STS first time!

Hi Ladies!

I have been busying studying all week but I passed my test today - yay! I was so tired of studying, I am glad to have it done. I will wait a bit before I start studying for the next one. After the test I had to come into work and now I feel so tired, it must have been causing me alot of stress.

I did CSS this morning.

Betty, how exciting about the pilates classes. I am so glad you found a new activity that you like. I think it is rejuvenating to try new things.

Carolyn, I'm glad your dd was not too sick, I hate that throwing up sickness. My girls have had colds/allergies (can't really tell which) already with stuffy heads.

What a gorgeous day today, I got out for a walk at lunch. I was hoping we could go apple picking over the weekend but the weather doesn't sound too promising.

Oh Betty, did you get skinny jeans at the gap? Good for you!

Can't wait for the workday to end, then I am off to volleyball games, my usual friday evening activity. I can't wait to go home and go to bed!

Hi to everyone else.
Checking in with no workout today ;) I am working til 3:30 and it's family night tonight. We may take a walk to the park but are for sure thinking Sealife :) Love my family nights!!!

Yesterday was Rebecca Small's Step 2 Success :) Love her step!

Looking forward to FlexTrain. Looks like a fun workout!

Alright off to give report to the eve nurses.

Have a good evening everyone!
Carolyn- OMG totally right?! I mean I have so much love for b. It's crazy to think of having another but we are going to :) I want b to have a sibling.. just one though ;)

So I ended up doing AOLIH. So proud of myself ;) My boys were napping so I really had no excuse.
Hi Ladies!

I have been busying studying all week but I passed my test today - yay! I was so tired of studying, I am glad to have it done. I will wait a bit before I start studying for the next one. After the test I had to come into work and now I feel so tired, it must have been causing me alot of stress.

I did CSS this morning.

Betty, how exciting about the pilates classes. I am so glad you found a new activity that you like. I think it is rejuvenating to try new things.

Carolyn, I'm glad your dd was not too sick, I hate that throwing up sickness. My girls have had colds/allergies (can't really tell which) already with stuffy heads.

What a gorgeous day today, I got out for a walk at lunch. I was hoping we could go apple picking over the weekend but the weather doesn't sound too promising.

Oh Betty, did you get skinny jeans at the gap? Good for you!

Can't wait for the workday to end, then I am off to volleyball games, my usual friday evening activity. I can't wait to go home and go to bed!

Hi to everyone else.

Mary, congrats on taking and passing your test! High five! Can I ask what it's for? Work should have let you have the day off.
Great job on CSS--it must have been a stress reliever.
These Pilates classes are my first foray into a 'gym/studio' for exercise.
Oh, I LOVE for exactly that, apple picking! Oh, the caramel apples! Do you know of a good place for them? We always go to Honeypot which has the most awesome ones but it's always MOBBED there:confused:.
I'm heading in the direction of skinny jeans:D. I got straight leg, which a few yrs ago I couldn't even entertain! I have yet to find affordable skinnys.
Hope you get some restorative sleep. You deserve it. Enjoy the weekend. Dinner with my friends Saturday.
That is the exact reason I have been into walking! It gets me up and out the second the bus leaves!
I am excited for you Betty! It sounds like you are really enjoying it! Will you buy more classes? I forget, was it a groupon?

I have yet to see a Groupon, but I got a LivingSocial for new clients. Works out to be less than $9/class. Prob won't buy more unless they're not just for new clients. Cold/flu season and wintry roads are coming, so I won't be heading out then.;)
Carolyn- OMG totally right?! I mean I have so much love for b. It's crazy to think of having another but we are going to :) I want b to have a sibling.. just one though ;)

So I ended up doing AOLIH. So proud of myself ;) My boys were napping so I really had no excuse.

Marie, high five for getting a workout in after work! You're awesome.
Love babies. Everything about them. Enjoy before they start talking back!:D
Hello. We have bits of sun here and there. Dh will start mowing soon. Ds is griping that he has to help. Another day in paradise.
No exercise for me today. My shoulders ache from yesterday's session. Love it, of course.
My internal alarm went off at 8 something. A much more civilized hour.
Not much going on.
Happy Saturday Girls. It is the most beautiful day. Blue skies. Warm weather. We are expecting rain early evening.
At book club there were 9 ladies and only 2 of us didn't like the book. Like I said , these ladies are very passionate about their books. Some even said they cried. Oh well. Now it is time to start Rin Tin Tin. Hopefully this one will be better.
I watched the clips of Flex Train and I think I will order it if it is ever the deal of the day.
Yesterday we went to Sun Fest at Ocean City , Md. It is a big craft fair with a lot of music for entertainment. I bought a print of a very colorful Sea horse. I need to get a frame for it. I also found some lamps for my bedroom but I am going to go to the ladies shop and buy them. They were too fragile to buy there.
My husbands 2 sisters are coming over this afternoon. I cleaned the house this morning and they will probably be here around 2 pm.

Mary Congrats on passing the test. I hope you get a raise now.

Betty That is a really good price you got on those classes.
I put the movie "Hedgehog" on my Netflix. I used to have a real Hedgehog. They are pretty neat.
That was a good score on the Gap jeans. I used to buy all of my jeans at the Gap but then they stopped making the style that I wore. They had the best fit and the material was great. I used to pay $60 a pair for mine. But sadly they don't make them anymore.
You have a lot of weddings that you go to. You must have a large family.

Carolyn I hope you get your hike in.

Marie Is Sealife a movie? I hope you had a nice family night.

I went for a bike ride first thing this morning because I wasn't sure what the weather was going to do. Now we are having a beautiful afternoon! I also took my Mom to Burlington Mall this morning, she has a hard time finding shoes that fit her narrow feet so we went to Nordstroms. After lots of trying on she found some but it made me realize, they really don't make nice shoes for older ladies, everything is geared toward the young.

My test was for work, a certification for the software I use. There is a whole set of exams to take and I should take the next one soon, but I need a break from studying.

My internal alarm goes off at 6 on weekends as well, which is later than I get up during the week but still, I would like to sleep in a little bit.

Jean, it sounds like you are having lots of fun in your new place. What book were you reading in your book club? Enjoy your family visit.

Enjoy the rest of the weekend!
Hello. Where is everyone? Enjoying the fall-like day? Have a great one. Just relaxing. Not much going on.

We ended up going apple picking after all, I thought it was supposed to rain all day but it turned out to be a gorgeous day!

I did BS Ch, B & Sh this morning, plus core #1. I think I last did that one a month ago, and I had to lower my weights a bit from what I had recorded. I was surprised because I have been doing gym styles. Anyway, core was tough because I have been neglecting that, I really need to include core workouts more regularly.

Carolyn, I did not go to Athleta. We have had some big house projects going on lately, and our washer died last week and meeds replacing, plus I spent a small fortune on back to school stuff for my girls, so nothing for me for a while!

Where did the weekend go? Wahhhh!
Kudos to everyone who rode bikes and exercised! We never made it to our bikes--blame it on Sunday football and golf:confused:. We walked for a half hour though.
Good Evening. Not much going on. Todays movie was "Admission". It was alright. Tonight we rode our bikes for 30 minutes. It is getting dark at 7 pm now . I do not like that. We are going to have to do our rides earlier in the day so we can go longer. I made a new recipe today which was Chile Con Carne Burgers. We cooked them on the grill and they were quite good.

Mary The book we just read was "The Shoemakers Wife".

Jean, I watched Identity Thief a few weeks back and it was so uncomfortable watching the character Melissa McCarthy played--she was so obnoxious! I'm looking forward to Admission. I love movies like that.
I agree about it getting dark earlier. My timed lamp hasn't been changed yet and it is so dark in the living room before it comes on.
Is it the autumnal equinox today? Happy Fall!

Mary, so jealous that you went to pick apples! I dread the weekend crowds at the orchards... I need to go!
Hi Ladies!

I have been busying studying all week but I passed my test today - yay! I was so tired of studying, I am glad to have it done. I will wait a bit before I start studying for the next one. After the test I had to come into work and now I feel so tired, it must have been causing me alot of stress.

I did CSS this morning.

Nice job Mary! I'm sure it feels great to not only pass but to not have to study anyone :)
Happy Saturday Girls. It is the most beautiful day. Blue skies. Warm weather. We are expecting rain early evening.
At book club there were 9 ladies and only 2 of us didn't like the book. Like I said , these ladies are very passionate about their books. Some even said they cried. Oh well. Now it is time to start Rin Tin Tin. Hopefully this one will be better.
I watched the clips of Flex Train and I think I will order it if it is ever the deal of the day.
Yesterday we went to Sun Fest at Ocean City , Md. It is a big craft fair with a lot of music for entertainment. I bought a print of a very colorful Sea horse. I need to get a frame for it. I also found some lamps for my bedroom but I am going to go to the ladies shop and buy them. They were too fragile to buy there.
My husbands 2 sisters are coming over this afternoon. I cleaned the house this morning and they will probably be here around 2 pm.

Mary Congrats on passing the test. I hope you get a raise now.

Betty That is a really good price you got on those classes.
I put the movie "Hedgehog" on my Netflix. I used to have a real Hedgehog. They are pretty neat.
That was a good score on the Gap jeans. I used to buy all of my jeans at the Gap but then they stopped making the style that I wore. They had the best fit and the material was great. I used to pay $60 a pair for mine. But sadly they don't make them anymore.
You have a lot of weddings that you go to. You must have a large family.

Carolyn I hope you get your hike in.

Marie Is Sealife a movie? I hope you had a nice family night.


Hey Jean :)

Flex Train does look awesome right?! Can't wait for that one!

Sealife is an underwater aquarium at the Mall of America. It's so relaxing unless of course there are too many people there. We avoid those times. It starts or with several different size aquariums. Think stingrays, eels, seahorses, octopus, etc. Then there is a long tunnel aquarium where you have water above and on both sides of you. Lots of sharks and big fish there. At the end is a rainforest type walk through with crocodiles, turtles and frogs. It's a blast and B loves it. So does this mama lol.
I worked today and didn't plan on working out but I did :) B hung out downstairs with me. I did Hard Strikes. I'm not usually a kickbox fan but it was pretty fun. I'm kind of looking forward to Rockout Knockout.

Tomorrow is my favorite day of the week. We have storytime and then a playdate with my friend and her girl that is 2 days older than B. Then swimming lessons :)

So I have been looking into playdates with groups of kids. On I found several mom groups. One has a playdate scheduled at a park on Wednesday. The kids will play and then we will have the lunch we pack. Looks like 3 other moms are going. They all have kids B's age. Anyways I haven't rsvp'ed yet. I get so nervous meeting new people. I keep telling myself it will be good for B so I should go. I'm just so shy at first. Ugh! I should go though right?!!!
Good Morning!!!! So sorry to be MIA....but my Cell phone is on the outs....and thats where I normally would chat with you.....I cant connect for some reason....I have been having problems for I finally called and I am mailing it to them today....and they are replacing it since it is still under warrenty..... So I have Tims personal phone for about a week till I get mine back...and his phone is plane smart phone.....he has an iphone for work so he doesnt think he needs to upgrade his personal I will try to survive without it.....I think my biggest struggle with be getting by without my my run and map my walk!!! :confused:

So, I am on the computer at work....hehehe....I will try to catch up at lunch! :eek:

Hope everyone has a lovely day!

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