STS first time!

Betty Betty Betty What are we going to do with you? First you are jealous because Carolyn is cheating on us and now you are threatening to do the same thing. What happened to monogamy?
I wonder what happened to Missy? I guess she is busy with school. I can't imagine having her to do list.
You guys are making me want one of those Rainbow Looms. I saw that on t.v. and it looks fun.

I have a funny story about my Red Velvet cake. I searched and compared recipes for a long time before I picked which one I wanted to make . Then I had to buy all of the stuff to make it. I have been having problems with my oven so I pre heated it to make sure it was o.k. So I made the cake which was not too hard and when I went to put my 3 cake pans in the oven , it was not hot anymore. It's like it reached the 350 degrees I needed , the it shut off. I couldn't get it to ignite again. So I was just going to leave the cakes in the pans until I get the oven fixed. My husband said why don't you take them up to the Community Center and bake them in that oven. I said are you crazy. I'm not doing that. So he packed up my cakes in a box , drove them up there and baked them for me. My cake was a success. I would never have used that oven but no one came in while he was doing his baking.

Today is very windy but not too cold. We are expecting heavy rains . It is gloomy today. I think I will read my book today.
Morning. Betty you are too funny!

DD loves the rainbow loom. She is constantly making bracelets and trading them with frirnds. Her new thing is to go on utube to learn how to make different ones. It sure does keep her occupied.

Today was barre3. My hamstring is not doing to well. I can feel it down my whole left leg. I stretched again this morning.

Oh Colleen, that stinks about your hamstring. It must be B3? You're going to have to lay off it and let it unflare/uninflame, and do... yoga?? Spin would not be good for it either?
My 7yo niece does the same thing, going on to YouTube for more ideas! I think it's amazing that they can do that. This loom is a family affair. My 7yo nephew does it too, and wears it. Oh, the creativity! Makes me want a child this age;).
Youre so funny Betty! It has been quiet here for way too long!

Yes!! We have the Rainbow Loom and axZILLION colored rubberbands! It was DS who got it all started! All the BOYS had them!
I have to admit that even I enjoy the challenge of some of the designs!:eek:

Must get moving....GG or FT I feel like I have been neglecting UB.
That is so funny that ds started it first. My brother is wearing some necklace his kids made from watching youtube. I picked an already-made butterfly pattern bracelet from them.
I've not tried making one on a loom myself. It would be fun.
Good Morning....and sorry I have been gone so long..... I am finally over that kicked my butt....then Tim and I were busy all weekend finishing up my new deck on the is so pretty....and the cats love it....everyday when I come home they are all waiting on pull in and have them so happy to see me....:D

I have been so busy with this school.....I am not looking forward to tonights class....

I havent even got to try Cathes new dvd's//// err.....

I have been doing my walks with my friend 3x a week..... gonna try to squeeze in my cathe workouts at least 3x a week starting tomorrow.....fingers crossed!

Looking forward to my vacation coming up....I so need it....I am exhausted..... 1 1/2 more weeks to go....and I am def counting down....

Be back later hopefully!:p
Betty Betty Betty What are we going to do with you? First you are jealous because Carolyn is cheating on us and now you are threatening to do the same thing. What happened to monogamy?
I wonder what happened to Missy? I guess she is busy with school. I can't imagine having her to do list.
You guys are making me want one of those Rainbow Looms. I saw that on t.v. and it looks fun.

I have a funny story about my Red Velvet cake. I searched and compared recipes for a long time before I picked which one I wanted to make . Then I had to buy all of the stuff to make it. I have been having problems with my oven so I pre heated it to make sure it was o.k. So I made the cake which was not too hard and when I went to put my 3 cake pans in the oven , it was not hot anymore. It's like it reached the 350 degrees I needed , the it shut off. I couldn't get it to ignite again. So I was just going to leave the cakes in the pans until I get the oven fixed. My husband said why don't you take them up to the Community Center and bake them in that oven. I said are you crazy. I'm not doing that. So he packed up my cakes in a box , drove them up there and baked them for me. My cake was a success. I would never have used that oven but no one came in while he was doing his baking.

Today is very windy but not too cold. We are expecting heavy rains . It is gloomy today. I think I will read my book today.

Jean, your story was very entertaining.:) Good for dh for taking charge so that the cake got made.
Did you get the oven looked into yet?
Curling up with a book on a rainy day sounds divine! Then you are not obligated to do anything because of great weather. Enjoy the break! How was your party?
I am very loyal to you guys, and will remain monogamous!;)
Jean...that is too funny....I would have felt the same way! hehehehe

As for loyalty....I am 100% loyal to my friends....I never even read any of the other forums time....I am definately counting down the days till December.....4th...its my last class....then my life should go back to normal....please understand my friends....I am running in 50 directions all day, once I get home I crash!

Has anyone started christmas shopping? I have!!!! excited!!!!:p
Missy, you have a new deck? How exciting! You and Tim are so industrious and crank things out in a weekend!
Hang in there with the classes. You're halfway through. Chant this to yourself: Vacation is very soon, vacation is very soon, vacation is very soon...
You're already Xmas shopping??:confused: I don't think about it until December. I refuse!

I loved LL&A!:p Just my pace! None of that frantic plyo cardio. Loved the moves Cathe put in. Love the fact that if I choose Barre, the whole thing finishes in 61 mins, not 80!
Yes, the outer thigh stuff was killer!
The ab moves were different.
Barre was not the interminable same ole same ole. Fresh moves.

Just went and got local apples in the next town instead of going much farther to an orchard. So happy. Haven't eaten one yet since I had to chow the cider donut first!:rolleyes:
Better go do something useful.
My dinner was very nice except I told my husband I wanted to eat at 6 and we didn't eat until 7. We were grilling out kielbasa , onions and peppers , and potatoes. When the food was almost done I asked him where are the onions and peppers. He forgot to put them on the grill. So needless to say , everything was overcooked except the onions and peppers. My friends seemed to enjoy the food. It really wasn't too bad. My friends husband was like a kid at Christmas seeing all of the food on the table in bowls and he could have as much as he wanted. He even had seconds. Apparently his wife fixes his plate and he can't have anymore. And when I brought out the cake , he was ecstatic. We laughed so much. These 2 friends used to be obese. When I met her she had the biggest a$$ I have seen. Then they last and gained weight. Then a few years back they both got that band put in. So they have both lost a lot of weight and she wants to make sure he doesn't gain it back. They are both nice and generous people and the husband is a real character. I had a lot of fun. The next time I have them over it won't be for a cookout. :p

Missy I am so glad to hear from you. I miss you. Good luck in school . I can't believe you and Tim put up a deck. Does he have any brothers my age? ;)

I need to figure out what these dvd's are that yal are doing. No offense but I hate when people use only the 1st letters because I can never remember which one it is. :confused:
Interesting point Carolyn. I felt it after I did yin yoga on Saturday. I wonder if that's what did it. I felt a pull when doing it but I thought that was okay since Travis said that could happen as you get into the transmuscar or something type of muscle. (Deeper muscle tissue).

We also have a bazillion rubber bands. Ive yet to make one as well.

Missy post a picture of your new deck! How exciting.

Ok I'm getting mad at my phone it's not updating the forum properly and I find out hours later I missed posts.

Jean so glad you cake turned out well. What's wrong with your oven?
Jean, I am glad for your friends being careful with their weight. The stomach band is so extreme. Yikes. Easy for us Cathletes to say, right?
That sounded like a feast for your friends. Do they live in DE?

I did FlexTrain (FT) last week and I can't remember it! Esp the shoulder stuff, Carolyn!
Lean Legs & Abs (LL&A) is something you might like, Jean. None of the old-school dreaded stuff.
Colleen my oven preheats to the temp I set it to and then it shuts off. So by the time I put my cake in , the oven was almost cool. Also the other night I put a lasagna in there and when I went to take it out , I didn't even need potholders. I had to put it in the microwave to finish the baking. The guy is coming tomorrow to fix out.
Betty One good thing about the band is the doctor can add or remove the liquid in it. She wants her husband to get more liquid. I think he looks fine. The were going to the gym 3 times a week but never renewed their membership. They make some of the most interesting furniture out of old furniture. She has made me a few items and now I am getting her to make me a small farm table for my back porch. They live 20 minutes from me. We worked together in Maryland at Verizon. Then she retired and moved here. She is the reason I am here.
I wrote down the names of the dvd's so I can understand what yal are talking about. :p I think I will buy some when they are DOD.
Betty One good thing about the band is the doctor can add or remove the liquid in it. She wants her husband to get more liquid. I think he looks fine. The were going to the gym 3 times a week but never renewed their membership. They make some of the most interesting furniture out of old furniture. She has made me a few items and now I am getting her to make me a small farm table for my back porch. They live 20 minutes from me. We worked together in Maryland at Verizon. Then she retired and moved here. She is the reason I am here. I wrote down the names of the dvd's so I can understand what yal are talking about. :p I think I will buy some when they are DOD.
Jean, doesn't adding/removing liquid mean the doctor has to go into his stomach surgically??
Your friends don't live in the same community then. That's too bad. But at least they're close. And how awesome that they are repurposed furniture artisans.

My legs are a tad sore.

I don't know what's gotten into me this week. I've been productive! (Even being glued to our forum.) Better go check my dinner recipe.
Betty They have a port in their stomach that the Dr. just insets a needle of fluid into. It does have to go thru the skin though. But they would be awake.
I could have probably got a used house in her community but it isn't as nice as where I live and I really felt I wanted an "upgrade" in lifestyle. But 20 minutes isn't far.

Carolyn I am not sure about the timed option but I understand what you are saying. I will just let the "Maytag" guy figure it out.
My friend does have a Pilates reformer like me but she really doesn't use it. Some people are better off at the gym.
Carolyn, it is chicken and chickpea stew, an Oct 2011 Self mag recipe. I should start it nowl Chicken skin and fat grosses me out. I have to cut it all off.

Jean, do introduce your friend to Cathe. You guys should get together several times a week and exercise. Nothing like a buddy to keep you going. Too bad she doesn't use her reformer.
You lit a fire already!:eek: Wow. That's got to be a record! So cozy! Wood-burning stove or regular fireplace? As I've mentioned, we have a pellet stove. In my next life, I'd take a gas fireplace. So much less mess & dust!

Dh and I walked for 40 mins. Cold and calm and quiet out.
Rest day for me today. Yesterday afternoon I started feeling a chill coming on and knew I needed to take it easy. Last night I asked DH to build a fire (we have a wood stove) and he thought I was joking, so I just sat on the couch under a blanket. But it was that kind of day.

You ladies are too funny about monogamous forums. I barely post here, never mind anywhere else.

So far for the new workouts I have done LL&abs, RK, Flextrain, and greatest hits. The ab routine in LL&abs was really good, I felt that one later. I do have to say that the original music in greatest hits made the workout more fun but I understand why she can't use it anymore.

Colleen, I hope your hamstring improves, that is no fun. I have been dealing with my issue for a while now and though it is better, it is still not back to where it was. And while I have been avoiding my hamstrings, they have gotten really weak.

Carolyn, I could picture your bus ride exactly. Years ago I chaperoned a trip, and the bus ride was miserable. I had to sit way in the back, and my dd only wanted to be with her friends. Never again!

Betty, I think it is great that you and DH go out for walks together!
Good Morning all. It is raining cats and dogs and is so windy. I hear this is a nor'easter and it isn't moving. It will just dissipate. So it sounds like rain thru Sunday. We have already gotten 2 inches of rain. There was a fun outdoor festival / craft fair this weekend so I guess that will be a wash.
Last night the Maytag repairman called and said he would be here between 7 and 9 am. So I set the clock for 6 and the doorbell was ringing at 6:33. He needs to order some parts related to the igniter so hopefully we will be back in business next week. I am just happy I am not a big oven user.
My husband is painting the garage. He finished putting on the 1st coat yesterday so he should finish up coat 2 today and then he can plan how he wants to organize it.

Mary You have tried a lot of the new w/o's. I think I remember that you did the rotation for the last dvd's we all got. You seemed to be pretty faithful to that rotation. I think that was Xtrain.

Have a good day.
Good morning. It gets harder and harder to wake up. The chill is progressively colder. Ugh.
Mary, I hope you're not coming down with anything. Rest your weary soul. Any day now your dh will have to light the first one.

Jean, every time you describe something of your new place I can picture how brand new everything is and it's very exciting to me. A new and empty garage to organize any way you want is awesome. I am at the point where I rethink everything that I have and buy to do with less.
I can't believe the weather system over you! More reading, tv, movies is the order.

Carolyn, the worst part is getting up so early!

better go make my oatmeal...
Carolyn, my legs don't feel domsy. And I did FT & LL&A but don't think the ab sections are the same; maybe the starburst crunch/reach is the same because yesterday I thought, hmmm, when else have I done this before?

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