STS first time!

Hi girls.

I'm here. Carolyn what app are you using?
Betty good luck to ds on his first day of high school.

The weekend was good. Went by too fast and I now have a 5 year old. His party went well. Today was also his first day of prek.

I did well workout wise over the weekend. I did barre3 Friday Saturday and Sunday. Yesterday I went for a long bike ride outside. It felt good. Today was barre3 again. Not so good on the eating...

I also love the support here. Maybe we can all motivate each on the eating front?
Hi everyone, I waffled several times being indecisive but I finally ended up doing XT Ch-S-Ba. Tired of dragging the weights out daily though!
I have moderate glute doms from yesterday's Dixie cups lunges!

Missy, I hope you're recording Y&R; today and tomorrow CBS has a tribute to Jeanne Cooper.

Thanks, Colleen! That's sweet ds turned 5; what a fun age! Boys definitely benefit from starting kindergarten a year later. My nephew has an August bday and started K when he turned 5; I feel like he has never caught up.
Great job keeping up with your workouts this long weekend.

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Wow Carolyn that is an early bus pick up.

DS dis great. We planned out that this summer DS and DD went to the same summer camo. The camp is run by the school he is now going to. It's a private school for prek-5th grade. He will do prek and k before going to public school. He got an opportunity over5the summer to get familiar with the school and teachers. So it wasn't a total shock to him today. He got the best prek teacher so we are trilled. We have no regrets delaying his kindergarten.

DD is doing great so far in 3rd grade. She told me over the weekend that she likes it. Hopefully it will stay that way.

So on the weekends...we eat breakfast than while kids are watching their morning cartoons I workout. Only way it will get done. I just cant get up ealier than 7:30 on the weekends to workout before they get up. DH and I will alternative outside exercise. It will be harder in the fall with soccer and gymnastics. But hopefully ill still be able to get one day on the weekends in.
It is called Edmondo. I need to learn more about its capabilities. Today was the first time using it.

I just food shopped and I have no idea what to make for dinner. I think I did that backwards!

I am all for motivating each other with the eating. I did good so far. Whole wheat round with chunky pb for breakfast. Salad with grilled chicken for lunch. Also a small cup of veggie soup. Give me two or three hours and I will be starving again.

Great job on the workouts over the weekend Colleen! That is impressive. I see you are not hindered by the family being home. I get all messed up.
How did ds do with going off to school?
Is your daughter going into 3rd?

Betty, I woke up at 2:30 this a.m. I swear I looked at the clock almost every hr and then would dose back. I think I feared over sleeping. We wake ds up at 5:50. The bus comes at 6:30!!! Nuts!

Carolyn, crazily enough I tend to food shop then figure out meals too. It is indeed backwards:confused:.
Ds2 had a great day in school. He seems pumped.
You should have a backup alarm in ds's room (what a super early bus! Ours comes at 7:10). For the first time, I had ds set his alarm last night too, so today he woke up and was brushing before I even knew it! Usually I go and wake him. And wake him. And wake him....
You've done great with the eating. Now with all of you guys talking about eating well, I am definitely thinking twice before I head to the ice cream in the freezer.:D Hopefully thinking twice will stop me.
Your dinner sounds delish, Carolyn.
Awesome doms too. My glutes feel really sore tonight.
Sleep well, everyone!
Good morning!!!! dinner sounded delicious.

I did my 7.5 mile walk last night!!!! My friend and I always have a good time....b/s

Today....we do not have a Dr in house because he is on vacation, and my other Dr has the day off.....this only happens about once a we are wearing the drs are away....we do what we want!!!! But....he did say we can leave at noon....yeah!!!! Half day off is awesome! It will give me plenty of tim e to come home and exercise before class tonight!!!!!

My lower body is sore....between the some and my hamstring....omg!!!!

Off to work...check in later!!!!

BTW....Carolyn...yes you have things backwards.....
1. Plan meals
2. Make a list
3. Go to store!

Lol.....who does it this way though????? I try to....most of the time....but sometimes I am bad....and wing it!!!!! Lol

Let me know if you find out we can race with your app!!!! That would be fun!!!!!
I never plan my meal before I go to rhe store unless its a special trip for what I've planned.

Rest day today. Its been a while. Hope I can get a walk in a lunch.

Good afternoon....I'm at home watching the y&r.....omg...its really good....all the memories of Mrs C....I have tears....omg...this is crazy!!!!

Carolyn....was the art fun????
Hi Ladies. It is a most beautiful day here today. We have the windows open. I wish it was like this everyday.
Yesterday we went to Missy's favorite store and bought some inexpensive beach cruiser bikes. We test drove them last night and it was so fun. I haven't been on a bike in over 30 years.
Today we went to BJ's and got a 51 inch t.v. for the living room so I now have a t.v. in my exercise room. I don't know what I am going to do. I am really thinking STS. I love that program. We are going to the Ocean tomorrow so maybe I can start on Friday. I guess I should get off my lazy a$$ and do it now.
My friend is in Calif waiting for her 1st grandson to be born. She said it is unbearably hot there. She said Home Depot doesn't even stock a/c units.

Missy enjoy your half day off. It's too bad you have to go to school tonight. You are lucky you have a career that you can take anywhere and make a decent salary.

Carolyn What hours is your husbands store normally open? Does he get a lot of business from car dealerships? It's good to hear that your exercise is back on track and you are still volunteering in the school.

Betty You go girl with your 5 days a week exercise. I think you will come to like it and really need it. I can't wait to get back on track.

Have a good day ladies.
Hi all, just sat down now. Go, go, go all day. The weather is gorgeously dry. Phew.

I did BS Bis & Tris with Ab Circ Yoga this morning. My glutes were still sore.

Jean, the bikes sound like so much fun!
It also sounds like you're all set to start working out again! Hooray!

Carolyn, you had your morning planned to the minute. Awesome!

Colleen and Missy, enjoy your respective rests from exercise and work!

Time to make dinner.
Carolyn, today I opened my eyes before 6 and dozed on and off till wake-up time--not very relaxing. It happened when I started thinking of all the things I was going to have to do today.:confused:
Ds already has tomorrow off for a religious holiday so we can sleep a little later, esp if it might be showering.;)
Wow, 4.3 mph is fast! I don't like to walk that fast.:rolleyes:

Mary, how's the foam roller working for you? I've been seeing them in the stores now. Did you get the 36" one? MiniNatty on another forum listed some links you can read. Let us know how it goes. I'll go find it and read up on it too. I hope your hamstring is better.

Jean, how is dh enjoying retirement? It is most drastic of a change for him.
Are you looking forward to your mom's and sister's visit? Next week my CA sis is visiting Wed-Tue so I won't be doing Cathe 5x/wk. We are going to try that studio with the Megaformer.:cool: She is doing it at home twice a week and wants to try this first East Coast studio. I can't wait to as well. Need to get some toesox.:rolleyes:
Did you order XT? If so, do that. It's awesome.
I saw foam rollers at Walmart yesterday. I wouldn't know what to do with one. They felt kinda hard.
My husband appears to be enjoying retirement. We pretty much stay busy all day. He never gets bored though. He isn't much on socializing. He enjoys reading the paper , reading civil war books and watching t.v.. I am sure he will enjoy doing all of that once we get more settled in. He doesn't miss the job , just the paycheck. He loves living here. Everyday he says "we live here". This place is so different from where we lived in Maryland.
I am looking forward to my family visiting next week. They aren't staying long. They will probably get here Monday around 2 pm and leave at 10 am Wednesday. My sister has a dog that she has to pay a sitter for. He doesn't really like other dogs so I thought it best he stay home. They are bringing my Mother's dachshund. She is a nice dog. My sister likes to walk so we will be doing a lot of that plus going to the Ocean and the boardwalk and whatever else she wants to do.
I do have Xtrain. I had started the longer rotation and then got bored or something. That is a good idea . I also have to do my UY. I have so much Cathe I just don't know where to start.
Well I guess I will go to bed now and watch t.v..

Hey hey!

How's it going ladies! Hope everyone is doing well. It's been so hard for me to get on the computer lately and when I do I'm just so tired all I want to do is watch Hulu and then hit the hay.

My workouts have been slacking lately! Eek! I have been doing UY and walking daily but that's about it. I'm hoping Cathe's latest workouts will get me back in the groove. I'm super stoked to hear that the greatest hits one will be all step! YAY! Just my style! Carolyn- I see you're not as pumped as I am about that ;) Seriously though I need to start sweating buckets again. Ugh! Someone motivate me please ;) Missy- Can I have some of your energy please ;)

Jean- Your new place sounds just lovely. I'm glad you're enjoying it. You deserve it!

Betty- Wow! First day of HS for DS2. Awesome! Colleen- First day of prek for your 5yo. How exciting!

B is getting so big. He's 10.5 months. Like everyone says it goes so fast! He has been taking steps but at most ten at a time. Crawling is way faster so he's all about that ;) No more spoon feeding the boy! He is independent and wants to feed himself. He got sick for the first time with a double ear infection. Broke my heart. His fever was 102.9 so I took him to the ER and yup, double ear infection. We went back for a recheck today and the infection is still there, as I figured. He has still been pulling at his ears. The doc prescribed him a stronger antibiotic so hopefully this one takes care of it.

So instead of my usual Cathe during B's morning nap, I've been napping with him. Hello lazy but oh my goodness- snuggling with him is my favorite and I'm not feeling guilty one bit. Ok maybe a tiny bit ;)

Work is excellent and I'm just loving floating to all the different units in the hospital. It keeps it interesting and it's nice to not get involved in the drama. I always try to stay positive when people complain about so and so and this and that. When you're a floater it's easier to not get involved.

I have the next 2 days off. After that my new schedule will be every Fri Sat and Sun. Tony is in school M-F and works Tue Thu and Sat. As you can see we won't have any days off together but he's only in school for 2 years so it's not forever. This just works out way better with B's schedule. We have a great new sitter that will take care of him every Fri and then our moms will alternate Sats.

Oh one more thing and then I'll stop rambling ;) We are in the works of booking a vacation in FL in March. Woot woot! Tony, B, me, my sis, BIL, niece, mom and stepdad. We are so excited!

Alright everyone...have a great day! Hope to check-in sooner than I did last time ;)
Hi girls,

So busy at work. Budget planning time.

I did barre3 today and I did get a walk in a lunch yesterday. Will try for one today but not likely.

Hi girls, busy day so far. Took my mom to Costco earlier. She just left, so I'd best get to Legs of some sort. I think I decided on Turbo Barre yesterday since I wanted to do something different from all the weighted squats, lunges, stepups, etc.

Marie, cherish every single one of those snuggling and naps! I wish I had known to write down my thoughts back then; I could barely keep afloat. (That's why you guys are so impressive to me!) I didn't start journaling till this past less than a decade; wish I had started sooner to record all those precious memories.
You and Tony have such an equal marriage--love that! Glad you're enjoying your job. Three days a week sounds perfect.
B's little personality is shining through! Does he still have the baby smell?? I remember it goes away after 9 months or so. I missed it so!

Carolyn, that was such a funny insight of dd with the nursing!

Colleen, in another life I was a corporate budget coordinator;).

It's cool and cloudy. I know that it will be very fall-like tomorrow!
Hi Marie!!!!
So happy to hear from you. Don't feel ONE bit of guilt for sleeping and snuggling with your boy. Your workouts can wait. You will NEVER get this time back. Enjoy every second. You continue to amaze me with how well you have adapted to motherhood. It suits you well!
Is B still nursing? I stopped at a year with ds. With dd she stopped on her own right before 11 months.:( She would pull away or bite me if she was forced. So I stopped. It totally fits her personality now! lol!
What is TOny going to school for? You guys are busy!! Never a dull moment.

I have lots to do. I will check in later.

I did CM this a.m. I figured I better give my knee a rest from all the fast walking. Yesterday it was really bothering me. Feels fine today so far.

Thanks so much for all your kind words Carolyn! You are so sweet. I definitely LOVE being a mom. It is by far the most rewarding thing I have ever done. I agree that I will never get that time back so I'm definitely trying to enjoy it. Thanks for reinforcing that.

Unfortunately I don't nurse anymore. I miss it a lot and was actually having a really tough time when it ended but now I'm feeling better about it. He started to bite around nine and a half months and like your daughter would pull away or continue to bite if I forced it. It was too much of a stress for him and for me so unfortunately I had to stop. I do have a ton of frozen breastmilk though so between that and my pumping 3 times a day I will definitely get to a year giving him exclusively breastmilk. I do hate pumping but it's become part of my routine now. I pump three or four times a day. Once he turns 1 I'll cut down to two pumps and then eventually one.

Tony is going to school for Automation System and Robotics. There are several jobs he can do once he gets out. One he is most interested in is becoming the engineer of a building. His classes this semester are electronics and college algebra and he's rocking them :)

B is taking a bath in the big boy tub for the first time today. He's definitely loving it. I put on a mat on the ground so he doesn't slip and slide around. He keeps trying to stand up though little stinker. Well I better get going, I gotta get him out and dressed.
Nice job on your workout today!!! Glad your knee is feeling better.

Have a great rest of your day ladies and chat with you soon.

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