STS first time!

I don't like the cold either.

Thanks Betty. I'm feeling OK. My eyes won't stop watering. So strange.

I didn't realize you were getting new floors too! How exciting

Jean that's awesome you furniture will be delivered this weekend!
Hi ladies, back from the dr. I am feeling discouraged. I went in and explained my symptoms, and he (an ortho doc), said it sounded like a spine issue. I said my hamstrings burn when I do plyo moves, and he did not really know what that was, although he said he does run. So they took some xrays but everything looked fine, so now I have to go for an MRI. He also wants me to get PT 3 times a week (don't have any idea how I will fit that in) and come back in 4 weeks. He said he didn't want me to think he wasn't listening to me, but he has to start from the bottom and work up. I guess I wanted a definitive answer and it seems like more waiting. Ugh.

Carolyn and Jean, how exciting for the new stuff. Carolyn, I did not realize you were getting new hw floors either, those will look great!

I don't think it is that cold here today, but maybe Boston is colder?

I will have to check out Home Goods as well, I hate the price of window treatments!
Mary, how frustrating! It doesn't sound spinal:confused:. Take it one step at a time then. At least it sounds like he's willing to unearth the problem with you.
It was high 40s today. Cold inside and out:mad:.
I just finished UY Gentle. I should have chosen something more strenuous but didn't have the time for 60-70 mins! My body thanks me anyway.
Jean, the shoes I found had stacked (instead of pointy) heels and were not workboots. And you are so right, I'd be a desk person;).
Better go prep my Brussels sprouts for roasting.
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You'll get a kick out of this: I had my robe on the entire time I was doing UY!!;)
I always start out with it until I warm up. Gentle was so slow I didn't heat up! I did have my exercise clothes on underneath though;)!
Mary, what Carolyn said!

Carolyn, usually the robe would hang and trip me up. Today, it barely got in the way. Can you believe it?:D
You are so dedicated to your quest for a shelf;). Nice focus! I must have the same dedication for my legs!
Betty I reread your post about the shoes and I don't know why I thought it said "work Boots". Duh. Those are cute. They look like good office shoes. Are you seriously considering going back to work? How long have you been away from the work place?
I can picture your robe flying all over the place while you exercise. I am with Carolyn being annoyed thinking about it.

Mary that is a shame that your Dr couldn't help you more but it is good that has has ordered an MRI. Hopefully that will find what is wrong. The PT should be able to give you some good exercises to do. When I went to the PT for sciatica they really helped me.

I went to Canasta tonight. There were 8 of us tonight. It was a lot of fun and I met more of the neighbors.
I love the Goldberg. Such a good show!

30 min Barre3 for me today. Got up late and tired but I felt better afterwards.
Today I repeated STS disc5, back and tris. At least these endurance workouts are getting my heart rate up, since I am limited on the cardio!

I made a PT appt. for next week, I will tell them what the dr. said and then tell them my actual symptoms. I really do not think it is related to my spine. One interesting thing, I saw my xray on the machine while I waited for the dr. to come in, and my spine is crooked. I have a little scoliosis, surprising it was never picked up while I was growing up.

Betty, love the shoes! I still dress up for work even though it is very casual here.

Jean, your new place sounds like so much fun, especially being able to socialize with your neighbors.

Carolyn, hope the exercise went well!
Hi Everyone. It's another beautiful day. The sky is blue and we are getting up to 68 degrees.
Today I did Sts disc 11 and then the extended stretch. I finally finished Meso 1. Now the fun begins.
Today I am going to our Stitching Club. One of the ladies is going to teach me to Crochet. If I like it she will give me a pattern to make a scarf. I took knitting in Home Ec in High School but that's it. My sister said crochet is easier than knitting because you only use one needle. So I'll let you know how it goes.
Tonight I am going to the Social Committee meeting. I usually just sit there and listen. I can't think of any social activities to do and I don't want to lead any of the activities. I just go to be with the people and see what's happening.

Mary I did tris today also. I love working that muscle group. I love to feel my arms swell up.

Carolyn I hope you got a w/o in today. I will be rooting for you to get a hard shelf.
Hi friends, Just eating my lunch at almost 3! After I waffled in a major indecisive way about what workout to do (I put in BS, started it, then thought better of it, though I'm dying for UB), I pulled out Party Rockin' Step #2. I enjoyed it! It was so easy (relatively) to keep up, not like some of those step workouts I have dread for and still cannot master (hello RS, AS, SM, & LICh)! I must be getting old though--I shy away from using any risers at all.
After, I had to hit TJM and was in there for a looong time. Then I did food shopping, after which I went back to Marshalls because I didn't buy something that I saw yesterday.:confused:
Colleen, I used to be in financial analysis. Stopped working 14 yrs ago.
Mary, I like to dress up for work too. I would never go overly casual. Good luck with PT. Here's hoping your person is as great as Carolyn's!
Jean, your community sounds so fantastic!
It's nice and mild today in the low 60s.
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Carolyn, why did dh give you a look?
Sorry your friend shopping expedition didn't work that well.
Carolyn, what's the special stat about whoopie pies where you live again? I remember you told us something
Good morning! More errands today. UY in afternoon, probably.
Carolyn, you once said that whoopie pies were invented in your area or it's the best in the country, or something....

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