STS first time!

My 'injury' just started today halfway into the workout (incidentally, from Workout Mgr I learned I should have done BS BisTris instead--oops). I'm not sure how else I should stretch it. Should I ice or heat?

I'm looking forward to legs, glutes, kickbox. Step, not so much since it reminds me there are a bunch I still have yet to master. I don't remember there are TWO leg ones!
Good Afternoon....I have been so busy at work....and then my internet at home went tomorrow I am taking the day off so the phone company can come fix my internet issues...someone has to be I have been waiting for a slower day to take off!

As for my girl problems....I am still in some pain....the meds did not help, so the doc switched med to another antibiotic yesterday. So we shall see....sometimes I am sitting and I get a shotting pain in my cervix and it literally makes me jump....crazy!!!

I have been working out daily....Ive lost 3 of my unwanted 10 pds....yeah!!!

Carolyn...sounds like we both have girl troubles... :(

Hope all is well with everyone...hopefully I can catch up tomorrow once my internet is fixed....gotta run....patients are still everywhere at its almost 5! :mad:

Check back soon! ;)
Good morning, friends! Wassup?
It's a blissfully gorgeous day with dry, refreshing breezes!
I don't know how I strained my forearm but I hope I can pull off legs this am.
I can't sleep past all the morning noises every day even though I'm still tired. It's so annoying.

Missy, I'm sorry for what you're going through. Hope it gets better fast. Do you know the root cause?
Good morning!!!

Missy. Good job on the 2 pounds!!! I hope the new antibiotics kick in soon.

It is a lovely day today.

This morning I walked 2 mikes and then did a 30 min barre3 workout. I also walked 2 miles last night.

Betty I hope your forearm gets better soon. What do you think it caused the injury?
Hear that? Thud, thud, thud. That's my heart pounding when I was doing LBB. For some reason, I really dislike that effect from LB workouts! I don't mind it when I'm doing cardio. Omg, so many squats, hovers, pulses, stepups, lunges.
But guess what? I've never seen or done the barre part until today!:p It was similar to Leah's moves but it had Cathe's great cuing.

Colleen, it was probably a combination of a lot of moves in Bis & Tris. And I didn't even go as heavy as I had it marked. I've never had an injury. Presently I have an ace bandage around it; it feels better that way. I can pick up weights but it's sore to bend my elbow with a weight. And it's sore to stretch it straight. Don't know if I can do Burn Sets tomorrow.

Last night we ate out at a fancy steakhouse. I had a fabulous seared sea bass while my guys each had a steak of some kind. We indulged in creme brulees for dessert.:eek:

I'll try and walk today too. It's so gorgeous.
Happy Wednesday my friends!

AT&T arrived at my house this morning at 9 a.m. They did find a spot in the phone line where the squirrels have been chewing. So that fixed my internet. Then I went to town to get some car wash so that I can wash my car this afternoon. And then went to Belk and actually found a few shirts.

I did receive barre 3 DVDs and ball but I have yet to do one of the workout s. Maybe this afternoon I will try one.

I did my morning cardio.....and now that my chores are done.... I am going to do a workout around 3....since Tim and I are going o Mexican tonight!!!!

Check back later! Have a lovely day.
Have fun, Carolyn! Hope you find lots of great buys! Reminds me of the Filene's Basement bridal event.:eek:
Crazy leg doms eh?:eek:
My forearm is better, thanks. Almost back to normal. Didn't do anything different.
I won't be working out till afternoon hopefully. Morning food prep then markets then taking my mom to an eye appt.

Missy, hope your antibiotics are working. Have fun trying Barre3.

Good night!
Have fun Carolyn. I hope you gets lots of goodies.

Betty glad your arm is better.

Quick check in today. Rest day for me. It's a beautiful day. Enjoy.
Good Afternoon! Crazy at the office I am swamped. I am finally back in my office!!!

The storms are rolling rained all night last night, and now it is thundering....we have rain in the forcast everyday for 7 days..... :mad:

I did Barre3 burner was fun. I really liked it! :)

Looking forward to 5 oclock today! Ready to go home, exercise, cook dinner, eat, and relax!!!

As for my antibiotics....they give me such a strong metallic taste in my mouth :mad:..... I hate them...I really hope they are working because I am tired of taking pills...I am not one to take meds....I dont even take Tylenol.....I just hate pills!

Colleen...enjoy your rest day!!! ;)
Colleen, glad you had a rest day!

Carolyn, I totally agree with you about TJM/M prices! I compare everything else to them! (Haven't been there in a while myself. Going through withdrawal!) But it was a fun time nonetheless, I'm sure. Nothing like shopping with a friend either.
Have fun making the cake. You're creative and I'm sure it'll come out great.

Missy, I don't like taking any pills either. If I have a headache, I tough it out instead of taking Tylenol. Good luck--I hope these work for you!

Buona notte, amici!
Hello! Gorgeous, heavenly day! Did BS plus Ab Circ Stab Ball.
Enjoy your weekend. Have a great party for dd, Carolyn.
Hello from Lake Sebago, Maine! Waved at you driving by, Carolyn! Couldn't get on last night--forum kept timing out.
So beautiful here. A social, hopping place. Eating and walking a lot.
Those Cathe workouts are killer, Carolyn. Good job getting one in.
Hi everyone. Hope you had a great weekend. Went to Maine just for the weekend. That place is like a resort. Or a cruise ship on land. So many activities. My sil has a place and it has been several yrs since we visited.
It was a bit humid but the temps were very nice.
Hello....been MIA lately...but hopefully that will change soon. I have just been so stressed eith this ICD10 stuff coming...wednesday I start the classes, they are from 5:30-8:00 at night. So no wednesday night workout :mad:

I have been walking with my friend, alot more. Which is enjoyable....but you know that makes me want to get out a run! I guess its just in my blood...LOL

I finally finished the antibiotics....and now I started my period this I am cramping :confused: I really hope after this cycle I am back to normal???? I pray!!! ;)

Hope everyone is doing well. I will try and check in more.....just been so busy trying to catch up at work after not being in my office for 2 is crazy!!!!
Hello! Lovely day! Supposed to be warmer though.
Just cranked out XT Legs premix including barre. It was 70 mins so I'll do abs tomorrow. What kind of exercises does TBT LB do? I'll need another legs one Friday.

Carolyn, since Sebago is fresh in my mind, how about there? Second largest lake in Maine, about 45 sq mi. There's boating, camping, RVing, cottages, homes, golf, golf carts, bikes, trails, pets allowed, beaches, campfires, entertainment like music and line dancing for all ages, alcohol, so many kids' activities like rock climbing, zip lines, video games, shuffleboard, laser tag; a convenience store, ice cream, etc etc
Ds will enjoy the school event, I'm sure.

You back, Mary? You had the most amazing weather, you lucky girl!

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