her dogs to the vet. She is getting her knee replacement repaired in January and has to walk with a cane. So I offered to help her. Then maybe groceries. Our community is giving Christmas donations to the SAFE house which is for battered women. I bought some towels and wash clothes. I think today I will stop at the dollar store and get some coloring books , crayons and candy for the children.

Carolyn I know you are relieved to have your gifts wrapped. I remember those all day wrapping times. Can't you start Bet's program over again since you enjoyed it so much?

Betty I hope you got some decorations up.

Missy Where are you?
Good morning! A toasty 10 degrees, with, yes, more snow coming.:confused:
I think dh is starting a cold. Thankfully it's not the flu. (I've felt chilly when starting a cold before.) He has been doing outdoor work, like shoveling, with no coat on, only a couple of cotton layers. I tell him if his body is not warm then he is vulnerable to catching a cold!
I definitely have butt doms this morning!:p
What's a good product to get goo from tags off?
Don't know what workout to do!

Carolyn, that snowshoeing sounded fun! What a great workout too!:cool:
Carolyn, here's a pic. It's popcorn-flavor in the shape of triangular chips. Supposedly BJ's carries them; Costco only has them when the traveling salesman comes every couple of months. I saw tiny bags at the checkout at TJM a couple of weeks ago. JetBlue gives these out as snacks. I cannot stop eating them. I prefer the white cheddar flavor. Incidentally, I don't think it tastes like popcorn.


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Hi all, I just finished RK with bonus bag, clocking in at 65 mins. Mary and Missy, do you do this one with your gloves? Missy has the bag, right? I did the bonus without a bag and it was fine and fun.
You know, it occurred to me that I could do a full week straight of Cathe's kickboxing workouts! There are at least 7 of them. I should try that one day.:p

I left work early due to the weather, so I can work from home and avoid traffic. Girls got out of school early too. The snow isn't too bad but I think with the freezing temps the driving will get bad. DD is making cookies - I made some on Sunday but they are gone already!

Betty, we like the PopCorners too. They have them at BJs.

I am in good shape with my shopping but have not even begun to wrap. And I still have to get little things, like one dd is donating a stocking of toys for a 2yr old boy.

I did Chest from STS 21 this morning, thinking I will finish shoulders and tris tonight.

Stay safe and warm everyone!
Hi girls.

We got a little snow today too.

This morning I did a tabata from SBF. It was great. Low impact and got the heart rate up but not crazy. She has a great stretch at the end and I added on another 15 min stretch segments. I think that is key to my knee. It has felt better the last two day.

I'm just about done with shopping but I haven't wrapped anything yet.

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