STS first time!

Hi Ladies. I haven't done legs yet because my sister and Mother were here. We had a nice but short visit. They went back home today.

Betty when I posted the pics of my exercise room you asked "what is that pilates contraption"? That is what you did today. This is just another version of what you did. Mine does the same exercises as the one you were on today. Mine is just a home version where you were on studio quality. I used to do it all the time. Have a nice visit with your sister.

Marie what a wonderful picture of B. It is hard to believe he will be a yr old next month. I also have some Joannie Greggains. I used to do her ab w/o 3 times a day.

Carolyn I hope you got some new shoes. I have so many shoes and I never wear them. I need to get out more. :rolleyes:

Step Moves for me today! And core 2...omg I was dying, and if I remember correctly that is the easier of the 2. Tony and I also walked around the lake when he got home from school.

B is in the bath now. He could honestly stay in there for hours. He just loves the water. Swimming lessons starts up again next week. He's a hungry boy lately. He chowed today. For dinner he had kidney beans, an entire veggie patty, 2 cubes of mixed veggies (I puree it and then freeze it in ice cube trays) and half a peach Chobani.

Alright time to get him cleaned up.

Have a good evening everyone!
Jean, I can't believe you have a Pilates machine! When did you get that? How did you come about buying one? How many yrs ago did you start fitness? I've never heard of Joanie G! (?sp)
Awesome on your bike ride!!!
I hope your sis and mom loved your new digs.

Marie, you're awesome for rocking out all those workouts! It's great to hear from you on a regular basis.
I CANNOT believe what B ate! Wow, can you say growth spurt?

Carolyn, wassup? You're quiet tonight.

Colleen, I hope that's not the case. Feel better asap. Rest as much as you need and DON'T feel a whit guilty.

Oink, oink. Lunch out today, dinner out today. Then bkfast, lunch, dinner out tomorrow. OMG. Oink. Oink. My Megaformer workouts will not make up for all that!
Last edited:
Hi Girls. Today is supposed to be our last 90 plus degree day probably for this season. We are supposed to be getting a cold front. Now the temps will be in the 70's and 80's. Our financial advisor came over this morning and after he left we headed for the pool. It was so nice because for the first hour we were the only ones there. Then a guy came up and then an hour later some ladies came. I can't swim and I don't have a bathing suit so I just sat at the edge with my feet in the water and got a nice tan. It was really relaxing. I didn't want to leave. I walked there and home so that was about 30 minutes. I hope to ride my bike tonight.

Betty I have probably had my Pilates for 7 years. That was my retirement gift to myself. I used to watch a lot of QVC and that was a product they sold a lot. My friend bought one about 2 years before me and she liked hers. I have always liked fitness but never had anyone to show me how to do it properly. I hired 2 different personal trainers about 8 years ago and loved it. Enjoy all of that eating out. I am surprised you are not cooking.

My family loved the house. They seemed to have a good time. They weren't here long. Just 2 days. My sister has a senior dog that she had to pay a pet sitter for and that can get expensive.
I pulled out Intensity today. Oh wow! I forgot how much that one kills. I love it though. Can't wait to feel it tomorrow.

Not much else happened today. Playtime of course :) Sealife, Costco, Target :)

My mom wants to do CCC on Sat when she's in town. Eek! That one scares me!

Jean- Your day at the pool sounded relaxing. Way to get those steps in! Hope you got your bike ride in.

Carolyn- Flooded bathroom floor is right lol. B just LOVES splashing and it's too dang cute when he does so I never tell him to stop. Another thing he loves doing is standing in the tub. Now that I do tell him no. He sort of gets it. I'm so pumped for the leg and glute DVDs too :) Oh and you can have some of my butt if you want it ;)

Betty- Enjoy your eating out. You work hard and you deserve to treat yourself.
Morning girls.

Carolyn sorry you did sleep well.

Still exhausted but feeling better.

Yesterday I did barre3 and today I did 45 mins of ride.

Betty I'm glad you are enjoying your sis.

Jean why did you stop pilates? I am so happy for you. Your new home looks and sounds amazing.

Marie. Love having you around. Can't believe b is going to be 1 cherish every moment.
How fun Carolyn. DD plays piano but wants to play the drums.

Things have just been super busy. Im ok though. I think it's really mt allergies that have been causing me to be tired. Oh well.
I'm happy its friday.
How cute. He must be so proud of himself. Enjoy the trails.

Ds has soccer and dd has her first time at gymnastics tomorrow.
Hi Girls. Today is supposed to be our last 90 plus degree day probably for this season. We are supposed to be getting a cold front. Now the temps will be in the 70's and 80's. Our financial advisor came over this morning and after he left we headed for the pool. It was so nice because for the first hour we were the only ones there. Then a guy came up and then an hour later some ladies came. I can't swim and I don't have a bathing suit so I just sat at the edge with my feet in the water and got a nice tan. It was really relaxing. I didn't want to leave. I walked there and home so that was about 30 minutes. I hope to ride my bike tonight.

Betty I have probably had my Pilates for 7 years. That was my retirement gift to myself. I used to watch a lot of QVC and that was a product they sold a lot. My friend bought one about 2 years before me and she liked hers. I have always liked fitness but never had anyone to show me how to do it properly. I hired 2 different personal trainers about 8 years ago and loved it. Enjoy all of that eating out. I am surprised you are not cooking.

My family loved the house. They seemed to have a good time. They weren't here long. Just 2 days. My sister has a senior dog that she had to pay a pet sitter for and that can get expensive.

Jean, where is your pool? Not in your little community? 30 mins roundtrip isn't bad.
Our second Pilates on the reformer class was yesterday. Definitely feel sore in my core, hips, and glutes. I think you should start up your Pilates again!:D It was very enjoyable. My sis says she has seen a slimming in her muffin top since she started two months ago. One more class on Monday, and I might buy a Living Social special if they still consider me a new client. If not, I'll do it when I go to CA next month!:D I already got a Groupon for one in my sis' town!
It's a shame your mom and sis didn't stay long after coming all that way. Two days isn't enough to catch up...
The cold front finally arrived yesterday evening after 3 torturous days of humidity.
How cute. He must be so proud of himself. Enjoy the trails.

Ds has soccer and dd has her first time at gymnastics tomorrow.

Hi Colleen, sorry to hear about your allergies. I feel for you and wish I could come up with a cure for sufferers. Is it tree or grass pollen? Get extra rest. High levels of vitamin C is supposed to lower histamine levels. I can't get my willful son to take more than one 500 mg chewable/day. Get the powdered kind to mix. No fillers, and it is pure ascorbic acid. Read up on it on
That's adorable that dd wants to do the drums. Imagine the racket. Ds1 wanted to try a long time ago too. Piano is the most beautiful to me, then a string instrument.

Carolyn, guitar sounds great. Picture him older and pulling it out for a strum with friends.:) Ds1 taught himself basics of electric in middle school but didn't go any further. I assume your ds is doing acoustic?
Have fun biking. What a beauty for it. Bring a sweatshirt!!! Ds will be racing his proud new bike!
Yesterday we hit the outlets. Nothing to show for it!!! We debated going to Merrimack but in the end were concerned that we would get caught in the commuter traffic home, which dh gets stuck in daily and it's no fun.

Better go start my belgian waffles...
Happy Saturday everyone. I just got done doing disc 3 - legs and extended stretch. Yesterday we took 2 dogs for a walk and rode our bikes. The weather is cool today , only going up to 70. I don't know how to dress. I think I will sit on the front porch for awhile and read my book. We got a piece of lattice to put across the opening of the porch so the dogs can be out there with us. The pool is a few blocks up the road. It is in the community. This place is 180 1/2 acre lots so it is pretty big. It's close to a 1/2 mile to the pool. So maybe it only took 10 minutes to walk there.

I don't recall why I stopped doing pilates. I did enjoy it. I have 3 or 4 videos . With pilates , every move is supposed to work you core. Maybe as it gets colder out I will start up again.

Betty When are you going to Calif? My friend just got home yesterday from being there for 2 weeks.

Carolyn enjoy your family bike ride today.

Missy is your 6K today? How did you do?

Colleen How did you daughter like gymnastics?
Hey hey!

Quick check in to say yesterday was Trisets Lower Body and a hour walk :)

Today I'm almost done with work and then I'm headed home for a little CSS with my mom.

Have a good evening everyone :)
Good morning!

Not much to post lately, I think I am bored with my workouts. I am sticking with weights for upper body work, and then figuring out what I can do for cardio. Plyo moves really seem to aggravate my legs. Later today I will go for a bike ride.

I looked at the clips for the 2 step workouts, I'm not sure I can do them. The first one looks really complicated, whenever I have to turn my back to the tv I get completely lost.

Jean, it sounds like you have the perfect retirement community. Walking, biking, swimming, and your workout room looks fantastic.

Betty, enjoy the time with your sister. Going to live pilates classes sounds like a great change of pace, and the instructor can show you subtle ways to get the most out of the movements. That is what I found from live yoga classes, and you just can't get that from a dvd.

Marie, how great that you work out with your Mom. I have trouble even finding friends who workout on a regular basis!

Carolyn, I hope you enjoyed bike riding with your family!

Colleen, hope your allergies are better.

On top of everything else I am taking a certification test for work next friday, and I have alot of studying to do between now and then. Actually I am procrastinating right now....

Enjoy the rest of the weekend!
Good morning!

Not much to post lately, I think I am bored with my workouts. I am sticking with weights for upper body work, and then figuring out what I can do for cardio. Plyo moves really seem to aggravate my legs. Later today I will go for a bike ride.

I looked at the clips for the 2 step workouts, I'm not sure I can do them. The first one looks really complicated, whenever I have to turn my back to the tv I get completely lost.

Jean, it sounds like you have the perfect retirement community. Walking, biking, swimming, and your workout room looks fantastic.

Betty, enjoy the time with your sister. Going to live pilates classes sounds like a great change of pace, and the instructor can show you subtle ways to get the most out of the movements. That is what I found from live yoga classes, and you just can't get that from a dvd.

Marie, how great that you work out with your Mom. I have trouble even finding friends who workout on a regular basis!

Carolyn, I hope you enjoyed bike riding with your family!

Colleen, hope your allergies are better.

On top of everything else I am taking a certification test for work next friday, and I have alot of studying to do between now and then. Actually I am procrastinating right now....

Enjoy the rest of the weekend!

Hey gals, gorgeous day today. Just perfect.

Mary, I so agree about Cathe's new workouts. The dancy step--forget it! Just looking at it makes me cringe. I already can't master RS, HIS, Steo Moves (or is Athletic?), Intensity, LICh.:mad: X10 looks very fast-paced, which is not my preference, but we'll have to see.
Nice going on taking on the certification. Honestly, you're amazing with all that you juggle.
I am indeed loving the time with my sis. I was thinking that it's exhausting, but how would it have been if her kids and dh came along? I'm getting OLD.
We're looking forward to the last studio pilates class in the morning. Maybe we'll try UY tonight since dh flew to CA today and he won't be around watching tv.
UB strength training is a good workout; keep up with your rides and walks. And foam roller.
Good thing my sis and you guys are fitness-minded; otherwise I too don't have friends who do that.
Off for a walk shortly. I am eating out daily for one meal or another:confused:.
Good Evening Girls. No w/o today. We went to the Dragon Boat races down at the canal today. That was interesting. I would have enjoyed it more if there was directed parking and a closer spot to sit. But if we go next year , I will know what to do.

Mary Good Luck on your certification test. I hope it brings in a bigger paycheck. :cool:

Have a nice evening ladies. I am off to read my book. It has 480 pages and I am only 1/2 done. Book club is Wed. night. So far I find the book slow and boring. Lets hope it starts getting better.

Good race went was so much fun. My friend did it with was her first...and she did great.....I stayed with her....but we did push each other....I was extremely proud of her.....we did the 6k in 41 minutes..... 10.8 min mile....not too bad for her first race....and me recovering from a hamstring injury!!!

Looking forward to our next 2 weeks we have the mud run!

It is very crazy at work today....but I will try to catch up this afternoon!

Be back soon!;)
Good morning! Light sprinkles and chilly here. Finished the last pilates class. Thinking of getting more. Have to run out to lunch now... Have a nice day!

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