STS first time!

Good morning friends! Just finished LL&A BB premix. Love it!!! What a great workout! No dread, not too much equipment, goes by so fast, fun!

Colleen, whaaa? Snow cancellation! Wow. Kids must be thrilled! You still have to work though, so not so great.
Is the Clarisonic light as a feather on your face? I can barely feel it brushing me. After a few days using it, I definitely see improvements! At first I thought it was my imagination, esp considering that I can't tell if the brush is cleaning my face.

Jean, I didn't catch them. I don't turn on the morning shows--too tempting to get into a daily habit. Have you seen the special on PBS, recapping all the seasons and mentioning the new season? I haven't yet.

Missy, what fun shopping! My choice of stores to go to!;)
80s??:confused: Those temps are such a dim memory for us! We are having light snow showers right now.

Carolyn, hope those cramps are just a bad memory. Have fun shopping!
Hi Girls. Today I did disc 28. I was feeling pretty strong today . Today is more rain and we might get some snow later.

Betty I watched the last episode of "The Paradise". Of course they leave you with a cliff hanger. If you get a chance to see it , it was very good. I haven't seen the recap show but I think I should get it. I will check. I hope to get LL&A on the DOD if I see it.

Mary Are you able to do the weights on you w/o sheet from the last time you did STS?

Missy Have fun at those Christmas parties. Sounds like fun. I sure wouldn't complain about 80 degree Christmas's.
Jean, I'm waiting to get LL&A on DOTD also, for gifts. It might not happen in December! But that's all right.
I'm on The Paradise queue at the library. Do you mean there'll be a next season?
Nice job on STS! Last year this month, I think I recall you getting some treadmill & elliptical in. Would that give you some inspiration?;) If not, how about doing the reformer.
Meant to ask you how you liked Trader Joe's last time. I just got back from there (no matter what, I seem to go once a week) & a couple of farm stores in the next town over.

A very dark day with those snow showers. We have ds2's teacher conferences this afternoon. Never know what to say, usually. Today the math teacher will hear me complain of the huge workload and the difficult/challenging work!
Betty Who would you buy LL&A for? You must really like it if you are considering it for gifts.
Yes it looks like the Paradise will have a Season 2. I love all of these BBC shows you tell me about. So far I have watched 4 in a year.
I really need to get on my elliptical and go up and get on the treadmill before summer gets here. Maybe New Years resolution?
Trader Joe's was o.k.. I don't see what the big deal is. My friend really loves that store. They had a wonderful sample of gouda cheese. I have never had that before but it sure was good. I would have bought some but it was $10 a pound.
Our precipitation has ended and the blue skies are peeking out. Tomorrow is cold but dry.

Carolyn I can't exercise with pets around. They are always in the way.
I needed some major calorie burn today so I did CF this morning! Ugh you guys I ate so bad last night. We went to the mall which I dread cuz there are soooo many people but we had to get some Xmas shopping done. DH wanted Chipotle so I got a kids meal- a single taco and a small bag of chips. I should have stopped there but oh no, I saw the self serve frozen yogurt place and couldn't help myself but to get a small, ok medium size amount of cake batter yogurt with a scoop of cookie dough on top. It was amazing! Well then DH wanted popcorn so we got a bag of caramel and white cheddar mix. Oink oink! I just couldn't stop. I figure I'll not worry about it over the holidays. I love my sweets and I might as well enjoy them. Did I tell you all we are going to FL in March with my family?! Yup must work it hardcore before that. I know you ladies will be there to cheer me on :) So far so good today with the eating but of course the day isn't over yet hehe!
Today I did crossfire. So fun! Cuda kept chasing me with the suicides! And shuffles. It was funny at first then I got pissed!
I was afraid
Of being tripped!

Workout twins today! I did CF too :) Omg I'm afraid I'm going to trip and fall on the shuffles even without a dog chasing me haha!
Feel no guilt Marie! You are the workout queen! Falling off the wagon as lightly as you did won't make a dent at all!
Isn't CF so fun? I was going for AB and then saw CF staring at me. I have not done it in so long because of my knee. Fingers crossed that all of that lateral movement doesn't bother it tomorrow.
We made gingerbread houses the other day. I have them displayed in the dining room. While eating supper tonight I could smell the sweet goodness! We made them from graham crackers. So that, with the icing and candy, emits the most wonderful scent! Good thing the kids would freak if I stole a candy! I would
Have it demolished in seconds!

Oh how fun! We did that last Christmas with all the kid cousins and it was so fun! They loved making them and eating the extra candy and icing!

Thanks so much! That "falling off the wagon as lightly as you did" I like that :) CF is so fun! Major calorie burn and fun. I don't really ever dread it when I do it. I should remember that and do it more often. I must admit AB is my favorite though.

Sure have heard of these :) I have a few friends that swear by them. The amber beads contain succinic acid, which is a natural anti-inflammatory. The baby's body heat releases it from the beads and as it is absorbed into the skin it provides pain relief. My friends love them. And an added safety feature is that each bead is individually stranded so if somehow the baby broke it the beads would still be attached to the string. Pretty cool!
Hello! Today was a success. I returned the scooter thing that I had gotten DS,and was able To buy the correct thing for Half The price! Fat fingers typing fast. Sitting at gymnastics. The roads are nasty so here I sit for 70 mins! She has a meet this Saturday so I am getting to see them practice. Betty I hope the conference Goes well. I always Just want to talk about how they are Doing socially. Colleen your Kids Must have been psyched!! Jean when I do sts I can usually do the same weight with most exercises. Today I did crossfire. So fun! Cuda kept chasing me with the suicides! And shuffles. It was funny at first then I got pissed! I was afraid Of being tripped!
Interesting you talk about the social aspect. I'm all about the academic first. My kids are always good classroom citizens and are avg socially.
I agree with Marie, worrying about tripping myself up without the dogs underfoot. That would drive me insane!
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Betty Who would you buy LL&A for? You must really like it if you are considering it for gifts. Yes it looks like the Paradise will have a Season 2. I love all of these BBC shows you tell me about. So far I have watched 4 in a year. I really need to get on my elliptical and go up and get on the treadmill before summer gets here. Maybe New Years resolution? Trader Joe's was o.k.. I don't see what the big deal is. My friend really loves that store. They had a wonderful sample of gouda cheese. I have never had that before but it sure was good. I would have bought some but it was $10 a pound. Our precipitation has ended and the blue skies are peeking out. Tomorrow is cold but dry. Carolyn I can't exercise with pets around. They are always in the way.
Since I have that $100 certificate and I don't need any more dvds, I was thinking of buying a workout and giving it to my sisters, s-i-l, and 2 girlfriends. I do worry about how it would be received though. Only my CA sis has done Cathe before, and my other sis has problematic knees (but Cathe would strengthen them, right?)
TJ's things are less expensive and with far fewer ingredients.
We will have some frigid temps coming up. I dread it. Today we got about 2 inches of snow, so it's slippery at night.
And oh how I LOVE those British period dramas! Their accent just is music to my ears. And their way of phrasing things.
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I needed some major calorie burn today so I did CF this morning! Ugh you guys I ate so bad last night. We went to the mall which I dread cuz there are soooo many people but we had to get some Xmas shopping done. DH wanted Chipotle so I got a kids meal- a single taco and a small bag of chips. I should have stopped there but oh no, I saw the self serve frozen yogurt place and couldn't help myself but to get a small, ok medium size amount of cake batter yogurt with a scoop of cookie dough on top. It was amazing! Well then DH wanted popcorn so we got a bag of caramel and white cheddar mix. Oink oink! I just couldn't stop. I figure I'll not worry about it over the holidays. I love my sweets and I might as well enjoy them. Did I tell you all we are going to FL in March with my family?! Yup must work it hardcore before that. I know you ladies will be there to cheer me on :) So far so good today with the eating but of course the day isn't over yet hehe!
Don't feel guilty! You manage to work out consistently with a job and a baby! 'Tis the season to just enjoy. Plus CF is a major calorie scorcher!
Omg, Chipotle! I crave that stuff. I get the veggie burrito or veggie bowl. I love the guac and sour cream!;) I split a burrito into 2 lunches because it's so huge.
FL is awesome to look forward to! Especially with the crazy weather we've been having! You'll be bikini-ready by then, for sure!
Omg, Jean, did you know O'Brien from Downton is leaving the show?? Thank heavens! She is one nasty piece of work. She better get some comeuppance!
Just set the DVD player to record that recap.
Uh, hello?? Where is everyone?? Mary, how are you?
Good morning! I just finished PRS#2 Extreme 8 or something. Was that fun!!!!! The Extreme brought in a couple of bonus combos from PRS#1 which I haven't opened yet. OMG, those combos were the funnest things I've ever done! They were not dread-ful. (I wonder how the rest of PRS#1 is. Marie, are the bonus combos a reflection of the whole #1?) I replayed so many times that I must have had a 70-min workout! And I have major new-move OVERLOAD! Even though I've done #2 a few times.
I am sneaking in at work - been super busy!
The Christmas party was fun, it was at the Marriott in Boston. They had food and set up gambling tables and gave us play money for chips. I was wiped out on Sunday though.
I did LL&A this morning, I feel like my core has gotten really weak.
Betty, it is good to hear you liked those segments from PRS#1, from what I have read, it is super complicated.
I did not know O'Brien was leaving the show, I saw the clip that she up and left - is that permanent? I am trying to stay away from spoilers, I found out generally how last season was going to end.
Stressful week at home this week - waiting to find out if younger DD made club volleyball team, and if oldest DD got into her college (I can see the stress on her face).
Hello! I am sneaking in at work - been super busy! The Christmas party was fun, it was at the Marriott in Boston. They had food and set up gambling tables and gave us play money for chips. I was wiped out on Sunday though. I did LL&A this morning, I feel like my core has gotten really weak. Betty, it is good to hear you liked those segments from PRS#1, from what I have read, it is super complicated. I did not know O'Brien was leaving the show, I saw the clip that she up and left - is that permanent? I am trying to stay away from spoilers, I found out generally how last season was going to end. Stressful week at home this week - waiting to find out if younger DD made club volleyball team, and if oldest DD got into her college (I can see the stress on her face).
Mary, the core work on LL&A is fun--again, no dread factor. (I actually did abs 2 days in a row, after Monday's Ab Circ.) I'm sure your core is strong, being a Cathlete and all.;)
I should view PRS#1 beforehand, if I ever dare. Though it's more practical if I wait a while, since my head is spinning with too many new moves from all the step stuff I haven't been mastering the past many releases:confused:.
Looking for the recap air time, I stumbled on the blurb on O'Brien. I had no clue! Good news, for sure. But she better not get off scot-free.
Much luck to oldest DD! It's a stressful time, but remind her that it will all work out. Somehow. I hope younger DD gets into the team too.
Today's outdoor landscape looks like a January or February one, lawns and trees covered with snow. How depressing.
Good Afternoon..... okay....both christmas parties done!

Last night was Tims..... it was at Austins steakhouse....omg...the amount of food that comes to an order was nuts....I ordered the New York Strip which was the smallest oz steak on the menu (16 oz) it came with a side salad and another side....which I got steamed veggies....then a dessert.... I was stuffed and brought some home....crazy!

Mine was at lunch.....we ate at Ruby Tuesdays... I just ordered salad bar. The docs I work for are so awesome! They gave me my normal christmas bonus and they also gave me an additional bonus check for taking the ICD10 class....that was just so thoughtful..... I was amazed!!!!

Tonight Tim and I have some errands to do after we will be dining out..... then I am not eating out for awhile...all this bad food will take me days to work off!!!! Oh well, its christmas....and I am sure Cathe will help me!!!! :p

Carolyn...glad to hear Ellie is doing better....any improvments are good!!!!

Hello everyone!!!! I will come back in a bit to chat...but I have patients everywhere!!! And my xray machine tech just showed up and needs me.

Be back! :eek:
Missy, don't feel guilty about the eating out. You deserve it and both bonuses! High five!

My knees feel a bit shredded, beginning with after LL&A yesterday, and all that step today. Carolyn, how are your knees?

Just resumed my Xmas cards, after finishing that whopping three a whole two days ago.

I dread the arctic chill coming the next two days!
Hi girls.

Busy day here at work.

Mary, wishing your girls luck with volleyball and college acceptances.

Carolyn, when does ellie have to go back? DD has early dismissal today as well.

I did ballet body BBPS1 day 2 today.

Betty how are your friends and sis on exercise in general? I personally would love it but that can definitely be a sensitive situation.

Missy congratulations on your bonuses. You earned then! Don't worry about eating out. Make the best choice you can and enjoy!

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