STS first time!

Hi ya girls,

I did barre3 today. It felt really good. Got on the scale today. Ughhh I really indulged in California. I need to lose a few pounds. I feel flabby. I went for a walk at lunch and would like to go again after dinner.

Carolyn. Wow a 6 mile walk. Awesome. How long did that take? Take it easy on your back.

Missy glad you are feeling better. Hope the bc works.
Hello again....he he he

Colleen....don't let those pounds stress you....I'm in the same boat....and working them biggie....they will be gone in no time......

My friend and I did 7.5 miles in 1 hr 45 was absolutely so warm....when we got back to our cars.....we were drenched and was disgusting but in a good way!!!!

Mr Socks seems a little better....he was purring on my lap tonight.... which warms my heart!

Now snuggling on the love seat with Summer and Boots!!!!

Chat later!!!!
Good morning! Still in a fog. Me, that is. There was so much noise this morning from the traffic of the private school behind me that started today.:confused:

Carolyn, is your insomnia definitely hormonal?
How is ds doing so far?

Missy's right, Colleen, don't worry about those pounds. You're so active and conscientious with eating and exercising. They'll come off in no time.

I'm tired of working out everyday.D Takes so much work!
Good morning girls.

You are all so sweet. Dh said the same thing this morning.

There is this gluten free and dairy free bakery that I found. There is only 3 locations. One in Disney (we went there in February) one in NYC and one in LA. We hit the LA one sat night and I stocked up with treats. They have the BEST donuts I've ever had GF or not. Then on Sunday I had an entire GF 12 inch pizza. Ive not Indulged like that in forever. So no guilt. Just need to get back to my better eating. Which I am.

Today was barre3. I am in then mood foe spin so im going to plan for that tomorrow.

Carolyn. What an strange dream. I hope you get better sleep tinight.
I'm totally dragging my feet on going to work out:confused:. Just surfing instead.;)

Colleen, I totally don't remember you went to Disney in Feb! Old-age brain!
How great this bakery sounds! Just the word itself makes me salivate. Drool, drool. We had hit a croissant place over the weekend. Oink.
Was the traffic in the LA area awful?

Carolyn, jumping in the pool for laps after a sweaty walk--how awesome is that!

Yesterday a lightbulb went off in my head about my tire roll/donut ring around my waist. Do you think it could be from rarely eating before a workout? Sometimes I eat a spoon of sunflower or almond butter before exercise, but most of the time I don't eat anything. I need your .02.
Betty. I never eat before working out. Only time I do is on the weekends. I don't think it contributes. At least I don't think so.
Good Afternoon!!! is your knee after the run/walk??? I have been throwing in a little running too....but very slowly and not for real long feels so good....I actually think it is helping my hamstring...because it will get a little sore post walks and then I foam roll and it feels much better the next day. No pain so far.....:eek:

Betty...I have had those days/weeks where I drag my butt... I think its only normal!!!!

Colleen...I read in a magazine (i think Fitness RX) that working out on an empty stomach is best for fat loss, because working out after a burn carbs before any fat..... so with that being said I would rather workout on an empty stomach....I dont want fat! LOL

Today....I have class, wish me luck......I hope to get at least 50% of my homework right???? Fingers crossed! I am leaving work at 3 to go home, do farm chores, try to get 30 minutes of cardio, and then shower and come back to town for class. Class is untill 8:00 tonight :confused: So I will not get home till at least 9......

Chat later! :)
Missy, you're such a trooper with the schooling for work.
What you say about eating or not before exercising makes a lot of sense--I was wondering if you rob energy from muscles when having not eaten before working out.
I'm going to keep my eye out for a foam roller...

The humidity is just grotesque. Which made dancy step in 4DS HIS even more :mad:. I got so frustrated before the warmup had gotten too far in.:confused:
I'll tell you this though--the round-the-clock pushups and other pushups in the weight segment: I could do them! I can't believe it! It must be the lifting and UY! Granted, I didn't do the pacing like Cathe but I did the quantity! First time in my life this month! I am so amazed!
I'm getting really discouraged, my hamstrings have been feeling ok so yesterday I did KPC, and later they were screaming again. I didn't even go for a walk at lunch. This morning they felt better so I did Turbo Barre lower, that kind of works the legs and stretches at the same time. Should I just stop working out completely? I can't imagine doing that, and the stress build up would be awful.

My girls made it through the first day of school, I think having sports going on before school started really helped them. There is alot of chaos though, I never know when one's practice is ending or when they need to be picked up. And the mornings are crazy, everyone trying to get ready at once. They have school today and then are off tomorrow.

Betty, great job on the pushups! I never eat before I work out during the week, I am just not hungry at that time of the morning. When I work out a little later on the weekends, I have something small to eat.

Carolyn, kids doing well in school? I hope you got a good night's sleep.

Missy, I hope your class went well. You do have a lot on your plate!

Hello to Collen and Jean!
Morning girls.

Carolyn how's your knee feeling?

Mary so sorry about your hamstring. Maybe go back to ub only and yoga. I can't tell you enough how barre woejiuta have helped with my knee. I know it's not for everyone but it has done wonders for me.

Today I did ride. It felt great to get a good sweat on. Oh and yesterday I did 2.5 mile walk at lunch. Im bound and determined to get rid of the extra few pounds. Already down one!! Two more to go.

Missy. How was class?
Hi friends,

Jean, I just remembered that I hadn't seen your last pics yet. Omg, your workout room is to die for!!! What do you mean you don't have a lot of stuff?? What is that Pilates contraption?? Do you use it?? I like your weight rack; mine is only two rows. The paint color and bright room is so cheery; I love it!

Mary, I'm so sorry about your hamstring! Have you done some research into how to rehab it? Include foam roll maybe? You might have to start out with a PT professional. Like someone said, do UB; don't give up exercise all together. There must be some moves you can do to stretch and strengthen it. Hang in there.

Carolyn, I hope you got some sleep last night. I was channeling you last night. I woke up to go to the bathroom and couldn't fall back asleep for 2 hours! That's the longest stretch for me!

Then we got up to move ds1 into his dorm today.:( He's happy to get out from under our thumb, I'm sure. That's the part that saddens me.

Still very humid but only in high 60s and cloudy! I just finished 4DS Boot Camp with Bis & Tris. It felt like an eternity till completion. That's what happens when I work out late in the day. I did have coffee beforehand and that's supposed to help burn fat or something.
Hi all! Had a good night's sleep. Hope the same was for all.
Last 4DS today, kickbox with core and some other UB.
Cloudy, muggy, cool. Can't believe how cool it was yesterday.
Doing oil pulling presently and am going to apply c.o. on my hair before workout;)
Hello All!

I woke up super early today and could not get back to sleep, don't know what was going on. My workout was TBT Upper from LIS.

I have researched hamstring issues on the web, and most talk about taking it easy and foam rolling. It seems like a difficult spot to heal, I am just surprised that it takes so long. I have been using a tennis ball but not consistently, and when I think about it I have not really been taking it easy. My last 2 dr's have left the practice so I really have no one to go to, and they would probably just tell me to take it easy anyways. Sometimes I just need cardio and all the workouts tax my hamstrings.

My girls have no school today but had to be up for 8AM practices so it was another crazy morning. Tonight we are heading to the Cape where I hope to get lots of walking in. That is great you walked so many miles this week Carolyn!

Betty, had your dentist noticed the OP? Any other positive benefits you've seen?

I hope work today goes by quickly! Have a great day!
Hello All!

I woke up super early today and could not get back to sleep, don't know what was going on. My workout was TBT Upper from LIS.

I have researched hamstring issues on the web, and most talk about taking it easy and foam rolling. It seems like a difficult spot to heal, I am just surprised that it takes so long. I have been using a tennis ball but not consistently, and when I think about it I have not really been taking it easy. My last 2 dr's have left the practice so I really have no one to go to, and they would probably just tell me to take it easy anyways. Sometimes I just need cardio and all the workouts tax my hamstrings.

My girls have no school today but had to be up for 8AM practices so it was another crazy morning. Tonight we are heading to the Cape where I hope to get lots of walking in. That is great you walked so many miles this week Carolyn!

Betty, had your dentist noticed the OP? Any other positive benefits you've seen?

I hope work today goes by quickly! Have a great day!

Mary, try a physical therapist to show you exercises for it. (Carolyn, do you think Lastics would help Mary's hamstring? It is a great overall stretch program, right?)
Sounds like we're taking turns with the insomnia.:confused:
Have a great time at the Cape; we had planned to go but have to go to my aunt's funeral tomorrow.
My dentist & hygienist didn't get a chance to vocalize it before I asked them if they noticed anything. They definitely realized my plaque scraping was just a fraction of the norm for me. And I didn't bleed one drop. Which is HUGE for me. So dentally I have definitely improved. My mouth is one big quagmire of bacteria so I do OP twice a day. I've even started not swallowing my overnight saliva when I'm awake and conscious of it. I have become a coconut oil fanatic, using it as a moisturizer on my face and neck too; my morning & evening routines now take forever if you count all the things I do.
8 am practices are so crazy!
Fridays before a long weekend at work is so pleasant. Catch up on things if you can.
Enjoy your Labor Day weekend!
Ok, I ran out at lunch and bought a foam roller. I can't wait to try it when I get home!

I was reading up the hamstring injuries again, and some say to stretch and some say not to. I will continue trying things on my own. Most say complete rest, which is so difficult. Walking seems to be ok as long as I don't do my normal long stride.

Betty, sorry about your aunt. Weather at the cape looks better than around here. So tonight I am driving down with my mom and 2 dds, but oldest dd has volleyball Sat. and Mon. It bugs me so much when coaches schedule practices/scrimmages on long weekends/holidays, and kids can't miss. Hoping DD and DH can come down Sat. afternoon and leave Sunday night, but she is griping about it.

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