STS first time!

Hi friends,

Happy anniversary. I know i wasn't part of the original group...but I love being part of your group. Thank you for allowing me to join.

I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving. Ours was nice. We went to my in laws. In was very relaxing day. Just hanging out today and enjoy the downtime. I did SBF yesterday and so far a rest day today.

Oh I made sweet potato casserole and cranberry sauce for thanksgiving. They both were a hit.
Carolyn Those floors are gorgeous. They look a little like mine except you have wider planks. I love wood floors.
I have STS Total body. I couldn't tell you if you need it though. I think I have done it once or twice. You have so much , I would think you don't need it.
I hope your boxer is doing o.k. Let us know how she is.

Colleen you are most certainly part of our group. You have been with us longer than most of the ones who have dropped out. And you certainly w/o more than me. :(

Missy It's better to pay $60 for b/c pills than to have an unwanted pregnancy. They seem to be helping with your monthly so buy them. It costs a lot more than $60 a month to raise a child. ;) I'm glad you are posting again. You are always so happy and full of life. I wish I lived close to you to enjoy the holidays with you. You make everything Merry and Bright. :D

We are decorating out front porch with lighted garland. I hope it looks pretty when we are done. Then we will put up the tree. :p
Jean....I just always felt so close to you...thanks for always being so cheerful to me!!!! I feel like we are sisters!!!! Heck I feel very close o all of ours forum family!!!

Tim is still on the computer.....but I will definitely post pics later....

What workout should I do tomorrow....flex train or x10????

I just feel so alive when I do Cathe workouts....not sure what it body just reacts to Cathe in a different way than to any other workouts!!!!

Be back in a minute.....

O jean....I am sure your porch will look lovely!!!! So many new memories in a New home!!!! Exciting!!!!!
Carolyn....oh my....that's sounds awful....I'm so sorry..... as for your daughter....I completely understand....several years ago...Maxie one of our horses....busted out of the pasture and got spooked and cut her shoulder and hip really bad.....when our vet was working on her Tim and I was assisting.....she had to stick a tube in the wound to see how deep it was.....and I turned white as a ghost and passed completely out and feel to the ground.....she then had to stop working on horse to attend to me......the funny part is human blood does not bother me at all.....she said when you have an emotional bonding with something you see blood and think they are in pain.... he he least you can care for your baby....I wish we were closer I have a baby gate you could borrow and I would help you care or your baby!!!! Hugs to you!!!!

As or those new ornaments.....they were oh so me!!!! I had to have them!!!!

I think I may try flex train tomorrow!!!!
Missy Your tree is so big and beautiful. And I love your new ornaments. They are so cute. What store did you buy those at?

Carolyn I'm so sorry about your dog's eye. I have never had a dog that had to have that procedure. I sure hope it fixes her up. Did you have to take out a 2nd mortgage to pay for that? Keep us updated on how she is doing.

My Thanksgiving dinner with the neighbors was so nice. They are a very loving and affectionate family. They truly seemed to enjoy each other. It was so refreshing to be around. The meal was delicious. I didn't take anything but the wine was flowing so next year I will take some wine. I will study up on it .

Today we put up our tree and decorated it. It is so pretty. It isn't a real tree but she is a beauty. So far no one is bothering it. Fingers crossed. We also put up some garland on our front porch. Some has lights and some doesn't. I sprayed snow on the kind with no lights. Tomorrow we have to put the garland around the door and put up the wreath. They both have lights. We haven't decorated inside or out in so many years so it is really nice to look festive.
Jean.... dept 56

Carolyn....BTW....your wood floors are sorta looks like mine in my gym.... I will say though....the rooms with wood sure do stay colder in the winter!!!!

I'm watching the Garth brooks special on CBS!!!! :)
Good Morning. Today I did disc 22. My triceps feel so full. I love it.

Carolyn My life is totally different now. I have a beautiful house in a beautiful neighborhood with very nice neighbors. I didn't feel safe in my old neighborhood so I only went out when I had shopping to do. Now I try to go someplace every other day. It is nice to have a home that I want to decorate. We only have a neighbor on one side and he is a part timer so that is nice. Life is good.
That bill wasn't too bad for all that the vet did. Hopefully they won't charge you for every weekly visit. I hate when my pets have to wear those cones. I am glad to hear that you take it off during meals. Some people make them try to eat with that contraption on. So it sounds like Cuda is staying in his crate most of the day so he won't hurt her eye. Poor guy. He'll get over it.

Missy I found those ornaments on line. They have a lot of nice ornaments. I saved it to my favorites.

Today we hope to finish our outside decorating. Tomorrow I am riding up to Wilmington with my friend. Her and her husband are delivering a farm table set and they need help loading and unloading into the truck. She had 2 knee replacements and one of them is falling apart so she can't walk too good. Wilmington is at the top of the state , about 2 hour drive. I haven't been there yet so I am looking forward to going there. We are also going to Trader Joes.
Colleen, you are definitely one of us, my friend! Be part of the conversation, that's all that's required:D.
Missy, that is a beau-ti-ful tree! So gorgeous and full! The ornaments are adorable!
Carolyn, your floors are gorgeous! Your poor boxer! What an ordeal for her. And your family.
Jean, I understand what you mean about having a place you want to decorate, and even clean! I do envy your life. When I'm retired, that would be an ideal scenario. I love how happy and full your life is (and triceps;))!
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Oh yeah, I have STS TB and don't really like it. It is high rep and torture for me. Maybe I should do it again with lighter weights. Or fresh eyes. Or something.
I too am a low-maintenance gal. I wear eyeliner and mascara with some pale color on my lips, otherwise there's not much to look at.:confused: Don't sweat it if you don't get to work out. It's a long holiday weekend, so enjoy laying about.
Isn't it ironic that dd loves girlie things? But that's ok--it's fun, right?;)
Carolyn....I haven't worked out yet either!!!! Feeling very lazy!!! You are too funny.....I don't wear makeup either.....what you see is what you get!!!! Lol.... I also just wash my face in the shower!!!! They only thing beauty I splurge on is hair care....I buy my shampoo at Sally's beauty supply.....because that's what my aunt always bought me cause she was a beautician!!!!

I need motivation too....cause its cold and I don't want to do anything but relax!!! Just lounging watching Christmas movies!!!

So glad to hear your baby is okay..... she's in my thoughts!!!! All I can I miss my blackie terribly and would have done anything in the world for cerrish every second you have with all your 4 legged.....blackie always loved Christmas.....she was always under the tree sleeping on the tree skirt.....I hung her ornament I had engraved for her on my tree......she will always be with us!!!

Be back in a bit!!!! funny we were posting at the same time!!! Looks like we are all low maintance!!! Too funny....were so much alike!!!! Guess that's why were such great friends!!!!
Missy, I'm very cold now too. I'm trying to finish reading last Sunday's paper before tomorrow's comes.
It's so great to picture you relaxing at home. You have a lot on your plate, so just enjoy those Christmas movies. It's important to slow these next 4 weeks down because they tend to be frenetic and stressful. Plus Xmas only comes once a year!
Blackie is right there with you, snuggling while you're enjoying a quiet weekend.
I used to be very sensitive to bcp brands. Once my brand was discontinued and I was prescribed a generic, I went into an awful tailspin. It was some scary times.
Hi ladies!

We had a very nice Thanksgiving at my brother's. Dinner came out good, and we were all stuffed. I think the thing I like about going away is I can't see all the clutter on my counter and all the stuff I have to do! It was very cold and windy there though, I did not walk much.

Carolyn sorry to hear about your boxer. How long did the vet think it will take to heal? It sounds miserable all around. On the other hand, I love your wood floors, they look fantastic.

I was up in your neck of the woods today too I think, aren't you near Plaistow NH? My younger dd had volleyball tryouts this morning at the RAC (now the Y). I hope practices are not there as well, it is a bit of a hike from here.

Jean, I too hope to have a retirement home like what you have now, it seems so important to be social as we age.

Missy your tree is beautiful! I think we will get ours next weekend. Oldest dd turns 18 on Tues (eek) and we try to hold off on christmas stuff until after her birthday.

For anyone feeling lazy, remember how hard you work out most days of the week and enjoy your family time!
Sounds like everyone had a good Thanksgiving! Ours was great too. I worked till 3:30 but it was no big deal. I feel privileged that I'm able to take care of people that are sick and not feeling well and be able to add a little more joy to the holiday while they are in the hospital. After work we went to Tony's mom's house and ate way too much food. Yum yum!

Today I did AOLIH before work and also went on a walk during my break. It was cold but not as cold as it has been. It's only 7 o'clock here but B just want to bed and Tony's at band so I'm heading to bed early. It'll be nice to gets more than the usual six hours of sleep tonight. I work tomorrow but hope to catch up and do personals.

Betty I saw your post about meeting in a girl named Brecken. Thats so cool! I've only heard the name one other time and it was a boy. I really like it for a girl too :) Very original!

Love the Christmas tree pics everyone. We put up some lights and B LOVES them. We will be getting a tree next week though :) Can't wait!

Have a good evening everybody. I'm off to bed. I work tomorrow but hope to catch up with personals.
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Good evening....I finally got up and went next door with Tim to help our neighbors move some heavy items....then we walked back how and started racking leaves.....we have it all racked and then it got tomorrow we have o pick all the piles up and burn living!!!! But t least our yard will look nice again....I hate the look of leaves coveting the pretty grass!!!! arms are sore!!!

Carolyn....before you know it will be Christmas.....and hopefully allies eye I'll be 100% better. I have her my thoughts!!!

Betty....that's so sweet to say about blackie!!! Made my day as I was missing her terribly today!!!!

Marie....those patients were blessed to have you as a nurse on thanksgiving!!!! You definitely are in the right line of loving!!! Can't wait to see Christmas pics of your little man!!!!

Mary....I am glad you have a relaxing time with the family!!!!

Hello jean and colleen!!!

Oh....tonight Tim and I went to Mexican or inner then walked was so Christmas... trees and decorations in all the windows....just lovely!!!

Good back in the a.m.
Wow, where is everyone?
Cloudy/foggy/misty/showery here today, in low 40s.
Got a split pea & ham on slow cooker started. Dh is cleaning fireplace so no fire yet:confused:

Marie, your patients were fortunate to have you on Thanksgiving day. Having a loving and caring nurse makes a world of difference! I can tell the ones who shouldn't be in the field.
Good girl getting sleep when you can. You and Tony are the perfect partners.

Carolyn, how is Ellie? You have the cutest descriptions of your home life. I like this one about her wagging her bum. How was your sleep?
Don't let dh get you down about today's meal at your mom's. Enjoy it. It's all about family and lovingly made delicious food! You get to stretch it out to today and hold off Xmas for another day! (I can't tell you how many times when jackass is just the perfect word over here.:confused:)

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