STS first time!

Ds1 just texted to say he'll be home tonight:) instead of tomorrow night. Yay!
Missy, I might have started Christmas Lodge last year. It had religious overtones, I think. Will look at the other one on Netflix.
Good evening my friends.....I am on cloud 9..... and so in love with lean legs and abs!!!!! My legs are like jello!!!!! I am so looking forward to DOMS tomorrow!!!! Hehehe excited!!! Enjoy family time!!!!

It is still raining....all day....I don't think it has stoped all day.... more coming! Errr.....

I'm off for 5 days!!! Yeah!!!!! Off to shower!!!!
Missy, how exciting you got to try LL&A! Fab!
I watched the Big L that we mentioned this morning. It was barely a blip at the end. Dull.
Marie, guess what? I met a lady named Brecken at Pilates! How unusual a name! She and her friend just finished Get in Shape for Women before coming over to Pilates. (Do you have GISFW in MN?) I think they are both vegans! Didn't have time to talk though; class time is very structured.
Good night, my friends. Big rain and huge winds expected tomorrow!
Good (dark) morning to sleep in! Whipping winds and rain. But mild, which I will take any day. Going to attempt X10--wish me luck!
Happy Thanksgiving Eve Everyone. I picture all of you in the kitchen making your signature dishes. :p Today is real rainy but luckily we didn't get the winds they were calling for. I might go grocery shopping later today. I am planning on taking out my Christmas Tree today and see what shape it is in and also see if my pets think it is a toy. I am hoping I can put in in front of the dining room window and no one will bother it.
Monday my husband and I took our autos into the dealership for their yearly service. His Tundra needed a water pump. Luckily he has a warranty and they cover $500 of that. While I was sitting in my car waiting for the man to write up my car , my drivers side window was acting up. I tried to have it go up and it went 3/4 up and then would come back down. I didn't say anything about it. When we were pulling out to come home , I tried to get the window up and it made this awful sound and when I looked at it , it was out of the track and sticking out about 3 inches. So I turned around and the dealership said the plastic parts that hold it in the track at broke and you need to get a whole new window. They don't sell the plastic holders separate. $500 for a new window. My husband looked and I also had a warranty and it paid for the whole thing. So I was very happy about that.

If you guys see either of the new leg w/o's on DOTD let me know.

We had fried turkey at our community Thanksgiving. I didn't notice any difference in taste. The people we are eating with tomorrow are the ones who fried them. So I guess we will be having it again tomorrow.

Betty Is the compote like a cranberry sauce? Is you son home? :D

Carolyn How much snow did you get?

Missy It is good to have you back. Enjoy your long weekend.

I am so disinterested in Big L this season. I had the last 3 recorded and watched 2 last night. I fast forwarded over a lot of it and just watched the weigh ins. I am glad to hear I am not the only one who feels this way.
I just finished STS #15, back and bis. I wish I had a pullup bar, the bands just don't feel like enough back work. I added on STS yoga abs, but I didn't really feel that one either. Can anyone do a levitation hold? What is the secret?

I took today off, have a million things to do. This pouring rain is keeping me from doing any errands, I just don't want to go out in it if I don't have to. Anyway, I still need to get all the stuff ready for Thanksgiving that we need to bring to the Cape. My kids have a half day so I am hoping we can leave after lunch and miss the Boston traffic.

Betty, yay on DS coming home early. I guess I will be saying that next year.

The PT had this thin metal rod, not straight but with little kinks in it, and she rolled it along my hamstrings. It felt all knobby and she said that is a sign of tight muscles. She could also feel the knots when she massaged them.

Jean, good you got your cars taken care of and did not have to pay for anything!

Have a Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
Hi friends. I just finished X54, the one with step, low impact, fat-burning circuit. Yep, no doubt this is hard. During the step session, I used no risers so that helps my joints. There are a lot of high-impact moves, jumping, fast-paced floorwork like pushups, burpees. There's for sure to be a dread factor with this one:p. Ignorance was bliss, in this case. I still have hi/lo and cardio blast to try--both appear to have a ton of jumping.

It's supposed to reach 62 today. Insane swings in temps. 30s for the rest of the week.

Dh and I said we'll finish Big L this season and stop watching it. Ds2 has just stopped; he used to be the fanatic about it.

Ds1 did come home so we had a nice meal of spiral ham, fish chowder, kale. For dessert I attempted to make an apple/apricot turnover with this very old puff pastry I had in the freezer. It came out well!!! What a nice surprise and it was tasty. I peeled and cut 2 apples, sprinkled some cinnamon, then mixed in 1/3c apricot jam. I'm so proud of myself;).

Ds2 gets off at 10:50. Today I plan on making the pumpkin flan and cornbread casserole to free up my time Thanksgiving morning for sleeping in then doing Rockout Knockout. We will leave for my s-i-l's in early aft then overnight at the Cape. Ds1 is getting on a bus to NY Saturday for the day to watch a hockey game.

The deep-fried turkey was not any more memorable than an oven-made one, but it cuts the time to a fraction! Since we didn't eat it when it came out, we didn't taste any crispy skin. I wouldn't want a deep-fryer, not to mention all the oil that will remain afterward.

Mary, I hope you make the midday departure. That's going to be some frenetic running around, plus you have to pack. Good luck with traffic! Have a fab Thanksgiving with your family!
I never felt during STS that the band was adequate either. I should really pull out Meso 2 and use it. STS has a dread factor for me for some reason.:eek:

Jean, nice outcome with the warrantied car work!:cool:

Oh, and I had coconut oil on my hair while I worked out!;)
Hello....I just got my pumpkin pie in the oven!!!!

Our high today is 48 and sopping wet from yesterdays rain....going down to 28.... brrr.....

I blanketed the horses a few hours ago....cause its only 44 and windy!!!! I frooze t death out there....

And tonight Tim and I go Christmas tree shopping!!!!

Not sure which Cathe DVD to do today since my lower body is sore.....any and advise????
Hi all, ds1 and I went out to lunch. Yum, Thai. Ds2 didn't want to go; he'd rather sit in front of the computer:confused:. He used to live for that, early releases and lunch there. Now he doesn't want the awkwardness of going out and being seen with mom.
And dh came home an hour ago, so that's great.
Ds1 helped me make the pumpkin flan. We burned the sugar twice; good thing it is not mixed in with the main ingredients so we could remake it no problem. Twice. It's in the oven. I already finished the cornbread casserole.

Enjoy your evenings, everyone! It's the best, when you're in for the night and anticipating Thanksgiving day.

Happy 2-year anniversary!
Good today I was busy..... I went to town to get horse grain....came home and blanketed horses and did barn chores. Then did laundry and some house chores and baking. I then decorated the entire inside of house for Christmas!!!!! Then I only had an hour till I was suppose to be ready to go tree I sat down and scrapbooked or 45 minutes...... so I never worked out.....oh well....I sure will tomorrow since all my chores are done!

Then my mil.... called and told me Maxie tore her Tim and I had to make an extra stop and buy her a new blanket, as it was not repairable.....and BTW.....they are not cheap....I have been price shopping them, but no one ever puts them on sale!!!! Err..... merry Christmas Maxie! We got her one and she loves it!!!!

We went all over looking at trees.....we actually had to drive to the next town because all the trees in my town were too small in my we got one!!!! Its still outside as we almost frooze....its already 32 degrees.....brrrr!!!! We will bring it inside tomorrow morning after Tim trims it up!!!! Super excited!!!!

Okay....enough about me..... Hope everyone has a lovely thanksgiving!!!! Chat in the morning!!! Good night! Hugs my friends!!!!
Good morning and Happy Thanksgiving!!!!

Just finished rock out knockout!!! Then had pumpkin pie for breakfast!!!! He he he

Have a lovely day and enjoy the food....we will work it off next week!!!!
Happy Thanksgiving Ladies. It is so cold today. My husband is up at Kmart taking advantage of some sales. He is buying us a Christmas Tree and wreath and garland for the front porch. That will be this weekends project.
I can't get in the mood to w/o.
Enjoy your family , friends and food today.
RK was fun! You really have to concentrate to do the moves, otherwise my arms and legs do moves from KPC! A lot of jumping in the cardio blast portion though.
Carolyn, do you still have this one? I love the leg work the KB gives you. You should try it.
I indulged in TWO blueberry muffins last week!;) Dunkin's. Delish.
Happy anniversary!!!

I did great glutes this morning.....then went to publix!!!! BTW....I though I was doing b&g....loved it!!!!
Now back home resting under a warm blanket!!!!

Carolyn....I hope your boxer is okay!!! Hugs!!!

I just bought a fit bit online..... wanted another one.....since I am feeling like my old self again!!!! I just love doing my Cathe workouts!!!!

BTW....I had to fill my prescription for my BC..... omg.... $60 was my copay!!!! The med has no generic, and is over $100..... I had to really think about to weather I wanted to spend $60 a month.....but it has helped me I went for it.....I have been on it for 3 Dr gave me 3 months of sample packs.... it decreased my flow to 2 to 2 1/2 days a month and minimal cramps and no more black discharge the week I guess its worth it!!!!

I will get on the laptop later and upload some pics of my tree!!!! Its beautiful!!!!!

Check back soon!!!!

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