STS first time!

Marie, definitely try out the playgroup. You'll bond over the kids, and there's so much to talk about at this age. I'm nervous and shy meeting new people as well; can't make small talk, but force yourself to try at least two.

So this morning I went to my Pilates class with a different instructor, finally. They are very similar so I actually prefer my other one more, but by a hair. I was unable to keep up the moves today as my LB tired out easily. Is it because I had two days' rest?:eek: I've had adequate sleep, if you don't count getting up too early in the day.;) Makes no sense.
I'll be doing some Cathe Tue & Thu.
We have a strong cold wind today. Feels like fall for sure.
You guys are so funny talking about your wintery meals. I just don't want to rush anything cold weather. I have been making some meals that I don't make in the summer. I heard that it is already snowing in different states.
I know you girls are excited to hear that the dvd's will be shipping out soon. I am glad I didn't order because most of them don't appeal to me.
We went to the Environmental club tonight. They had a guest speaker talking about the inlet waters and how they are polluted and no one in the county seems to want to do much about it. It was interesting but boring.

Marie That Mall of America has everything. You don't need to go anywhere other than the mall. That Sealife sounds really fun. I hope you go to the play groups that you found. Like Betty said , There is always a lot to talk to other Mothers about when you have a baby. You might make a new friend.

Missy It is good to hear from you.

I haven't been working out because it seems like there is always someone here to do work in the mornings. Today the landscape men were tilling up the backyard so they can lay sod on Thursday. Our house only came with sod in the front and sides. We thought it would be cheaper to get it after we moved in as opposed to paying the builder make up. Hopefully by next week I can get back on track. Also I hate doing legs and that w/o really messed me up last week. I just don't want to do a w/o after I do legs. Maybe I will hold off on them for awhile until I get myself back in the groove.

Jean, just do upper body then. Don't let legs derail you. And get on the reformer! Maybe you can give me pointers when you get back on.
Frustrating about the pollution apathy. Even one person can make a difference by changing habits at home, however. At least that's what I keep telling myself.

Marie, that Sealife and Mall sound amazing! If I ever get up that way....

It is cold out! We went for a 30 min walk this evening and I had jeans and a fleece on; my ears and head were cold.
Good night.
Good Morning my sorry I am not as active on her as I normally am....with school and studdying it has really taken alot out of me....I am exhausted unlike me....last night my friend and I walked 7.5 miles....getting ready for our mud run saturday!!! Excited and nervous about that! hehehe

As for the new dvds....I did prorder but I can already stay ebay will be selling some of them...exp the greastest I am not much of a step fan.....I always feel like I dont get a good workout because I dont have time to learn the I get frusterated!

Marie...I would definately meet other mothers....ever mom can give differnet thioughts....I think it would be interesting and if you dont like it....well you just do meet with them again...but you never know till you go! I say you newest pics on fb of precious...he is growing so fast!

Jean....dont stress over not working out...just workout at your pace....I am learning to cut back some, with this crazy schedule of mine because I am over booked and no time for me....its hard...but I actually taking rest days now.

Carolyn....cold??? the coolest its been so far here in the south is 73....and thats perfect for me! LOL I think it is going to be a cold winter that scares me as I am not a COLD weather fan!!! But, I do love Fall...I cant wait to open my windows at home and let the cool air blow through the house and air it out!!!

Hello betty and Colleen....gotta doctor is paging back!;)
Hello all. Still haven't worked out yet... I did say Cathe. Prob straight cardio. I better do it before eating lunch, else I'll never get to it.

Missy, have fun in your mud run. You did great miles last night! Don't strain yourself before the run!
I can't imagine having to take the course and study as you're doing with a full-time job. Nice going. Get that rest you need whenever you need it.
It has been chi-lly here. Gives us glimpses of what's to come. Ugh.
Good Evening. We just got home from a 40 minute bike ride. It is so nice outside. I would like it a little warmer. It seemed like we were dodging deer the whole time. We rode down to the Bay and it was so clear out. That's about all for me today.

Missy You are going to have a ball doing that mud run. I can't wait to hear about it. I am glad you could find a few minutes to check in .

Carolyn You are walking really fast. I felt lucky to walk 4 mph on my treadmill. Glad to see you got in an upper body w/o also. I am not watching Sleepy Hollow. The Walking Dead starts Oct. 13. Mark you calendar.

Hello! I did MMA KB. After, I thought, why didn't I do arms?? Going to a wedding this weekend! But I was trying to avoid weights for my forearm. It's sore all the time, but useable.

Carolyn, that's some fast walking!
Love this weather too! Sun and dry!

Jean, how was your s-i-ls visit? Do they live in Delaware?
Betty Are you watching " Last Tango In Halifax"? I am enjoying it. Sometimes I put on closed captioning incase I can't understand what they say.

My sister in laws visit was fine. My husband gave one sister a tour of the house while I sat and talked to the other one. Then everyone just sat around and talked. When they were ready to leave , he gave them a tour of the community. One sister lives in Maryland and the other in Pennsylvania. They are nice and we all get along good. They are 4 and 5 yrs. younger than me so we can talk easily.
Hey hey!

I did Low Max today and did Step Blast yesterday. B has been getting up at 7/730 so I've been up a 6 to workout. It's so much easier to just do it right away instead of either doing it with him down in the basement with me or trying to wait till his nap. That way I can really enjoy my mornings with him too. Think stories, playtime, songs :) and a nice cup of coffee for me. He's a little snuggler too which I absolutely love :)

Today we went to the mall. I think I mentioned there's an amusement park in the middle. We walked around there and B just loved all the lights and noises. We also went to Lego land. There's a big area with Legos that all the kids can play with. Carolyn, you would have been grossed out for sure with all the germs ;) It was time to leave when he starting putting them in his mouth. Thank goodness for hand wipes.

Sooooo, thanks everyone for your input on the mom group. I am going tomorrow :) Think of me at 10 and cross your fingers I'm not having a panic attack. I'm doing it for B. I'm doing it for B. I'll just keep reciting that in my head lol. Should be fun though. I'll keep ya posted.

Tomorrow AM I'm thinking CF. I'll keep ya posted in that too ;)
I did BS Bis and Tris this morning, I will try to get a walk in later. The weather is gorgeous!

Marie, good for you for going to the Mom group. Maybe it will be a little easier because you all have something in common to talk about. And if you start to feel uncomfortable, just focus on B!

My girls do not want to snuggle anymore unless they are sick. One will still kiss me goodbye before she leaves for school in the morning. And I do get hugs good night, except from oldest. Enjoy this time!

It does seem like we are all super busy. I have another meeting tonight for parents of seniors, related to college. And DH left yesterday for a weeklong trip. Taking it day by day!
Thanks for all the encouragement. You ladies rock!

I'm here sitting in the parking lot. B is sleeping and I don't see anyone else yet.
Good luck Marie! I'm sure you'll love it though. Nice job cranking out CF too!

Mary, kudos for making time for exercise despite your hectic life and work!
The weather is so fab! Can we just keep it forever? Please, please?
That is just so sweet about one dd still kissing you goodbye in the morning, and the bedtime hugs.

Jean, it doesn't sound like your s-i-ls stayed. Great to be compatible! Can't say enough about that.
I haven't watched that series. I need closed captioning on all the time when available. Can't miss a word;).
Dh wanted to watch Blacklist and Hostages. I wasn't interested in former but watched the latter. TV doesn't really engage me, so not sure if I'll continue.

Carolyn, nice job on HC. Sounds wicked painful!;)

I went to Pilates this morning. This week my LB really feels easily fatigued from the exercises. I wonder why. I'm glad to take a few days' rest this weekend.
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Hi Everyone. This is a most beautiful day. I got up today and did my pilates.

Tone your Arms with Marjolein - YouTube

Here is the lady that I w/o with. This is similar to the rebounder I have. I enjoyed it. Thanks for pushing me to get back on it Betty.

Today we ran a few errands. The puppy needed a bigger collar. So we went to the pet store and then to Kmart.

Marie I bet you had a good time with your new friends. I can't wait to hear about it.

I was debating on watching Hostages but I just think it is going to move slow so I opted out.

Carolyn I wish I loved doing lower body as much as you do. Do you still have a 4 pack?

Mary You stay very busy with your children. That is great you still find time to w/o.

Have a great day.

Hi girls

Good luck Marie. Proud of you for trying.

Carolyn. I haven't done hc in ages. Ds still likes to cuddle. Dd is on her terms.

Betty and Jean you have me wanting to try pilates.

Monday was barre3 yester was ride. I did 22 miles. How I have no idea. But it did feel great. Today was barre3 again. I had rhe worse triceps and core doms from Mondays woekout.

Mary did you get certified in sales force?
I just got home from a 45 minute bike ride. It is so nice out.

Carolyn with Pilates , your core gets worked with every exercise. Did you look at the clip I posted? You are supposed to hold in your core and tighten your glutes.

Colleen you were flying on the bike to go 22 miles. OMG.

Colleen, it's great to hear from you!
22 miles! High ten! You must need to beat some stress!;)

Jean, I did watch the video; that lady just did arms right? At my studio, arms are a very small portion. It's mostly legs, glutes, core.
My instructor is so fit. She has the carriage of a ballerina/gymnast. No flab to speak of.
This is what it looks like, but with a new and improved machine. The exercises are created by one guy, Sebastian Lagree, so I'm sure they're taught the same the country over. Lagree Fitness Class Promo - YouTube
Carolyn, I have 4 classes left. You can open your own studio (his & hers small businesses;)) and offer the newer machine. Be the first in NH!

Dh and I walked for 35 mins tonight. Not enough to torch the Trader Joe's frozen macarons I downed. :confused: Oink.
Well it was good but not really what I was hoping for. I am glad I went though. So I get to the park and there are a bunch of moms and their kids playing. I wasn't sure who was with the meetup and who wasn't so I just sort of sat there with B while he played. I got the nerve to ask the group of moms by me if they were with the meetup and one of them was. Nice lady....we chatted about the kids and looked around wondering who else was with the meetup. We eventually all found each other. One was a no show and one didn't RSVP but there were a total of 4 of us. The kids were all playing by themselves in different areas of the park and we all kind of stood in the middle and talked. Of course I had my constant eye on B. I hate being more than a few feet from him. So anyways the girl who scheduled the meetup suggested we all head over to the picnic table and have a snack. We all fed the kids and munched ourselves and chatted. I got along with everyone, yay for having kids to give us something in common lol. There were some awkward moments but I think everyone felt that way, not just me. After a couple hours total we all said goodbye and talked about hopefully seeing each at another meetup. So it was nice and all but I think what I really wanted was more focus on the kids. My goal is to get B around more kids his age and if I make friends in the process that's an added bonus. That was a group called Outdoor Moms. I also joined one called Minneapolis Moms. The activities from this group seem more structured and kid involved. One that I plan on going to is at a nature center. It's for kids under two. Looks like we will be exploring leaves and then making a project. Another one I'm looking at is a free concert at an indoor playground. But I am glad I checked it out and am proud of myself for going ;) Oh and Carolyn, I was definitely the most fit one there lol ;)

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