STS first time!

Marie, I love that you guys came home and changed into pjs to play. My heart swells when I hear how cozy and loving it sounds.
Nice job with PRS2!

Forgot to mention that I saw a Lucy pair of spinning shorts on clearance at TJM for $15. And I didn't buy them.:D Should I have??:D
After a lot of indecisiveness, I just finished AT, one I haven't done in ages. It did have a fair amount of UB, happily.

Carolyn, get thee to the basement after volunteering.
Hi girls.

Mary, how frustrating. I'm so sorry.

Carolyn good luck in school work out afterwards.

Marie, I'm up 5 as well and hate it. I feel better about myself without the 5 pounds. The 5 pounds is sitting all in thighs. Yuck.

I did cycle max this morning. I'm going to go hard core on cardio for a few days then I'm going to start ballet body again on Monday.
I had another PT appt today. It wasn't as good as the first (massage-wise) but she gave me some more exercises to do so I have to tell myself it gets me closer to my goal. I told her about the dr. wanting to do an mri of my pelvis and she just said 'I wonder what he is thinking there'. I had already decided that I am not going to do that or go back to that dr, I feel like it is a waste of time. If the PT doesn't help I will try to find another doc.

Betty, I did the cardio portion (modified) of AT this morning!

Colleen, what was the last program you did? I remember seeing the abbreviation but I don't remember what they stood for.

Carolyn, great planning to get your workout in with all the other stuff you have going on.

I am also up 5 lbs, all in my abs. Normally I would do a bunch of circuit workouts and it would burn those off.

DD had a nice birthday yesterday, but I really can't believe she is 18! Now I can focus on Christmas.
Mary, Happy birthday. Wow 18!

I am doing suzanne bowen fitness. It's barre work and she offers online streaming workouts for $10 a month. I really like her style. She also has some good low impacts cardio workouts. Lower body is barre focused. Upper is light weights 2-5 pounds and mat work. Similar to Leah but I actually like her style better. She doesn't do voice over and she is very active in the SBF community. Which is great! Humm. I might just stick with her for a while longer and come up with my own rotation.
Mary, that's a good plan. Doctors just seem so focused on procedures, tests, meds, but not necessarily the root of the cause. Your PT might just be enough to heal you.

Colleen, SB sounds nice and low impact. Too bad I'm loathe to start anything else.

Spent way too much time at another TJM today. Lines are long this week, no matter what hour. Might go back out to the one yesterday tonight. Can you say crazy?? I've scored a couple of pairs of jeans for ds2 for $7 in two diff stores.
Good Evening All. I had a long post and then it disappeared. :mad::mad::mad: Yesterday we went to Cape Henlopen State Park. It is a body of land that goes into a point and on one side is the bay and the other side is the ocean. I wish I could show you a picture of it. I wanted to walk the whole thing but you needed to walk thru a little bit of water and it is too cold to do that. This used to be a fort in WW2. I found some pretty shells and rocks and some sea glass on the bay side and on the ocean side people were surfing. There are lots of trails to walk or ride bikes. They charge an entrance fee from April thru Nov. so that is why we just went now. We are buying a pass for next year. This was the most amazing place. I didn't want to leave. Last night was a fun game of Canasta.
Tonight is Social Committee.

Carolyn I cannot believe Hershals head was cut off and then the governor beat the crap out of it with that sword. Didn't Rick look like he was really almost dead? They have the best make-up people. I was so happy that Michone stabbed the Governor. I wish she had of cut his head off. Now we have to wait 2 months for it to come back on.

Betty I have an off brand Clarisonic and you got me to start using it. My face looks so much cleaner. How are you doing omitting sugar? There is a forum on here about quitting sugar totally. Did you go back and get the Lucy shorts? That was a good price.

Mary Your Ortho sounds like a joke. I know I wouldn't go back to him.

Marie Do you have any snow? I heard north Minnesota got 2 feet. I hope you all are safe. How sweet to put your pj's on and play. So cozy. You're a good mama.
We got a ton of snow! Further up north I would say they got more than 2 feet. I like the snow but not the fact that my driveway is super long and that we can't park on the street so shoveling is an order. We start ECFE tomorrow., stands for Early Childhood Family Education. I'm super excited but it starts at 8:30 so I'm afraid I'm going to have to get up at the crack of dawn to start shoveling the driveway. Gotta run B's suddenly ready for some dinner. Oh I did High Reps today. It was okay but long at 65 minutes eek.
Carolyn I did see Hershel on TD. Maggie (Lauren) was trying so hard not to cry. You really should watch TD every week after WD. It is very interesting and they don't give away next weeks show. They show a small clip but you can always turn it off at that point. Everyone is split up now so it will be interesting to see if they meet up someplace.

Marie I enjoy shoveling snow. I like to get out thee while it is snowing and shovel. It is so peaceful and quiet. If Tony is home you should get out there now. :eek:
Mary, high five on both of us channeling AT!

Jean, high five on using your Clarisonic-like cleaner; I can't decide if I should open it or wrap it as my Xmas gift (rcvd it yesterday). I'm so looking forward to cleaner skin & pores!
I went back and tried those Lucy shorts and they're hideous on me! It was a nice pale gray color.,default,pd.html#pr-header-back-to-top-link
That park you went to sounds AMAZING!
Does Delaware get snow? And are taxes low there?
I've been watching This Old House remodeling Sandy damage on the Jersey shore this season; I've always heard it's beautiful but now I can see it.

Marie, yuck, that much snow makes me ill. Oh yes, it's so beautiful when it's falling, but the mess and ice after lasts till forever.:confused: I HATE it!
Enjoy your session. Is it for something specific?

Carolyn, I wish you could have come shopping with me. I am liking it at night! There are hardly any cars on the road (the best part!), but the parking lots were busy.
I can't believe your credit card saga. I'm bursting a vein hearing it.
Jean, whenever I go to the beach, my eyes are looking down. For shells and sea glass (the latter is a rarity). How fun!
Speaking of shoveling and getting a snowblower, dh shoveled for umpteen years, until a slipped disc. Which is a segueway to this, Mary: dh had horrific pain when the pain first started. He went to an orthopedist surgeon, who was USELESS. He suggested cortisone shots but dh really needed the disc removed. So he ended up going to a neurosurgeon.
Buon giorno, mi amici! It is still so dark out! And I'm so sleeeeppppyyyyyyy!

That's a funny dream, Carolyn! I don't think it would be awkward at all. We would look around and figure out who's who but then we would settle in to some familiarity!:D

Don't know what workout I'll do today, but it'll have to be in the afternoon. My first piano lesson, then Costco and WF.
Missy! Your last class is when?? Last night or tonight? Yipppeeee!:D
Hmm, maybe I should try B&G next time... I am sore all over, abs, legs, arms.
I went back and looked for Missy's post. Last night was her last class! Hooray! Congrats! High five! Celebrate!
Congrats Missy on your last class.

Carolyn what a funny dream.

Rest day for me today. I was exhausted this morning. I worked from 8am-6:15pm yesterday and did get home until 6:40 then I had 7:30 meeting this morning. I'm Glad Tomorrow Is Friday.!!
Betty, you are taking piano lessons? How exciting! Have you taken them before?

I didn't know what kind of dr. to go to for my hamstrings, so I researched on the internet and people seemed to go to orthos. But this guy can not get it out of his head that I have a spine issue. I don't think I told you, but he also prescribed pain meds and a muscle relaxant. The pharmacy didn't have my current insurance info so the bill would have been $300. I took them for a few days but noticed absolutely no difference so I stopped, but can you imagine if I had to pay for those out of pocket? He also mentioned something about a cortisone shot as well. I am really hoping the PT fixes me!

For a few summers we found sea glass every day at the beach we go to, then it stopped. I think they were dredging the bay so it stirred things up. It was so fun to find it with my girls, like a treasure hunt!

Carolyn, that is a funny dream. I know that for those of you who posted pics of yourselves, you do not look anything like I had imagined!

Colleen, I hope the weekend gets here fast!

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