STS first time!

Jean, high five on doing STS!!!:D
I would enjoy working out immensely in a room like yours!!!

Carolyn, dh covered our a/cs today. It is a sure sign the air is getting cold. Depressing.
My forearm throbs (slightly) at the beginning of the day when it's stiff.:confused: I have no idea what the problem is.
My sis has a boy and a girl. We just came back from watching my niece in a ballet rehearsal for 'Twas the Night. I SO could be the adults in their roles--there's an older man and woman doing the mice. OMG, I am thoroughly enjoying the girl activities! She has basketball soon, then both kids have language school. My sis and b-i-l are totally tiger parents!
That's an alarming thought, breathing in ethanol!:confused:
Don't feel guilty about the hot fudge sundae. You work out most of the week so you can enjoy things like this.
Good Afternoon. We took a nice long bike ride today and then took 2 dogs for a walk. Todays movie was " Before Sunset". I was disappointed that they didn't meet up 6 months later. I thought it was more serious than the 1st one and I didn't like how it ended. But the movie was good. Part 3 comes out Tuesday and that should be my next movie.

Carolyn that would be nice to have the extra space to workout. I would expect that to be an expensive move. I wouldn't like breathing in the oil tank. Let us know if it is doable. You w/o a lot and you look great so don't worry about that end of season ice cream. Just no more junk tonight. I love chicken Caesar wraps. Now I want one.
Good morning! Up before anyone else. Insane to get up at 7:30 on a Sunday morning! But I'm awake. Trying not to make any noise so not to wake kids early.
Marie, you have said it's cold out.:confused: What are the temps? Living so northerly, you get the much cold earlier.:confused: Yikes.
My sis and I walked for almost an hour yesterday afternoon. It felt so good because we have been eating out so much!
We watched Safe Haven last night, a Nicholas Sparks movie; you know how they all are.
Today we have a ridiculously packed day full of the kids' activities.

Hope ya had a great day with the kids :)

It's been about 35 and even cooler in the morning. Today it snowed! WTH! So wrong! So so wrong! Of course it didn't stick but still....
Good Morning Ladies. The sun is out today and it is getting cooler. We turned on the heat for about an hour yesterday just to make sure it works. Then in the afternoon the guy who installed it came over and explained the system to my husband. He just happens to live in the neighborhood.
Yesterday I reorganized my exercise room and believe it or not , today I did STS disc 4. It felt so good to do some exercise. Hopefully I can get back in sync.

Marie those brownies look really good. I don't have a food processor. Do you know if a blender will work? I'm glad you're still enjoying your rotation.

Betty It sounds like you are enjoying your sister and her family . You can get your eating back on track when you get home.

Nice job working out today! I'm sure that felt awesome!

I think it depends on how good your blender is. You only use it to blend the pecans into a course meal and then the dates into a paste which may be the concern. Other then that just mix by hand. May be worth a try cuz they are amazing lol!
We made homemade chicken Caesar salad wraps for lunch. Yum! Then I wrecked it by getting a hot fudge sundae. It is the last day they are open,
What can I say!
We took the air conditioners out today. I gave both of the dogs a grooming. The boys are watching dreaded football.
Jean that is awesome you did a DVD today! I wish I had your workout room. I just asked dh if we could look into moving the oil tank into the garage. It would give me Another few feet of space. Not to mention the fact that I am probably breathing in ethanol. I am going to look into to seeing the cost.

Betty how many kids does your sister have? Are you going to sports today?
Hockey starts in a couple of weeks. Goodbye Sunday mornings.

I should workout. I feel humungous.

How is your forearm Betty?

Yum Caesar wraps sound so good! B is sleeping in my arms or else I'd be in the kitchen scrounging for something. Probably a good thing he is where he is ;)
OMG, Marie, 35 is extreme! In October?? Waaaah! That's sad
My sis and I walked this aft but I still feel like a cow;)
Hi girls!

Its been beautiful here too. Crazy Marie! I don't like the cold.

Rest day yesterday. Barre 3 Saturday and today.

Carolyn. Hope dd physical goes ok. MY DD got a retainer on Thursday. Shes been adjusting. Friday and Saturday her mouth really hurt but shes doing much better today.

How is your Ds feeling?
Hi Ladies!

I am laughing about the cold. I work with a young guy here, he is always going out on the weekends and tells us stories on Monday. This past weekend he went to a 'cold' bar in Quincy Market, it is all ice. When you go in they give you a warm jacket and gloves. He showed us pictures, looked like he was wearing a sleeping bag. This does not appeal to me at all! I can't imagine anyone going there in the winter either.

I have been sticking with the upper body workouts, my hamstring issue flared up again for some reason, very discouraging.
My sis and I did food shopping at a bunch of diff stores. The Costcos out here carry SO much more organic stuff and more variety. It's SO unfair. Instead of buying clothes I will be loading up on and bringing home foodstuff:D.
Well, my other sis came out in the spring and she got a lot of canned (jar) & frozen Alaskan king salmon which she didn't bring home and now I have to. There's only so much I can fit though. There are persimmon trees out here(!) and I'm bringing some of those babies home. I've never seen them all hanging on a tree like that. They are are heavenly delicious when ripe.
We had Indian food for lunch today. Vegetarian, so not bad. But I still have this huge bloated cow stomach:confused:
ttyl. almost time for vball for nephew.
I did SJP today :) That one is so fun :)

Busy day today...

Time at the farm with a friend's horse
Swimming lessons

Headed to the grocery now to get some munchies for the game. I'm starving and craving something bad so this could be dangerous. Oh and I won't be watching the game lol I'll be on the computer ;)
It is so hard with the girls at a young age. We try to make our DD think about good eating choices as well and not focus on the weight aspect. Plus we try to lead by example. She has a retainer for her bite. She can't completely bite down because of her crooked front teeth. She will wear it for a few month to help push them forward to help with her bite. Then once she has all her adult teeth and her mouth has matured a little more she will need braces.
Glad you all agree about the weather! Ugh hate it. We had on winter coats today and b wore a hat and mittens. Not cool!!!

That is scary about the passing out. Poor girl and poor mama! That is hard about girls and weight. Very touchy subject. You'll teach her well though!
Good morning! Where is everyone?? It's mid-morning!
My sis and I have Pilates at 9:30. I feel more rested from doms for it so hopefully it's more enjoyable.

Mary, sorry about your hamstring acting up. I think daily activities just never let you rest it perfectly. Me too on the forearm, which finally feels less sore.
Cold bar? I'd agree with Carolyn. And Colleen--hate the cold.
Marie, are these temps freaky weather and not normal? It's abjectly depressing so early.

I appreciate how hard it must be to choose your words carefully about weight and healthy eating with girls. I don't know how I turned out so normal and sensitive about many subject matters considering nobody tiptoed around anything.
Colleen, I like your orthodontist's or dentist's approach. No braces too early. My nephew will have braces twice. Makes no sense.

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