STS first time!

:eek:Good Afternoon.....

Long time no post for me....I have been crazy with work! Please understand....I have missed you girls so much.

After today, I have 5 days left at front desk...and then I come back to my office....and I am counting down the days! LOL

I had to go to the GYN doc today....I have been having problems....alot of abdominal pain, nausea, and pain with intercourse, also the unusual black nasty stuff prior to my period.... I have a uterine infection/ I am on antibiotics for 10 days...then I go back to get checked...which will be after my next period...if the spottyness doesnt stop....they will then try me on a medication for 1 month to see if it helps....:confused:

Hope everyone is good...

I have been researching the Barre3....I see we can buy it thru QVC right now for $36 and $6 shipping....vs $95.... I am seriously thinking about it! hehehe

I also was looking at Booty barre by Tracey Mallet???? Any thoughts on that one???

Check back in a few....

Missy, I hope you feel better soon! How did that come about? What a pain! Glad you got it checked out.

I would consider Barre3 if I didn't have so many workouts I'll never get to know as intimately as some of Cathe's.

I'm in heaven with this gorgeous weather!:D
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Good evening..... I started the antibiotics....and let's just say...I don't do well on meds....I had a reaction to the first pill....but struggled through it....took another after dinner.....I'm okay so far.....I did not exercise tonight as my stomach hurts. I am so use to girl troubles.....when I have an issue.....I just pick up the phone and make an does not bother me anymore to go in and lay on the table....sad but true!

Onto better subjects.....

I am really thinking of purchasing the barre3 DVDs....because....I have to find so easier other joints workouts to mix in with Cathes....I'm not giving up on cathes workouts as they are my absolute favorite....just got to give my body a rest between!

Oh....I just ordered another fit bit....I got the zip, as all I wanted was the pedometer....I don't need the other..... I need to gradually get back to my fitness level, right now I am not where I that will help me see my progress..... I have gained 10 pounds with my injury.....and now that its doing better....I have work to do!

Going to lay back tomorrow!
Just got back from a 45-min walk with dh in the dark. It's so nice out! Rain expected the next couple of days.
Jean and Marie, how are you gals?
Mary and Carolyn, hope you had a great day!
Good night, all!
Oh Missy I hope you feel better soon. Betty nice job on the walk.

Carolyn sounds like a perfect vacation.

Today wad barre3 again.

Got lots of work to do. Bbl.
Hi everyone,

Showers earlier and humid.
Workout (my fave, BurnSets) later after I hit the mkt.
Have a nice day!
Good Morning!

I just won Barre3 dvds on ebay for $38

Busy at front desk, just wanted to share my win!

Hope everyone is having a nice day!

Be back!
Thanks Carolyn. That really means a lot. I don't know what I would do without my exercise. It's my time. Some days are much harder than others but it's the only time in the day someone doesn't want anything from he. Haha.

Carolyn happy birth to your DH.

Happy birthday marie.

Can't wait for toy to try barre3 missy. I hope you like it.
Happy Birthday, Mary! Have a fab day! Same to Carolyn's dh. It's my nephew's too.

Missy, congrats on getting Barre3!:eek: New workouts are so exciting. I've not seen the other instructor you mention. Have heard her name but that's about it.
Is your pain and nausea better today?

I did Burn Sets C/B/Sh earlier. I could tell I was dragging today due to:
1) cumulative daily workout fatigue:D
2) it's wicked humid!:mad:
3) I have wicked LB doms so that it was painful to lay down on the bench to do those presses:p
4) I was messaging with my friend in between sets:eek:
Yes, now that the humidity is back, I can really tell what a difference it makes on my motivation to move. I'm definitely moving in slow-mo today, but I have a pedometer on, and at least it's not over 80 degrees! (I am very thankful:rolleyes:)

Carolyn, I don't think I could ever get my arm to look like yours unflexed.:p
P.S., yesterday my neighbor happened to notice my 'defined' legs:cool:. I told her I just finished working them, thanks for noticing.;)
Marie, did you win the Powerball?:eek:

Colleen, I did XT Legs yesterday. My legs and glutes are aching today!:p
Did you buy that winning Powerball ticket over in NJ?:D
Carolyn, I was wearing shorts which were mid-thigh length. The definition shows from knees down. Too much flab/loose skin above the knees.:D
Omg, the humidity is a nightmare! I'm slogging through it in my house. I refused a walk with dh because I would have been hugely miserable.
The 30-day rotation repeats every week. Tomorrow is BS Bis & Tris. No way I'm doing this again next week! I'll alternate with UY.
Time to spit out my coconut oil.;)
Hey all :)

Just stopping by to say Hi and let you know of my proud mama moment. B walked 3 steps today :) It was so adorable. He was so proud. He even clapped for himself :)

Hope everyone is doing well. I've been busy working. I'm almost done with training thank goodness. During training I have been working 5 days a week. Ugh! I love my job but I miss B so much and can't wait to get back to my 3 day a week schedule.

Have a great Friday everyone :)
Good Morning!

I just won Barre3 dvds on ebay for $38

Busy at front desk, just wanted to share my win!

Hope everyone is having a nice day!

Be back!

Awesome Missy! I had to laugh when you said "won." I told Tony I won when I got STS on ebay. He laughed and said yeah but you paid for them. I said yup but I won by actually getting the chance to buy them lol. I witih you. It's winning. Enjoy your new DVD's. Can't wait for Cathe's to ship!

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