STS first time!

Marie, congrats on b taking his first steps. How wonderful.

Too funny on ebay. We say the same thing.

Today was barre3.
Hi everyone, a tropical day today with heavy downpours at times and over-the-top humidity. But only in the low 70s!

I did BS Bis & Tris with Pilates Ab Circuits. Boy, I did BS so infrequently that I was oblivious that the warmup and cooldown are used in both muscle groups.:confused:

Colleen, it seems like you're liking Barre3 a lot. Good for you! I was reading reviews of the workouts and the instructor/workouts were on Exercise TV in the past?

Marie, that's so awesome that Breckin is taking his first steps!!! At just over 9 months! Smart boy! He appeared to be already standing in some pic you loaded a few wks back.
I agree that your patients are really lucky to have you for a nurse. Your new job sounds very stimulating.

Mary, rainy day today?

Jean, how is the settling into your new house? Have you met some new friends?

Carolyn, the rain will be moving out by tonight. Hope it's the same for you so that you can enjoy what's supposed to be a gorgeous Saturday!
Good morning, friends! Yikes, no posts yesterday! We dropped our record of daily posts:confused:
What a gorgeous weekend! Hope you all enjoyed!
Going to work out soon. Let's see, UY or XT?? Depends if I feel like pulling out all my weights. UY is just with a mat. Tune in later.

Just working today and it's super slow. Kind of nice for a change but I can't stop looking at the clock so that's a bummer!

No workouts for me this weekend. I've been the biggest slug lately. I've been walking but that's it. Must burn more calories soon lol!

Hope everyone is having a good Monday! I'm ready for 3:30 so I can go home and hang with my boys! Come on clock!
Carolyn, I did XT C/B/Sh with Core #1 before I saw your post now!:D I'll stick to it for now, as long as it's not overly hot. It's certainly unlike cardio where I'd be drenched and immediately have to shower.

Marie, that's unusual for you! I'm sure things will pick up shortly. What unit are you in today? You must see all kinds of things we can't imagine. I'm reading a fictional book about a group of neurosurgeons and their cases. Makes one very paranoid and fearful of all the things that can go wrong with surgeries.:confused:

Jean, your intro and welcome into your community sounds swingin'! I'm so happy for you. Oh, the pure pleasure you must feel from waking up daily in a brand new home! The joy you must get from decorating and unpacking with a lot less clutter and with brand new furniture and such! Oh, me want it too!:D
Would you believe last week I was in a waiting room reading People and it suggested watching BroadChurch,so I came straight home to set up the recording, only to realize, duh, it's not on PBS! I don't have BBC America.:confused: Let me know how it goes. I'm sure eventually it'll get aired on PBS. I hope.
I'm so happy for your selling your old home! Around here, homes are flying off the shelves and people are routinely bidding so much over asking. It's ridiculous! So competitive.

How's everyone?
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Hi girls.

Jean congrats on s selling your home so quickly. All your hard work paid off!!

It was a perfect weekend. We spent 5 hours on the beach yesterday.

Saturday was barre3. Sunday I went for a 7 mile bike/walk. Today wad barre3. Im noticing a much more defined and less flabby midsection. Which I think is from Barre3.

Marie I hope your day picks up.

Carolyn good job on spinning today.

Betty good job on xtrain

Mary I hope you are enjoying your vacation.

Hi Missy I hope you are feeling better.
Just taking a quick lunch break. I have an admit coming when I get back. She had a cervical fusion aka two vertebrae in her neck fused together by screws. Ouch! I'm on a general med/surg unit today. I was pretty proud of myself because I changed a colostomy bag. I've never done that before. Usually I don't mind poop or puke but the colostomy bags have a distinct smell that makes it really hard for me to handle. I got through it though. Alright back to work.
Yes, Marie, don't beat yourself up if you don't have time for workouts. Walking counts and have you noticed how many hundreds of calories you burn a day by just having a little baby?? Countless walking to change diapers, get milk, snacks, meals, to pick up your baby, etc. And what about bustling about at work? Mega cals!
Oh, puke and poop and me don't mix. I GAG!

Carolyn, sounds great poolside! Company's always fun. We had some Saturday night and all day Sunday. It is great to socialize sometimes, ya know?;) With people we hadn't seen in months, no less.

Colleen, that's enviable your abs are firming up! These workouts do work for you. High five!

It is a glorious day indeed. Dread the humidity tomorrow.
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Cool Carolyn. That sounds like so much fun. Have fun!!

My DD goes back on the 26th. The summer flew by way too fast.
We don't start school until the day after Labor Day. Ds will be starting high school! All this talk of school makes it so close! I used to always get this knot in my stomach thinking about the beginning of school, both anticipation and dread. I guess I like the cool mornings and evenings least because of what it reminds me of.

Carolyn, I think you were the last time I heard of Title 9. Sounds like a blast! Have fun! May you buy tons!;)
What's another workout like XT Legs? I absolutely want to avoid squats!
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How about LBB? Since that is a newer one, it has moves I like. Might just do that one on Wednesday.

How fun for the cousins and your mom!
I love movies but wouldn't know what to go see. How about Star Trek? Or has that passed too? IronMan 3?

Dh and boys played 18 holes this afternoon. They were gone 5 hrs! They do that once a summer; ds2 just walks along.
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Good morning. Cloudy and humid today. Maybe showers at some point.

Carolyn, sorry you experience the sleepless nights. It's awful. What's the latest on your ab/lower-area pain?

Ds2 endured a week of tennis camp last week. It's over, thankfully. He hated it. Everything about it. It was a 9-5 day, for one thing. Got up very early. But it was very varied as I signed him up for math/science/swim for the day too. He is physical activity averse. He is getting more stubborn by the year. WON'T give an INCH.

XT bis and tris this morning.
Carolyn sorry you didn't sleep well last night. Are you feeling better with your issues?

Betty good job on xtrain today. It's raining and very humid here today. Yuck.

Today was barre3. The rain is making me tired.

Missy. How are you feeling?
Dang it! Why didn't I think to do legs twice this week instead?? I would need a many-day spread. Wed and Fri would be too close--way too painful. Mon/Tues to Fri would be ideal. All right, next week, humidity-permitting, I will do legs on Mon and Fri.:D

Colleen, take 2 rest days a week. It's all right. You are lean, you watch what you eat, you're active. I don't know how you do it with a full-time job and 2 young kids
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I have soreness on my right forearm which started partway into bis and tris. Hope it's not an injury.
Well, my arms look great. Flexed! :D
Are there any clips of this barre 3? I would like to see what it is you have been doing. details...details...!

Yes, I try to put a good 2 days of rest between my leg days. I am going to be a hurtin unit tomorrow. I just got done LL;):p Then I did 3x20 glute bridges with 40lb barbell on my pelvis. Then I did firewalkers from B&G. I was huffing and puffing, more like gasping for air, with LL!
I color code my w/o's on my white board. Green for weights and red for cardio. Today I changed LL to red!:eek: It is totally cardio!

Yikes, I hate legs that feel like cardio. That to me is like Plyo Legs and all those workouts that have killer squats, pulses, low-ends, step-ups....
Way to go on the glue bridges! Hope your pelvis is not too bony because 40# is so heavy!

Just do a google on Barre3.

Have you guys been following all the updates on the new workouts? Can't wait! They all sound exciting!

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