STS first time!

Mary, how exciting for your foam roller. Hopefully that willl help you get back to painless. A lot of Cathe's workouts do get you all over.
Coaches love to schedule mandatory practices during vacation, summer, long weekends. It's so frustrating!
One benefit of coconut oil is giving you more energy. You should try a spoonful after work; it makes you less starving then too while you cook dinner. The oil is absorbed very quickly by your body so it gives you a wake-up boost. My friend opens a can of coconut milk or cream and has a little after work.

Carolyn, nice job easing up on the weights. You can still condition nicely with the lighter weights. I am conscious of not doing heavier with my forearm.

Today's 4DS KB was with Legs! I've never done it before! It contained several unique moves, not seen again among my vast collection! I was dragging my a$$ though because the humidity was just torture:mad:. It had a core section too.
Last night I felt like a bloated cow. Serves me right for spooning whipped cream into my mouth.:eek:

Better go fold the laundry, etc....
Good Morning!

Welcome back Colleen...dont feel bad...I have been so busy, havent been checking in like I should.

Yesterday, was absolute nuts! Came to work, then left for my F/U appt at infection is gone....but they want me to try a low dose b/c to see if that will help the nasty spotting I get 3-4 days prior to my period....they think that is hormonal??? So, I start these pills next month...too late to start this month. Then, I came back to work and worked till noon. I then went home and got Mr Socks...took him to the vet...he has an ulcer on his tongue which is causing the discomfert when eating. So they gave him a antibiotic shot and a steroid injection to help calm it and go away. It works over the course of 4 weeks. I hope it helps rather quickly, he is my baby I just love him so much...I hate that he is in pain....I think he rested well last night though...and this morning he was purring and loveing on lets hope he feels better?? Then once I got home, I was able to do 30 minutes on the spin bike...then had to go to the barn to get the horses the vet was coming for shots....once I was done with all that I made some dinner, showered, and hit the bed. I was exhausted.... friend and I are walking after work....yeah!!!!

Hope everyone has a lovely day....

Is anyone getting excited for our new workouts???? I am....hehehe :p

Hi, I do have the same problem spoting for a week before my period, is more at 6 months now, so I went to the GYN and they did à biopsia, Blood test, and I have appoiment to do a ultrasound. Good luck
Morning ladies.

Happy labor day weekend.

Yesterday was DS 5th birthday. Man how the years fly by. We had a great day. I took the day aa both kids were off from school. We went went and saw rhe movie planes. It was cute. Today we are having a family party for him.

Yesterday and today I did barre3 workouts.

Carolyn glad you got a good night sleep.

Ok lots to do before the party. Hope everyone has a great day.

Hi Ladies. I can't believe it is Aug. 31 already. Today it is going up to 93 degrees. There are a zillion people here this weekend . The roads are really crowded. Our community is having a cookout tonight at the community center. I am bringing Ambrosia and Franco American Apple Slaw. I hope some of the new people in here come besides us. It seems like everything I go to always has the people that have lived here the longest. Still no t.v in my exercise room. The plan is to get a new t.v in the living room , put that t.v. in the bedroom and put the bedroom in the exercise room. My husband is looking for the sale of sales. :rolleyes: Yesterday we ordered 2 chairs and a rug for the bedroom. I think that is out last major purchase. I am so tired of spending money. I will put up pics when it is all put together. All we need now are lamps and art. My Mother and sister are coming for a few days in 2 weeks. They are bringing their Dachshund so that should be interesting with my cats.
Betty I am really impressed that you are still op'ing. I still haven't tried it yet. I need a fresh jar od CO. I can picture you in the kitchen eating whipped cream. Sounds good to me. I saw a show advertised in People this week called" Last Tango in Halifax". It is a British series on PBS. I think I will check it out.
Well That's about it for now.

Enjoy the long weekend.
Hi all, hope you're enjoying your long weekend!

My aunt's funeral was today. Took a good portion of the day, then we did stuff for my f-i-l. Should be a calm home day tomorrow. The humidity is a nightmare!
Happy September, friends! We are having a huge t-storm right now. LOUD thunder, tons of rain. Yay!:D
Off to make pancakes!
Where is everyone?? Out enjoying the weekend, no doubt. I am dragging in this oppressive muggy airless day! It rained for about 5 hrs! Just taking it easy though.

Jean, I am indeed very fastidious with my OP. I have not missed a day except my evening rinse when I went to Maine a few of weekends ago, even thought I brought my stuff with me. It was a small place and I didn't want to rinse for 20 mins in front of my s-i-l, who gags at any gargling.
If you haven't contaminated the oil, it's still fine. No refrigeration needed either.
I will look for the British show.
I can't remember what else you said because the tablet doesn't show other replies when I'm replying but I will respond.
Hi everyone. Not much going on here. Todays movie was "The Call". It was good but at the end everything was so dark I couldn't see what was going on. Then the man was chained up and it was over. I was disappointed in that. I hate when movies are dark. It's like don't they know how to turn on a light?
The cookout last night was fun. There was about 50 people there. I met a lot of nice people. They had a 50/50 raffle and I won $170. I bought my tickets right when they were ready to do the drawing so I guess the guy didn't shake them up very good. I was very excited.
Well that's about it for now.
Hi girls. The humidity is THROUGH THE ROOF! AIRLESS TOO, NOT A LICK OF BREEZE:mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:

Jean, that's so exciting you won some $$!:D
I watched Lincoln tonight, and saw The Call a while back--very suspenseful!
Just finished The Survivor, a book by Gregg Hurwitz, a fast-paced, heart-thumping well-written piece of suspenseful fiction.

Carolyn, I don't ever recall you mentioning your mother's husband before, only your dad. It's nice you had a family gathering.

So glad tomorrow's a holiday. But working out on holidays stinks when everyone's home.:confused:
Sleep tight.
Good morning friends..... I know I have been Mia lately, I have just been so busy with work, working out, and school. The homework they assign normally takes about 5 yesterday I was busy doing that all day.....all I can say is I am very thankful for labor day....I really needed the day off.

Mary.....first off.....I know what you are going though with the hamstring..... I have been battling mine since march....I pushed myself to hard one day last week and mine was so tight I wanted to scream....I have a hard time sleeping when it gets super tight.....I do think the foam roller helps lot....I also o bridges, medicine ball roll in, and lots of stretching, I think my walking is helping too.....but no running.....

Hope everyone has a restful day!!!!

I will be back in a washer just stopped....gotta put my clothes in the dryer.....
It runs through Dec 4th....I have 14 classes to go! that I counted it out....I am freaking....that's a lot of B?S!!!!

I was rushing this morning...trying to get everything done so I could watch Y&R at 12:30....and tennis is on....err....I get pissed about this every labor day per Tim! LOL

Now....I will have to find something else to watch.....hmm....

I am in a ebay mood....what to list for sale???? hmmmmmm....hehehehe
I am at my wit's end with this humidity. I'm waaaay past bursting a vein:mad::mad::mad: We had a couple of hrs of rain this morning and ocassionally some steamy sun. Broke down and turned on the a/c during the workout but the house is so saturated it'd take a month to dry it out. SORRY I've been such a broken record.:eek:

I really didn't want to work out but didn't want to ruin my 5-day/week on a roll. So I cranked out TBT LB and Ab Circ (just) Wts (not in a state of mind for Plates!).

Jean, that would be cool if you could see the costumes. How about going to see Highclere Castle? I would just be happy with a soap-opera version of Downton. Every season is so short.

Missy, that's a whole semester of class! I hope you get college credits! What did you end up doing with eBay?:D
This forum did what it was supposed to do for me. Get me motivated! Thank you Betty! I was already to take the kids for an icecream when I read your post about not wanting to screw up your 5x a week workout.
I realized how angry I would be when I started my September calendar and saw that the first two days were blank! So I did TBT UB. I forgot how much that gets your heart rate up!
Thanks again. I totally needed it. My dh thanks you too. My mood is uplifted!:)

Way to go, Carolyn! And you're so welcome! I chose the LB for how short it is myself, but it totally got my heart rate up!
It's hard to do it 5x/wk but since I could with the kids home, I should be ok when they're in school. One day at a time, to take your sentiment.
Good evening....I'm waiting on Tim to get home from work....then we have to go get hay.....I too busted out Jillian Michaels workout today.....hard body was the workout....and let's just say I was absolutely drenched was great!!!!

I am taking it one class at a time....that's all I can do!!!!

Looking forward to friend and I will meet after work and walk....its much needed!!!!

As for this always motivates someone..... I am hoping it will kick my healthy eating back in
Good evening....I'm waiting on Tim to get home from work....then we have to go get hay.....I too busted out Jillian Michaels workout today.....hard body was the workout....and let's just say I was absolutely drenched was great!!!!

I am taking it one class at a time....that's all I can do!!!!

Looking forward to friend and I will meet after work and walk....its much needed!!!!

As for this always motivates someone..... I am hoping it will kick my healthy eating back in

Way to go, Missy! High five! On top of all the chores you already did! You're amazing.
I'll officially kick your healthy eating back in gear.
Bummer Tim had to work!

Speaking of which, Carolyn, glad to hear dh didn't have to open his shop today.
This humidity is gross, I feel like I can't breathe!

I did GS B-SH-Bis this morning.

We had a nice weekend at the Cape. The weather was so-so but at least it did not rain. I walked and that was about it.

I know this forum has motivated me for workouts in the past also. Great job on everyone's workouts with busy lives and lots going on.
Ugh! This getting up at 6 something is for the birds!!! Here we go again, a new year of school! First day of high school for ds2.

Mary, you're lucky you escaped rain! Maybe other parts of the Cape got rain judging from the weatherman's map. Supposedly just today left for the humidity. Please, please let it be so! It is SO uncomfortable!
Nice job getting in that workout. That GS is a great one! I might do that or XT today.

Carolyn, I found where you saw about the Greatest Hits being step; I'm neither thrilled nor disappointed.
Good Morning.... got up this morning and squeezed in some light I had a hard time getting up this I couldnt push I will tonight....

Carolyn...I am disappointed too about the all step greatest hits....err :mad:

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