STS first time!

It is the big one. :(:(:( No party. I copied that recipe you just put up. My dough is chilling so I guess I will make my crinkles tomorrow . The dough sure tasted good. :eek:
Hi girls.

I am so tired today so I slept in. Been low on energy for some reason. I might try to work out later today. I feel like I'm not motivated the last few weeks.

Carolyn I grew up as a redskins fan. I grew up in the dc/northern Virginia area.

I'm sorry to hear about your dad. Big hugs.
Jean, it must be SO motivating to cook in your new kitchen!
I'm charging my Clarisonic now.:eek:
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Still haven't practiced yet, but don't worry, I will after I finish my cafe mocha (it just doesn't taste right with coco milk, almond milk, soy milk, ya know?;)). Also, I have loose ends all over the house, so trying to finish them off. Kind of want ds2 to hear me practice too, with all that nagging I used to give him. A couple of weeks ago I was practicing when the sun shines through that room, so that's near midday, but no one can hear me play.
I wouldn't be able to do workouts from paper. I used to rip off all these magazine clippings of workouts and toning and such. Never touched them. I need the motivation of a dvd/person.
Carolyn, I say the very same thing, that I can't make a decision to save my life! It's because we can see both perspectives very (too) well.;)
That's such a nice tradition of your mom's. Go to a fancy restaurant, and a movie, or a bar and dancing.;)
Sounds like the WM ones are keepers. We used to carry plastic bottles of water and little snacks on a backpack that dh either wore on his back or put on his rack. It would be sooo heavy. I would probably tip over.
Maybe you can buy a new outfit for the Latina doll. The American Girl dolls are such a suck. So many ridiculously-priced accessories you don't need but their glossy stores and catalogs convince your kids otherwise. Hello, Americans! There are children in other parts of the world with no food or water!!!
I am definitely sore all over. Did abs a couple of times this week as well.
I seem to have a running buy-&-return cycle going with TJM/M.:confused:
I rcvd 4 boxes this week. Can you say online shopping?? Two are still stacked up and unopened. Ok, and one was from my CA sis. She sent me a dozen persimmons!:eek:

Mary, love the Let it Whip song in LICi. Keep us posted on your PT appt results.
Enjoy your dinner with DH!

Betty, my DD has been playing for over a year now. She hates to practice but enjoys the lessons. I wish I could take lessons too. I think it would help her if I knew how to play. my receptionist came I actually got to work in my office....yeah!!!! But I am so far behind.... sorry about your dad! Hugs!!! at least you had him for the amount of time you did!!!! Remember all those good memories!!!

Looking forward to going home for the weekend..... I am so exhausted from this aweful crazy week I had! But....NO homework!!! yeah!!!! Tonight frosty is I will be snuggling in the recliner with my dog and cat in front of the christmas memories!!! Priceless!!!!

This is after I do Lean legs! Oh and we are having homemade pizza! Yummy!!!

A patient has navel oranges delivered to out office from Harry and David....they are so yummy!!!! Everyone got about 8 I think!!!! Normally people send candies and nuts...yuck....but when its fruit....I am all over it! LOL Oh....I am weird....but if someone brings in home made stuff....I am not interested....cause I dont know what there kitchen looks like! Hehehe.... I know....Im crazy! Its okay...leaves more for the scavengers I call employees....hehehe

Mary.... I tried to post a pic of this stretching form for hamstrings...but it would not let me.....these are the exercise/stretches I used along side foam rolling to rehab my hamstring injury. I also walked slowly and gradually increased speed...

here are a few....

1. sit on floor, with legs straight out....cross over one leg and stretch down to touch toes and hold for 10-15 secounds....then switch legs.... X3 times
2.lay on floor with one leg bent (like you would be in for ab exercises....other leg in air...wrap exercise band around bottom of foot and pull....alternate legs X3
3.lay on tummy, put ankle weights on....lift one foot at a time up to strengthen hamstring....repeat x3

I also walked.....and foam rolled....I did this for several months and saw really good results....I hurt mine in March and I am just now able to exercise like I am use to again....but I only did this regimen for 3 worked for me. I never went to Ortho because I know exactally what they do.....

Hello everyone....I will be back later....I have a few extra things to do before 5..... and its getting close!

BBL!!!! ;)
Missy, I am so with you on the Harry and David fruit. They're insanely delicious! Lucky you to get to enjoy those juicy navel oranges. I don't understand why I can never find them that tasty in stores. I would ignore candies too, as well as homebaked or -made goodies for the same reason!
Enjoy your weekend with NO homework! Love that cozy scenario of Xmas movies by the tree with your animals snuggling by.;)
Have fun with Lean Legs!
Missy and Betty- I'm so with you on the homebaked goods. People always bring in stuff to work and employees just gorge on it all day. So gross! Not only do I not know what their kitchen looks like but I don't want that stuff dragging me down at work. Speaking of sweets though, DH just made a run to DQ. Oh my! I haven't been there forever. I'm getting a cone tipped over in a cup so I can crunch up the cone in the ice cream. Bad girl tonight haha! Kidding! Got to splurge every so often. Movie night for us. Here's to hoping I don't fall asleep during it.

Love you ladies. Thanks for liking my posts about B. you guys are the best! I do truly love every moment, well almost every moment, being a mama. Scooping poop out of the tub was not so fun tonight. Oh my sweet B ;)
Good morning! Sunny at least. Haven't eaten yet. Going to make split pea in crockpot soon. Enjoy your day! Bbl
Hi girls, it's a freezing 39 today. Wearing my down coat and it's still not that warm--what will I do when it's teens out??
Colleen, I just tried my Clarisonic last night and this morning. It's so light as a feather on the face that I barely feel anything, so I have this urge to scrub it hard! I do it more than once too. Is that how it should be? Imagine my shock when I first saw the product and couldn't figure out where the plug should go on the device! It's rather clever.
Dd enjoys piano? You can teach yourself the basics of the keys, starting with Middle C and such. Why don't you take it with her instructor?

Carolyn, how was date night?

Jean, you eating those cookies yet?

Marie, I had a Dunkin' glazed donut last night and it was delish. Your DQ must have been delectable. Don't feel guilty at all!
Hello everyone!

Lots of running around today. I also did STS #19, but only Chest and Shoulders, I ran out of time! I'll have to do tris another time.

It was so pretty this morning, we had a light dusting of snow.

Missy, thanks for the exercises. My PT has me doing 2 of those, plus some others. Yesterday she used an ultrasound machine on my hamstrings, she said it heals the tissue faster. I did feel better when I woke up this morning. I just have to keep myself from overdoing it.

My kids had picked some stuff out from stores they like, but now when I try to find them to buy, they are out of stock. I have never had this happen before.

Betty, sounds like a great day for soup!

Youngest dd was cut from the gymnastics team last night, after a week of tryouts. We knew it was a possibility but were still hopeful she would make it. She was so disappointed, and I felt like crying because I knew how much she wanted to make the team. There's nothing even to say, she will hurt for a while.

We have my work Christmas party in Boston tonight. Where will I find the energy????
Hi Ladies. Today we went to the beach because one of the local authors was having a book signing . This is her 4th book and they are mostly about her life at Rehoboth. I read the 1st 3 and I wanted to meet her and get a book. I also bought a pretty ceramic bowl for my shells and a ceramic seahorse made by a local artist. Then I came home and made my cookies. OMG those cookies are good. I need to bake them for 12 minutes and I got 40 cookies. So I need to make 2 batches for the cookie exchange. Now we are going to ride around and look at the Christmas decorations in the hood.

Betty I hope you enjoy your Clarisonic. Merry Christmas to you. I know I use mine everyday and my face looks cleaner.

Carolyn That is wonderful that your furniture is ready. When is it coming?

Marie How is the weather there? I hope you're not too snowed in. Are you taking B to MOA to get his picture taken with Santa?

Missy I am glad your life is back to normal.
Carolyn In my opinion the cookies were easy to make. You need to make the dough one day and refrigerate until the next day and then cook them. They are very chocolaty and you can only eat a few. :eek:
I agree that you should refinish the floors and get a new rug. Cuda is going to be around for awhile and you might get another dog in 10 yrs or so.

Comet the puppy chews on the tree when I am in the room where the tree is. I say "leave it" and he does. But then a few minutes later he is back chewing it. But mostly everyone is leaving it alone. We still have a million vultures but I don't worry . He is getting bigger and they aren't hovering over our yard anymore. All my dogs wear pee belts or diapers. His pad is staying a lot dryer these days. I am hoping one day he won't have to wear it anymore. We take them out every 2 hours.

I hope everyone who enjoys snow gets some. It sounds like almost everyone is getting some. This looks like a bad year for ice.
Everyone! OMG, fitness gain to report here!!! I just did 60 mins on the spin bike and realized I can stand for long periods without my legs burning at all! Which just one short month ago did not exist! This after a week of a lot of leg work!!! Would have stood longer but for my long tank & capris overheating me! All this leg work is paying off!!!

Mary, where in Boston did you go for your company party? I hope you had fun!

Jean, high five for making those cookies! Your day sounded amazing too.

Carolyn, the cookies are easy enough for me to make; I don't choose complicated recipes. A snow day already??

Incidentally, I did pathetically few miles in 60 mins;).

Now I want cookies!!!
Betty! Woohoo!!!! You rock! That's awesome!!!!

Morning! Just lying in bed and it's 9am. Yup you read that right. 9am. Slept in today! Of course I didn't go to bed till 2. Dh's band played out last night and B had his first overnight stay at grandma and grandpa's. It was hard to leave and I miss him like crazy but I know it's good for him and me. I even enjoyed a glass of wine last night. Thinking UY is in order. It's been awhile but I think it's the perfect day for it. We pick B up at 11 then family day all day. Excited!
Hi Everyone. I did disc 27 today. My arms feel so full. We are having big snow flakes coming down. I don't know if we are expecting any accumulation. I hope not.

Betty What a report !!!!!!!!!!!!!! You should be so proud of yourself. Even though your mileage was low , You are improving . I am so excited and envious of you. I really need to get back into cardio. You really should try one of the cycle dvd's of Cathe's. I bet you could do it.

Carolyn Do you have a humidifier in your son's room? I hope he feels better soon. I have used pee pads on the boys for a few years. My little 7 pounders were peeing all over the place. I hear the smaller the dog , the harder to housebreak. Whatever it takes to keep my house pee free. I hate when you walk by something and you smell pee.

I'm freezing so I better get dressed. The snow is really coming down. It is so pretty. our first real snow in the new home. :D

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