STS first time!

Good morning! Slept late and am now watching the Red Sox parade on TV. Ds is still sleeping. I should wake him since it's past 11

Mary, a massage! How blissful. You deserve it so! Enjoy!

Carolyn, Ds is a pride!
I so understand Carolyn!!!! Our daughters sound so a like and my dd would of acted the same exact way. Mothers know best so I would of made the same decision.

Today was barre3 a soccer game and tons of errands. Dd birthday is Thursday.
Carolyn, your mama instincts are so keen! Make no apologies. And I love the strong connection you have with your kids.

Jean, that is quite a palooza! I avoid boozy loud crowds.
We watched Oblivion and World War Z today. They were only ok. The first one was quite slow, the second depressing.

Mary, do tell us about your massage. I'd like to try one someday, along with all those fancy spa treatments. The works!

It was such a gorgeous mild day today! I raked a tiny bit. My forearm does not work well with raking.
Hi Everyone. Today I did Disc 10 and extended stretch. I am enjoying STS. Today I am doing some cleaning and then watching my movie. It is chilly and windy today. The sun is shining. Maybe I can slip in a bike ride. I finished reading Killing Kennedy last night. It was a very good book and I learned a lot of stuff. Now I am going to get back to reading the Bible. I am trying to read the whole Bible. I am up to Isaiah in the old testament.

Carolyn It wasn't so much that I don't like crowds. These people were drinking at 11 am . They were pulling kegs of beer on wagons. They were drinking something out of these big plastic bag things where someone would open his mouth and the other person would let the drink flow into his mouth. They had tables full of hard liquor. I am not a drinker and I don't care to be around people who's main objective is to get drunk. I was hoping it was going to be more family related. When we were leaving there was a State Police directing traffic. I told him they should set up a DUI check point there. He said I know. Most of the people wouldn't get out of the parking lot. Last years Punkin Chunkin was on t.v. last night so I watched that.
You're doing a good job with your children. She will come around when she is 16. Just don't loosen up the reins.

Betty I don't have either of those movies on my list.
Carolyn and Colleen, I keep getting glimpses at how hard it must be to parent daughters. I still wish I had one;). Sometimes I feel so alone.

What I really long for is to be part of an affectionate family, to be cherished and loved. All around me, both sides of the family, dh, kids, parents, siblings, cousins, nieces, nephews, aunts, uncles, etc etc, all these people don't show emotion and are distant/remote. I absolutely LOATHE it. Some times of the year it really gets to me, like Xmas.
I wish I had known you gals beginning a decade earlier. I have learned so much from you and wish I could apply it to a younger version of myself, family, kids.
Sorry to depress you.

Jean, the movies are with those good-looking actors Tom Cruise and Brad Pitt. They do not impress me.

Time to sort that huge mound of mail piled from while I was away.
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The sun came out! A nice surprise since it was sprinkling in the am. Shortly I will be in shock at how early it gets dark.

THANKS, Carolyn. I have been applying the hug/touch in the arm/etc on my immediate family for a while now. It just falls into a black hole.:eek: I am very conscious that every loving caring question, touch, behaviour is received and perceived the correct way by both my ds. I want to model the right way, acutely aware for when they grow up and have spouses and children. Dh doesn't talk that much and I'm not that talkative (depends on who I am around) so I am very self-conscious with him. Stupid, huh?
I got lots of affection from my niece & nephew in CA;). They are so loving. The younger the easier to hug. The teenage yrs are 'hands off, mom'.

Loving this extra hour!
Betty You sound so sad. When I was growing up I can only remember my Mother saying I love you to me one time. When my daughter was growing up I told her at least once a day. For the past 6 years I always hug my Mother when we are parting. We are not huggers but I started doing it and I continue to do it. I think she enjoys it. One time we were all sitting around and I said I love you to her. She just laughed. My cousins tell her they love her and she says it back. I guess it is just the way they were raised way back when. I don't have that good of a relationship with my Mother. I have always felt she likes my sister better. But I just try to do my best by her and get on with my life. My husband talks a lot. Sometimes I have to tell him to be quiet. We weren't raised as huggers but all of my cousins and Aunts on my Mothers side have to hug you every time they see you. I hate it. It sounds like you are excited about Thanksgiving with your family so that is good.

Mary I have the rack that Cathe uses in STS. I preordered it when she first made it. I love it. There are so many things you can do with it. Your massage sounds wonderful. I have never had a massage except at home .
Oh I forgot why I got on here in the 1st place.
Do yal have any ideas for cookies for a cookie exchange? I was going to make Ginger Snaps but my husband scoffed at that idea. He said they aren't "fancy" enough. I don't even know why I listen to a word he says. So now I am second guessing myself. So any ideas are welcome.
Jean, molasses, chocolate crinkles, or white chocolate macadamia? I have the recipes to any of those.
We watched After Earth. It wasn't as bad as reported, though Will Smith was stone-faced the whole time.
It's good to know that I can work on my balance with lots of practice.

Carolyn, you sound like you had a wonderful childhood. My mother unfailingly treats us equally. It's so interesting how birth order and circumstances at home affect one's childhood. I think about and wonder why dh and his brother, 2nd and 4th, are so different, so far apart in age that they don't see eye to eye and are therefore not close. B-i-l is a bachelor and immature, in my opinion. I am proud that my sibs and I are all well-functioning and successful flexible adults.

Marie, how's that inclement weather? Hope you guys are doing well.

It was very cold today; I was oblivious with layers on under a robe.;) I also had no idea of the time with the clock change. It's very late and I should hit the hay!
Jean, I hope you and your daughter reconcile some day. There is nothing like a mother's love. You describe hugging the way it is for us older generations--foreign!;) I do hug my kids and their cousins.
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Mary, I don't have a squat rack. No basement or any place to put it. Cathe discontinued hers though, right?
I've never heard of Elements. There's a Massage Envy around, I think.
He?? I'd never feel comfortable with a male giving me a massage.:eek: Sounds like you had a wonderful one. Great for you!
Good morning girls.

Carolyn those are my thoughts exactly about my dd I love her so dearly but she struggles to show affection. Ds just dishes it left and right. I have been finding recently that she just wants to talk and I'm trying to slow down and take time for just the two of use to talk. She's got so much going on in her little head and I think 3rd grade has been a big adjustment for her. Ugg. No one said parenting was easy.

We are having a family party on Saturday for dd. We are planning a kids party in a few weeks for her as well.

Saturday and today was barre3
Good morning! What a huge difference that hour makes in the morning! The sun gets me going!
It is very cold!
Idk what I'll do this morning for exercise after dh leaves. Some Cathe, for sure.
Carolyn, take a quick nap after your shower or lunch today; those are the drowsiest times. Indulge!
Good Morning my friends....I went home friday with a I went to bed when I got home and napped. Tim made a homemade pizza and woke me for dinner then I went back to the was horrible....but I know what caused it....I starred and the computer reading hospital notes and coding all day. I normally only do that for several hours and then I take a break, but because I was so far behind....I just went crazy and got it all done.

Saturday and Sunday, my husband and I were busy outside as he was building a pole barn for his truck to sit under as he drives a company truck. Doesnt want his truck to go to hell from sitting in the weather.

I did throw in some cardio this weekend but that was all I accomplished!

I am hoping to do Afterburn tonight! Havent done that one is a while....and we all know how much I low the low Impact series!!!!

Oh so excited..... I have been wanting a new desk for my scrapbooking....and Tim ordered me a "craft desk with all kinds of storage in it" It is one of my christmas presents....I am so excited!!!! Cant wait for it to get here..... says it should be here by 11/14.... I am hoping sooner???? fingers crossed!!!!

As for the family closeness..... I am in the same boat....not close to my family either. But I am close to Tims!

At work and its a freakin madhouse! Be back!
I just did TTM, heavens knows why with all the new stuff still in the packaging!:eek: I should have done X10!
Oh Missy, that scrapbooking table sounds divine! Slots, cabinets, drawers--a dream for crafters! Enjoy!
Have I ever said aloud the LIS gives me dread??? Well, ones like AB:eek: I guess I don't enjoy using the discs that much either.

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