STS first time!

Carolyn, I've never watched Meet the Goldbergs. All these supposedly funny sitcoms on tv--they don't crack me up at all. I'm very hard to make laugh.

I'm the only person babbling along these days....
Whoopie pie - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Betty Here are some fun facts about Whoopie Pies.

Happy Birthday to your daughter Colleen. I hope she has a wonderful birthday.

Today is rainy , depressing and warm. I was supposed to do something leg related today but I didn't feel like it. I have been waking up at 3:30 every morning , fall back asleep and then back awake at 5:30. I am tired.
The stitching club was so fun. There was 9 of us there. Even one lady who hasn't moved in yet. I learned 3 crochet stitches. Now I have to practice at home so I can make a scarf. I am looking forward to when it feels natural to me. The Social committee meeting was full of laughter also.
My sister and Mother are coming to visit this Monday Nov 11 and going home on Thursday the 14th.

I've never watch the Goldbergs. Walking Dead was good at the end when Rick kicked out Carol. That is going to be very interesting to see what she gets into.

A lady who lives here part time also lives in Italy part time. She is there now and coming home at Thanksgiving. She is supposed to be bringing with her Season 4 of Downton Abbey. Apparently they get it earlier than us. I am wondering if the dvd will play on our players here or if she has one she brought home from Italy.
Guess what?? I just did 60 mins and 13 miles on my spin bike! Hooray!:cool:
It is rainy but still mild. It will drop tonight, the temps.
I'm watching Much Ado About Nothing. How can anyone understand Shakespearean English??
Good morning! I'm first again??
Hoping to work on legs today. Though I did spin and my legs might be tired out.
So much flab everywhere:confused: So disheartening.
Rest day today, I did LL&A yesterday.

Oldest DD's volleyball team is in the playoffs, they won a tough game last night and will move on to the North finals on Sat. night. It was so stressful watching the game last night, because the teams were evenly matched, but I so wanted them to win especially since it is her last season, and they are a great bunch of girls.

Great job on the bike Betty!

We are moving cubes today at work, what a waste of a day.
Good morning.

Good job Betty on the bike.

Today was barre3. I had major doms in the glutes yesterday from barre3 on Wednesday.
Hi girls.
Mary, congrats for dd's team. I hope they win it all! But at least they made it this far!
Enjoy that rest day, at work too;). You need your mind to declutter, but I know how you feel--you have all that work and you can't get to it!

Colleen, how awesome you had major doms!:D I give you credit for sticking to first BB and now B3. You must have some serious definition from those!
What size in tanks do you wear in Athleta? XS or S? Athletic wear is strangely sized.

I just finished GG Extreme. It was only my 2nd time with this dvd. I loved it! No dread or plyo or endless reps (well, floor notwithstanding;)), just controlled movements.

Carolyn, where are you girlfriend?
Mary, dd's vball will help her get into colleges;). I watched a Stanford women's vball match vs Oregon State during my trip.
Speaking of, say, when are you going to SF??
Hi Ladies. I know you working ladies are glad it is Friday. Today is blue skies , sunny and cold. I need to try to get out before it gets too windy. I need a walk or bike ride. Today I did disc 13. I am loving Meso 2 and the one minute breaks. It is amazing how much more worked out I feel today than with Meso 1.
Betty You are so funny about your flab. :eek: You're not the only one so don't feel too bad. But I feel the same way. My problem is my nutrition. I think you will feel better after you get back into doing your bike nightly like you did when you got it. I think I recall you getting my skinny jeans?
Mary Congrats to your daughters team for making it to the finals. What on earth are you going to do when your youngest goes to college? Has your daughter picked a college yet? What an exciting time.
I'm going to make an applesauce cake today and cajun boil for dinner.
Babble, babble...., in Carolyn's terms
Thanks Betty. I love the results and they work for me with my knees. I wear a size xs both tanks/shirts and pants from athleta.
Jean, recently I mentioned a pair of straight-leg jeans. After all these yrs of bootcuts, I am tired of them. I'll keep looking for one pair of skinnys.
How utterly exciting about Downton! (I put myself on queue earlier this yr so I'm hoping for the best.). The very idea of Italy makes me giddy. I envy our friend. I envy you your new community!;). Your activities sound so fun!
Sadly, I have spin bike dread. I look at the clock every few mins! But I will use it if I'm watching tv.
My cake was a trifle overcooked. Haven't tasted it yet. Bottom still feels soft.
Hi Girls. We went for a nice cold bike ride today. Riding against the wind was hard. It was nice to get out.

Betty I do remember you saying they were straight leg jeans. My Bad. The lady who lives in Italy part time is supposed to be back here around Thanksgiving. I have never met her but I have conversed with her on some forums. I wish you were here to talk to her. These people in this community travel a lot. One couple just went on a river cruise to Holland , Switzerland and Germany. One couple just went to Ireland. They all travel all over the world. It is amazing. These people are loaded.
I am not doing too good with my crochet. I forgot what stitch I am doing and I forgot how to start a new row. My sister is bringing her stuff next week so she can help me out. I think the lady tried to teach me too much in too short of a time.
You really should put in one of Cathe's ride dvd's and see how you like it. I am sure it has got to be better than just riding. You might become addicted. Hey , If you can do step , you can do anything.

Carolyn You can keep that snow.
Jean, great that you're getting that bike-riding in before it gets too cold.
I have tried Cathe's CM (is that the first one?). Since I'm not as advanced as them, I don't follow all they do. My quads are so weak:eek:. I hate that burning feeling when you're going too fast for too long.;) Anyway, how can I watch tv on the bike if I have a Cathe dvd in there??:D
My s-i-l taught herself to crochet via the Internet, so Jean, try looking it up if you can't wait till your sis gets there. (Sounds like a nice upcoming visit.)
Wow, some of the places your community members go visit! I'm am green with envy. Do you guys have a community forum? That's cool.
It was 40s, blustery, and cold today!:confused:

Carolyn, I notice if I'm on the computer too many hours, my eyes get tired and dry. Perhaps that's all it is. It's a hazard of modern society.
Good morning! Late start. Slept till nearly 10:30!:eek: Holy smokes.
Dh has a migraine and hopefully he'll sleep it off.
Here the sun came and went; it's windy and cold.
I hate it when the weekend gets here and I'm raring to go, but everyone else is raring to stay in.:(
I would love dh to start a home project while we're stuck in for the winter. Specifically, built-in bookcases flanking our fireplace. A new kitchen is so outrageous to him that I dare not ask it.

Carolyn, I was wondering if you found anything at Athleta. I looked through the tanks and they are still too pricey! Especially because, one, I found a Nike one for $15 at TJM the other day, and two, because I don't need any!!!
I'm trying to avoid Lulu's pricey tops, rapidly diminishing quality, and dumb no return policy on sales items. Keep me away!!! Surprising that a friendly Canada (British Columbia) company has such an unfriendly return policy. I've always found Canadian clothes to be of inferior quality though, and I'm talking 20+ yrs now since I've compared.

Jean, tell us of your new delivery!
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Hi Ladies. I just got home from a bike ride . That is my exercise for today. :p
We have blue skies and cold temps but it is a beautiful day.
My furniture arrived at 10 am. My husband said the bedroom looks like a magazine. It is so pretty. I wish you were all here to see it. I will try to post a video later so you can see what a wonderful job my decorator does.
Then we went to the grocery store to buy all of the food to make my meals for my family. We are having Beef Stroganoff on Monday and Lasagna , garlic bread and coconut cream pies on Tuesday and Wednesday. My mother will help me make the pies. My grandmother used to make them when I was little and there is none other than my mothers and grandmothers.

Betty did you get anyone to go out with you today? I guess my husband and son want to stay home because they are at work and school all week. I cannot believe you are able to sleep till 10:30. Now with the time change I am up by 6 am. Bookcases flanking the fireplace would be beautiful. You are lucky your husband is able to do the work himself. We do have a community forum but not a lot of activity on it. I have 9 posts on there and I have posted the most.

Carolyn did you w/o today? I am sure you did something fun with the family.

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