STS first time!

Hi Ladies. Today's movie was "The Internship". It was o.k..
The snow is gone and we now have sleet and rain.

Betty Where are you? I picture you freezing cold listening to football with the fireplace or pellet stove going. I hope you're alright.

Carolyn Enjoy your decorating. Did you get your tree?
Hi girls.

It's been snowing here since about noon. We have a about 4 inches. More than what was expected did leahs core dvd today.

Carolyn I hope ds feels better.

The cookies sound good. Ds has been asking to make cookies for Santa.

Oh well. We should be putting up the Christmas tree but we are all just being lazy today.
Hi girls, here I am! I woke up today (later than Marie:)) and absolutely HAD to have my hair cut, so I went into town and got it done. (I originally booked an appt for this Thursday and I couldn't wait that long, plus it will be in the 20s and frigid!). I got a bob like Kelly Ripa's--on her blonde hair it looks gorgeous; on me, not very noticeable!

Thanks for the support, friends! I definitely remember when I was on the bike a long month ago, I felt some burnin' when I stood that brief time. I was going for over 10 mins last night with no burning (albeit very slow), and would have kept going! I definitely do have ALL 3 spin dvds; will do one soon with this newfound gain.

Jean, I watched the same movie last night! It was fun because ds1 will need to be doing one next summer. It fits in with his major.
Twenty yrs ago I had this timid old Yorkie who would quiver and squirt pee whenever anyone got near him. I think he might have been beaten by previous owners.

Colleen, it feels good to be back to Leah? It's all right to have some downtime since you're go go go all week. It'll all get done somehow.
Ds2 has turned to a jekyll/hyde teen personality. He cares not that we don't decorate. He used to nag us to death until we did.

Carolyn, poor ds; is he feeling better? Lots of vitamin C, tea with honey, chicken soup, and coconut oil with garlic in your cooking;)! I have had humidifiers in everyone's bedrooms since ds1 was born.

Marie, how wonderful you got to sleep in, but by my count that's only 7 hours!:confused:
Jean, yup, pellet stove and football are going;)!

I can't believe you Southerners are getting snow! It was cloudy and 32 today.
Carolyn, I agree about weights being super important! I need to do one this week. What's a great Meso 2 UB one? Haven't pulled that out since I completed it over 1.75 yrs ago.

I didn't pull out SuperCuts this week because of that pushup/situp combo. Me no likey.
Betty so awesome with the spin bike. I bet your haircut looks fabulous.

I forgot to mention my lower body has big ole DOMS today.

DD had an ice skating party yesterday. She asked me to stay with her and I want to since she had not been ice skating before. I ended up getting on the ice with her we had a lot of fun and she did fantastic.

Carolyn do you have to pick up the furniture or will they deliver?
Good morning! We have about an inch right now, and before the alarm rang, I heard sleet hitting my windows. Ok, maybe it's more than a dusting but less than an inch. It's mostly white out, rooves, lawns, tree branches. Pretty.
I'm thinking I want to do GS UB but should do some cardio too, so maybe 4DS?....
Carolyn, glad those darn cramps are abating! What an awful feeling. You have plenty of time if you want to crawl back in bed and nap briefly. Go for it!
Colleen, how should the Clarisonic brush feel on my face? It's so featherlight I question whether it works!

Carolyn glad you are starting to feel better.

This morning I started leahs BBPS1 again. Funny just after a few day of being back to Leah workouts. I feel great! My whole entire core is sore from yesterdays workout! It's great to try other things but feels like home. Her workouts just click with me. Same as cathe but I just Do her anymore due to my knee.
Get thee to the basement, Carolyn! A nap would have been more useful;)!

I just finished XT C,B,S. That was the third dvd I put in, and many many minutes into the workout, I still questioned whether I should continue because everything feels twingy. Ugh. So I went super light. Better than nothing, I guess. Too many dang options too! Finished off with Yoga Ab Circuits.

Ugh, it's still sleeting out. Not very nice.

Must pen my Christmas cards today. I'll try to do them all!
Oh yeah, didn't even break a sweat.:confused:
I guess I should lay off exclusive UB still. On the plus side, my nightly stretching of my arms help.
Where are y'all? I've written a total of 3 Xmas cards! Can you say procrastinate??
It is now drizzling over the sleet and snow. Colder indoors than out.
Carolyn, a year ago when grandma had the kids, your dh was being diagnosed with diverticulitis. How do I remember? I was looking at our old posts! They're fun to read, but there are literally reams of them! How has it been for him?
Can't figure out what to eat. I don't feel like anything that's in the fridge. I had pistachios so far. Maybe some split pea soup leftovers.
Back to work!
Good Evening All. This has been a VERY lazy day for me. I am still in my PJ's. I have been on the couch all day under the blanket watching the tube. It is rainy and cold and it is going to be the same way tomorrow. That's about it for now.
Been in my pjs all day too. Nothing wrong with a down day, gals. You're go go go all the time. The battery must recharge.
Good Morning ladies! I was super busy last weekend...I did get my workout in...but other than that no time to sit. And Sunday my friend and I went shopping...we hit TJ Max and Marshalls and Target....we had a blast.

Yesterday I worked front desk all day.

Today I am back in my office. Tonight is Tims christmas party. I am leaving work at 4:30 so I can go home and get ready..... it is at Austin's steakhouse.... should be good!

Tomorrow is my office christmas party at lunch time. Busy, busy!

No workout tonight.....but tomorrow I will do great glutes!

The weather..... is hopefully getting cooler....its been in the 80's...a little to warm for chritstmas!!!! This weekend we are suppose to get rain and then cool off some!!!! Yeah!!!! I want a cool christmas!

I am counting down the days till christmas vacation.... 10 working days to go!!!

Be back later to catch up!!! :D

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