STS first time!

Carolyn, is she going to come back with fabric samples for you to look at? I love the stuff at Pottery Barn! Just got back from a quick walk, what a beautiful day, and it smells like fall. I am going on the trip with 3 co-workers, 2 are staying in the same hotel but we all have our own rooms. I like the people here but they pretty much keep to themselves, except the woman I walk with, and she is going on the trip so that will be fun.
Mary, I noticed there's a out here; are you going there??
You must try Crustacean Restaurant while in SF. The Dungeness crab and garlic noodles are to die for!!!

Is anyone else having problems with the forum????:mad::mad::mad:
Good afternoon.....I'm off till next Thursday.....its vacation time ! I finally slept last night as I was just extremely exhausted.

Today....I did lean legs and abs..... I really enjoyed legs can feel it already.

BTW.....thanks for all the nice words in regards to my baby!
Good Evening. It was a most beautiful day today. We took the dog to the vet to get his dental recheck. Then we went to the pat store and bought dog food and I ordered a cat tree for the cats. Tonight a bunch of the neighbors met down at the Bay to watch the Full Moon rise over the bay. It was a lot of fun. There was about 20 people there. I love living here.

Missy I hope you are feeling better. Enjoy your vacation.

Betty What kind of problems are you having with the forum? I always use the computer and the only thing I find is it is slow sometimes to get on the forums.
Adoption is always an option. I am sure there are plenty of little girls who would like to live with you.

Carolyn I think the decorator will have your room measurements on paper and she will place fake furniture on it to show placement. That is how ours did it. That is funny that she didn't like your red paint. I always let mine know if I didn't like what she proposed. I enjoyed my experience with mine . Mine was always in and out quickly also.
Missy, your vacation is perfect timing! Grieve, rest, and enjoy each other.

Jean, I think it's the wi-fi here. It's better now that I switched to a different code.
I agree about adoption but we're too old (well, more like tired), plus I'd perversely like a biological one.

Carolyn, I have an odd-shaped living room too. Long, rectangular, with a door in one center long wall, a doorway directly opposite, a fireplace in one short end. Awkward!

Omg, I had a HUGE lunch today. Buffet.:confused: Plus no exercise weekend. We did do stretching though. Quite sore all over.
Missy I'm so sorry :-( Pets are family and I know how much they mean to you. They're your kids! So sorry to hear about this :-( Take care of yourself and hope you feel better soon.
Checking in with X10 step this morning. Sitting at work now. I got here a bit early so I figured I would check in. So tired! This coffee is just not working. Here's to 3:30 coming soon :)

Carolyn- I did get all the workouts :) I'm really loving X10 and how it has so much variety with linking the different segments together. The shorter workouts are perfect to get a quick burst in. I actually really like Rockout Knockout too. I'm not much of a kickboxing fan but I really enjoy this one. I haven't done Great Glutes or Lean Legs yet. I plan on trying GG next week. I've done flextrain once and I really like it.

Have a great day everyone!
Jean - yup I'm in float pool and loving it!!! So much variety :) I'm on the substance abuse unit today which is actually my favorite unit. Just love it :)
Hi Marie!
Niece and nephew are practicing instruments then will head to bday party while we adults go eat cajun boil. YUM. Oink.

Carolyn, that must be so weird to hear gunshots:eek:

Every day is a beautiful day here.
Yay! Thanks for checking in chicas :)

Carolyn- I'm not a good cook either. That soup sounds good. I made B mac n cheese yesterday with wheat noodles. I added cheese, milk and some pureed squash. I was quite impressed with myself lol and he seemed to enjoy it. Enjoy your rest day and thanks for entertaining me :) What the heck is a whoopee pie?

Betty- Cajun boil?!!! You guys are making me hungry.

I just had a couple swiss cheese turkey roll-ups. Craving something sweet now. Specifically dark chocolate. Hmm maybe I should take my break and go walk the skyway. It's too cold outside.
OMG YUM!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm addicted to dark chocolate chips latey. Like every night. It's bad news! And not just a handful like way too many handfuls lol. Speaking of sweet treats, I made these the other night and wow they are soooo good. I froze a few so I wouldn't eat them all. DH liked them too which funny enough, sounds like your DH coming home from the grocery with all the wrong things. That's great to hear about your kids liking all the healthy stuff. I'm hoping B is the same way. I grew up eating lots of fruits and veggies, NOT drinking soda and watching my mom workout so I'm convinved that's why I am the way I am today :)

Raw, No Bake Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Brownie | Living Healthy With Chocolate
OMG YUM!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm addicted to dark chocolate chips latey. Like every night. It's bad news! And not just a handful like way too many handfuls lol. Speaking of sweet treats, I made these the other night and wow they are soooo good. I froze a few so I wouldn't eat them all. DH liked them too which funny enough, sounds like your DH coming home from the grocery with all the wrong things. That's great to hear about your kids liking all the healthy stuff. I'm hoping B is the same way. I grew up eating lots of fruits and veggies, NOT drinking soda and watching my mom workout so I'm convinved that's why I am the way I am today :) Raw, No Bake Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Brownie | Living Healthy With Chocolate
Marie, dk chocolate is good for you, so no guilt!
Your mom is such a wonderful role model!
The recipe looks delish!
Good girl getting B into whole wheat pasta now! My kids don't know anything different! Whole wheat bread, pasta, unsalted and unsweetened peanutbutter etc! If that is what they are brought up on, there won't be any battles when they are older! It is all they will know as the norm. Dh battles me constantly! If he does the shopping he comes home with Sourdough bread and white pasta!:mad:
Carolyn, if I could start over again, I would feed my kids more healthy stuff. I just started on this road myself a few yrs ago. Your kids are off to a great start! Ds2 esp, but all three, are very reluctant!
Marie, dk chocolate is good for you, so no guilt!
Your mom is such a wonderful role model!
The recipe looks delish!

That's what I always tell myself. Glad you agree :)

Thanks! Yah she is pretty awesome that's for sure :)
Walking the skyway during my break. It's raining out. I did x37 this morning. That DVD just rules altogether. On a medical unit today. So far so good day ;)

Have a good one everyone!
Good morning! Up before anyone else. Insane to get up at 7:30 on a Sunday morning! But I'm awake. Trying not to make any noise so not to wake kids early.
Marie, you have said it's cold out.:confused: What are the temps? Living so northerly, you get the much cold earlier.:confused: Yikes.
My sis and I walked for almost an hour yesterday afternoon. It felt so good because we have been eating out so much!
We watched Safe Haven last night, a Nicholas Sparks movie; you know how they all are.
Today we have a ridiculously packed day full of the kids' activities.
Good Morning Ladies. The sun is out today and it is getting cooler. We turned on the heat for about an hour yesterday just to make sure it works. Then in the afternoon the guy who installed it came over and explained the system to my husband. He just happens to live in the neighborhood.
Yesterday I reorganized my exercise room and believe it or not , today I did STS disc 4. It felt so good to do some exercise. Hopefully I can get back in sync.

Marie those brownies look really good. I don't have a food processor. Do you know if a blender will work? I'm glad you're still enjoying your rotation.

Betty It sounds like you are enjoying your sister and her family . You can get your eating back on track when you get home.

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