STS first time!

Morning friends.

Yestersay was a glorious day. I went for a quick walk at lunch.

I was surprised to see the bid so high for the dvds. Carolyn any movement on yours. Did you finally get a smart phone. I thought I remembered hearing you say you did not have one. What kind did you get?

Today is a rest day for me.

Betty rest that forearm. I don't think yoga is good for it right now.

Missy. Hope class was ok. I'm glad you are feeling better.

Mary. The ice cream sounded perfect on a summer like day. I go to the eye doctor in a few weeks for my yearly exam. I know my eye have gotten worse. Might be time for reading classes. I wear contacts for distance.
Morning friends.

Yestersay was a glorious day. I went for a quick walk at lunch.

I was surprised to see the bid so high for the dvds. Carolyn any movement on yours. Did you finally get a smart phone. I thought I remembered hearing you say you did not have one. What kind did you get?

Today is a rest day for me.

Betty rest that forearm. I don't think yoga is good for it right now.

Missy. Hope class was ok. I'm glad you are feeling better.

Mary. The ice cream sounded perfect on a summer like day. I go to the eye doctor in a few weeks for my yearly exam. I know my eye have gotten worse. Might be time for reading classes. I wear contacts for distance.
Morning friends. Yestersay was a glorious day. I went for a quick walk at lunch. I was surprised to see the bid so high for the dvds. Carolyn any movement on yours. Did you finally get a smart phone. I thought I remembered hearing you say you did not have one. What kind did you get? Today is a rest day for me. Betty rest that forearm. I don't think yoga is good for it right now. Missy. Hope class was ok. I'm glad you are feeling better. Mary. The ice cream sounded perfect on a summer like day. I go to the eye doctor in a few weeks for my yearly exam. I know my eye have gotten worse. Might be time for reading classes. I wear contacts for distance.
Good morning! Eating my breakfast now before I hit the big box and the pricey organic stores.
Waaah, yoga isn't good for my forearm.
Colleen, I've been battling the reading glasses, for sure. Only in the smallest print and dimmest light is it hard to read.;) I too need contacts for distance. Blind as a bat, if you can insult a bat like that.
Not sure what I'll work out to this afternoon. Pilates is a lot of core/thighs/legs, so this makes it hard to choose LB stuff. Maybe glutes? Don't want to incapacitate myself for tomorrow's class though.
Colleen, the thought has flitted across my mind about owning a reformer but it is not possible! The size of that thing is prohibitive! In my dream home I'd have an exercise room and oodles of money to buy that contraption, which I'm guessing costs several thousand dollars.:confused:

Did you gals read that Cathe's dad passed away? Sad news for her and her family.:(
That was hysterical, Carolyn!

Wrestled with the stack of bills earlier.:confused:

I just finished UY Yin. It was perfect! No strength moves, and prolonged stretching of all the LB parts I use in Pilates! I dozed off a few times too!

B is doing so much better. We just have a couple days left on his antibiotic.

I got all my workout DVDs :) The only one I've done so far is PRS#1. I've actually done it the past three days and absolutely love it. I perfected it :) It's just so much fun!!!! But you know me I just love my complex step choreography. I could see where it wouldn't be for everyone.

My mom is coming in town this weekend so I think we're going to try Knockout Rockout or is it Rockout Knockout lol. B's birthday party is on Sunday, looking forward to that. We are going to have a houseful, about 40 people.

Off to bed for me. I work early tomorrow. Have a great Friday everyone!
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Hi gals, where is everyone?? Just got back from Pilates and Trader Joe's. My inner thighs could not sustain the exercises we were assigned today!:confused: Prob the Yin Yoga did them in.

It is showering lightly here, low 60s. We sure can use the precipitation! My lawn looks dead, usually a hot July look, never an October one.

Marie, congrats on your upcoming first bday party! A special one indeed! Enjoy yourselves. That's a lot of people!
You rock on nailing PRS#1! High five!
Hello Everyone,

It must be the weather today because I am feeling soooo sleepy. I just want to put my head down on my desk. At least I plan to leave a little early today to make it to the first volleyball game.

I did BS Ch-B-Sh this morning. I am waiting to try the new workouts until the weekend when I am more awake!

Betty I have been trying to do Yin yoga once a week, but it gets hard to fit it in. I like to do it later in the day after my body is warmed up, but the long stretches have really helped my legs feel better.

DD wants to go visit Brown again so we are driving down tomorrow. Seems like we are making a little progress.

Marie, have a fun birthday party for B!
So sleepy too! Zzzzzz.....
Carolyn, what kind of cookies?? I've resisted indulging in the fund-raising white choc macadamia box in my freezer which ds has been making nightly. Trying hard not to eat added sugar stuff. Nearly impossible with the holiday season upon us!

Mary, that's very encouraging that YinY has been helping your legs! Keep at it! I'm so excited about the promises of youthful skin and such every time I do it. Do you think it's real?
Have fun at Brown!

So I've decided I won't do the last 2 Pilates classes until I return from CA. That way I can compare and contrast.;)
That means all Cathe next week! Oh wait, must cuddle my forearm.
Still haven't showered after Pilates.:eek: Better go now.
Hi all, started cloudy but the sun is out now.
Here's a story for you, Jean. A feral cat is hiding under my bush and mewing. It is very sluggish, and a couple of flies buzz around constantly. Not a good sign. Called and left a message at animal control but who knows if they work on weekends?? Any advice till my call is returned?

Made omelets with red pepper, red onion, spinach, mushrooms this morning. (I don't know what came over me!;) Made bacon too, my fave! All to accompany my Dunkin Donuts coffee. Yum
Betty, when do you go to CA? For a wedding, or a visit? I did Lean Legs and Abs today, plus Brets program. LL was a nice add on for cardio and some leg conditioning. I guess I am used to Cathe's heavy weight work for legs. As a stand alone w/o I don't think LL would be enough for me. I am going to use it along with Bret's program though. I liked the cardio effect. when it came time for the band work, she used the pink fw. I used it for the sumo walks and skaters, and thought it was too easy. I jumped to the green band for the side lying stuff. Ouch! I love the ab section with the 8 lb weight. I felt very strong! Thank you HC!! SC was a good one today. Weighted glute bridges,RDL's, goblet squats, and cable hip rotations. I found the cable work difficult to know how to stand. My cable only is at floor level and overhead. He wanted it right in the middle so I used a band. I need to watch a youtube video to figure out my stance. Missy, I hope you are feeling better. I can't wait to hear your thoughts on some of these workouts. Mary, I hope the visit to Brown goes well. What crappy weather this weekend though. Hello Colleen, Jean and Marie!

Carolyn, is StrongCurves a book? Or video? It would be too hard to me to follow a book. You did very well today, girl! I'm just sitting on my butt and reading stuff on my tablet.
Oh yeah, guess what? Dh and I started Breaking Bad last night! In Canada last weekend dh watched the penultimate and series finale with his cousins. I'm not that keen on it. It's kind of gritty to me. I know ColleenK used to watch it. Did you?

I go visit my sis once a year. I love it but of course I'm consumed with guilt leaving the guys at home. Dh hates to travel, and he has had to go to that area twice since July already on business.
wouldn't you rather visit her solo anyway?! I would. That way you wouldn't feel guilty doing all the fun girl stuff! I do understand the guilt of leaving them behind though. Oh the joys of being a woman. Yes, SC is a book. I have tried twice before to do the program and failed. I hate that it is not a dvd. However the other check in that I joined has really pushed me to try and stick with it. I keep thinking that Cathe's dvd's have most of these moves in them, so why not just stick with her?! Ya know?! but, these girls seem so pumped with the program that I decided I have nothing to lose. Except my pancake! lol. DH and I were going to give BB a try but missed the boat on recording the first season. Our DVR got screwed up a couple of weeks ago when they were airing it. Now that new shows have started, we lost interest. Let me know if you think if it is worth it. Thanks for the compliment for todays w/o! I felt guilty that I only walked yesterday. So that gave me the drive to push forward today. Plus, I really was excited to try another new Cathe dvd. Dh is working so that helped too. Must go fill the bird feeders.

Yes, going solo is the only way. The guys would absolutely keel over from boredom! My sis and I like to go to all the TJM/M nearby, the cafe, hit the restaurants we like, go to the outlets...

Whaaaa??? You have another check-in?? Girl, you are taking it to a whole another fitness level!

I think Jean watches BB too. Half way through the first season already (only 7 epi though). Not that vested in the show, personally.
Getting wide sitting here. Almost time for the spin bike again.

Pancake? Are you referring to your butt?:D I bet you have a smokin' one. You must after all these years of Cathe! Even mine is not bad-looking when I'm wearing fitness pants.;) (Underneath I know it's all loose flab:confused:.) You know yoga butt? That's a compliment, right?

Those moves you mentioned--I have no idea what they are. RHL?

I'm going to do LL&A Monday, likely.
Going for a walk with dh between episodes.
It kills me that I'm home all week and want to go out on the weekends but dh wants the opposite. We are doing nothing today.

Marie, have fun with your rockin' mom. Hope the pahty went well.

Jean, we hardly knew ye!
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Hi Everyone. No exercise here . Just trying to have fun while the weather is nice. We have been in the high 80's. We went to the ocean this week. It is amazing how many people are still on the beach. I found a little store that sells nice sea shells and I bought a bunch of them. We went to a craft fair today and I bought a pretty bowl to put my shells in. Then we did some sight seeing. I felt like I was on vacation. We has Happy Hour at our community center last night. I met more people. I haven't formed any friendships yet if you know what I mean. This afternoon I cleaned up a lot of weed trees and weeds from our property. I was using the loppers and pulling roots out of the ground. I am so tired from doing that. I was cutting down a dead pine tree and noticed there was a bees nest with bees flying around. I left the loppers in the tree and quit for the day. My husband got rid of the nest for me. I saw a commercial that showed a bright blue flower pot with yellow mums in it and it was so pretty. So I went on line and found some pretty blue pots and filled them with yellow mums. I have my sidewalk lined with them. I have more plants now than I have ever had. So I am just enjoying my life. Hopefully soon I will get back into exercise but I just seem to be busy.

Carolyn You are doing quite the workouts. I wish I had your enthusiasm. You must look fantastic.
Canasta is a card game and you use 2 decks of cards.

Betty I don't watch Breaking Bad. I think Colleen K was the only one of us that watched it.
I don't know what to tell you about the cat. It could be feral and scratch the crap out of you. Have you heard from Animal Control? Is the cat still there?

Marie Have a good time at B's birthday party. I can't wait to hear about it.

I forgot to tell you that last Sunday's movie was "Mud". That was pretty good. I gave it 5 stars.

No one on our forum seems to be really fired up about the new Cathe Dvd's. I am glad I didn't preorder.

I took my Chihuahua in this week to get a dental because his breath was HORRIBLE. He had eleven teeth pulled. Now his breath doesn't even have a smell.

Well I guess that's about all for now. Have a nice evening.

Hi Everyone. No exercise here . Just trying to have fun while the weather is nice. We have been in the high 80's. We went to the ocean this week. It is amazing how many people are still on the beach. I found a little store that sells nice sea shells and I bought a bunch of them. We went to a craft fair today and I bought a pretty bowl to put my shells in. Then we did some sight seeing. I felt like I was on vacation. We has Happy Hour at our community center last night. I met more people. I haven't formed any friendships yet if you know what I mean. This afternoon I cleaned up a lot of weed trees and weeds from our property. I was using the loppers and pulling roots out of the ground. I am so tired from doing that. I was cutting down a dead pine tree and noticed there was a bees nest with bees flying around. I left the loppers in the tree and quit for the day. My husband got rid of the nest for me. I saw a commercial that showed a bright blue flower pot with yellow mums in it and it was so pretty. So I went on line and found some pretty blue pots and filled them with yellow mums. I have my sidewalk lined with them. I have more plants now than I have ever had. So I am just enjoying my life. Hopefully soon I will get back into exercise but I just seem to be busy. Carolyn You are doing quite the workouts. I wish I had your enthusiasm. You must look fantastic. Canasta is a card game and you use 2 decks of cards. Betty I don't watch Breaking Bad. I think Colleen K was the only one of us that watched it. I don't know what to tell you about the cat. It could be feral and scratch the crap out of you. Have you heard from Animal Control? Is the cat still there? Marie Have a good time at B's birthday party. I can't wait to hear about it. I forgot to tell you that last Sunday's movie was "Mud". That was pretty good. I gave it 5 stars. No one on our forum seems to be really fired up about the new Cathe Dvd's. I am glad I didn't preorder. I took my Chihuahua in this week to get a dental because his breath was HORRIBLE. He had eleven teeth pulled. Now his breath doesn't even have a smell. Well I guess that's about all for now. Have a nice evening. Jean
Jean, that's warm! Lucky you have an ocean nearby! I love seashells. I have yet to see the beauties on Florida beaches and such. We have a lot of scallop shells on Cape Cod that I like to pick up if intact.
Your life sounds so dreamy. Don't worry about formal exercise. You are moving around!
We finished BB:confused:. Not addictive to me but habit since we had nothing to do. We watched Admission last night. I wonder how realistic it is. One day I'll get Mud.
You are buying tons of things for your new house. Hope you have more of where that came from.;)
Animal control never called back. The cat turned itself around to face the house and curled up. While there was daylight I checked on its breathing, and it was still going. By morning it could be dead. Early in the day, he didn't run away when we got near. He just get mewling loudly. Is that a word??
I think Cathe is doing same ole, same ole? We'll see. Reminds me that I haven't touched CF & TTM in a while.
Not getting a calendar either.
Good night, all!
Betty It just dawned on me that maybe the cat is delivering kittens. Make sure you check on her this morning. If she does have kittens and Animal control doesn't come , maybe you could put out some water and maybe a can of tuna. Then Monday if she and the kittens are still there , call them again or you can rent a trap and get her and the kittens and take them to the shelter or find a rescue to take them. You could also she if the is a feral cat rescue in your area that is willing to help. Sometimes they like a donation . It is so hard to find fosters for these animals.

The shells that I bought are not local. They are from different places around the world but they are pretty and colorful. They don't cost very much money.

Dogs have 42 teeth so he is fine. Less teeth to bite me with. :D
Betty It just dawned on me that maybe the cat is delivering kittens. Make sure you check on her this morning. If she does have kittens and Animal control doesn't come , maybe you could put out some water and maybe a can of tuna. Then Monday if she and the kittens are still there , call them again or you can rent a trap and get her and the kittens and take them to the shelter or find a rescue to take them. You could also she if the is a feral cat rescue in your area that is willing to help. Sometimes they like a donation . It is so hard to find fosters for these animals. The shells that I bought are not local. They are from different places around the world but they are pretty and colorful. They don't cost very much money. Dogs have 42 teeth so he is fine. Less teeth to bite me with. :D
Jean, I just went out to check and the cat must have taken its last breath last night or today. Sad. It got rained upon too. I did briefly consider whether it was having kittens but it didn't look like it. A couple of days ago I noticed it in our yard walking very sluggishly and dipping its head into my watering can. Stinking animal control. Thanks, though.

Carolyn, I was wondering when you'd see my post, but then I forgot all about it.
Wow, you tried PP? Awesome! I always feel guilty when you guys do spin and get so much out of it! (Can you tell I have a HUGE guilt complex?) Do you have a rest day at all, like God:D? My rest days are the weekend. Can't imagine exercising with everyone around. And we sleep later.
Your other check-in. Are they pretty??? What do they have that we don't??? We'll be less clingy, I promise!!! :D:D:D:D:D

It is gloomy and damp. Why did dh even indicate we would go out today? It's freaking football day. I never seem to remember that.:mad:

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