STS first time!

Hi girls, busy day so far. Took my mom to Costco earlier. She just left, so I'd best get to Legs of some sort. I think I decided on Turbo Barre yesterday since I wanted to do something different from all the weighted squats, lunges, stepups, etc.

Marie, cherish every single one of those snuggling and naps! I wish I had known to write down my thoughts back then; I could barely keep afloat. (That's why you guys are so impressive to me!) I didn't start journaling till this past less than a decade; wish I had started sooner to record all those precious memories.
You and Tony have such an equal marriage--love that! Glad you're enjoying your job. Three days a week sounds perfect.
B's little personality is shining through! Does he still have the baby smell?? I remember it goes away after 9 months or so. I missed it so!

Carolyn, that was such a funny insight of dd with the nursing!

Colleen, in another life I was a corporate budget coordinator;).

It's cool and cloudy. I know that it will be very fall-like tomorrow!

Hi Betty!

Oh that baby smell :) How I missed that. He does not have it anymore unfortunately :-( I do love the way he smells after his bath though. I use the Johnson and Johnson babywash and lotion. Smells so good, all fresh n clean :)

I love Costco!!! We actually are going to head there today after he finishes his bath. Gotta get some veggies. I don't know if you have it at your Costco but recently I've been addicted to these crispy brownie things they have. I can't think of the name of them right now and I don't have a bag I can look at because I ate them all lol. But they are a crispy flat piece of brownie. Oh they are so so good. I always try not to buy them but they're my treat.

Hope you're getting a good workout in right now. Turbo Barre sounds like a good one.
Hi everyone, I did Turbo Barre Express #2, which had a built-in core component! Awesome. The best part? No equipment to lug out!!!
Must remember: 80% is diet, 80% is diet, 80% is diet......
This mantra flitted through my head as I made blueberry muffins:confused: A stick of butter, sugar, some white flour....:confused: On the bright side, it has blueberries!:D

Oh Marie, that's a wonderful baby smell--the clean and fresh after a baby bath. Mmmmm
Glad I don't know what brownie things you're talking about!;)
Hi Everyone. We went to the Ocean today and sat on the beach for about an hour. I cannot believe how many Dolphin we saw. There was like a pod of 12 and different pods of 3 and 5. It was constant all morning. Then we walked the boardwalk which was about a mile. This evening we rode our bikes for about 3 miles. So I am starting to get in some exercise. I think the weather tomorrow is going to be in the 70's.

Marie I am glad to hear that you are still enjoy your float. That is nice to only work 3 days a week. Good luck to Tony on his schooling. I hope he gets his dream job. Enjoy planning your family vacation.

Have a nice evening everyone.

Good morning, girls! What a fall-like chill! Yikes! I'm sitting here with the robe that I wear about 9 months of the year.:D

Was thinking of doing KPC but I'm not sure I should squander a day not doing weights, but then I'm so tired of dragging out the weights. My forearm is still tender too. Every few days I'm banging that same area of the elbow on a doorframe or wall or something and it kills!!! That poor bone is so bruised.

Marie, awesome you're doing UY. I don't know when I'll resume but I will.

Mary, hope your hamstring is doing better.

Jean, your ocean visit sounds dreamy. Incredible you saw dolphins right in front of your eyes!

Carolyn, that's me too--no self control!

Diet is 80%, diet is 80%, diet is 80%
Morning ladies

What a glorious day.

I fell of the Wagon as well and ate two cookies last night. Oh they were supper yummy.

Betty, did you enjoy being a corporate budget planner? It's always a hectic time of year foe judge planning buti enjoy the analysis and number crunching.

Today was a 60 min barre3 than I hopped on the bike for 20 min. I had extra time this morning. I so want to go out for a walk at lunch.

Hope everyone has a great day.
Diet is 80%, diet is 80%, diet is 80%

Thanks Betty....I needed this....yesterday I did I am hoping today I can..... Tonight Tim is making home made pizza...but I am going to try not to pig out!

Last night my friend and I walked and it was sooooo was the end of the walk I think we lost our minds...because we said...its not too bad out here....then I sat in my car drenched in the a/c and when I got home I got out of my car and my glasses fogged and I thought someone punched me...because it was so was hard to breath....this is when people start getting sick....going from the air to hot to air....I made sure I took my vitamins though....

Tomorrow we are walking at 7:15 am...and then afterwards Tim and I are going to the big city....Sams, lunch, and Bass Pro (which just opened this week) yeah!!!! A day of fun and shopping with my hubby!!!

Marie....I am like self control...I cant have things in the house, or I will eat them....:eek:

Carolyn....I know what you mean about the running....I am running bits too..and it feels so good....I know I cant do what I use too...but a little here and there makes me happy...and then I start to think maybe one day after my hamstring is better....maybe I can run run run again....fingers crossed!!! But, when I am with my friend....she always watchs me,,, to make sure I am not pushing too hard...because she is my chiro's I would get in trouble...LOL

Jean...sitting on the beach sounds nice...except if you were in the south beaches right may is aweful hot!!!

Colleen....Dont feel bad about those worke dthem off this morning!!! ;)

At work and busy....just wanted to check back later!!!:D
I've been so busy at work and stuff going on with the kids, no time to check in.

My upper body workouts this week were both of the gym styles, I love the back one but not so much chest and tris. They are both awesome, but chest and tris are my least favorite things to work. This morning I did some of Turbo Barro lower body.

I have been reading about high hamstring tendonitis and it sounds alot like what I have. Unfortunately it can last a long time. Usually I am excited for the new workouts but I am not sure I will be able to do them.

It was so cool this morning, I love the fall weather but hate to see summer end!

Jean, I would love the area you are in, I love being near the water. When we go to the Cape we regularly see groups of seals, but never dolphins!

Marie, I remember those baby smells, enjoy while you can!

I also have not been good with diet. I'm pretty sure the problem is when I have a glass of wine in the evening, it leads to me eating more food like ice cream.

First HS volleyball games tonight, younger dd is on freshman team and oldest is on varsity. 3rd daughter has her first track meet tomorrow, about an hour away. Lots going on!
What a beautiful day. All windows are open. Cool with a nice breeze.
Today I did STS m1 d1 and then extended stretch. It felt so good to be doing my weights again. I only got through about 1/2 the push ups on my knees. But that's o.k.. So hopefully I am back on track.

Carolyn I love Klondike bars. Just eat them till they are gone and then don't buy anymore. You will be fine. You keep very busy.

Hi Missy. I miss all of your twice a day posts. Enjoy you day with Tim tomorrow.

Hi friends! Love all the posts too!
It is gorgeous and a wee bit chilly. I'm not complaining!
I did KPC. It had core too!! I guess by Thurs & Fri each wk my forearm gets so fatigued. As do I, that I just try to avoid weights. I can't believe how much use my Cathe dvds are getting! So many to choose from!

Jean, awesome you started working out again! Welcome back to the fold! High five!

Colleen, 60 mins of Barre3? And then 20 mins on the bike?? Before work?? You kick butt, girl!!
Did I enjoy budget planning? Hmmmm, not really. I'm at heart a numbers cruncher though. Maybe it was being the babysitter of all the depts part I didn't care for.

Missy, what a visual on the fogged glasses! Pun!:D Your Saturday sounds great! Have fun!
You and Carolyn just take it easy on the running part.;)

Mary, I agree wholeheartedly about chest (usually means pushups) and tris (my weakest; where are the muscles??). GS is awesome.
Your girls are so busy it sounds like a revolving door at your house. Way to go with keeping up your workouts. Honestly, I'm fine with 5x/wk because my body can use it, so I often think how do you ladies who have a full-time job do it?? My hats off to you!

Carolyn, one Klondike is just fine! Even a nightly one! They are soooo good! You work it off anyway. Don't feel guilty!
The baskets is a great idea! Shopping for them too!;)
Meatball subs aren't oinky. What's oinky is having two blueberry muffin tops:confused: Can you say NO self control? Sugar should be banned as an addictive substance.
I made a curried chicken rice casserole with chickpeas. I didn't eat any chicken and dh thinks I'm extreme.
Carolyn, I bought a microfiber recliner from TJM last year:D. Love seeing furniture in those stores!
Last edited:
hi girls.

What a beautiful day.

Yesterday I worked from home so I had a little5more time as I got up at5my normal time.

Today was ds first soccer game. He scored 3 goals!

I walked/ran 3.5 miles today then did a 30 min barre3 workout.

Hope everyone is enjoying the beautiful weather.
Hi Ladies. I have some good upper body DOMS from my w/o yesterday. I haven't done any cardio today so I really should ride my bike. The weather is lovely here. I cleaned my hardwood floors today. There were little animal prints all over them. They really look nice now. Tomorrow is supposed to be legs. YUCK. I know I won't be able to walk right for a week. Then it will be a full day of cleaning. My family is coming on Monday.

Betty Why didn't you eat any chicken?

Good morning!

This morning I did GS B-SH-Bis, love that one. Yesterday I went for a bike ride and had no pains at all, so nice for a change. I may try to get another one in today, can't tell what the weather is going to do.

We are going to a cookout later, and it will probably revolve around the football game. I really have no interest in football and I am surprised by how many people just love it.

Jean, don't go to heavy on the legs, especially where you have been away from it for so long. Your legs will get a great workout even without the weights.

Colleen, congrats to your son on his soccer game!

I have been using my foam roller at night if I am watching tv. It really gives a good massage to the muscles. I didn't know there were so many different sizes, the store I went to only had one size and it works for me.

I am procrastinating on some chores so better get to them. Have a great day!
Hi Everyone. It feels good to be back on the forum regularly. Today is going up to 85. The sky is blue with no clouds. I am happy to announce that today's w/o was not legs. It was back and tri's. I was so happy to see that. My tri's are so weak. I have a long road back but I will take it one w/o at a time. I plan on starting with light weights on the legs and increase with every w/o. That worked out good for me last time. Last night we did about 5 miles on our bikes. It was so fun. Then we went thru some of the houses that are being built here. They look so small inside compared to mine but I believe they are bigger than mine. I know they cost more money. Today is cleaning. I don't know if I will get my movie in today.

Mary Broadchurch was so good last week. I can't wait for it to come on this week.

Mark you calendars that the Biggest Loser starts Oct. 8.

Have a good day.

Hi everyone, simply beautiful today! Breezy and dry. So perfect!
Been doing a lot of cleaning with more to come.

Jean, it must feel great to resume Cathe with STS. Way to go.
I'm patiently waiting for PBS to someday air Broadchurch. In the meantime, I hope I don't accidentally find out any important plot parts.
We watched a surprisingly good Schwarznegger movie last night: The Last Stand.
I didn't eat the chicken because I got so grossed out by the fatty skin (which I cut off altogether), plus I infrequently go as far as not eating meat. Just trying to do more plant-based food but it's SO not very easy at all.

Colleen, high five to ds!

Jean, Carolyn, and Mary, nice job going biking! What a fab time of the year for it!
I usually hate it when a trail is crowded with people too!;)

I went looking for the Renee thread. How heartbreaking for her.:(

Yeah, I don't get the excitement about football either! Can't be less interested if I tried.:D
Carolyn That was a really long bike ride. One day I will be doing the same.

Betty I will check out that movie. It is hard going meatless but good for you for trying. Isn't that heart breaking about Renee's son. I didn't write her anything but Carolyn wrote a real nice note. I can't get her out of my mind. I keep going back and reading all of the condolences. I need to write something also. Have you been riding your spin bike?
Jean, it's so good to have you back regularly again!
We have not ridden the spin bike since the advent of summer:confused:. We will hop back on when Big L starts;)

Carolyn, a program I was watching this morning mentioned wine as a culprit of messing up sleep. Could that be the case for you?

Actually, Mary and Carolyn, I'm grateful you gals don't like football either because I feel like the odd person out who doesn't like it. So many women do.

Wow, the temps dropped like a rock with the dry air! Awesome. Brrr.

Hmm. don't know what I will exercise to tomorrow. My sis and I will try to hit that Megaformer studio 3x while she's here for a week, possibly Wed, Fri, Mon. I can't wait. Too ambitious you think?:D

Good night, friends!
Wow. These chilly mornings are tough to take. The cold air in the house. A preview of what's to come. Might help if I stop wearing shorts and close the windows. Yes, us too for 90 and humid on Wednesday. My sis is going to hate that!
Legs shortly. Don't know what yet.

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