STS first time!

I did half water and half cranberry juice. It was that sour. I hope it's better by tomorrow.

Enjoy your mom & sis, Jean. Crocheting, delish homemade dinners, WD, your new home--sounds marvelously cozy.
Ds1 loves stroganoff, which I haven't made in a long time since I am steering away from beef. (Get it?!:D)
I'm so glad you didn't return the dvd yet. Give it another shot. Look for subtitles or cc button on your remote control.

That typhoon sounds massive. The earth's storms are getting so powerfully devastating!
Carolyn, I have done a tiny fraction of what you've accomplished today:confused:, and brought in ONE bag of pellets, also 40lbs. You are a machine!:D
It is frigid out! I just lit my pellet stove so it should warm up shortly.
I'm staying in again because I don't know when the urge to pee will strike.:confused: I'm wondering when I will see improvement.
I did UY Flexibility. 71 mins is loooonnnng.
My upper arms have been experiencing reduced range of motion lately, like when I remove a coat or lift them high they feel so tight. Around the bicep area. Any ideas?
How did ds get pi at this time of year? Is he super itchy? You try slathering coco oil or aloe on him?
Carolyn, what an ordeal for a simple poison ivy case. You'd think they'd have more pressing matters and rush through ds' appt. Surprising.
It's ridiculously frigid today, in the 30s. Tomorrow too. Would need my down coat and longjohns to go out, not that I know whether I can. I'm going through phases of merely thinking of peeing and immediately needing to go. Omg. I am also feeling lower back soreness. Is that where the bladder is? I'm leaning on a heating pad. It feels good.

Mary, good luck to dd's team. We're all rooting for them tomorrow!
Yes Betty, go to Dr., no reason to suffer any more! I used to get those all the time, but I haven't had one in a while.

Carolyn, hope ds' poison ivy is better, that stinks.

I did STS #10 this morning, I want to wrap up M1 before I go away next week. I am looking forward to moving on, way too many pushups!

I have been in all day meetings this week for the new project and last night we had to go out for a team dinner. Tonight will be long with DD's game. So tired!
Hello. Haven't exercised yet. Waiting for doc's office to call me back.
Just heard from them. 1:30 appt for a culture.
Feels like teens or twenties today, it's that cold!
Mary, hang in there. You might catch up on sleep on your trip. Good luck to dd tonight!
Heading out soon. I must stop thinking about urinating, I must stop thinking about urinating, I must stop thinking....
Ok, just took my first pill with food. It will be for 5 days, 2x/day. My ob/gyn's office confirmed the UTI suspicion and did an internal, which makes me feel better.
I will skip working out today. I'm mentally wiped, and physically achy on my UB from UY, sore on my LB from the UTI.
I'm fortunate I don't have a dozen things going at once, so I'll just sit or lay around.;)
Jean, I just watched The Big Wedding. It was pretty lame, IMHO. Big cast, weak plot.

Well, not much doing. Waiting for pills to kick in.
Big L has been strangely.....short.:D I guess I don't mind it being an hour quicker. The schtick gets old.
I'll be back to Cathe tomorrow, surely. Looking forward to it.
What day is Meet the Goldbergs on?
Carolyn, I hope you're having a blast shopping and dining with your friend. It's the best to be able to yak it up with a girlfriend.;)
Hope you find some goodies at M!
Rest day for me today, much needed.

We lost the volleyball game last night, the other team was very very strong and we could not afford any mistakes. DD is ok with it so all is good.

Betty, I hope you are feeling better this morning.

Carolyn, sounds like you had fun with your friend, but no finds? Wine makes me sleepy too.
Hi girls. I started noticing improvement after dinner, before I even took the second pill. Thank God.
The caveat is that I could start getting them more often in this phase of my life (peri and menopause eventually). I'll have to be proactive on prevention.

Mary, too bad for DD's team but I'm happy she's all right with it. She can now enjoy some freed up time to de-stress.
Enjoy your rest day.

I'm either going to do PRS#2 or LL&A shortly. Must get moving and not squander the day.
HEY YOU GUYS! I'm getting lonely out here!
Missy, you swamped with work and school? How are you?
Marie, hope your week and time with B have been lovely.
Jean, I know you're busy with mom & sis. Hope they are loving the visit and quality time.

I just finished LL&A Extreme or whatever it's called with barre. I love it!
The pills make my head feel a little strange. That's why I hate pills!
Good sorry I have been MIA....hopefully things will be slowing down soon..... said it best swamped!!!! ERRRRR.....:mad:

I only have 2 glasses left of this aweful coding class!!!! Next the week of thanksgiving...and then test night on Dec 4th! YEAH!!!!

I have also been crazy at work...OMG!!!! Holiday time at the office is always swamped! We are so time for anything!

I have been back on my hard workout regimen this week and I actually feel better.....

Hope everyone is okay....I hope to be able to check in daily going forward from now....hopefully!!!!! I have no more I am caught up to what we are doing! YEAH!!!! this school thing almost killed me! is freezing here...32 degrees this morning!!!!

Be back later! Dr calling me.....:confused:
Hi girls!

Yes work has been crazy this week. I've been in an off site meeting all week. I've only worked out Monday and Tuesday. I'm hoping to get back to it tomorrow.

I started another barre style workout. Suzanne Bowen Fitness. It's streaming similar to barre3 but more harder like Leah but not using voice over like Leah. I've only done a few so well see. She has had a challenge starting on Saturday that I joined.

Betty I hope you are feeling better.

Carolyn have fun at bjs

Missy yeah for class being almost over.
Carolyn, no credit card for 12 days??? What kind of logic do these companies have?? I can't live without mine. I don't carry that much cash. Would that be a TJX card? They always ask and I decline.
Your shoulders look muscular? Wow! That's impressive! I wouldn't worry. It probably looks really hot on you, a tall blonde.;)

Yes, I do love the LL&A and GG workouts! They don't have those dreaded plyo moves and endless reps of lunges and barbell squats.

Colleen, Suzanne looks great. I wish I had seen her site first, then I wouldn't have eaten a slice of cherry pie. It was getting old and wasn't even that satisfying.:eek:
Good morning, friends!
Will exercise shortly. Don't know what yet. I'm sure I'll waffle indecisively.
Carolyn, I have credit cards earning plain ole $$ and, to a much lesser extent, airline miles.
Mary, are you leaving for SF Sunday? My heart goes with you;)
Babble, babble....

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