STS first time!

Jean, I return two weeks from today. Thanks! Big L was only 1 hr today.
How exciting for your friend! So special!
Carolyn, I've been eating for 2--me and my muffin top! I don't know what's come over me!:eek: Good thing dh and I went for a 45-min walk again. My hips are achy from SuperCuts. (We have the same acronym.)
Still haven't packed yet! So perversely busy doing all kinds of other stuff.:eek:
I'll be trying to post daily. My sis is sooo ridiculously busy with her kids' activities that I'm just going out there and jumping on their endless treadmill;).
Have a great couple of weeks, everyone! Be back in the morning. My flight is not till late aft.
Good morning! Blanketed in fog here.
I don't think I should do a Cathe. Step, kickboxing, LL&A, GG, all this walking, SC, all have been bottom-heavy. Thurs am I will be going to PIlates on the Megaformer and my legs will give out! And I don't think I should do UB weights because of forearm. Dilemma! Maybe UY of some kind, with minimal pushup/planks. I really could use some mega-stretching!
Best get started. I will make a chicken pot pie for tonight's dinner after I work out and have breakfast.

Sorry for the long time no check in. We have been so busy lately between B's party, shopping for a wedding and other misc things. It seems like we have something going on every night. This week has slowed down thank goodness but now my little man has a double ear infection :( He has been around so many people lately so I'm sure that had something to do with it. We have done lots of snuggling. His party went awesome! We have such a great family and they all give him so much love. He loved the smash cake, at first a bit hesitant but then got right in there :) He was spoiled with gifts galore. We had a house full with about 40 people. Note- our house is small and it was crowded but we survived. The original plan was to do it outside but he weather didn't cooperate. His birthday is tomorrow. I just can't believe that a year has passed already! About this time last year they were starting my pitocin. I was admitted to the hospital at 4am and my contractions stopped so they started that lovely medication :p At 44 minutes after midnight tonight my little man was born :)

I have been loving these new workouts, especially the step ones. I've done them each about 5 times. They are just too fun!!!!!!!!!! I just finished Cardio Leg Blast. I had never done that one. I almost pulled out GG since it's been getting such awesome reviews but decided to save it for another day. I've been getting up around 6am every day to workout. So much easier than trying to workout during his nap. I get it over with and then I can really enjoy my day with him.

Betty- Dinner tonight sounds outstanding! YUM! I have chicken coconut curry in the crockpot that I'll start at 10am :) Have fun on your trip!

Carolyn- Your posts are so funny with your "fat fingers." I'm assuming it's a touch screen. Hate those. I rarely get on the computer but this is so much easier.

Colleen- You are rocking these Barre3 workouts. Nice job!

Jean- How exciting about your friend! Twins :) Lots of fun to come :)

Missy- I watched BL last night :) I watched one season in the past. Ok I cried. This show is emotional. I'm just so proud of these people. It really is a second chance at life.
Good morning! Foggy day here. I did TB this morning from LIS, it was a nice change of pace.

Betty, 2 weeks in CA, I am envious! Have a great time!
Jean, speaking from experience on twins, your friend's children will be so happy just to have her come over and hold a baby. I remember the days when I was holding one baby and the other one would cry. Another great help was to do something with the older child so she doesn't feel left out.
Marie, you have been busy. Sorry to hear B is sick again, but hopefully he is building up his immune system so he'll be healthy later on. I have done 2 of the new step workouts, the music in Greatest Hits makes that workout much more fun for me.
Marie, so great to hear from you. Congrats and Happy 1st Bday to Breckin! Lots of xoxoxo. So sorry about his ear infection. I used to get a big huge knot in my stomach when my kids got sick. Still do.
High five for keeping up your workouts!
Must get that recipe from you. Sounds delish (love coconut and curry!), and anything in a crockpot is a winner!!!

Carolyn, you need a senior-citizen big-number keypad for your fat fingers! It's like you're posting poems!:D

I just finished UY Flexibility. It was so awesome and JUST what I needed. Deep whole-body stretching.

Mary, Greatest Hits IS great with the old music. Plus the original footage was so much fun anyway.

Have to hustle. Still haven't finished packing yet either.
Marie, it's sweet that Big L made you cry. It is emotional, and you have to give these people credit for wanting to lose the weight and putting themselves there.

Here's the link to that recipe. It was really good but I think I would actually eliminate the chicken, as weird as weird as that sounds. I just think I really don't like chicken and it did get a bit dry. I did it for low on 8 hours. Other than that it was super good and the sauce was really tasty. I'll just add extra sweet potatoes next time.

Carolyn- Loved your time for baby number 2 comment. I definitely want another kid. I hekd a newborn at work the other day and it was amazing. Definitely going to wait till Tony gets out of school though. May of 2015 :)

Time for family night. Have a good evening everyone :)
Good Morning.....its a sad time in my life..... I lost my princess yesterday.....she was very sick, and we had to put her down.....I have been crying for days.....and now I miss her terribly.....Blackie was Tim and I's first child together....she was a miracle....she just walked up to our house when we first moved to GA....she was just a kitten....and was starving...she needed us just like we needed her.... I havent slept, im sick to my stomach....I am actually trying to eat something right now....I just have no appetite...but I know I need to eat so I dont get sick. (er) I just want to snuggle with my baby again.....:(

I will try to do a new workout toimorrow....and report back.... I did do petal power once...and liked it.....

I will try to catch up.....
Missy, I am SO sorry for your loss of Princess!!!:(
Eating my oatmeal while niece and nephew practice instruments, then it's off to school with niece. Pilates at 9:30
Love it here
Good Morning all. It is a beautiful sunny day today. We are going to the high 70's and I think the cold comes tomorrow. I really should be outside.

Missy I am so sorry to hear that you lost your cat. My heart breaks for you. How lucky of her to find you when she was a kitten. Here is a nice poem from one of my Loss of a Pet books:

I shall see Beauty
but none to match your living grace.
I shall hear music
but none as sweet as the droning song
with which you loved me.
I shall fill my days
but I shall not , cannot forget.
Sleep soft, dear friend......

I hope you feel better soon Missy.

Carolyn I haven't been doing any Cathe. I don't know what is wrong with me. My life is so different now. I have my husband home everyday and there are so many things to do here. But I know I will be at it soon with the cold weather coming up. I really felt better and more satisfied with myself when I was working out everyday.

Betty I am glad you made it to Calif safely. Have a wonderful time.
I am glad TBL was only an hour. 2 hours can be a bit much.

Marie I am glad the party was a success. Happy Birthday to Breckin. I feel like we are all his Aunts. We have been with you every step of the way.

Mary I don't like triceps dips. I never do them. I think my wrists or something is getting too old to do those. I always sub with another tricep exercise.
Missy I am so sorry.

Rest day today. Yesterday was barre3. 3 days down. 4 has usually been the max number of day I've done barre3 in a week.

Betty. Glad you made it safe and sound. What part of CA?

Carolyn I don't do nearly enough cardio anymore barre3 does have a cadio component to it. I try to spin at least one day a week and get in a few walk. My knees can't handle any other type of cardio. Oh I do get on the rebounder too. Just wish I had more time in the morning.
Wait, Carolyn, did your sister have twins, or did you just mean kids in general?
Where was that TJM??? Sounds so awesome! I would have loved looking at the spin bike! I would have been in heaven!
I was soooo sore at Pilates today that I could barely do the exercises. I was dying. I do like my studio's machines much better (newer).

Missy, extending ((((hugs)))) to you. You hang in there and remember the fond memories of Blackie.

Jean, people do say that when their spouse retires, they have absolutely no time of their own.
We know you'll go back to your exercises eventually. No rush as long as you're moving around.

I was considering which Cathe dvd uses minimal equipment and gives maximum overall workout that I could perhaps give to sisters and friends?

Can't remember what else...
Here I go again.
Carolyn, that's cool your bro and sis are twins! I don't think I knew that. (My bro has one of each too). Your sis had twins and it didn't skip a generation.
Has that TJM been remodeled? Maybe it's a new trend for future stores:eek:.

Had my fave frosted mocha today (coffee ice cream, espresso grounds, choc syrup, whipped cream). Forever on the hips and all that.
Went to ballet with my niece too. SO cute. Whenever I'm with her I want a little girl of my own too.

Thanks for the ideas. AB would scare anyone off; it does me! S&G's discs would too. SC until you get to the situp/pushup combos. Yikes. No step either. No one I know has one (except for my CA sis, and it hurts her hips). TF I've not been that keen on. FT I'll have do to again--I can't remember it. Ideally something with cardio & strength. No one just does strength either.

Tired, but only 9 something here. Should go to sleep.
Carolyn, is she going to come back with fabric samples for you to look at? I love the stuff at Pottery Barn!

Just got back from a quick walk, what a beautiful day, and it smells like fall.

I am going on the trip with 3 co-workers, 2 are staying in the same hotel but we all have our own rooms. I like the people here but they pretty much keep to themselves, except the woman I walk with, and she is going on the trip so that will be fun.

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