STS first time!

Happy Friday!

Yes, it is dark in the morning. I do miss my morning walks from vacation and thought I could do it when we got back, but it is just too dark when I need to get started.

So this week I switched it up and did endurance work - upper body from High Reps, MM, and ME. I found it did not require the same level of concentration as the heavy weight work, and it felt good to switch it up. But I really do prefer heavier lifting.

Marie, I can't believe B is almost 1! Have fun planning the party.

Jean, I love what you have picked out for your new home. And were you the one who mentioned Broadchurch? We have been watching it and really enjoying it. After 3 episodes I have no idea who dunnit.

Betty, congrats on doing all those pushups on your toes! I pretty much have given up attempting them on my toes, I can barely make it through on my knees.

Carolyn, that's great the chiro helped. I have never been cracked. I hope you are still not too sore. Enjoy all the family time, I really miss my sisters!
Phew, Colleen!

Marie, congrats on finishing up training!:cool:
You're planning B's party already? You must be very organized. I'm a last-minute Millie.
Nice job on RS. Wish I could say the same, but maybe someday I'll pop it in and it will just flow.;)

Jean, now that's what I like! You're back with the daily check-ins. I hope.

Waaah, I wish I had BBC America! Can't wait till they air the reruns on PBS. I hope. I love all things British, closet anglophile that I am:p.

Carolyn, that stinks about ds's eye! Eye phobia? You cracked me up. I'm certainly squeamish about putting stuff on the eyeball.

Mary, nice job on the lifting!
My problem is I never know which ones are high rep until it hits me in the face, and I start out too heavy and get impatient.
How was the twins' orientation? Are they nervous about high school? Ds2 is but I told him it's very normal and that I would be with him to help out for whatever.
Is dd1 taking any AP courses? Kids seem to load up on these nowadays. I get stressed just hearing about it. Has she decided on any early decision school?

I had to rush TBT UB this morning (which had a core component so I lazied out on a separate abs dvd); my forearm/elbow is still tender with all this lifting, not to mention that I banged it on a doorframe this morning:mad:; and I grow fatigued (there were more pushups:confused:). Glad for the weekend.
Omg, Jean, that sounds fantastic, going to the bay for a while! What an idyllic picture you paint!;)
Do you have a subscription to People? I LOVE it but I look for it in waiting rooms.

I definitely lay off exercise on weekends since I started my 5x/wk regimen. No one-day rests for me!;)

That sounds so gross, applying an ointment on the eyeball:confused:!

It is so gorgeous out! Same slated for this weekend, so enjoy, everyone!:)
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What an unbelievably gorgeous day today! My girls all had tryouts again today so we have been up and about.

I felt like I needed a break from weights today so I did LIC from LIS.

Carolyn, I am doing the upper body workouts on alternate days, I am not combining them. Just switching it up from the heavy weights I have been doing. And I remember having to put eye ointment in my kid's eye once, I would line the lower lid and then when they closed their eyes it would get in there.

Twins did great on their orientation, they don't seem nervous. I asked one if she was nervous and she asked me back if she should be so I said no. I think having an activity before school starts is helping them get ready. And oldest DD is taking 3 AP classes, but she also took 3 AP classes last year so she is able to handle it. She did write a rough draft of her essay so that is good. And for colleges, we're taking the approach that she can apply to a far away school and if she gets in, we'll go visit. I do get stressed just thinking about it!

Jean, we recorded epi 3 of broadchurch and watched it the next night. I didn't want it to end! And I agree, that woman cleaner knows more than she is saying, something is not right about her.

We are going to a clambake this afternoon. Get this, our friend has his own plane, so he flew to Maine yesterday to get seaweed for the clambake! I will probably be eating and drinking too much later!

Have a great day everyone!
Good evening....class was something..... it was overwhelming.....first off it was downpooring on the drive there.....then they assigned 8 chapters of homework....yes....its awful.....

I've been working, exercising' and studying. Today I bit the bullet and did the took me 4 hrs. different it is going in the new codes.....don't like it at all...but I have to learn it!!!!

This morning my friend came to my house at 7:15 am....and we went or a walk (7) miles....we were drenched in sweet when we got back. But it was so much fun....

Hopefully I can be back to chatting daily.....since all my employees are back from vacation....I'm just trying to catch

Hope everyone is okay.....will catch up tomorrow..... I'm so tired from the homework...I'm going to shower and rest my eyes.

Hi ladies, so great to see this participation! What a gorgeous weekend!

Jean, those vultures are so creepy! Carolyn's right--I hope there's something you can put up to scare them off. Having to worry about your dogs when they're outdoors is a huge strain.
Is dh enjoying retirement? How is the adjustment for being together all day long?:p

Missy, I can't believe the classes and homework you have to do! Your employers are lucky you're so dedicated. Good job fitting in your walking!

Mary, dd1 is so motivated--good for her! It's so great when they have their own drive. How do you put some in one who doesn't have any??:confused:
A clambake sounds divine! How amazing your friend can fly his own plane to get seaweed:cool:.

Yesterday we went riding on a bike trail by the water. Omg, we were FREEZING! The headwinds were killer. My heart was thudding like I'm seriously out of shape. It felt like I was biking in high mountain air!:confused: My legs were mega sore and achy last night. They're fine today. Phew! That means I can do legs tomorrow.

Enjoy today!

The clambake was alot of fun, gorgeous day at their house on the lake. The only problem was I guess the fire/bake part was not hot enough so the lobsters did not cook in the seaweed. He had to take them out and cook them in a pot. I don't like to think about that part. Anyways, food was out on tables all day so I ate way too much!

This morning I did Atletica, it is total body and I really like to mix it in with Cathe. Then we did some back to school shopping, and then I pulled my bike out and went for a ride (thanks Betty for motivating me). My tires were flat, I haven't ridden it in a couple of years, so I didn't go too far because I was afraid I might have a real leak and would get stuck somewhere. It felt great to be outside again.

Jean, those vultures sound creepy!

I could take this weather year round! I hope you all had a great weekend!

Icd10..... is not because of Obama care.....they have been trying to change the coding guideline for is finally happening....unfortunately.....

Today....I took the day off....just rest and relaxation.

We did have Tims parents for dinner.....oh BTW....tomorrow I have to take Mr outside cat to vet....I think he has a bad tooth.....:-(

After reading about your bike makes me want to go for a ride!!!! And lounging by the pool....sounds perfect....but the sun never came out today! Oh well....I rested! Which was much needed!

Off to shower.....
Hi friends! This weather was amazing! It'll change a bit though.

Mary, the clambake sounded like so much fun! I've never been to one. Love the house by a lake and steamed lobsters!
High five on getting on your bike! What a perfect day for it!

Carolyn, you're funny--I don't know what I did with the old me either! I'll try to keep it up. Didn't know I was doing active recovery!:D
Good luck to ds. He'll be ok once he starts school. It's fear of the unknown that's scaring him. Ds2 is feeling the same way for high school next week.

Colleen, I believe your kids start too?

Missy, you deserved the rest day!

Have a fab week, everyone!
Hi girls!!!

So sorry about last week. Work was so crazy buzy and then Wednesday we left for our trip to California for a wedding. We got back yesterday. We had a great time. Lots of walking and no real workouts. The wedding was in Dana Point but we stayed in San Diego. It was such a short trip and we stayed so busy I was never able to get onto say hi.

Today I got up late and then was having problems with my computer so I only did a 10 min barre3 workout.

Today is the first day of school for DD. She was very happy and was up at 6:30 all dressed and ready to go. Too cute.

I need to catch up on work but I'll be back to catch up on personals.
Hi everyone! Cloudy day, hence I'm moving slowly. It's cool enough, but would love some rain; it's parched here.

How did school start off for Luke, Dylan, Courtney? How cute Courtney was ready for school!

I just pulled off B&G Overall Legs premix. This workout is sorely underused for me. I hardly know it!:eek: For the most part, there was no dread factor. Until the end. When one weighted ankles segment was repeated. Ugh. I don't like when segments are re-aired. And my legs were tired out. Why is it called a pizza press??
Good Evening Ladies. It is so nice to be busy. Yesterday I watched " Identity Thief". It was pretty good . Not a lot of laughs but I liked it. I started reading "The Shoemakers Wife". It has 470 pages. I hope I make it.
Today we went to the Ocean. We walked the beach and took pictures. Then we walked the boardwalk. We got Thrashers fries and Louie's pizza. We also went to Dolle's and got some taffy and fudge. The went to the Rehoboth Art Gallery and got an oil painting with a frame for only $39. I will be going back there. Not much exercise just a lot of fun. I feel like tourists.

Carolyn are you walking with the neighbor who just had the still birth? How is she doing?

Missy How did Mr. Socks do at the vet?
Hi everyone,
The humidity is rising:confused:. It will come to a boil tomorrow.:confused:

Wow, Carolyn, 6 miles is great! Stretch your tired muscles. I hope you get a good night's sleep too.
I get the visual of the pizza press, thanks.:D

Jean, your new home environment is just so dreamy!

Colleen, San Diego! Beautiful.

I think I might do 4DS as intended for the rest of the week! Imagine! Good night.
Good Morning!

Welcome back Colleen...dont feel bad...I have been so busy, havent been checking in like I should.

Yesterday, was absolute nuts! Came to work, then left for my F/U appt at infection is gone....but they want me to try a low dose b/c to see if that will help the nasty spotting I get 3-4 days prior to my period....they think that is hormonal??? So, I start these pills next month...too late to start this month. Then, I came back to work and worked till noon. I then went home and got Mr Socks...took him to the vet...he has an ulcer on his tongue which is causing the discomfert when eating. So they gave him a antibiotic shot and a steroid injection to help calm it and go away. It works over the course of 4 weeks. I hope it helps rather quickly, he is my baby I just love him so much...I hate that he is in pain....I think he rested well last night though...and this morning he was purring and loveing on lets hope he feels better?? Then once I got home, I was able to do 30 minutes on the spin bike...then had to go to the barn to get the horses the vet was coming for shots....once I was done with all that I made some dinner, showered, and hit the bed. I was exhausted.... friend and I are walking after work....yeah!!!!

Hope everyone has a lovely day....

Is anyone getting excited for our new workouts???? I am....hehehe :p
Missy, didn't bcp not work for you in the past by making you ill? Trying diff ones to see what works is good--so many rxs out there.
You are such a Taz!:D The energy of 4 people. Glad Mr Socks seems better.

Carolyn, nothing like the kids going back to school to get you back into the groove!;)
Do be careful with your back.

I did 4DS LIS & Sh/Core/Calves. I did the step part half-a$$ed and cut short core since it was SO humid:mad:. I hope it's not that I don't like step any more.:confused: I'm not sure if I'll do all the cardio parts of 4DS but then if not, the strength training part is only a half hour.

Dinner at my b-i-l's so I'm prepping my cajun boil right now to bring later.
Good Afternoon.....

So I just got off the phone with a girl in cardiovascular at the hospital...she is also our patient...she is taking the ICD10 class also...and she thought it was very very very complicated now I dont feel completely stupid...LOL careful....I have learned that you can never be too careful when you have a bad back....I think once you hurt it, it will never be right....meaning it will flare up here and there..... :mad: I am always careful, expecially lifting heavy with my back...alot of the lifting I actually go lighter on to protect my back....things over head and deadlifts and rows I am careful with. Also some over the plank stuff where you swing your legs under and across.....I always feel it so I actually do them elevated on the seems to help????

Looking forward to my walk 5K season is approaching...hehehe:p

I have two sched so far.... "walking"

Betty....I am trying a new is a very low dose. But she feels if I can hang in there and take it for at least 3 months, things should turn around in that I am willing to give it a shot.

Be back....

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