STS first time!

Good Morning. I met my friend after work last night and we walked 4.40 miles. It was much needed! We got back to our cars...and the sky was just getting the time we got 5 miles down the road....the sky feel and the lightening was aweful! Lets just say....we just made it! ;)

Carolyn...I hope your knee and back feels better. :confused: It is always depressing regardless of what we do, we still have aches!!! It never some stretching!!!

My friend and I are walking several times a week...if the weather lets us...because we are doing a 6k sept 13th.....hehehe (walking) of course...that is going to be my biggest challenge is not running...that is why I convinced my friend to do it with I have someone telling me NO!!!! :confused:

At work and swamped! bE BACK!!!
Good day, girls! A warm one, it feels like. Hope there's no humidity.
Just finished GS Ba/Sh/Bi. The pace is so slow--LOVED it! My forearm/elbow area is still tender. Didn't help that I banged it on the train yesterday.

Jean, Colleen, Mary, Marie, we miss your voices!

Carolyn, my feet hurt after wearing flip flops too. Not good.
None of us Cathletes could ever be accused of having weak abs.;)
Omg, Carolyn! That sounds awful! What on earth happened?? Would a heating pad or ice help? I feel for you.

I also did Ab Circ Yoga earlier. Don't want to shortchange you guys!
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It certainly could be hunching over the cake for that long. When I stand for a long time my back feels achy. A chiro closed in the middle of the week! Doesn't it figure?? You must hang in there.

Sorry I have not been around, I'm still trying to get caught up from vacation! We had a great time, I walked nearly every day with 1 or both sisters and sometimes my girls. The weather was fabulous, and 2 weeks went by way too fast!

We had our bedroom and another painted while we were away, we had cleared out everything from the rooms and closets before we left, so we came back and had to clean up the mess the painters left and then start putting all stuff away. Still not done!

I am easing back into Cathe workouts, did Css yesterday and MM upper today. It is dark in the morning and I am having a tough time getting going.

And I am starting to get stressed with all this back to school stuff. My twins have orientation tomorrow all day, and then a mandatory meeting for students and parents tomorrow night. Then they have sports tryouts on Thurs&Fri, hopefully they make something. Then everything starts. And all these Sr./Parent/college meetings, yikes! Sorry I am ranting!

Betty, I'm glad you are enjoying the weight workouts. I had tried to do UY straight through but needed to mix other things in as well.

Carolyn, sorry to hear about your pains, that doesn't sound good. Would a soak in the tub help? Strange to think that something you did on Friday would give you problems today, but who knows. Good luck with chiro!
Mary, great to have you back! It does sound overwhelming, but just take it one at a time. The prep and cleanup process for remodeling is dreadful but at least you got some painted rooms out of it. Put your a/c back in.
Sounds like you had great family time during vacation.
I don't know why it never occurred to me to do all strength training 5x/wk. I like it! Hope I see some definition soon. My legs/LB are not killing me like the last time I did XT Legs, so maybe I'll do something Thursday (argh, humidity is coming!). Tomorrow will be GS Ch & Tri.
Carolyn, how was your night? Hope you weren't in excruciating pain...
Doing GS Ch, Tri but feels like S&H, which I don't have;)
Missy, how are your female problems resolving?

You know, it was my first time doing today's workout! My arms are shaking. The program is slow so it feels like an eternity has passed when it was only 20 mins! Loved it though.

It's a hot day!
Good Morning! So today is the day.....class starts @ 5:30 tonight...OMG....I am nervous and I havent even been one class yet....

Carolyn...I hope the chiro can help.

As for my girl I am on my Im not sure if the cramping is menstral related or other....will know more next monday when I go for f/u appt.... hoping everything is good....I am off of the that is a def plus!

I slow down my workouts and not do as much and lower the intensity....but I dont think my body responds to that at all....Im thinking my body likes to go longer and harder???? humm....Tim was always worrying about me re-injuring myself....not sure????? Last night, I spinned for 13 miles...loved that! And then as a cool down I took the dog for a .25 mile walk.....

I am thinking of walking long distance with my friend 3x a week...and the rest spin and do leahs ballet body....incorporating some slower paced stuff with fast stuff....oh...and I think I want to add Butts and Gutts to that mix too....and then when the new dvds arrive...I will def be testing them out???? I love Cathe....dont want to forget that...just trying to lean back down...and struggling with that?????

What are your thoughts???? I may even add Tri Sets too...because I need some lifting in there....just all thoughts right now!:confused:
I love how Cathe mixes the muscle groups though, so when you finish XT and go to GS, it's not the same exact pair-up of muscles. Know what I mean? Switching discs would deter me.
Carolyn, I am finally seeing the lifting light at this stage; it took all these workouts, including UY, to get here.
I'm going to work on legs more henceforth--I want to do it more often. Should have done it today. Hate all that excess baggage flopping around.;)
The last couple of nights we've been having vanilla ice cream with our super sour blueberries.:confused:

Missy, simply confusing your body with all different workouts will work too. Don't sweat over it too much. Working out as often as you do is your own key to success; doesn't have to be high intensity. Plus you watch your intake. Don't forget that.
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Yes, let us not forget that our eating habits are 80% of the equation. Only 10% is exercise. Isnt that hard to believe?! I think anything that challenges the muscles is the way to go. I am not a fan of cardio asxmuch anymore. I think weights really shape and define the muscles. Even just body weight.

The chiro was a great idea. He cracked me good and sent me on my way. He pressed all over my spine. One spot killed. It was not even near where my pain is. He layed me on one side and cracked the entire spine. He flipped me to the other side and it popped in one spot only. He said that was the spot that hurt when he pressed. Very cool.
I am laying on an ice pack now.

My siblings are here from out of town. We celebrate my moms bday by going to dinner. I hope I can handle it.

Is your sis from GA here again?? She has come sooo many times! I envy you! Lucky! Is it a milestone bday for mom? Happy birthday to her!
How awesome the chiro straightened you out! Pun! It didn't worry you at all, all the cracking he did? I'd be freaking!
Only 10% is exercise??? That's not fair! Cardio hasn't been as important to me either because my weight is at a good place. I want to lean out and be toned and defined.
I can't believe GS Ch/Tris had 8 dropsets of pushups! I didn't do as many as Cathe, but I did all the sets on my toes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh, I don't go down as deep though, but enough.:eek:
What tips do you have for tightening up all that loose skin on the legs? Besides starving myself, that is:eek:!
Yup! She is back! This is the most she has been here for years!
We do this every year for my mom. Next yr is the milestone so we are trying to plan a trip.

Where are you talking on the legs? I have seen GREAT results on the quads from LL. I had equal results from B&G on my saddle bags. I still need work on my inner thighs, but that just will not budge!

Isn't that unreal about the 10%?!! The other 10% is our genes.

I am out at the pool with the kids. I felt sad for them that they were stuck inside. It is do hot!

I was a little scared of being cracked. I more so wanted to be fixed though! I am a veteran since going for my knee.
This upright position is not feeling good.

It doesnt help that my upper back is so sore from css on Monday. I think it was the crab crawl pushup things.

So the whole casing (yikes, what a description) of my legs are looser than I'd like with extra skin/flab. I could firm up the muscles with Cathe's programs but I have flabbiness all around my legs. Dare I say very close to cellulite on the back of legs?:eek: Which ones are saddle bags? I've been thinking about B&G but dread that it may contain too many of my hated exercises like squats, etc. Going to have to do it anyway, on my legs rotation.

Dh was in Litchfield NH on a company golf outing yesterday, not that you were in any state to host me if I had tagged along;). Just teasing. Would never go to one of those, not to mention dropping in.

It hit 90 today but not that humid. Tomorrow is a different story:confused:.

Jean, where are you?
Good morming!
Yes, Colleen, where are you??
Mary, I awoke at 5 this morning and I see what you mean! It was dark!
I'll do some leg workout this afternoon. I need something that's not too sweaty and cardio-y. By afternoon, the heat & humidity will have seeped into the house and it'll be torture.
Was mom's dinner last night, Carolyn?
By the way Betty, I forgot to high five you for doing pushups on your toes!

Thanks, Carolyn! I give credit to UY for all those planks and whatnot.

I caved in most of the way through KickMax and turned on the a/c. The humidity is cuttable!:mad: Loved KM (low-impact premix)--it was refreshing not to pull out ANY weights!
I don't think Colleen would leave us. Something must be up. Hope it's all good. School's not till next week, right? Colleen, just tell us you're all right!

Oink. I had a frosted mocha after dinner (coffee ice cream, espresso grounds, choc syrup, whipped cream). It's so delicious! It's our approximation of a dessert drink I always have when I go to CA. When there, I have so many to last me through the year. Hence all the flab and muffin top/tire roll!:rolleyes:

Jean, your couches, breakfast table, and rug match! I love your dining table!
Glad you reconnected with Netflix. During the heatwave last month, I lay around watching movies, the ones that never make it to the theaters, evidently. They were soooo awful!:confused:

Carolyn, did you go to the beach? Is your family gone?
Speaking of diet being 80%, last weekend at Sebago, I was pouring a high fructose/corn syrup mixture onto my white-floured pancakes. Other times I had white english muffins and white pasta.:confused: My sil says I'm extreme. I told my kids that when I'm long dead and gone, I don't want them to start chronic diseases.:confused: Ds2 is such a stubborn and contrary kid--give him all that stuff any day. And white rice!
Hey :)

I can't believe we are coming to the end of August! I do love fall though!

I had the day off today so B and I our regular walk to the park thing :) My boy just loves the sand and swings! My workout was my ever favorite Rhythmic Step.

I've been busy planning B's first birthday party.i can't believe it's that time already. Unreal!

Tomorrow is my last day of training for float pool. Thanks goodness! I'm so ready to be in my own.

Great job with the workouts everyone :)

Chat soon.

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