STS first time!


B & I just got done with a morning nap. Love our snuggle time! We're headed to storytime at 10:30 and then meeting up with a friend. She has a horse so we're going to go hang out at the farm. I'm sure B will love it.

Yesterday I did UY Crosstrain. I'm hoping to get in a step workout today.

Have a good day everyone!
Wow, Carolyn, you had an awesome workout this morning! Way to go!

I just finished GS Legs. I've never done this before! And there were several moves I've never seen before in Cathe's huge repertoire! She is so amazing. It had plenty of the dreaded exercises like squats, lunges, pulses, etc, but the difference is that it went nice and slow. That's my pace! Carolyn, do you have this one? It thoroughly works everything! Glutes, inner & outer thighs, calves, hamstrings, etc.
I did NOT do abs today since my workout was already 67 mins, plus I've been feeling discouraged at the girth of my ab area lately. So puffy and hangy, like all the core work I've been doing is not making a dent.:confused: Here again: diet is 80%, diet is 80%...
Oh, Marie, how enviable! A nap with your baby!
The horse & farm sound so much fun. I'd love that. Enjoy your day!
Hi ladies!!

Yesterday I was in a total funk. Still a bit today. Just low on energy it's likely due to TOTM. No work out yesterday but I did get some walking in.

Today was barre3 and I just finished a 2.25 mile walk at lunch.

Hope everyone is having a good day. It waa so chilly this morning.
Hello my weekend was so busy I never sat down...literally!

Saturday, my friend nad I walked 9.01 miles, then I showered and Tim and I went to Tallahasse, FL and went to Bass Pro which just opened this week, so it was packed...then we went to Dicks Sporting which also opened last week, then we went to Chilis and pigged out! I was tired, but we then went to Sams.....when I finally got home, I had to wash my car because the love bugs were so bad....they were all over my car....and I just could not have that! :eek::p

Sunday, I grocery shopped, prepared snacks and such for the week. made home made spag sauce, and did homework for class....then it was about bed time....

Today, I got up and busted out a Jillian Michaels workout before work...hehehe....tonight my friend and I are walking!

This saturday we are doing a 6k!!! Yeah!!!

And I just registed for a mud challenge run....OMG...what has my friend got me into??? I dont like getting dirty....but she begged I am being a good friend and doing it with her! It is in 3 weeks....Sept 28th!

Hope all my northern friends are doing well....I am so busy at work I havent got to read any personals...but wanted to let you know what I am upto....

Will get caught up tonight!!! Promise!!! ;)
Good evening.....just got home after my 7.5 mile walk....

Carolyn....I thought I was reading something I wrote..... were not much of people persons....hehehe.....that's is us 100%!!!!

Jean....oh yeah bl is coming soon....I am so excited!!!!

I am jealous of your cooler temps.....I can't wait for fall!!!!!

Bbl!!!!! Gotta get my snacks ready for tomorrow!!!!!
I did AB today :) I'm sure I'll be feeling the DOMS tomorrow! I can tell I haven't done anything that hard in awhile. I was breathing heavy but I rocked it :)

Tomorrow I'm thinking SC. I now have my mom addicted to Cathe. She texted me today telling me she did that one. I sort of forgot about it. Oh she has so many though. Can't wait to get the latest!

Carolyn- B loved the horse. Everytime she neighed and shook her head B laughed. It was just the cutest thing. He has seen a horse before. My SIL has 2. He was only a few months old though so yeah he really hasn't seen one before :)

Betty- You made me remember that I have GS Legs too and have never done it. I better break it out soon. Nice job on that one!

Missy- That's great that you signed up for the mudder. I heard those things are a blast! Have fun!

Colleen- Nice job on your walking yesterday. Any movement is good, especially when you're feeling low on energy. Nice job on Barre3. I'm going to have to check that one out. It seems to be your new favorite.

Hi to everyone else!
Good Morning my friends!

Got up this morning, did a Jillian DVD and then headed to work. It has been a crazy day here so far.... are too funny...oink oink!

Marie....I also need to pull out is one of my favs too! I cant wait for the new DVD's.....:p

Check back in a few....;)
Hi friends! Couldn't bring myself to do UB today so I ended up with CSS. Tiny amt of wts, but waaay too many planks/mountain climber on discs variations. That's what I dislike about the LIS.

Marie, your mom is so admirable with fitness! Someday B will say the same for you. Awesome on AB. There is a slight dread factor for me on that one:D.

Missy, you are so amazing with your energy. I wish I had some of that. Nice job doing the Jillians. Do they have proper warmup and cooldowns?

Colleen, I hope you are feeling yourself again. I can sympathize though. Take those funks as rest days.

Having lunch with friends but hopefully I can squeeze in Trader Joe's before, so I'm chomping fast on my oatmeal/quinoa.

My sis lands at 9:30 pm!
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sill in a funk but getting better. I fell asleep on the couch at 8:30 (even with dh watching football right next to me. I'm not a big fan either) went to bed at 9:30 and slept until 5:40. I think I'm just overly tired. Work is still crazy busy and will continue for some time. I did do barre3 today.

That's was super workout this morning Carolyn. Maybe too long of a walk after legs?

Missy good job on your walk last night. That's awesome. Will you walk during the mud run?
Betty...Jillian does a good warm up, and she does a cool down....but not as good as Cathe....but she is not Cathe....I do what she does....and then I add a few other stretches. This morning when I was doing donkey kicks....I could really feel it in my "bad" I really focused on it...trying to rehab this hamstring is difficult! It has been sore since March!:(:confused::mad:

Colleen....I actually has a 6k this saturday....which I am doing walk/ hamstring can not handle a steady mile is recovering.... As for the mud is in 3 weeks....we are running between the obstacles....I am excited, but also nervous...because I am not a "dirt" girl....I use to be a tom boy.....but now I am a cross between a tom boy and a girl!!! HEHEHEE :p

The race season is starting, and I am so excited!!!!

my sched so far.....
Sept 14--- 6K walk/run
Sept 28--- Mud/obstable Run
Oct 19--- 5K walk/run
Oct 26---5k walk
Nov 2---5K run/walk

Carolyn....go buy some new shoes!!!! And don't forget about does make us sweat bunches!!!! Just saying!!! Be very careful with your knee too!!!!
Carolyn- My mom is 60 :) She definitely rocks her workouts. She looks young for her age that's for sure. I definitely hope I follow in her footsteps in that area. She used to do aerobics classes back in the day. I remember sitting in the back of the class with my sister and dancing around doing the moves. She did daycare when my sis and I were kids and I always remember her getting before the kids got there so she could do her Joanie Greggins. She still at it now and I'm definitely glad I turned her on to Cathe. She wants to go on a road trip one day :) Can't wait for that :)

Just got B to bed. Tony's at work. Time for this mama to clean up the living room and check out some Hulu :)
Hi everyone,
Counting the minutes till I see my sis. Leaving for airport soon. Haven't finished getting stuff ready yet.
My forearm continues to be tender, now inflamed by all the vacuum and mop wielding I've been doing. And I also continue to bang that corner so that my poor bone is so sore:mad:.

Missy, that's fantastic you have all those fitness events to look forward to.

Colleen, that's a nice long sleep last night! You needed it.

Carolyn, I'll agree with you on the walking and running. So easy for the feet and knee to hurt now. It happens to me with ordinary workouts.

Marie, after I was almost done with CSS I thought I should have done Supercuts!
Your mom is so amazing!

Mary and Jean, hope you're well.

Tomorrow my sis and I will do the Megaformer!
It's going to be hazy, hot, humid in the 90s:mad:. It's tropical already.
Good morning! So tired! Went to bed late, got up early.
There's a haze already.:confused: Going to be just dandy.
Workout today: Pilates on a reformer!;)
Have a great day!
Betty- Have a great day with your sister.

Carolyn- You are such a good influence for your kids. That would be so cool to see them do Cathe on the future. Good luck finding new shoes.

Not sure what my workout week be today. Something easier though. The DOMS are in full force.

Headed to my dad's later.
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Sleeping baby in my arms. So relaxing but I must get a workout in. I'm on a roll this week and can't stop now. Thinking Step Moves :)

Marie, thanks for reminding us older moms about the pleasures (sights, sounds, smells, tactile) of a young baby! A sleeping baby is so precious.

So, my sis and I tried the Pilates Megaformer M3 machine. Being a novice I had no idea what to expect, but it was, shall we say, interesting. The instructor could have been more helpful to describe what I should be doing with my feet etc but oh well. We covered all muscle groups in 45 mins but I don't think I was thoroughly worked on. More like we lightly 'touched' on every muscle group.
Just three of us so it was like a personal class. I'm hoping for some doms. Feeling slight achiness in my hips but that's it.

Carolyn, I haven't been feeling it. Shopping, that is. We did TJM/M but I've not been in the mood for several weeks now. Just going through the motions.:rolleyes:

OMG, it is HOT and HUMID.:mad::mad: 97, my car read.
Hi girls.

Rest day today. Still in a funk. Just so tired. DH ia not feeling well and thinks we might of picked up something when we went out to dinner on Saturday. He thought our waitress was sick. Mad.

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