STS first time!

Marie, great job being courageous and putting yourself out there. I'm older now so I can say that, but a decade ago, I would have talked myself out of it. I'd still be nervous now. Artificial small talk is so unnatural to me.:confused:
My niece in CA went to music classes very early on. I was amazed how quickly and early children take to music! Maybe Breckin would like a music class. A tumbling one sounds fun too!

Carolyn, did I forget to mention about the wipes the instructor puts on each reformer at the end of class?! We each wipe down our own machine, but I go a step further and wipe my hands down with Wet Ones after I'm done. I'm trying to take my classes before it gets colder, for sure--thinking ahead to cold/flu season, ya know?;)
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Rest day for me today.

I could not get to sleep last night because I had that meeting at the HS for parents of seniors, and they went over the list of all the things we have to do in the college application process, and we are way behind! When I got home I asked dd if she had a handle on it and she said no - we both got stressed out. I will be spending the weekend getting that stuff organized!

Betty, you hang your laundry outside? We had a clothes line when we first moved into our house, but it took so much extra time. And I looked at the video of the pilates class - do you really get that sweaty?

Colleen, yes, I am now a certified SF developer!
I did AOLIH, 100 RC Scarecrows, and CoreMax on stab ball. What a mouthful!

Mary, we do sweat a lot! The leg stuff is so tiring so the sweat droplets squirt out. Picture doing split lunges on the instability of the moving center carriage, or skaters with a lot of tension.
Meant to ask you how your hamstring is. Improving, I hope. I'm in the same boat with my forearm now.
Don't panic on the college stuff. Dd WILL get it done. Ask guidance if you're unsure about something. One step at a time. Breathe!
I tried to get a gist of what SF is and I just don't.:confused: Congrats!
Over the nonhumid summer days I hang sheets and towels out only. (I do hate the cardboard feel too!) No bras, underwears to offend the neighbors. Indoors I have always hung my clothes on a rod that's over the washer & dryer. I only throw socks, underwear and such in dryer (and aforementioned sheets & towels). Like I said to Jean, every little bit helps this earth.

Carolyn, way to go!

Jean, thanks for the movie idea. I always wait for the dvd to come out though, so it will be a long while.:D

I need to get packing! Noonish flight tomorrow and won't get back till late Monday night.
Thanks Carolyn. I think I've had too much on my mind and working at night lately. My mind can't seem to shut down.
Carolyn, that's so great you're getting your mom out there.

Colleen, sorry about your busy mind at night. Try meditation to quiet it.

Missy, good luck with your mud run Saturday!

I'm making potato, kale, sausage soup. Mmmmm.
Good Morning my friends....its Friday!!!! And I have the day off...but I'm kinda under the weather....I either have severe drainage or I am getting a cold????? Oh well....I guess its just life....especially when you work in germs daily!

Yesterday, I did go and get my hair had been 6 months....and it was all faded out and looked pretty bad....but now its beautiful again!


Its beautiful for fall!!!

I am going to make a potato soup today for its nice and cool this morning....I think it is 63 degrees....but it will warm up in the high 70 or low 80's.....perfect! I did go to Lowes and buy my pumpkins and mums.....So I am all fall festive plans today are to plant my mums, go grocery shopping, pick up some sticks in my woods of a wait for the fedex phone should arrive today! Couldn't be more excited.....I felt so unconnected to the world! LOL

Have you ever heard of wisdom panel dog dna test kits? Well...we all know I am a nut....and I have always wanted to know what my summer is....I think she is lab mix....but with what??? So I won one on ebay...hehehe....for $40....and they are normally start at 69.99 and go up.....last Sunday we did the swab on Summer and I mailed it to the lab....they received it and the test is in process....I am so excited to see what she is mixed with! hehehehe I should know in about 2 weeks.....

This weather is when I start to get a fired up on I have been walking/running with my friend....I think it is truly helping my knee/hamstring issues.....So tomorrow is the mud run....OMG...excited and a little nervous as this is my first mudd obstable run.....I will take pics!

Hope everyone has a lovely day....not sure if I'm going to exercise today or rest???? hmm.... I may rest to see if this sickness will disappear???? fingers crossed!!!
Hi Ladies. It is cloudy and cool now. They aren't calling for rain but it is supposed to get windy.
Yesterday the men laid the sod in my back and side yards. It is so beautiful. No more sand in my house. They were done in 4 hours. Now we have to do a lot of watering. The front and side yards have an irrigation system but not in the back.
Today I went over my friends house for a few hours. Her and her husband make re-purposed furniture. We sat and talked and looked at some of their projects.

Mary Did you see the conclusion of Broadchurch? OMG. The killer was not who I thought it would be. It was a really good episode.

Carolyn Why is everyone home today? It's not Saturday.

Missy You look as beautiful as ever. Have fun tomorrow. I can't wait to hear about it.

Betty Have a fun , safe trip.

We just got back from a 40 minute bike ride. There were about 10 Egrets at the bay. I love my new nature.

The sod is wonderful. No more sand in my house. I can deal with the yellow spots.

How did you resist mozzarella sticks? They are one of my weaknesses.

Have you been cleaning fish all night?
Good evening!!!! Thanks for the compliments....means a lot!!!

Carolyn....I had pizza tonight.....and all I can say I you are a strong women....because I would he love in for cheese husband how's crazy if Summer pees in the grass.....he is so picky about our grass....he always says....take her in the strawed area to tinkle!!!! He he he

So today....I never sat down, till was just so beautiful....I worked outside all day.....after I got home from the grocery store..... and now my leg is super tight....not good....I am resting it...hoping it will be okay or tomorrow.....I didn't think, yard work would do this to me.....what the hell????? Why I my hamstring not healing???? Or do thy jut take this long???? I hurt it in march! Err.....

Laying in bed.....fixing to start on my homework.....while my leg rests!!!!

Have. Nice night!!!! my phone
Betty- Mmm that soup sounds delish! Enjoy!

Jean- Nice job on the bike ride :)

Missy- Looking hot girl! Love the color!

Carolyn- Can you say willpower?! Nice job mama!

Hi Colleen :)

Well my poor little man has strep throat. I actually thought it was another ear infection when I brought him in last night. He was batting at his ears and his balance was off. He had a low grade temp too. His ears were fine so they did a strep test and it was positive. My poor little guy. We had lots of snuggle time today. I did get GS legs in before he woke up this morning. First time doing that one and I loved it. The floor work is great! Cathe is so creative! are awesome for getting your workouts in....and thanks for the compliments....

I forgot to mention....I think I have a cold.... :( stuffy nose, drainage, and off and on sore throat from the drainage.....I hope I feel okay in the morning..... got a go friend is picking me up at my house, because the only way I agreed to do this was if she drove because I was NOT getting any mud in my :rolleyes:

Hope little b feels better!!!!

Good night!!!! Be back tomorrow with pics!!!! :D
Quiet day here, hope everyone is having a great day! I did XT disc 1, ch, back & shoulders this morning. Those shoulder circles get me every time! I spent the rest of my morning shuttling kids around but I am still hoping to get out for a walk this afternoon.

Marie, I hope B is feeling better soon, so little to have strep!

Missy, I hope you had fun in your mud run!

Jean, I suspected that the killer would be either him or the son, because of what Ellie said to Susan Wright about how could she not know what was going on in her own house. But I felt so sad when we found out because of what it would do to the characters. I thought Broadchurch was a great series, I can't imagine how they will do a season 2. The town seems kind of small to have another murder.

Carolyn, I hope you got a good night's sleep. Good for you for resisting that food. I am off to make an apple pie to bring to a friend's for dinner.
Happy Saturday Ladies. It is a sunny windy day today.
This morning I did Push Pull. I think when it comes to legs , I need a total body w/o to do with them. I find for myself that an hour of legs is too much. I wasn't in the mood to do push ups so I didn't do STS. I really need to get my groove back with exercise. Hopefully soon.

Mary I am wondering if there will be a 2nd season. I can't imagine where they will go with it. I was thinking of it as a mini series. I guess we will see next year. You're a better detective than me.

Marie I hope B is feeling better soon. He is too little to be sick. Do you think he got sick from being with those other children?

Missy I hope you feel better. I need to get my flu shot soon. Can't wait to hear about your day.

I got my bike ride in today.

We made alot of progress on college stuff too, I am happy to say. DD made progress on her common app, and she will show her essay to her english teacher this week. She is going to apply to one school early decision and a couple of others early action. Very stressful times!

I hope everyone is having a great time with their families! We have to enjoy this weather while we can!
Good Morning friends.....I woke up saturday morning sick as a dog....but I still went....I have a full blown is aweful....I do have a group pic, that I have to upload to my computer so I can post it.....It was really fun....this one was more obstacle than mud....but we did go through one mud pit, there was a slippery sloap covered in vegetable oil....that you had to climb up a hill. It was extremely fun.....we had 5 friend that I walk with during the week.....we were the competitive ones...the others were just there for a good we were always waiting on them....the next race we do....will just be us...because we did not like waiting around on others..... hehehehe

I will try and post the pics tonight....

I just feel aweful!

Kinda excited for a few of the new dvds.....then I will sell the ones I dont like on ebay!!! hehehehe

Carolyn....awesome ride!

Jean....we have already had 3 flu positive patients this year...which is early for south ga! You better get your flu shot! I dont take the vaccines, but alot of people swear by them! I am just anti-needle! hehehe

Hello Mary, Betty, marie, and Colleen.....

Sorry if I missed anything....I have sickness brain...cant function that well! LOL:confused:

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