STS first time!

My forearm is constantly sore, one way or another. I banged it again yesterday and today!:mad::mad::mad: Idk if it'll ever improve. This is my first ever 'injury'. Not bad if I have to have one.
No willpower here either. Had pastries from a french bakery today, some fried food, the list goes on. Oink, to echo you ladies.
A fire is just so cozy!!! Love it.
It was cloudy here and we even had some late sprinkles.
Can't remember what else but I hope everyone catches up with sleep, laundry, chores, etc over the long weekend;)
Mary, I will try PRS#2 soon then! I hate the ones that are dancy. Introduce the 6-count mambo, do some turns, and I'm lost!
Dang, Jean, that's a boatload of rain!
It is amazing what the sun can do, I have so much more energy today! This morning I did BS Ch, B&Sh plus core 1.

Betty, I agree with Carolyn, try rest and ice on the arm.

Must get outside today!
I so agree. The sun is SO motivating. Except...what happened to it???? It's gloomy again.:(
Ds is having friends over for a few hrs. They play card or board games. Isn't that refreshing??
Dh will mow later. I'm doing some laundry. Pretty dull, huh?:D
Mary, nice job getting XT in.
Carolyn, enjoy biking.
I'll try icing. How does that help to heal my muscle?
Hi everyone. Today is cloudy and windy but no rain. The wind is a little calmer.
Todays movie was " Before Sunrise". It's a love story with really only 2 characters having a conversation. It was pretty good because I like love stories. There are 2 sequels to it which I will be getting next.

"Walking Dead" starts tonight. Don't forget. You should also check out "Talking Dead" which comes on right after. We enjoy that also.

Carolyn That is too bad your bike ride wasn't too good. Will you be getting your daughter a bike with gears?
Ugh, a huge portion of the day was cloudy and chilly. Then the sun came back out in late aft. Only about 60 degrees of a high. I need to dress warmer.

Carolyn, I can picture how cold it must have been!:confused: I get major goose bumps if the wind is slightly chilly. Oh, and how I dislike riding by roads and cars! Give me a flat, smooth, paved rail trail any day!
Good you got a bit of exercise. Oink oink for me. No exercise and bad food. Don't know who or what's inhabiting my body because I am eating like a maniac. I too feel grotesque!:mad:

Jean! I loved Before Sunrise. And Before Sunset. Waiting patiently for Before Midnight to come to dvd!:eek:
Big L starts on Tues. We will record it, as usual.

Oh yeah: football and baseball all afternoon and evening. Yippeee:confused:
Hi girls

No workouts this weekend. I have not gotten any sales emails from athleta. I'll let you know when I do.

Today was barre3. Yesterday turned out to be a beautiful day. Today will be chilly but sunny.
Colleen, is today a holiday for you and your kids?
Chilly and sunny here too.

I just finished GG. About a hundred of those hydrants went by before I checked for correct form:confused: Carolyn, you must have had doms already when you did this workout; I barely noticed the agony.:D. I could see how it would be painful on a domsy day.
Maybe I do have tendinitis. Is that same as tennis elbow? I need to read up on it.

Late bkfast but I don't mind since I oinked out this weekend. Back to healthy eating.
My LR was 61 degrees, but with the sun shining in, it's very nice. Your dad would have said to tough it out!;) I always have my robe on, regardless.
DH is working. His company has paltry few holidays off. We are talking 6!
So true about meals for the rest of the day--tons of bad leftovers in fridge.
Maybe you guys can drive to quaint oceanside towns for walking and browsing, or go leaf-peeping.
I have to work today too, but girls have practice at various times anyways so we would not have been able to do anything.

I did XT Bis and Tris this morning. And yes, my house was cold too but we have not turned the heat on yet.

I ate a bowl of ice cream last night, and as I was eating it I realized it wasn't even that good but I kept eating it anyways.

I don't watch BL or WD.
I finally got my butt outdoors. It's actually quite mild out. Calm. Going to prep a lasagna for later in the week.
Hi there.

Kids are off but I'm not. :-( DD is with friends today and DS is home with DH today.

Hope you enjoyed the cornmaze and ice cream. We are headed to the pumpkin patch this weekend.
Having my quinoa/millet/oatmeal now;).
Need to do a bit of food shopping and pack!
Managed a 45-min walk last evening. Don't know what I'll do today. Should have worked out first but Tues & Thurs I have this habit of exercising in the aft so I can head out early to mkts.
Hiya girls

Today was barre3. They are doing a fall challenge so I signed up. Basically a challenge to do barre3 5 days a weeks and eat clean.

My core has really gotten strong doing these workouts. Will be a beautiful day today.

Enjoy HC.

Betty enjoy the markets today.
Just finished SuperCuts. That sit-up/push-up combo set is INSANE! No thanks! I did side-to-side weighted twists instead!
Colleen, that's awesome B3 tones your core. What moves?
Carolyn, dust off that HC and give it some airtime. Your core thanks you.
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Good Evening. Not much going on here. Yesterday we went to BJ's and Petsmart. Then we went to the grocery store. Then we went to Lowes and stopped and brought home a pizza. The Maytag repairman came today and replaced the part on my oven. I will try it out on Thursday or Friday.
We watched WD last night. I thought it was pretty good. It sounds like there is going to be a lot going on in the future episodes. I just remembered tonight is The Biggest Loser.
My friend just found out that her son and his wife are expecting twins in April. They also have a daughter who is 5. They live in Maryland. Her other son and his wife live in Calif and just had a baby boy in Sept. She is going to be doing a lot of traveling to see these grandchildren.

Betty Have a fun safe trip to Calif. When will you be coming back home?
Yes she is the friend who was over last week. She is very generous with her children. She has diapers delivered monthly from Amazon to the Calif baby. I told her she is going to have to go back to work to buy diapers for the twins.

I think WD is really going to get good as the weeks go by. Just hang in there.

Do your children like eggplant? I had it once and didn't like it.

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