STS first time!

Hi friends.

What a gloomy day today. We were alk grumpy this morning. No one wanted to get up. Cold and raining.

Mary glad you listened to your body and took a rest day. Hope you stay healthy.

I'm trying to take it easy on the hamstring. I'm stretching every chance I can. Today I did do barre3. It does not seem to aggravate th ed hamstring.
Does everyone reduce, reuse, recycle? How about refuse (a powerful domino effect if you just say no), and compost? Turn off junk mail? Bring reusable bags to stores? Buy in bulk? Are you aware that a lot of wasteful consumption involves single-use plastic (read: oil)?
I've been a semi-serious practitioner of these in recent years but I came across this book, which I've just started reading: Zero Waste Home. You must have heard of this CA family; they only produce a quart of garbage in one year. One year! That seems extreme to me but I'm willing to adopt some of their strategies.
Ok, I'll get off my soapbox now. But imagine the ripple effect if we all just adopt one more thing.

Carolyn, that's pretty pathetic of me not to notice that the two ab segments were one and the same.:confused: I liked the one with the weights too.
We will need to differentiate our 2 PPs--Pedal Power vs Push Pull:p.

I talked myself out of going to the big warehouse and organic stores. I don't need anything pressing.
I still need to exercise. Prob will do UY so I don't have a sweatfest. I need to cut ds's hair first; school had an 11 am dismissal today.

We have infrequent pale sun today. It is supposed to be gloomy/rainy beginning tonight for several days.
Ok, I better go.
Betty We try to recycle as much as possible. I saw that family on t.v. you are speaking of. I am nothing like them. We don't compost . We have a garbage disposal. I do take my own bags to the store. When we lived in Maryland , they charged a nickel a bag so I always have a bag in my purse and 11 cloth grocery bags in my car. We don't buy much in bulk because we are only 2 people. I think it is great that you try to do as much as possible.
It looks like you are going to get our weather. Right now it is windy and misty sideways rain.

My stove is a Maytag and it is under warranty. I don't have to pay for anything.

I took a nap today . Almost 2 hours. That was so nice. I was under my faux fur blanket.
Carolyn I didn't pay my decorator any money. She works for a store and I guess she makes commission on what she sells me. That is exciting that you are getting a new couch. I love new furniture. Can you place 2 sofas in the living room facing each other with the arm facing the fireplace? That is what we have.
Poor Cuda. I hope he will be alright. I bet that vet bill wasn't cheap. Let us know how he is doing.
Carolyn, exciting to have a new couch to look forward to.
Did Cuda have any trouble breathing or other effects while he was swollen?

Jean, great that your stove will be fixed soon.
We don't consume much even as a family of 4, 3 while ds1 is away.
The methods in the book are very extreme. I'm not that passionate but I'll do what I can.

I did UY Vitality this aft. I was sleepy beforehand but it didn't wake me. Loved it anyway.:) Something about this whole production that is just perfect. Well, except for the occasional UY plugs by Travis.

Marie, how are you?
Carolyn, looks like peak foliage in your area right now;).
Also looks like the rain will miss us entirely but not the cloud cover. Too bad. We need the rain.
Leftovers tonight since dh is going out.
I'm watching something that seems similar to Selfridge's, called The Paradise, on PBS. Only because dh isn't here. He'd die of boredom watching this sort of thing.
I better do the dishes.
Good morning. Ate breakfast before my workout today since I'm expecting to go to an early lunch with neighbors.
Need to figure out what workout. Step? Maybe Greatest Hits:eek:!
Ds does homework every night. Our schools are so ridiculously academically rigorous that he has no life beyond homework. Very stressful for us parents to watch. Ds1 was fried by the time he was done. At least they've instituted a few homework-free weekends, this weekend being one of them. hallelujah.
Good Morning Ladies. It is raining so hard this morning. The wind is still blowing. You can't even see out the windows. The dogs don't even want to go out. I think we are having sun on Tuesday. The temps are warm though. Be glad this is not coming your way.

Betty I set up The Paradise to record. I don't watch Glee. I don't even remember doing homework when I was in school. I graduated by the skin of my teeth. No college education here.

Carolyn I hope your cramps go away soon. Just enjoy your youth.
Morning ladies.

I don't watch either of those shows.

Have a nice lunch Betty.

Its raining again today. We actually had a thunderstorms this morning.

My hamstring is feeling better. I did ride this morning but took it easy. Kept the resistance light and did not do any jumps. I used the foam roller afterwards.

Carolyn. How are you feeling today? How have you been sleeping? Any insomnia?

Gotta jump on a call.
What a beautiful day outside! I wore a sweater to work because I have been freezing the past couple of days, but when I went out for a walk I was way too hot. I hope it stays this way for the weekend.

I did flextrain this morning. I gave out in the middle of the triceps but did do core. Someday I will do the whole thing.

I had given up on watching glee but did watch the first half hour. I knew it was going to get more emotional and I couldn't take that before I went to bed so I shut it off.

I wish we had plans for the weekend, I want to do something fun. The kids would die before they would do anything with us any more :(
It IS beautiful out! I thought it was going to be a cloudy day! What a treat. Near 70!

I did GH this morning. Then had Thai for lunch.:eek: Feeling food coma.
So. GH. I used no risers. I'm so out of it having not done step in so long! Cathe put in the step portion of SJP which is really fun. I don't pull that one out because it's 70 mins with killer barbell squats and lunges! Then she put in 3 very difficult combos from IMAX2, a workout which I love, but these were tough. (Love her with pigtails in this one.) There was a routine from BM2, and AS (which I have never mastered:mad:). I chose the premix which omits DM and clocks in at 61 mins.
So my week of workouts was LB intensive. Even yesterday's UY worked my hamstrings. I'll prob start out Monday with GG.

Colleen, that's good news about your hamstring!

So sleepy....zzzzz Let me see if I can get a walk in with a neighbor.....
Carolyn you are too funny. You are beautiful. I haven't ordered pp yet. I'm on a spending moratorium right now.

Betty good job on gh. You are doing great with the 5 day a week workouts!

Still raining here today.

Mary good job on the walk today. I am always cold in my office.
Thanks, Colleen! I'm proud of myself for doing 5/week:).
Ok, had a quick walk by myself and I'm still super sleepy. Zzzzz
My calves are sore from UY yesterday too.
Greatest Hits was a compilation of old footage. I love that she pulled some fun workouts together but maybe I would have chosen different segments. My calves are a-hurtin' from step, methinks;)
I'm not leaving till Wednesday.
Have an enjoyable Columbus Day weekend, everyone. Hopefully the weather will be kind to us.
Is anyone else noticing that the edit feature when on your tablet eliminates the paragraph breaks?:confused: Say I post. Then I go back into it and edit. The whole post is running together in one huge paragraph:mad:.
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Hi Ladies. It is cloudy , windy and it is going to rain again today. We have gotten 4 and 6/10 inches of rain this week.
I have chili in the slow cooker for dinner tonight.
I really need to read Rin Tin Tin because book club is Wed. night. It isn't very interesting. Even the lady who recommended it said it was boring. She read it after she recommended it. :rolleyes:
I could not sleep in either. This morning I did PRS #2. I know alot of you do not like step but this one was fun, not too dancy. The combos got increasingly challenging as they went on, by the 6th one I was confused - I don't think my brain can hold that much! I definitely couldn't do the final version when they were all together, but I don't think it will take too long to get all the routines.

So dark today, I had an extra cup of coffee and even that did not help. I am catching up on laundry now.

Wow Jean, that is alot of rain! Chili sounds good for a day like that.

Carolyn, we need a good frost to end the mosquitos. It gets dark so early now, too.

Have a good day!
Hi girls

No willpower for me yesterday and today. Last night we ordered pizza. With the weather just didn't feel like cooking. Since I don't get pizza very often (gluten free) I had 2 slices last night and a cupcake. For lunch today i had the last 2. The gluten free pizzas are small. Oink oink. Ni workout for me today. I went to ds soccer game and dh took dd to gymnastics. Im now getting my hair done. It stopped raining today but we are suppose to get more this afternoon.

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