STS first time!

Betty just throw an old towel over it and pick it up. It's not that bad. How about your son? Can he do it after school? My husband was driving one day and a bat hit his windshield and got stuck under the wiper. He was getting all this equipment to remove it . I got a paper towel and took it off. That cat is going to start stinking if you don't do something soon and then no one is going to want to pick it up. :eek:
Betty just throw an old towel over it and pick it up. It's not that bad. How about your son? Can he do it after school? My husband was driving one day and a bat hit his windshield and got stuck under the wiper. He was getting all this equipment to remove it . I got a paper towel and took it off. That cat is going to start stinking if you don't do something soon and then no one is going to want to pick it up. :eek:
Jean, thanks for the tips and encouragement. I went to look at it again. I KNOW I can't do it. My son? Ha! He wouldn't touch it with a 100 ft pole. Boys are not like they used to be, let me tell ya.;) My dh at his age would have done it.
That's hysterical, your bat story! I could just picture you, too! You are one strong lady. I get queasy just picking up dog poop!
I know it'll start reeking soon. Today's majorly humid! It will have to wait a few more hours till dh gets home from work. I ain't touching that thing. Sorry.
Jean, the 'emergency' number I called this am for the disposal of the cat said they would have the dept of public works drive by and get the bag.
Just got back from a super sweaty humid walk. I am drenched from this dratted high humidity!:mad: My second walk today:).

Carolyn, enjoy Plimoth Plantation. You will have great weather,
Hey girls! Sorry, today was busy busy! I hate Mondays! I got a ton done since I won't be home all day tomorrow. My neck is a tad better. Not much though. Dh is angry that I worked out. It didn't bother me except for when I was doing the floor work. It really made me concentrate on my spinal alignment. Colleen, I hear you with dd. OMG mine can be such a you know what. It is a daily battle with her. She is a pig. She does not pick up after herself. She is lazy lazy lazy! We argue every morning about her outfits. SHe is stubborn! Just like her Mama!!;) Today she picked out navy blue leggings with white polka dots. The shirt was two shades of purple, stripes. A. Leggings are to be worn with your butt covered by a long shirt, or a skirt. Not to be worn ALONE!! B: They looked like pajamas C: How about atleast matching the colors or patterns??! I let her go to school looking like a fool and she was happy with that!!:rolleyes: I need to package up the dvds. Two sold for $13 each and the other for $10. Oh well. Better than collecting dust. I think it works out to $10 a dvd any way doesn't it, with the preorder price? I would have had that cat in a bag yesterday! Sorry Betty. That kind of thing doesn't bother me in the least. I certainly would have cringed, but I could have done it. I take frogs out of the skimmer of the pool! I can do anything! :p A couple of floating chipmunks as well!:eek:
Carolyn, I got interrupted earlier when reading this post. I never finished till now, oblivious!
You have an iron stomach! I get grossed out so easily.:eek: My kids' puke especially! An early on, even their poop. I still get grossed out by puke!
I will ask dpw if I could just toss it in the trash. Is that what animal control would do?
Ds2 is soooo willful and stubborn. It is so unpleasant! It is almost tangible. My little sweet child has turned difficult. He dislikes almost everything! And that's what we battle about. He hates drinking water, physical activity, tomatoes, onions, basketball, reading, wheat pasta, brown rice, cross country, the list is endless!!!
At least you sold your dvds. Hope you still make out after the shipping.
I wish I also had a girl, but I would suffer from the things girls inflict on their mothers.;)
Doing UY Detox presently. It's soooo good. Stopped to watch the pickup truck picking up the bag on the curb. Bye bye
Did some minor food shopping. I was soooo slow. I give a little too much thought to too many things at the store. Pesticide, non-pesticide, that sort of thing. I also hate to have too much of anything around, esp not too healthy stuff, but on the other hand, want to have options for the guys when I'm gone for a couple of wks.

I just love UY! There's another set coming out by the same company, but not with Travis, called Yoga Warrior 365. I'm not that keen on the instructor... I'm not going to buy it, I'm not going to buy it, I'm not going to buy it!

Carolyn, ever since you mentioned Larabars, I love buying them because they have so few ingredients! I don't get anything else. I like having one in my purse for emergencies.

Where is everyone else??
Love larabars.

Glad the field trip was fun! Whatba beautiful day. Sorry your yogurt was yucky.

Today was barre3 for me. My hamstring is sore for some reason. I stretched it out good this morning.
I made sausage gumbo in the crockpot. Started it late but it came out fine. A tad too spicy though!
Chilly night!
Colleen, do you have a foam roller? Can't remember. If so, apply it. If not, keep doing your stretches for it.

Missy, I hope you're over your bad cold.

Marie, how did your party and mom's visit go?

Mary, hope all is going according to plan.

Jean, how was your party?

Carolyn, maybe you napped on the bus ride home?
You were so prepared with all those healthy snacks today! I'd have my Larabar in my bag--that's my preparation extent.
Yumm your dinner sounded good. We had leftovers too. Meat loaf.

I eat every 3 hours too. I'm always making snacks and I too carry a larabar in my bag.

I do have a foam roller. In used it this morning and I stretched again tonight. Its my left hamstring.
Dh and I walked for 45 mins this evening. It was cold and quiet out.
Goodnight, friends!

PS: Carolyn and Colleen, is dd into rubber band looms, the latest craze in the elementary school set?
Good morning! Stumbling around tired. So hard to get up when it is darker and darker. Just want to crawl back into bed.
Hmmm, what to do for a workout?
OMG, LL&A looks so awesome! Better get off the tablet and get on it!
Ahem, where is everyone?? I'm going to have to seek other company soon!;)
Morning. Betty you are too funny!

DD loves the rainbow loom. She is constantly making bracelets and trading them with frirnds. Her new thing is to go on utube to learn how to make different ones. It sure does keep her occupied.

Today was barre3. My hamstring is not doing to well. I can feel it down my whole left leg. I stretched again this morning.
It was very hard getting out of bed this morning. Alarm went off at 5 and I woke back up at 5:30. Between the cold and dark I didnt want to get up.

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