STS first time!

Hello. Pilates was a sweatfest. It was dripping onto my eyelids. Rarely do I feel that. This instructor moved fast, which I don't necessarily like. By the time I got the moves, half the reps were over.:confused:
I need to do FT again; can't remember it. Plus try X10--people are raving about it.
We had Japanese ramen today. Delish. I can't seem to eat like I used to:confused: Either that or I'm not moving around enough. Though I'm hardly lounging around. Must be age.:confused: Could use a nap right about now too.
Dh says rain is headed his way.
Niece has acrobatics this aft. I enjoy seeing that too.
Hi Everyone. It looks like this place is becoming the "Carolyn and Betty" show. Nothing new here. I ran a bunch of errands today so no exercise. We are expecting rain so I hope to w/o tomorrow.

Carolyn, Walking Dead was really good this week. Wait until next week. There are like 7500 zombies in one scene. Good stuff is coming. How did you like that zombie being smashed against the fence and his eyeball popped out?

Betty I need to see if there are any Pilates classes around here like you do. I don't think I have ever sweated doing mine.

I can't wait for the new dvd's to go on deal of the day. Yal are making me want some.
Hi girls.

What a day. I had meetings from 8:30 to 4:30 with only 20 min to eat lunch. I thought I checked in this am but I guess I did not. This morning I did ride. I needed a good cardio workout.

Betty our orthodontist was originally thinking braces but we pushed him back for 2 reasons cost (because she would need a second round) and not wanting to out dd through too much agony. He agreed since all she needs at this point ia a bite adjustment.

Pilates sounded good
Carolyn I will check out EBay. For some reason I never think to look there.
Bates Motel and The Following don't come back until 2014.
Katie Couric had some of the cast of WD on yesterday. They were pretty interesting. You really should watch Talking Dead. You really learn a lot about the show and see good previews of the next week.

Colleen I am surprised to hear that you take time out for lunch. It sounds like you are very busy at work. I always liked being real busy when I worked. I think I worked better under pressure.

Betty What are the temps like in Calif? Are you wearing shorts?
Hello friends.....I'm back hopefully. I have been spending time with my family since I was Off. Haven't exercised at all, so today I did an hour on the elliptical. It has been really hard sleeping at night, since Blackie always slept on top of my chest every night..... but last night I actually slept all night. Today was my first day of no tears.....still miss her terribly, as I always will......we planted a baby Camilla in memory of our sweet girl.....right next to where we barried we will always remember her!

Boots has been searching for his sister high and low.....which made this even we decided to spend the few days with him, and plan to go to canyon in spring. Today is much better for him. He has rested with me all day!

Tomorrow....we are planning on going shopping...... yeah!!!! Academy sports and t j max here I come!

Then back to work Thursday!

Hope all is well....Im sorry I went Mia.....I just needed time get over the tragedy.....hugs my dear friends!

Tomorrow I'm planning on a Cathe DVD.....which one should I do????? I did lean legs and had doms for 2'm out of shape.....but I'm getting back in the grove as of today!!!! :)

Good night.....check in tomorrow!
Jean, I hope you get some bahgains on eBay!
Temps are in the 60s, not shorts weather, since I get cold easily. Today was chi-lly! Temps are similar to home right now; it's just there's not much winter here, lucky for them!

Oh Missy, how sad for you, Tim, and your cat. Shed your tears but remember your Blackie fondly. That's such a lovely remembrance to plant the camellia.

Yes, it's pure agony to put braces on once, much less twice.

I had it wrong; this afternoon was swimming and tomorrow's acro.

Winter tv shows are returning, I guess.
Oh yeah, we hit Marshalls and TJM the past couple of days and I'm coming out empty-handed!:D
Have fun, Missy!
Good morning my friends..... sitting here drinking my unsweetened tea..... hoping I score something shopping today!!!!

Think I'll tackle the glutes workout tody and flex train tomorrow......

Be it is chilly....its in the 50s.....brrr.....
Good morning.

Missy, im glad you are taking time for yourself. So sorry for your loss.

Today was barre3.

Hope everyone has a good day.
Good Morning Ladies. It is cold and rainy today. I just got done doing Disc 5. I don't know if I am just out of shape or just getting older but these w/o's are getting harder. Meso 1 w/o's seem so long. When I was done I did the extended stretch and then I put in Butts and Guts and did that stretch also. I enjoy the music on that stretch. For my leg w/o tomorrow I am going to "attempt" "Ballet Body Lower Body w/o". I am hoping it is easier than Cathe with weights.
I looked at the Cathe on Ebay and all of the inexpensive buys were stuff I already have or step. The new stuff was $20 or more. I think I will hold off for now and see how I do with STS. if I feel this is too much , I am going to do the UY rotation. It seems like everything I do brings a pain somewhere. I know I can be in good shape with Pilates and Yoga and Ballet Body. It is just hard to realize I will be 60 in Dec and I don't feel as strong as I was 2 years ago.

O.K. I need to clean myself up and put on some warm clothes.
Good morning, friends!
Missy, you sound chipper today. Hope your heartache is a little lighter. Nothing like some new Cathe to help you.
Jean, let us know what you think of BB LB and all her moves. I don't have the patience to do her. The voiceover cuing is not for me.
Most mornings here are cloudy now, it seems, then the sun comes out before noon. I could live with that!:D
We are supposed to go to a 1.5 yoga class this morning but my sis is feeling dizzy, so it might not happen. I might have my hair done this afternoon. (Carolyn, do you feel 10 years younger?:D)
Jean, you are still a strong woman and will resume it as you start back on working out on a regular basis. Remember that because of your move you were sporadic, but once you get back on a routine, you will gain your strength back. You are an excellent role model for ladies your age!
That's not good Carolyn.

Missy I hope you had fun shopping.

Jean, as Betty said. You'll muscles will remember. Just give it some time.
Good 'ol Rhythmic Step for me this morning! LOVE that one :) B and I usually have plans in the morning but today we didn't so I took an hour and a half long snuggle nap with him :) That was the best! Tomorrow we have storytime. Yesterday we went to Toddler Tuesdays at Mall of America. This time it was an 'under the sea' theme and they had a bubble machine and fun songs to dance to. B is usually one of the youngest ones and this time he just sat on my lap and wiggled around to the music. It was pretty cute!

Betty- I would unfortunately have to say that this weather is pretty usual for MN. Ugh! It even snowed further up north this week. Not cool! Bummer about your sis. 1.5h of yoga sounds amazing! Hope you were able to get your hair done :)

Carolyn- Feel better my friend! Hate pains like that. That's great that you're doing lower body three days a week. Have you noticed any changes? I've been aiming for one, as pathetic as that may sound to your three. Cardio junkie over here though. Speaking of which, thinking LBB tomorrow.

Jean- Way to keep up with the workouts. I agree that it will get easier. When I take time off the first few days back are rough I tell ya! I saw that horrible story on the news. Just tragic! Such a sad world we live in sometimes :(

Missy- Glad you took some time off for yourself. Hope you got in your glutes workout today.

Hi Colleen and Mary :)
Carolyn, my sis' dizziness was a new experience. Unsettling. My other sis deals with infrequent vertigo. It's a ?condition that scares me.
That stinks that you have TMJ. (I thought I read that coconut oil treats it). I hope it gets better for you.
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Wow, Marie, RS! Good for you. That one is a frustrating one for me!:confused:
I'm enjoying my niece who is still young enough to be childlike in wonder and innocence. Both are. (They're 7 and almost 11.) Cherish these baby years. I can almost feel B's wiggling in your lap.:D Music is wonderful for babies.
Oh yeah, we hit a mall today, a rarity. Nothing a little retail therapy can't cure. I picked up a couple of little things.

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