STS first time!

Don't tell me: they're in 3 pills? I have the former combined with the latter but I'm bad at taking supplements
Hey friends!
Sunny and frigid today. Only in 20s.:confused:
Doing my Thurs errands this morning, then hennaing my hair, and then planning a spin on the bike while I watch Before Midnight;). Tonight is a parent mtg at the high school.
Let's hear some of your workouts today!

Rest day today. Alarm went off at 5 and next thing I woke up and it was 6:45! I guess I needed the sleep.

I banged my knee on Tuesday on our fireplace putting up the Christmas tree. My bad one too. It is so sore. I need to consider the supplements.
Hi Everyone. It is very cold today. I was thinking while I was working out that winter isn't depressing since we moved here. I hated winter in Maryland. I was depressed the whole time. Life is Good.
Today I did 20 minutes on the elliptical. I forgot that my little card starts you off on the last w/o you did and I could barely breath. I had to stop, remove the card and start at w/o 1. Betty this is because of you always talking about your improvements on the bike and biking while you watch a movie. I just hope I keep it up. Then I did Disc 30. I felt pretty strong today. Yesterday we went grocery shopping and later we went to the bay and sat there for awhile. It must have been low tide because the water was way out.
Are any of you expecting snow soon?

Betty I forgot about your $100 certificate. I didn't know O'Brien was leaving the show. She is so mean. My friend sent me an advent calendar that you load on your computer and it makes me feel like I am at Downton. It is the neatest thing. Did you finish your cards? I normally do them right after Thanksgiving and I haven't written one yet. I am excited to hear how you like the movie. The 3rd one was my least favorite.

Mary That sounds like a real nice Christmas party your company gave for you. Have you heard yet if your daughter made the volleyball team? You said your oldest daughter is waiting to hear from her college of choice. If I might ask , what college would that be? I wish them both luck.

Missy That is great the boss gave you 2 bonus checks. I guess that schooling was worth it. Do you have any plans for the money? It seems like last year you bought something exercise equipment related. I haven't heard you mention any new exercise stuff Tim is getting you this year. I guess you have all you want now.

Carolyn That is so funny about your hat. :p I would rather have warm weather and have to shower.
Carolyn, I did that XT workout the other day and did not do one pushup.:p
Hate the frigid weather. Left the pellet stove on overnight and the house is nice and warm. But then I'll get hot when I'm on the spin bike. You can't win!

Colleen, that stinks about your bruised knee. Keep rubbing it.
You sure need the rest.

Jean, that's great progress! High five!
Love your updates.

Best go walk the neighbor's dog and get my henna on. And figure out dinner.
Jean, that advent calendar sounds pretty neat!
I finished 90% of my cards and mailed them. I guess I'll write more if I get them from people to whom I didn't send.
You made my heart sing when you said you don't hate winter now (I can so sympathize that it was depressing in MD). That is astounding to me. I would feel that way if I move to a warmer clime, I'm sure. Your life is totally enviable!;) Being Cathe-fit will help you live a long, enjoyable life there.
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I made shrimp scampi. Wasn't watching and cooked the shrimp a tad more than I should have.
I did 75 mins and 13 miles on the bike! Because I had some old coffee ice cream to finish up:confused:!
I am having this twingey pain on my left hand under the meaty base of the thumb, and on my left shoulder/bicep area. What on earth??
It's a cold night. Sleepy. Good night, all! TTYT about the movie.
Hi ladies!

Popping in before it gets too crazy here. I took a rest day today, I did Chest from STS #19 yesterday. I combined it with my PT exercises, which take a while to get through.

Good news - dd got into Brown! She was so excited and relieved! Of course, thinking about paying for it kept me up last night.

Betty, great job on the bike! I wonder if the 2 pains are related, since they are both on the left side? I had a twingey thing on one palm once, I think it was caused by pressure from doing planks and pushups, and it went away on its own. Does stretching help with the shoulder/bicep pain?

Colleen, hope your knee is feeling better. I have thwacked my knee with a heavy weight, it is painful.

Jean, your new life sounds wonderful! I do hope I find something like that when I retire. I think it would be hard to be in New England as we get older, the winters would be tough and driving is so difficult in storms.

Speaking of storms, sounds like we will be getting one this weekend. I will have to get out early Sat. to get my shopping done.

Carolyn, I would have gone to sleep with that waterfall going!

We still have to hear about volleyball. It was supposed to be announced Tues. night but he said they had so many girls try out and not enough coaches, he is going to announce cuts today. I feel rejected when my girls get rejected!
Good freezing morning! Can you say misery?:D Loathe the cold.
Carolyn, I think you're right. The infrequent twinge I feel on my left hand feels like a nerve. It's quite potent when it flares for a couple of secs. I probably shouldn't have done XT C,B,S, which is the only reason why this could be happening. It's not even the same side as my forearm. I didn't even go heavy. Waaaa. I feel like a wreck but don't want to go back to 3 days/wk. Have I told you that in the past few wks it's difficult for me to take off my sports bra or bra, or even scratch an itch on my back??
It's a good thing my CA sis & family are coming on the 24th to 3rd; I won't exercise with 8 of us at home, not to mention countless visitors. But we will do a couple of Pilates classes.
Haven't figured out today's workout yet. Then I need to start something on the crockpot. This late aft my twin niece & nephew are in a piano recital so I'm going to watch since it's with the teacher I just took up.
Mary, how exciting for DD! Brown!!! I'm SO happy for her! She must be over the moon!!!
It's a wonderful reflection of you, too, how smart and successful your girls are!

You are right on the money--I think these pains may have started with those umpteen million planks/pushups/chaturangas/vinyasas originated by UY. My shoulder and upper torso have just been so tight and stiff. I do nightly stretches and it helps with the flexibility and stiffness.

Well, I better go through my dozens of Cathe dvds and figure out what I should do.
Good Friday Morning!!!! This week has been long for sure!!! Just been so busy at the office! 8 hrs to go and then I can rest! It was 32 degrees and freezing this morning. The are predicting 80% rain saturday....with a high in the 60's....looks like it will be a restful day in the recliner watching christmas movies! ;)

Last night I did Lean legs....I just love that one!

Colleen...I hope your knee feels better!!!

Mary--- Yeah for your dd!!! So exciting!

Betty.... Sounds like nerve pain to me..... I am so with you...somtimes I just stand in my gym and look at my DVDs and say....Cathe...what should I do today? hehehehe

Jean...last year I put wood floors in my gym and Tim got me a flat screen tv and boxing bag. This year I just cant think of I am going to buy some new workout clothes! yeah!!! you can never have too many!!!!BTW....I feel you with the elliptical...I love mine...but I have recently started over myself....I didnt use mine for 6 months due to my hamstring...and now I I started with 30 minutes last week!

Carolyn...have you hit TJ Maxx lately? I am on a kyodan I am hitting TJ and Marshalls weekly as it is so hard to find!!! hehehe.... I am a mess!!!! :D

Marie....Is B ready for christmas???? Or shall I say are you?

At work and crazy already....check in later! Have a nice friday!:)
Hey girls, I pulled out X54.:p At one point we went down to do pushups and I did one and suddenly the bell went off. I must have done the nerve thing in the staggered pushups last week. There were a lot of pushups today and I subbed wall ones. No way am I doing any more for a while.

Mary, too bad DD didn't get a vball scholarship?:p
I remember you clanging your knee with a heavy weight:confused:. My elbow is extra bony from banging that same corner over and over.
Is the PT on your hamstring helping?

Colleen, in that spirit, hope your banged knee is better.
The people I want to purchase LL&A for are all dabblers in exercise (except for CA sis); they work and squeeze in the same ole same ole. I thought I could shock their systems with Cathe.;)

Missy, I love new workout clothes! I see Kyodan here and there. Over the turkey holiday I went to an out-of-town TJM and scored some more-discounted than usual clothes. Specifically Nike sky-blue tank and brown slim-fit capris. And a pair of dark-rinse Hilfiger skinny jeans for $10! So awesome! I am obsessed with those stores too;).
I love watching the old black and white Xmas movies but I never sit down and watch them! Plus the ones I remember are never aired any more!:(

Jean, how many bedrooms do you have? What's ideal for a retirement home? 2?
I agree with Mary that NE is not a good place for retirement. Too cold, too icy and therefore dangerous for aging bones.
Speaking of BBC, have you seen the PBS Jane Austen movies from 2009? My absolute fave is Persuasion, then Pride and Prejudice, then Emma. I've probably mentioned them to you before.
Oh yeah, almost forgot. Before Midnight: wow, what a lot of talking! Most people hate that! I love it, and the exploration of feelings and such:eek:. I'm such a sucker for romantic things. Anyway, this one kind of burst the bubble by putting all those life-is-in-the-way nitty gritty realities. I barely remember the first two movies but in the broadest terms anyway. I have the first one and will watch it again once I get it back from my sis.

babble, babble....
Missy, I think I have waaaay toooooo many Cathes. Talk about choice overload. BUT. If she continues making fun, fresh stuff like these last 8 or 9, watch out! These are in a class all by themselves!

Oh yeah, I previewed the Hi/Lo and Cardio Blast segments of X10 and I should never do them--very high impact!:p
Hi girls!

Wow so much higher to catch up on.

Mary congratulations to DD. How wonderful!

Betty is could definitely be from UK. Do you have any of the wags gloves? Maybe they would help with putting pressure on the you hands and arms?

Carolyn did you do any snow pants?

I got up late and only had time to do 30 min on the spin bike.

My knee is not much better but spinning probably did help either.

Hi Missy and Marie!
Good Evening Girls. It was so cold today . This morning we had a guy come to the community and we walked all around this place and he looked at the trees and told us what we had and what we could plant to get rid of some grass and the health of the trees. He also looked at the phragmites and told us ways to get rid of it. He is going to write something up and tell us what would be good for our yards. It was so cold this morning and we walked all over the place. Then I went with 2 neighbor ladies to a jewelry place where you can buy stones and make jewelry or have them make it for you. I bought a white Drusy stone and the lady is going to make it into a necklace. These ladies I went with make their own jewelry and spent hundreds on stones. I could barely afford what I bought. It was fun though. Tonight we went to a Living Nativity . It was so nice They walk you thru and different characters talk and tell you the story of Jesus birth. There were 75 people doing this Nativity. It was quite a show. It was freezing outside.

Carolyn My husband applied at Lowes and Home Depot and hasn't heard anything.

Betty You really went some miles on that bike. That is great. That problem with your thumb could be tendinitis. I have that at my left thumb. I went to the Dr. and he said that is what it is. I have tendinitis and carpal tunnel , a pain in my right elbow and a painful left shoulder but I just exercise thru the pain. It isn't so bad that I feel like I am hurting myself and I have missed so much exercise , I hate to stop. We have 3 bedrooms. I hink your retirement home would depend on how much company you expect to have at any time. You have 2 sons who hopefully will one day have families and your sisters and their families. So you would probably want at least 3 or 4. :D
I have never seen the Jane Austen movies but I will check them out. I did not like the wife's attitude in Before Midnight. I thought she was on his case for nothing the entire movie. She was getting on my nerves bad.

Mary How wonderful your daughter made it into Brown. What a prestigious school. You should be very proud of her . You and your husband have done a great job of raising an intelligent girl. I hope you don't get a lot of snow.

Missy I am glad you are back with us telling us about your day and your w/o's. Laying in the recliner watching Christmas movies sounds good to me. You deserve it.
Yikes, we're in the 8-12 inches of snow area:confused:!!! Dang it!

Jean, what's phragmite? A weed?
The recital was really good, mostly Christmas carols. Some of these kids were amazing. The first child to play was a kindergartner and he played much better than some of the older kids! It was a nice contrast to my kids' recitals, usually seeing it just our way. Our teacher only ever held June recitals. My brother was teasing me about being in this teacher's June recital.:confused: No way.
I've never heard of that stone, and I used to 'work' in dh's cousin's bead store. Too bad we don't live closer, else we can bead together. I bought a lot of stuff that I've never strung up or made into jewelry yet, and so have my sisters.:rolleyes:
You know, I have wondered whether that elbow/forearm pain is tendinitis, plus dh thinks my left thumb pain is carpal tunnel.
Yes, I agree, Celine was busting Jesse's chops the whole movie, for nothing. Why didn't they just give us the romantic version instead? It's a movie and we want to be entertained.
My sis can't find Before Sunrise:confused::(
Borrow Persuasion first. The main male character is SUCH a hunk.:D

Colleen, I don't have Wags but always wear my lifting gloves when I do weights, Pilates, and yoga. It helps. I probably didn't position my hand propelry when I did the staggered pushups. I'm usually careful to watch out for that. But good point though; I need to be extra careful.

Carolyn, X54 has step, LI, and fat-burning circuit. I didn't pick any of the premixes with hi/lo & circuit blast.

I should think about making some Xmas cookies early in the week before the craziness hits when my sis comes.

Looking forward to sleeping late, then heading to cousin's holiday party in early afternoon. It'll be snowing when we go.:eek:
Hi all :)

I worked today and the next three days. Oh my goodness 4 days in a row. Eek! I took last weekend off because Tony had a show and now I have to make up for it. Yuck! Today was good though. Busy busy on the Substance Abuse unit.

I did x42 before work. I really like these workouts however there are HARD and lots of high impact which I'm not really a fan of. But they are short which I like. I have never done more than 2 segments so Carolyn I'm not sure what x54 is like. Seems like it would be rough though lol.

We are last minute shoppers DH and I. We did get our parents done though. Both sides of our families are not really big gift givers which is kind of nice. Our moms would rather have us have spend time with them which is exactly what we are doing. As far as B goes we are getting him a basketball hoop :) We went to an open gym one day and he just loved putting the ball in the hoop. He would get all proud and would clap every time he did it. Oh I must share too- he knows where his mouth, nose, belly and toes are but when he shows us his toes he MUST take his socks off. SO CUTE! We are also getting him a potty chair lol. We are not starting for awhile but wanted it around so he can sit on it and such.

Betty- I'm so glad you liked PRS2. I've never done the premix but I heard they are the segments from PRS1. Do give that one a try eventually too. Trust me once you get it you will love it. I always sing along to it and I never feel like I'm working out cuz it's so fun :)

Jean- What a lovely day! I'm so glad you are enjoying retirement. You deserve it! You have a wonderful life :)

Colleen= That's a bummer about your knee. I know it's hard but take it easy. I should talk lol. I'm never good at that ;/

Missy- I too love LL&A. Cathe rules! Enjoy your evening in the recliner. Sounds relaxing :)

Mary- Congrats to DD! That is so exciting!

Carolyn- I think supps work too. I used to take glucosamine and I thought it made a difference. Right now I only take a prenatal and calcium. Nope not trying for a baby- just continuing my lovely routine of pumping three times a day. I'm hoping to go until he's 2 although my supply is decreasing. I only get 10oz a day so it's that and organic whole milk for my little man. I figure some is better than none though. Ok sorry off subject. Glucosamine yes. Glad to hear you think it works! I need to restart it.

Ok speaking of pumping I'm about done here. Yay for hands-free pumping bras. TMI ;) Off to bed for me. The alarm goes off at 4:40- X37 tomorrow morning then work.

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