STS first time!

Good Afternoon everyone. Today is cold and windy . Not my kind of weather. Today I did Disc 16. My arms felt so full when I was done. I don't feel like doing anything else today.

Betty Don't quote me but in Meso cycle 2 , Cathe said that is where we increase muscle size. Maybe you could be Meso 2 for upper body.

Carolyn I can't wait to see your new floors. I bet they are lovely.
I think after talking to your friend you will be able to decide if you want to go back to work. I am sure you have a million questions for her. She could probably accommodate your schedule with school and exercising. Let us know how it goes tomorrow.

Marie I so wish I had gone to nursing school when I was young. It is interesting to hear about the different departments you are working in. You look so in love in your avatar.
Knock, knock! Anybody home?

Glad you posted something, Jean. I was getting lonely. Do you mean do Meso 2 to increase my muscle size?
Hello....quick check in....I sure thought this week was gonna slow down....but it has speed up....what the hell? I just want to go back to normal....counting down the days.....

I have been sticking with my cardio....cant wait to have enough time to get back to Cathe....I plan on starting my cathe workouts again saturday..... I have been in meeting all day....and then errands.....

Marie...I can completely understand the homework...errr.... I do have to finish my last bit tonight for tomorrows I put it off over the weekend....:confused: But this should be the last of it...cause next wednesday we have no class and then the last class dec 4th is a test! will be over!!! School is just not for me! I know that now! hehehe

I will try to get back on here later when I get home....

Hope everyone is doing okay! hugs my friends!;)
We are a slow thread! Somebody, anybody!

Missy, yay for school finishing soon! Kudos to you for taking that on for so long! Schooling is not for me either. I'd rather be doing anything than studying or homework!
Although I want to take piano and a language.

So cold today! Ergh.
Carolyn, how infuriating about your vacuum. Those are professional ones, right? My sis has an Electrolux from Costco that she likes for its ease of use (attachments and such) but she hasn't had it that long. My canister vacuums drive me insane for the clunkiness of use!:mad:

Say, has anyone tried Cathe's triple tracks?? I'd forgotten all about it. How do you activate it??
Hi girls!!!

Carolyn I can't wait to see pictures of the floor. Don't over think the job yet. Hear what she has to say and give it a try. Worst thing that could happen is it doesn't work. It will be good for you. You'll figure out a schedule that works for you and your family. No sweat on the barre. I don't like turbo barre much either.

SBF day 4 today.

Marie love the picture. Sounds like work is going well.

We have a vacuum from sears. Probably a Kenmore.
Hi Ladies. We just sat in our backyard and watched the Minotaur Rocket Launch from Wallops Island , Va. We took the laptop outside and watched the count down and then looked up in the sky. The next thing you know , here goes this orange ball thru the sky. It was so neat.
WOW! 5 posts in less than an hour??:eek: That's more like it!

Omg, Jean, I totally forgot to go outside for the rocket launch! I have gone out for the passing of the International Space Station and such! That must have been so neat for you!

Carolyn, I'll be thinking of you leading up to and after 10. Come straight back and post!!!:eek:
I used to play ?Words with Friends or something with my sis. I don't do that anymore. A time suck.
Yes, the pushups on FT--I only did maybe 80% of them. But all on my toes.;) Then today pushups again.:confused: I lazied out and did them half-a$$ed. I'm my own obstruction to being fit!!
Tried to watch The Goldbergs, maybe 3-5 minutes. Didn't utter a laugh, smirk, or snort. Sorry.

Colleen, you are going to be so fit! Not that you aren't already. Cathe says that on what again?
Should I do GG or X10 tomorrow? I did LL&A Thurs, PRS#2 Fri, FT Mon, BS today. I should probably do GG first. Must keep the legs fire burning.
I haven't even opened X10 yet! I'm reading that the step segment is tough! Be afraid!
Triple tracks, anyone?
Dh needed my car last Thu & Fri, today, tomorrow, maybe more. I'm surely clearing out the leftovers and food in the fridge and freezer! But I need to shop for my family's Thanksgiving meal this Saturday. I'm making a cheesecake, my cranberry grape compote, and a baked brie apricot appetizer. My cousin is hosting at her gorgeous new townhouse.
Must. Get. Off.
You gals are making me blush! Thanks for all the compliments. You are all too sweet! Carolyn- Yup, thanks for noticing. My friend is in hair school and highlighted my hair a couple weeks ago. I treated myself and got a facial from her too. It was amazing!

Flextrain for me today!

Ate too much for dinner. DH made a mix of brown rice, quinoa, chopped pork, peas, coconut oil (Betty ;)) and rice wine vinegar. So yummy! That and a couple mini gluten free sweet potato pancakes from Trader Joes. Oh and my always needed dark chocolate chips for dessert! I better do CF or TTM tomorrow ;)

Alright off to bed. Early morning for me to get a workout in. Then a playdate :)

Have a great day tomorrow fit ladies!
Morning everyone!

CF and bonus abs done :)

Chilling on the couch waiting for B to get up. I should be studying but the forums are more interesting ;)
Should I do GG or X10 tomorrow? I did LL&A Thurs, PRS#2 Fri, FT Mon, BS today. I should probably do GG first. Must keep the legs fire burning.
I haven't even opened X10 yet! I'm reading that the step segment is tough! Be afraid!
Triple tracks, anyone?
Dh needed my car last Thu & Fri, today, tomorrow, maybe more. I'm surely clearing out the leftovers and food in the fridge and freezer! But I need to shop for my family's Thanksgiving meal this Saturday. I'm making a cheesecake, my cranberry grape compote, and a baked brie apricot appetizer. My cousin is hosting at her gorgeous new townhouse.
Must. Get. Off.

Which workout did you decide on Betty? I love both of course lol! GG is awesome! No dread factor which is always nice ;)
Should I do GG or X10 tomorrow? I did LL&A Thurs, PRS#2 Fri, FT Mon, BS today. I should probably do GG first. Must keep the legs fire burning.
I haven't even opened X10 yet! I'm reading that the step segment is tough! Be afraid!
Triple tracks, anyone?
Dh needed my car last Thu & Fri, today, tomorrow, maybe more. I'm surely clearing out the leftovers and food in the fridge and freezer! But I need to shop for my family's Thanksgiving meal this Saturday. I'm making a cheesecake, my cranberry grape compote, and a baked brie apricot appetizer. My cousin is hosting at her gorgeous new townhouse.
Must. Get. Off.

Which workout did you decide on Betty? I love both of course ;) GG is awesome though. No dread factor which is always nice!
Marie, it's only 8:10 here. I can't believe you're already done exercising! High five!!
I'm putzing around my kitchen, doing a long-overdue clearing out of most of my plastic containers and such. Glass all the way! It frees up a ton of room!

Carolyn, good luck! You'll be fine and both of you will come up with a mutually beneficial schedule. I love that it's a stress-free service! It's not life or death. Question: do you clean dog icky parts when grooming?
Marie, I will do GG shortly. I'm overdue. Next week I'll try to do both in one week, like Monday & Friday or something.
I just finished GG Extreme. It was tough for me today, and I wonder if it's from doing lower body with FT on Monday. I did do every.single.rep. though. Those calf thingies, hydrants, and pizza presses were killer!
My forearm doesn't feel any worse today, and I iced it last night too. I wonder if I could try Bis & Tris with very light weights.... It has also crossed my mind that I could have like a carpal tunnel thing with my forearm because I type on the screen of my tablet as it's angled and using my right hand. Started using primarily my keyboard.
Ok, I went and looked at Triple Tracks. I get it now; it's like her old videos, right? I've never turned off music though.
Hi Carolyn, I'm deflated for you! I'm a big believer in things that are meant to be though. Something could still come of it. Or maybe it would prompt you to open your own business again.
May I ask how you determine an ?hourly rate?
This week I inquired about openings in this builder firm in my neighborhood. I'm so aligned with this guy's principles. He builds responsibly, consciously, eco-mindedly. Too bad he already has a business mgr! I would walk a block to work! He has no vacancy.
As I was turning off the tv after GG, I caught a glimpse of Kelly and Michael. Would you want to make a pumpkin flan? Very few ingredients:
Or a cheesecake?
I forgot you made the compote! It's going to be an annual tradition!
Carolyn, I've been thinking about work for a while. A couple of years ago I applied for jobs in the college ds1 attends to try to mitigate tuition but no luck. Now I don't want to do the formal search for a job, but rather just have the perfect part-time one land in my lap through frineds or contacts. I've applied to some here and there but no one wants to hire.
Do you mean hairdressers get half of what I pay for a haircut? Didn't know that!
The brie thing is an appetizer. Baked brie with apricot, honey, and almonds:
This is the exact recipe I had printed out a couple of years ago.
I bring the compote annually to dh's side of the family Thanksgiving. Would you believe s-i-l still serves the canned ones as well?!

I must remember to be choosy with desserts for Thanksgiving. Do not eat anything not worth the calories and that I don't really care for. Simple enough yet I have to be mindful.

Is canned pumpkin the same as pumpkin puree? I have a can of the former and the flan calls for the latter. Any insight? I'm so clueless.

You gals who know a friend who's a hairdresser, lucky you!

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