STS first time!

Betty I did some research and Pumpkin Puree and canned Pumpkin are the same. Just make sure it isn't Pumpkin Pie filling.
I'm like you and wish the perfect job would fall into my lap. My husband did apply yesterday to work at Home Depot. I hope he gets something. He is too young to be sitting around home all day.

Today we went to some of the outlet stores here. There are 3 sections and we went to one of them. I will save the other 2 sections for another day.

Carolyn I am surprised she would pay you by the hour. I figured you would get paid per dog. If it's meant to be it will happen.
Jean, thank you for researching it for me!
Outlet stores are so awesome! I have some 45 mins away but I never go unless my CA sis comes to visit. How far away are yours? She will come back at Xmas. We had talked of going to the NH one when she was here in Sept. Maybe in Dec.
I hope dh gets a job at HD! It's a neat place to work.

Carolyn, go for it--dazzle your sis with your culinary skills!:D
Good Morning All. Today I did Disc 18. Last night I went to book club and we discussed " Killing Kennedy". For December a lady brings "A Christmas Carol" and we go around the room and read different parts out loud. I am not looking forward to that. Today another lady and I are going over another ladies house and crochet. One lady Trina has never crocheted so Sharon will teach her and just give me more practice. I don't think crochet is my thing because it doesn't call me to do it. So we will see if today changes my feelings.

We have about 150 outlet stores. They are 10 minutes from me.
Tanger Outlets | Rehoboth Beach, Delaware | Directory
Hi y'all. I just finished UY Gentle (with robe and socks on). It was just what I needed after this week's workouts so far have left me achy and sore. Absolutely love the instrumental music!
Jean, you're so funny! Crochet just might pull you in. Keep at it. But I do know what you mean though. That's the story of my life--nothing calls out to me in a passionate or intense like.:confused:
I also agree with your perfect description of your arms feeling full after an STS session.
Haven't been very productive today... But I did make the compote. It's so easy!
So sad that we're so quiet! I keep looking and nothing!
Been doing my food shopping the past two nights since i don't have my car during the day. It's rather nice.

Carolyn, have fun with mum. Hope you pick up lots of gifts. Nice to do it before Thanksgiving. I tell you that the stress level for Xmas is so low ever since we stopped exchanging gifts several yrs ago! Nothing for nieces & nephews, just our own little family unit of four, and we don't need anything, since we buy year-round. I just want someone to get me something thoughtful.
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Good morning! Dark and sprinkly right now.
I think I'll do either step or kickbox today. After, I'll be making a cheesecake for tomorrow.
How is everyone? I'm here just talking to myself.
Good Morning. It is cloudy and mild today. Then comes the rain and cold.

Carolyn Have a nice time shopping with your Mother. I don't buy gifts for anyone. My sister buys something from us for my Mother and I pay her. My husband and I haven't exchanged gifts for years. This house and furniture are good for us. We are putting up a tree this year. I just hope the pets will leave it alone. :(

My neighbor across the road invited us over for Thanksgiving. I told her no because I had already bought us a turkey but we could come for dessert. Then she called me again this morning and said her husband really wants us to come because it is his favorite holiday and he hates to see us alone over here. So we will probably have dinner with them. My question is what would be a good hostess gift to take . I don't really want to take food because they are having 7 other people there and I am sure there is going to be way too much food. I don't drink so I know NOTHING about wine. So any suggestions are welcome.

Betty I like how you say you would like "something thoughtful". If you could have the perfect gift from your family what would it be?

Yesterday we went to Sharon's for crochet. OMG Her house is gorgeous. When you sit in her family room , she has the most beautiful view of the bay and Bethany Beach. It is only her and her husband (and they are not old) and they have a 5 bedroom house. She said they want to move to a different house with only one story but stay in the community. I told her if she is going to get rid of any of her decorations let me know. This place looked like a showroom. Where do people get all of their money?????:confused: :confused: :confused:

My wood floors are filthy and I should clean them but I think I want to get out and enjoy this nice weather. I have allllllllllll winter to clean floors. :p
Hello. I just finished LICh. I finally feel like I can master it. Phew. Perhaps having no risers helped me as well. I just need to do it more often, like once a week.

Jean, with all your activities, I can't tell how often you work out now. Is it daily? Say hello to a 5x/wk person here!
I'm not sure what I would want from my family. Just something that they have given some thought to. Dh tries to get me an As Seen on TV piece of crap every year and I told him to stop wasting his money. I just feel like I don't receive the same amount of consideration in my gifts.:mad:
I'm not sure about the hostess gift. Do you want to give something lasting, like a kitchen gadget, or something ephemeral, like a flower arrangement for the meal? I don't drink wine either but if you want to bring that, ask at the wine store what would pair well with a thanksgiving meal or dessert.
I live in a prosperous region and it never ceases to amaze me how much wealth people have. I don't know how they do it.:confused: I'm sure I would have been drooling over Sharon's house as well. How was crochet?
I want to live in a community just like yours, Jean!
Carolyn, I give checks to my brother's kids (the one with the twins); he put in time when our kids were little, so now I give them Xmas $$ for their college funds, since their house is littered with toys.
Do you have a compost pile outdoors? I hate mine, which is in a black orb with side holes and a top lid. It is impossible for me to turn the pile inside. Being not very tall I don't have the leverage to turn, plus my tools are ridiculously heavy! It's so frustrating! So the pile doesn't break down as fast as it should.
We just got back from the Bay. It is so peaceful and quiet down there.

I try to w/o every other day. Doing STS I feel like I need a rest. Plus I don't stay home everyday like I used to. I need to get back on my elliptical. The only way I lose weight is cardio and I don't do much of that. I have put on a good 10 pounds since I started this move at the beginning of the year. Plus living here , you feel like you are on vacation everyday.

That is too bad that your husband doesn't put more thought into your giftd but I think it is a man thing. One Valentines Day I asked for Red Heart earrings and I got pink . I didn't want pink. He got me what he wanted me to have. :rolleyes: Well I hope you get something nice this year.

Crochet was o.k. but I still feel it's not for me. I just can't get the hang of holding the thread and the needle properly. The other lady did real well. I tried to learn to ride a motorcycle in 1998 and I couldn't get how you need to use both hands and feet at the same time. I dropped the bike and gave up. That is how I feel about crochet.
Carolyn, your poor boxer! Hope it's not too awful!
That's the best kind of shopping, those stores you went to!:p Love Panera!
I love crafty toys! The domino set sounds fun too.

Jean, kudos to your trying to ride a motorcycle!

Mary, you must be back already? How was your trip?

Feeling hungry! Because I've been eating so poorly for lunch this week.:confused:
Good Morning Girls. Today is sunny , breezy and cold. Today I did Disc 19. I am enjoying meso 2 so much I think I will repeat it. Today we are going to The Festival of Trees sponsored by the local Hospice.

Carolyn I hope your Boxer is doing better today. I wonder what happened to her eye. Maybe those pants of yours that were tight just shrunk in the dryer. That is possible. I'm sure you look fantastic.
Hi friends, sunny and not too bad, in the upper 40s. Heading to cousin's for Thanksgiving as soon as dh sleeps off migraine.
Carolyn, you're so funny. I think the same thoughts if my guys sleep too long.
Good to mix up the LB you've been doing with some chest work.

Jean, you're so right--C's pants probably shrunk in the drier. C--you shouldn't worry about gaining anything. You're so fit!

Just cut ds' hair while waiting for dh.
Good Morning All. It is so windy and cold today. :( The sun is shining so that is a plus.:)

Betty I hope you enjoyed our Thanksgiving with family. I guess you are sleeping off all of that food. :p

Carolyn I hope you get all the snow you want this winter. I wish I enjoyed snow.
Carolyn It makes me a little sad that you can't run anymore. You used to love it so much. I remember you always ran in the winter no matter what the weather. At least you can still walk.
You should put on those pants whenever you want to eat junk.

The 29th is our 2 year anniversary on this forum Girls. :D
Hi friends, I didn't overstuff myself yesterday, nor even stuff myself. I'm really seeing how doing Cathe during the week makes me able to eat more than others! I wasn't in a food coma. But it probably depends on the totm too. We had a deep-fried turkey, a first for me. It was no different than others but it only takes a fraction of the time to cook. My cheesecake wasn't that tasty though. Believe it or not, it wasn't sweet enough. It was my first time making a cheesecake with sour cream, which I've always resisted.

Carolyn, I hope you lazied about. You sorely need it! Ha, pun!
I can't believe you used to like running in this weather! It's FRIGID and super gusty. Wind chills of single digits. It feels like it's blowing right through the house!
I think your memory is accurate about Mary's PT.
I should roll a tennis ball on my forearm. Resisting another piece of equipment, a foam roller.

Jean, I'll never like snow either. In fact, this cold weather has me in a pi$$y mood, combined with having to vacuum with a loathsome clunky cumbersome canister vacuum, and having to listen to football while in the room the fireplace is situated:confused:. And our team isn't playing till evening! At least the volume isn't too loud.

Hi Missy, Colleen, Marie, Mary! Hope everyone's having an enjoyable weekend!
Betty I think with you doing Cathe 5 days a week now might also help with your food . I know I resist things easier when I w/o.
I have a canister vac and I like it better than an upright. I guess it is all in what you're used to.
Yes, Jean, happy anniversary to us!
Which reminds me, any good Cathe Black Friday deals?
Watched The East the other night. You might like it.
We keep posting at the same time!

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