STS first time! knee/hamstring got tight for a brief moment around mile 2....but I took a break and walked....when I started back was fine...I was amazed....I just knew I was going to be in pain on sunday...but I wasnt....I did wake up a few times in the night with aches behind the knee...but sunday morning I was a okay!!! Tonight my friend and I are walking....yeah! It is very HOT outside today we will have SWEAT therapy! I did a Jillian workout this morning!

I sure wish we lived close by would be so much fun to do these races with ya!

Betty....So glad you are enjoying pilates!!! Do you get sweaty? You know I am a beast...and if I dont get sweaty I I didnt get a workout...LOL

It is mental..I know....but I just cant seam to get past that! :eek:

BTW.... Tim and I figured out we are going on vacation in October.... the 21-23 (3 days....Mon-wed) he wont take off more time than that....he is a Carolyn's husband! So I am sure you understand!

Gonna go back to the cannon hiking which we did last year....we only hiked the this year...we are hiking the top and the excited! not sure what we are going to do the other days....we are still trying to figure that out....but it is progress to know when we are gonna be off...:D

Be back...
Checking in with AT today :) Always fun!

Carolyn- CCC didn't happen. I was too lazy so we opted for CSS :) My mom rocked it like she always does. I told her about you gals loving that she workouts and she smiled and said she is glad I got her hooked on Cathe :)

Off to swim lessons :)
Hey gals, walking zombie in the room! Utterly exhausted. Visiting company stayed past 12:30 am. Just dropped off sis at airport early this morning. Me who hardly drives too far had to go through all this commuter traffic to get to the airport and back:confused:. The morning sun was blinding. I stopped into Target and Whole Foods even, so I'm set. Have to exercise (don't know what; prob weights), eat, shower, do laundry, attack that sink full of dishes, and take a nap.
Brr, a strong wind and 40s this morning.:confused:
Have a great day! ttyl
Good Morning! This morning I got up and did 25 min walking on the treadmill and then a 36 min Jillian workout!!!! I am pumped and ready......for what??? not sure...I just feel good! But, I did start my period last night finally....I had been off and on spotting for a week :confused:

I will still be in school.....but if I have to I can miss 1 class.... I will just have to go by and get my homework assignment and do it!

Carolyn....we would be good and bad for each other...because we would push ourselves and then we would be in pain afterwards....hehehe I have been running but with someone who is just starting so she needs breaks from time to that gives me a rest.....;) Last night it was 95 degrees and we just walked!

You girls...get up and workout!!!! And then eat a healthy lunch!!!! :eek:

Check back later!

Marie...enjoy swim class!
Just woke up from a 2-hour nap. Haven't exercised nor eaten yet. Ds will be home in an hour+.
Missy that is sufferingly hot. We had a new record low temp this morning of 44. Hope some of the cool Canadian air makes it down there. Great job on the workouts!!!

Carolyn, hope dd is ok. Puking is no fun. Hope she's not coming down with anything. Here we go again, that time of the year.
Many of the Megaformer moves require so much core. I think a machine is most effective.

Still don't know what to pull out. What do I feel like?....
Thanks, Carolyn, for the cozy visual of latte and blanket!:D I wouldn't mind a rest day but I've had many since we started the Megaformer. Time to get back to the 5x/wk.
I have to tell you that my sis was into shopping for Lululemon while she was here, so we hit a couple of stores and she bought sale items, which are still ridiculously pricey. I refuse to be caught up in the pack but it was hard to resist. Good thing I didn't really find anything. A third store was closed yesterday because they were relocating across the mall:confused: Of all days! We were so bummed.

You guys were all kind of quiet while I was engrossed with my sis.

Still haven't done anything. Procrastinating. I'll go view the clips you mentioned.
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I went to that store with a friend. Soooooo expensive!!! Insane!

My daughter is totally fine! She has been playing all afternoon. I wonder if anyone actually saw her throw up??? She said she did it in the trash. DOn't get me wrong, I am thrilled she isn't miserable, but what the heck?! She ate and drank and has kept it all down. Time will tell...

What did you think of the clips?

Omg, I can't wait for the LL & Abs one! I LOVE that pace! I hate plyo-legs pace. And the moves! So creative! So innovative!
The cycling one looks painful:D! Cathe's hair is incredibly long! Never seen it that long! Al looks great. Jai and Brenda look gorgeous as usual. Near the end of the clip I caught a glimpse of a woman in the back, flushed red from exertion. That would be me!:D I am just still procrastinating. I'm all pumped up from watching Cathe's clips so I'll be doing.....UY.:D

That's so funny about dd--did anyone see her!
All washed up and ready to read in bed! What a feeling. Except I'll be on the computer for a bit longer.
I purchased 8 more classes at the studio. Might as well take advantage of the momentum. Use by mid-December. I should be able to handle that.
Cathe's dvds might arrive when? Not while I'm in Canada I hope. Have to go to a wedding next Friday to Monday.
I ended up doing UY Gentle. Boy, was it! I needed it since my sis and I just ran off to do something else after every session and barely stretched. Though I felt I could have tolerated a slightly tougher yoga.

Jean, hope you got through your book. What an idyllic life you have right now! Is dh bored?

Can't remember what else. Mary, Colleen, Marie, hope all is well. Missy, has it been a year since you went to that hiking place?
Everyone's so quiet.
B's 11 months today...oh my! Little dude is waking all over the place.

We went for an hour walk today and during his nap I did Turbo Barre....the whole thing. It's so dang long. I think I've only done the whole thing once. I'm all about the premix. As I've probably mentioned before I'm a cardio freak but my new goal is to do one weight workout a weight with a focus on lower body.

Not too much much going on other than that. Tony and I are just chilling. He's watching a movie. I don't have the attention span for those things lol.

Alright off to search for a playgroup. We have been going to storytime lately and at the end when they bring out the toys for the kids to play I notice B is really shy and likes to hang by mama. Nothing wrong with that I just hope he's more outgoing than I was as a child so I'm hoping to find a group of kids he can play with. We shall see......
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Happy Chilly Tuesday Girls. The weather is certainly turning to Fall. I am sad to see summer go. We have been in the low 70's . Yesterday was breezy. I am in jeans and long sleeves now. I have had some busy mornings so I haven't been doing Cathe or anything else.
A lawn company sprayed our backyard yesterday to kill the weeds in preparation for laying sod next week. I won't miss having sand everywhere.
I bought some pumpkins and Mums to put on my front porch. My porch gets no sun so I lined the walkway with the mums and put the pumpkins on the stairs. It looks o.k.. I am so not a decorator. I like to look at a website called Houzz to get ideas.
Book club is tonight. I finished the book last night. It could have been about 150 pages shorter. I was bored most of the book. I don't think the ladies are going to like what I have to say about the book. The next book is "Rin Tin Tin". Hopefully that will be better.

Marie It is hard to believe that B will be a year old next month. It seems like yesterday that you announced that you were pregnant. My friend sends me pictures everyday of her grandson who was born on the 8th. He is changing everyday. Do you have a birthday party planned?

Betty That is so exciting that you signed up for more Pilates. That makes me want to get on my reformer. You sound like me when it comes to driving. Kudos to you for driving to the airport. They can be a nightmare. What book are you reading now?

Carolyn I assume your daughter is well today. I wouldn't think the school would send her home if they didn't think she was truly sick. I don't think she would make that up. You are a good Mother.

Missy That mud run sounds so fun. I have seen pictures of those. I would love to do one. I can't wait to hear about it.

When I lived in Maryland , we had a murder at our Lululemon in Bethesda. One of the employees killed the manager because she accused her of stealing. Someone in the store next door heard the commotion and didn't even call the police.

Have a good day.

TB is in my pile of EBay sells! I never liked that one. I guess I should try it again since I only did it once!
Your days with B sound so fun. Oh how I miss those days. Parks, play groups, walks..... Sniffle sniffle.
I vividly remember dh holding ds, and saying, " I just can't wait for him to call me daddy". Now they are strategically placing black walnuts on the street, so that they can watch the school bus run them over when it pulls up to the house!

I am in the school this a.m. So it will take a lot of willpower to exercise when I get back.
I'm not feeling the core DOMS as much as I would like.

Aww that is so cute about the walnuts. Kids are so creative!

Good luck with the workout. I would be the same way.
Happy Chilly Tuesday Girls. The weather is certainly turning to Fall. I am sad to see summer go. We have been in the low 70's . Yesterday was breezy. I am in jeans and long sleeves now. I have had some busy mornings so I haven't been doing Cathe or anything else.
A lawn company sprayed our backyard yesterday to kill the weeds in preparation for laying sod next week. I won't miss having sand everywhere.
I bought some pumpkins and Mums to put on my front porch. My porch gets no sun so I lined the walkway with the mums and put the pumpkins on the stairs. It looks o.k.. I am so not a decorator. I like to look at a website called Houzz to get ideas.
Book club is tonight. I finished the book last night. It could have been about 150 pages shorter. I was bored most of the book. I don't think the ladies are going to like what I have to say about the book. The next book is "Rin Tin Tin". Hopefully that will be better.

Marie It is hard to believe that B will be a year old next month. It seems like yesterday that you announced that you were pregnant. My friend sends me pictures everyday of her grandson who was born on the 8th. He is changing everyday. Do you have a birthday party planned?

Betty That is so exciting that you signed up for more Pilates. That makes me want to get on my reformer. You sound like me when it comes to driving. Kudos to you for driving to the airport. They can be a nightmare. What book are you reading now?

Carolyn I assume your daughter is well today. I wouldn't think the school would send her home if they didn't think she was truly sick. I don't think she would make that up. You are a good Mother.

Missy That mud run sounds so fun. I have seen pictures of those. I would love to do one. I can't wait to hear about it.

When I lived in Maryland , we had a murder at our Lululemon in Bethesda. One of the employees killed the manager because she accused her of stealing. Someone in the store next door heard the commotion and didn't even call the police.

Have a good day.


I can just picture the pumpkins and mums on your front porch. I just love fall. My favorite season :)

Have fun at book club tonight! Nothing worse than a boring book. You just keep reading and reading hoping it becomes more interest interesting. At least its over with now lol.

That's insane about the murder. How disturbing and scary!

We do have a birthday party planned :) I'm so excited. It should be a pretty big get together. We're just going to keep it simple and have it at our house. Hopefully it's nice out so we can hang out in the yard. Our house isn't too big. We're going to get a little smash cake for B at Byerly's. I had a friend tell me that if you bring in their birth certificate you get a free one so that's kind of cool.
Nice job on CM Carolyn :) And good for you for planning on finishing it!!!

TTM for me :) I have a dread factor for that one. Glad I got it done ;)
Hi friends! It's a gorgeous day today! Absolutely perfect.
So I went to another Pilates class this morning. Loved it. There was so much core today! I'm on a roll so I'll keep going to finish up the classes. One down, 7 to go.;)

Omg, Jean, that is just shocking about the Lululemon shooting! You just never know what will set someone off.
I rarely not finish a book that I start, even if it is awful. I'm reading another by Gregg Hurwitz, suspense/mystery. Wasn't able to read/concentrate while my sis was here.
You definitely must get on your reformer again! It's so great for core and LB! Plus you can be my long-distance partner.;) How do you do your exercises on it? There's a dvd perhaps?? I don't think I can do this on my own.
I've got a great movie for you. The Hedgehog, a French film. Don't shoot me about the ending though.

Carolyn, high five for continuing CM after your breakfast!
The classes have ranged from 3 to 6-7 people. Not bad at all. A full class is 11! The times that my sis and I went, mid-morn, tend to have fewer people.
Dd is fine today?

Marie, nice job doing TB. It is very long. I don't feel hugely worked out after it but it's just my pace. Kudos on TTM too. That and CF have a little bit of dread factor for me too.

Missy, Colleen, and Mary, Hi!
Hi girls

Sorry I have been MIA. Work has been very busy and unfortunately my time here suffers. I actually took on more responsibilities at work which I am very happy about.

I've been working out. Been doing barre3 and spinning. Last night ds woke up with a bloody nose so I slept in but I'm hoping to get a walk in later.

Carolyn. Strange with dd. Do you think maybe she ate too quickly?

Betty so cool that your going to continue with pilates. Can't wait to hear how it goes.

Ok just wanted to take a few minutes to check in. Back to work.
Still have yet to exercise. Don't know what either. My forearm continues its soreness. Can barely lift an item on a hanger. Everything I do uses it. At Pilates, the arms are worked out with pulleys. So I can't really rest it.
Dh returns by late aft. Better tidy up while I digest my lunch.:D

Colleen, congrats on more responsibilities! Sounds like a promotion to me!;)

Carolyn, nice job getting a power walk in. The weather is fantastic!

Scored a pair of super comfy jeans and ballet flats for under $20! For both!;)
Dd had an empty stomach when it happened. We wonder if she was nervous about something.

Betty, where did you find the jeans? I have been looking and looking, with no luck.

This getting up at 5:45 is kicking my butt! I am curious to see how this affects my insomnia. I am approaching that point in my cycle where it is at its worst. We shall see.
I am drinking a cup of coffee as we speak.

I wonder if you need to give your arm complete rest for a while?? I know that would stink, but you could focus on lb for a week so that the arm can heal. Eadier said then done I know.

Hi friends, I did UY CT. Not good for my forearm but some stretching for my sore core/LB. I couldn't concentrate though.
When ds1 just started as a freshman in high school, he had this excruciating inexplicable stomach pain that required a trip to the ER. I wonder if he was nervous about something too.
The funny thing is, even if I do some of Cathe's LB workouts, they require lifting weights with my arms. I will rest it for 4 full days next weekend when I go to Canada.
That was an in-your-face to insomnia with the coffee.:D
I went to Gap, which I haven't gone to in years for myself. Wanted to look for affordable skinnier jeans, since they've been in vogue for several yrs now, but when they first came out I felt, ew, that's what we grew up in. Now all of a sudden my bootcuts feel so passe.:confused: It was just one solitary pair, and it fits so nicely, and feels so good. I was going to pay $28 and it rang up $6 something:cool:.
Good luck with sleep.
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Hi friends, I went to Pilates this morning. I loved it. 45 mins goes by fast! I've had the same instructor all 5x and she has shown new moves each time. (I'm going to try someone new on Monday hopefully.) Today she did one-legged hamstring roll-ins, which are doable on this machine for me but not on the ball.
I've started to see familiar faces so that's a plus. Most people leave pretty quickly after class so no time to strike up a friendship.;) Everyone's go, go, go. Maybe it's Boston but no one really makes eye contact. No time to chat during anyway.
An older woman next to me wore her Wags, so I got a peek at them. I actually wore my lifting gloves for the first time because just that tiny bit of cushion helps my bony hands and wrists.
I love how this gets me out of the house early. Ordinarily I would hate the thought of driving to a 'gym', fighting morning traffic, looking for a parking space. Talk about anxiety.
Hope all is well with everyone.

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