STS first time!

Carolyn....yep...Im at work..... and feel like shit....but Im still kicking! LOL

My dvd's came in the mail!!! I am still waiting on my pedal power....I got my spin bike after I pre-ordered, so I also pre-ordered it, seperately....hehehehe..... Excited to try out some of these new workouts...but its going to have to wait till this sickness leaves me....not much energy left!!!! :confused:

I wish I was at home stuggled in the recliner watching soaps! But, nope...I am sitting at my desk trying to get the month closed!!!!

check back in a bit!
Good Evening Ladies. Not much going on here.
We are going to Motor Vehicle tomorrow to get new driver licenses and registrations for our cars. They require a lot of stuff so I hope it goes without incident.
My husband is painting the ceiling of the garage. We are painting the walls the same color as the siding on the house. It should look pretty nice.
I got my Flu shot today.
The community is playing Canasta starting tomorrow night. I don't know how to play but they are willing to teach me so I will be going to that. That will be the first Tuesday of every month.

Missy I am so sorry to hear that you are sick. I hope you feel better soon. It sounds like you had fun at the mud run. Too bad your friends slowed you down. Hopefully next time will be better.

Carolyn I watched a youtube of Brett's Strong Curves. The girl doing the exercises looked great. I bet you have really nice legs even though you say you don't. You sure looked cute in that skirt with the attached leggings. That was a long bike ride.

Betty I hope you made it home safely.

Hi everyone, I'm back. A little slow going this morning. Haven't decided on workout yet. But I did receive my Cathes yesterday!!! Still in shipping box though.

The wedding weekend was great. Just a drag spending two days traveling. Good thing we were there last yr for a long while so I didn't feel remiss just flying in for so short a time. Might be three weddings next year.

Missy, you need your rest to get rid of that nasty cold!:confused: Your symptoms sound awful.

Mary, nice progress with the college stuff. Which schools?

Carolyn, good motivation with a new workout system. Let us know how it works.

A couple of dh's cousins this weekend had the most amazing-looking fit, toned, defined bodies. They're in their early 30s though, and started early in their lives. I was so envious because my body never looked like that. Ever. Moreover, these kids are so self-aware, confident, self-realized at such a young age, where I'm, well, not.

I can't remember the rest of the posts. bbl though.
Good Monring my friends....last night I walked 7.5 miles with my friend....

Here is the group photo of the mud run.....
mud run.jpg

I am thinking of attemping Lean Legs and Abs tonight....if I feel up to it!

Betty...welcome back!

Where is everyone this morning????? :eek:
Jean.... 1 week till Biggest Loser!!! is amazing...last friday I worked inside and outside all day.....and got so much accomplished!!! It is a workout in itself to do chores!!!!

For some reason....I am all pumped to do a new Cathe workout....OMG....I hope this is good.....I am still congested though.....hmm.....:confused:

Tonight I am making tacos......
Hi Girls!!!

Missy hope you feel better. The run sounded awesome.

Carolyn awesome bike ride.

Mary, congrats on the certification. Very cool.

Betty glad you had a nice trip. You must have a big family with all those weddings.
Over the weekend in did barre3 on Saturday. I did b barre3 agaib yesterday and today was cycle max.

I did not preorder. But I will noe order pedal power.
I went for a noon pilates class. I'm glad I did. I was thisclose to talking myself out of it. I felt so great after.

Carolyn, thanks for the compliment. I am moderately pleased at my reflection in class. It could be worse.;)
So awesome how much you got accomplished today and yesterday! I've only managed a load of towels. Hung them outside of course.;)
I don't watch Homeland, sorry.

Jean, that movie Gravity looks really good!
Enjoy canasta. Your community sounds amazing. So jealous!

Missy, you and your friends do look like a spread on a fitness mag. Nice going!
If you don't feel better yet tonight, skip the Cathe and do a not-too-intense walk.
I'm looking forward to Big L. Did you hear that Ruben Studdard (American Idol) is going to be on it?

Colleen, you're so disciplined with your barre workouts. High five. Are you going back to Leah after?
Is work easing up a bit?
All of dh's Canadian cousins are of marrying age now. Some are starting to have babies too. In these past 2 yrs' of weddings I've noticed just how genuinely nice Canadians are.

Better get off my butt. So. very. sleepy......zzzzzzz
I was very slow moving this morning, and by the time I figured out what workout to do I only had 35 minutes left. I did the first 35 minutes of Flex train, I really liked it! She really burns the shoulders early on, but the workout moved quickly. I can't wait to try the whole thing!

Carolyn, what is going on with your knees?

Betty, welcome back and congrats on sticking with the Pilates classes. I too have a hard time getting motivated to workout as the day goes on so I try to get it done first thing.

Missy, I'm glad you had fun at the mud run, except for the feeling awful part. You and your friends look great!

Jean, your new place comes with its own social group, how great is that!
Good morning! Another slow-going morning here. I'm groggy from lack of sleep over the weekend and jet lag. Need to crack open the shipping box now and pull the Cathes out. My LB was really worked yesterday at Pilates, so I might do UB or just cardio. Will be mid-80s today. Crazy.

Interesting that roadbiking will do that to your knees, Carolyn, but not spin. It happens to me too! Achy painful knees afterward.

Good job fitting some new Cathe in, Mary! I give you and all the working gals ALL the credit in the world.

Going to the high school tonight for curric night. Between the vision going and darkness descending so early, it'll be tough to be attentive for 2 hrs.
Hi girls.

Oh the achy knees. Carolyn make sure outside bike us adjusted properly. Just as important as the spin bike.

Betty. Good job pilaties yesterday. Do you think you would invest in the reformer for home? I love barre worouts now. Im enjoying barre3. At some point I might go back to Leah. I like her stuff but barre3 has a much better production quality. I alsi have to say that barre3 form tips are top notch. They really have you think about form and with barre I think thats key because it impacts on how hard your muscles work.

Missy sounds like you are feeling better.

Today was....barre3.
Just finished FlexTrain! I'm sure I'd love it more if it weren't for my forearm issue. One thing though. I feel even more behind with this plethora of Cathe workouts:confused:. I pledge not to order any more. I must do what I already own. Stop buy, buy, buying. I'm thinking after this month's Pilates classes (3 here, 4 in CA), I'm going to have to lay off all arm work and weights for a while, if at all possible. Create a loose rotation of Monday step, Tues UY, Wed KB, Thus UY, Fri stretch or whatever ideas you guys can give me.
Better go eat my bkfast. Really behind today. Must go food shopping too.
I went out with my co-workers for ice cream at lunch - oink oink! But it seems like summer again!

Betty I have to go back to the school tonight for Financial aid stuff. I was just thinking how I should get there early so I can sit closer to the front, last week when they were going through the common app process I could not see a thing!

I agree about the Cathe dvds. They are all good but at this rate I can't do them all. I have also found I can't do the plyo moves, they really aggravate my hamstring or whatever the heck is going on with me.
I alsmost forgot....Colleen....I am feeling better...not 100% yet...but everyday is getting a little less congested! Yeah!!!!! ;)
I think it was The heAvy mileage that bothered my knees. They felt ok today so I did Great Glutes. Loved loved loved it! The floor work at the end is brutal! Brutal I say! I did the bonus chair work also. My calves have never burned so bad, ever! I was shocked how fast the chair segment was. A tad disappointed actually. I got a major Charlie horse in my right glute when I was squatting down in the library today. It lasted a long time. Ouch!

Omg Carolyn! I've not heard of charley horses in glutes!!! Floorwork is brutal?? Calves burnt to a crisp!!! That sounds like new material??! Can't wait to do this. I watched Bret's Strong Curves youtube clip where he talks about glutes. How does Cathe measure up?
I dont know how I missed your posts from earlier. I was on my phone. Now I am on the tablet and can see them! Colleen, my bike is adjusted properly. It was the first thing I did when we dug them out of the barn. I have just never done that many miles before. Too much too soon Betty, I feel the same way about my dvds. I have no more room! I must find a shelf to hang in my room. Right now they are in baskets. The new ones are on the coffee table! Rest that arm. I know how hard that is believe me. I dont think I will be able to walk in the a.m. My glutes keep cramping up. It hurts!

Your butt must hurt from riding all those miles too.
Speaking of resting my forearm, UY is prob not good for it with all those planks and dwf dogs.:confused: But I want the look!
I went out with my co-workers for ice cream at lunch - oink oink! But it seems like summer again! Betty I have to go back to the school tonight for Financial aid stuff. I was just thinking how I should get there early so I can sit closer to the front, last week when they were going through the common app process I could not see a thing! I agree about the Cathe dvds. They are all good but at this rate I can't do them all. I have also found I can't do the plyo moves, they really aggravate my hamstring or whatever the heck is going on with me.

Mary, don't feel guilty about the ice cream! It's your reward.
It is 77 and breezy right now, so pretty awesome.
I agree about the plyo moves. They have a dread factor for me nowadays.
How's the hamstring healing?
Good is class,,, so I am rushed for time.... I too understand having all these workouts....but it does keep it interesting!!! Mary....I completely understand the hamstring issue...I too am still struggling with just will not is driving me crazy!!!! Carolyn....check this out..... I was so thinking of doing this.... Cathe Friedrich Step DVDs 3 Brand New Party Rockin Step 1 2 Greatest Hits | eBay hehehehehe :eek:
Missy, I'm totally missing your joke! Did you not preorder these? It's not your listing, that I recall. The state was not GA. Or is it you??
Good job turning in early, Carolyn. I need to be more disciplined.

Marie, hope B's strep is better. It pains me to hear he has it.

Sleep well, all.

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