STS first time!

Carolyn, hope you had a nice bath tonight with your fitness mags:D.

Jean, yay for sound! It was hard enough to follow Leah WITH sound!:D

We went to a college vball game after a veggie bowl at Chipotle. I feel virtuous!;) was 39 degrees this morning and I the race started at 8..... it was freezing.....but I did it....placed 2nd!!!!

Kyodan is lululemon knockoff..... I actually love is so freacking comfy!!!

All these sweets I am reading is making me want muffins, cookies...... heck I was even craving pumpkin pie.

I can only imagine.....if a decorator came in my home.....they would say....omg....all these neutral need

Be back....gotta leave in less than 40 minutes.....were going to the races.....and I have to bundle up.....its dropping tonight!!!! Brrr!

Oh....BTW....are y'all watching the biggest loser?????
Hi Ladies. No w/o today. We went to the ocean today to go to the "Seawitch Festival". It is a huge Halloween Parade where everyone wears costumes and there are floats and bands and cheerleaders in the parade. Apparently it is a big deal here. There was no place to park within a mile of the ocean so we just turned around and left. If I choose to go next year , I will know to get there 2 hours early. It was not really a big deal because I really don't like Halloween anyway. Then we went to a furniture store looking for some art. I found a piece I really liked but the wall is big enough for 2 pieces of art and I couldn't find 2. So we came back home and I cleaned the house and did laundry.

Carolyn you should post a picture of your living room and see if any of us can figure out a way for you to arrange the furniture. Did you order a couch from that store? Did you purchase the bike from Craigs list?
What a crazy busy day of activities. Then met a Boston friend for lunch. Didn't overeat. Topped the day off with that disgusting end to the Sox game.
Glad to hear some like-minded people who don't enjoy Halloween either.;) We only give out candy and think it's a dumb holiday.
Carolyn, dh is right to a degree. We have those same thoughts when we agonize about whether to get something for our kids, and then say we were fine without whatever it is.
Missy, haven't watched Big L yet since I'm away.
Nice job with the walk. Brrr, that was a cold start!

Carolyn, ds just doesn't like to exercise either. We used to make him bike a lot when he was little. He put in a lot of miles with tiny little bike wheels. Now he loathes it.

Jean, better luck next time on both the parade and art.
Missy, Lululemon is insane! Is everyone mad about it where you are? They sure are in my sis's town too. At the Pilates studio, a lot of people wear it.
Hello Everyone!

A bit breezy today so I went for a walk instead of a bike ride. It certainly feels like fall. And yesterday I pulled out STS disc #1. I love the Xtrain weight workouts but need something different, and I had forgotten about STS. #1 was tough with the pushups, I will never be good at those. I'll just do the upper body workouts and see how it goes.

Missy, congratulations on your race! Coming in 2nd is awesome!

I have never seen the Kyodan brand but will keep an eye out for it. I am all for low cost active wear.

I do not like Halloween either. We had a party at work and people were supposed to dress up, I did not. And there is way to much candy around.

Betty, that is great you are doing pilates on vacation, and with your sis to boot. I am envious.

Have a great rest of the day!
Hi Everyone. Today I did disc 7 and extended stretch. I felt stronger today. Then I got cleaned up and we took the dogs for a walk.
Todays movie was "Before Midnight". I can't wait to hear your opinion on this one Betty. I disliked her in this one. I hope there isn't a part 4 but it is open to one. This was my least favorite of the 3.
Tonight we are grilling out "Chili con carne "burgers. They are very good.

Mary I hope you continue with the STS upper body . It will be nice to have someone doing it with me.
Carolyn I have that shoulder injury from when I was doing the LIS rotation. My left arm is a lot weaker than my right now. I am so disappointed because before that I was getting really strong. I just lighten up my weights and do as much as I can. I do feel a twinge of pain in my arm when I am doing stuff. I did pretty good with the push ups today. I do them on my knees but I can do more every week.
That is too bad that you woke up that injury. I hope it doesn't mess up your Brett rotation. You have been doing real good with that. Do you also follow that lady Nia Shanks? I get her emails but haven't read them yet.
Hi gals, just finished a 2.8 mi walk with my sis around her gorgeous neighborhood. I would kill to be able to live here:eek:.
You are very diligent with your workouts. I admire you for that. I know what you mean about the aches and pains. My right elbow has a pain in it now for a few weeks and I have no idea why. It takes longer for me to recover from a leg w/o than in the past. Just listen to your body and be happy you can and want to exercise. You look great. I started noticing age when I reached 50. So you have a ways to go yet. Plus you are a great Mother.

Betty Tell your husband to put in for a transfer with his job.
Carolyn, that's distressing about Lastics flaring up your hamstring! Didn't know there's such a thing as too much.:confused:
Jean, the ironic thing is that dh would fit right in over here with all the Silicon Valley engineers. Oh the irony. He refuses because it would cost 3x to buy a house. I'll pray for ds1 coming out here after graduation:D. And/or hitting the lottery.
Missy, congrats on coming in 2nd!
I am sitting on a massage chair at the moment.;)
Carolyn, with so many aches and pains, it pays to take it easy. My knees don't hurt if I don't do Cathe. My forearm is a little better but every few days I do exercise or something.
Sofia Vergara is a fan of the Pilates machine workouts. Last class tomorrow morning! With a supposedly tough instructor.
Hi Everyone. Today I did disc 7 and extended stretch. I felt stronger today. Then I got cleaned up and we took the dogs for a walk. Todays movie was "Before Midnight". I can't wait to hear your opinion on this one Betty. I disliked her in this one. I hope there isn't a part 4 but it is open to one. This was my least favorite of the 3. Tonight we are grilling out "Chili con carne "burgers. They are very good. Mary I hope you continue with the STS upper body . It will be nice to have someone doing it with me.
Too bad about the movie being open-ended. I guess it's its way. The French actress is odd, for lack of a better word. I'll let you know when I watch it.
Nice job on sts. That has always been your fave series.
It was so hard to get up this morning! Dark and cold! I did STS #2 (B&tris), and once I got into it I felt really good. There is so much variety in these workouts. My only problem is I never got a pullup bar, so I used to go outside and do them on the swingset. I wasn't going to do that in the dark this morning so I will have to make myself do them tonight when I get home.

Carolyn, I so agree with what you would do if you listened to your body, especially getting a full night's rest! If only I could.

I also have been interested in Nia's programs - Natasha really likes them. It would be a whole new way of training for me though, not sure I am ready. I would need to be injury-free.
Hi ladies,

It was a very busy weekend. Saturday I did barre3, rest day sunday and barre3 today.

Carolyn its strange with the stretching. I felt that when I did yin yoga thats what hurt my hamstring. I love ti stretch but I try to take it easy on my left hamstring.

My dd is the same. She is not very athletic and always complains kn bike rides. I too think it has nothing to do with gears. Especially since we don't do a lot of hills. I'm sorry you did not like what pottery Barn suggested.
Hi girls. Last day of Pilates. Sweated a bunch. Good thing too. Went out to lunch (tried Burmese, which you'd never find in Boston; pricey though) and also bought desserts at a French bakery. They were delish.
Sorry about your knees, Carolyn. It must be the speed-walking. Try just Bret and see. Alternating with UB is the best plan.
I have to pack tonight, which I'm dreading. I have so many jarred things to take home! Oh well, too bad if I don't bring that many canning salmon home. I'm mad that I have to worry about that!
I have a 10:30 am flight tomorrow.
Carolyn, dh's stress is through the roof from these Sox games!
Good luck on your appts. Hope they tell you something.
My sis and family found good fares for Xmas in Boston, but they don't always necessarily come home. Sometimes they do the summer so they can enjoy Cape Cod.

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